747 research outputs found

    Information Availability and Security Policy

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    Information availability is a key element of information security. However, information availability has not been addressed with the same enthusiasm as confidentiality and integrity because availability is impacted by many variables which cannot easily be controlled. The principal goal of this research is to characterize information availability in detail and investigate how effective enterprise security policy can ensure availability

    Enhancing systems integration by incorporating business continuity drivers

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a framework for developing an integrated operating environment (IOE) within an enterprise information system by incorporating business continuity drivers. These drivers enable a business to continue with its operations even if some sort of failure or disaster occurs. Design/methodology/approach – Development and implementation of the framework are based on holistic and top-down approach. An IOE on server’s side of contemporary business computing is investigated in depth. Findings – Key disconnection points are identified, where systems integration technologies can be used to integrate platforms, protocols, data and application formats, etc. Downtime points are also identified and explained. A thorough list of main business continuity drivers (continuous computing (CC) technologies) for enhancing business continuity is identified and presented. The framework can be utilized in developing an integrated server operating environment for enhancing business continuity. Originality/value – This paper presents a comprehensive framework including exhaustive handling of enabling drivers as well as disconnection points toward CC and business continuity

    Cloud migration of legacy applications

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    A survey of compliance issues in cloud computing

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    The impacts of cloud computing adoption at Higher Education institutions: a SWOT analysis

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    The integration of advanced technologies within education has frequently enhanced teaching. In higher education it is not a surprise that using the latest developments in cloud computing improves learning practices and thus ensures they are more interactive, available, and convenient. The ease of integration, collaboration, and sharing of information and knowledge made possibleby cloud computing will be further enhanced if this technical advancement is used wisely and in a foolproof manner. In this paper, a SWOT analysis of the impact of cloud computing on higher education methodologies is presented. A SWOT analysis is here demonstrated to be a helpful guide in decision-making for all higher education institutions when considering the migration of their present learning systems to cloud based systems

    Investigating the Information Systems Heterarchy

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    This article assesses how one IS organization is changing in response to the increased globalization of software development and posits the emergence of a new form of multi-national enterprise (MNE)—the heterarchy. Data from two projects create new insights into the structures and behaviors of ISMNEs as they adapt to global systems development. The article identifies four primary dimensions of impact—cultural, economic, operational, and organizational—and suggests how such organizations are evolvin

    Interpreting and modeling baggage handling systems as a system of systems

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    The topic of systems of systems has been one of the most challenging areas in science and engineering due to its multidisciplinary scope and inherent complexity. Despite all attempts carried out so far in both academia and industry, real world applications are far remote. The purpose of this paper is to modify and adopt a recently developed modeling paradigm for system of systems and then employ it to model a generic baggage handling system of an airport complex. In a top-down design approach, we start modeling process by definition of some modeling goals that guide us in selection of some high level attributes. Then functional attributes are defined which act as ties between high level attributes (the first level of abstraction) and low level metrics/measurements. Since the most challenging issues in developing models for system of systems are identification and representation of dependencies amongst constituent entities, a machine learning technique is adopted for addressing these issues.<br /

    Towards Disruption Tolerant ICN

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    Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a promi- nent topic in current networking research. ICN design signifi- cantly considers the increased demand of scalable and efficient content distribution for Future Internet. However, intermittently connected mobile environments or disruptive networks present a significant challenge to ICN deployment. In this context, delay tolerant networking (DTN) architecture is an initiative that effec- tively deals with network disruptions. Among all ICN proposals, Content Centric Networking (CCN) is gaining more and more interest for its architectural design, but still has the limitation in highly disruptive environment. In this paper, we design a protocol stack referred as CCNDTN which integrates DTN architecture in the native CCN to deal with network disruption. We also present the implementation details of the proposed CCNDTN. We extend CCN routing strategies by integrating Bundle protocol of DTN architecture. The integration of CCN and DTN enriches the connectivity options of CCN architecture in fragmented networks. Furthermore, CCNDTN can be beneficial through the simultaneous use of all available connectivities and opportunistic networking of DTN for the dissemination of larger data items. This paper also highlights the potential use cases of CCNDTN architecture and crucial questions about integrating CCN and DTNComment: ISCC 201

    Cloud migration strategy factors and migration processes

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    Organisaatiot ottavat pilvitekniikoita ja -palveluita käyttöönsä yhä laajemmin. Merkittävä osa pilvipalveluiden kasvusta johtuu nykyisten sovellusten siirtämisestä pilvipalveluun. Olemassa olevien vanhojen sovellusten siirtäminen pilvipalvelualustaan ei ole triviaali tehtävä. Migraatiomenetelmät tehostavat sovellusten siirtoa pilvialustoille ja vähentävät siirrosta aiheutuvia riskejä käyttäen vakioituja prosessimalleja. Keskeinen osa pilvimigraatioprosessia on valita sopivin strategia pilvimigraatiolle useiden vaihtoehtoisten tilanteesta riippuvien vaihtoehtojen joukosta. Migraatiostrategia määrittelee keskeiset migraatioprosessin vaiheet sekä käytettävän pilviarkkitehtuurin sekä palvelumallit. Nykyiset pilven migraatiomenetelmät eivät erityisesti huomioi tai määrittele migraatiostrategian valintaa määrääviä tekijöitä. Migraatiostrategian valinta on kriittinen osa pilvimigraation suunnittelua, johon tyypillisesti osallistuu useita eri organisaatioita ja asiantuntijoita. Tässä opinnäytetyössä esitetään ryhmittely sekä tekijät, jotka ohjaavat pilvimigraatiostrategian valintaa. Tekijät on johdettu nykyisistä pilvimigraatiomenetelmistä ja -prosesseista. Tekijät on validoitu deduktiivisella temaattisella analyysillä käyttäen kvalitatiivisia tapaustutkimuksia ja niistä saatuja haastattelutietoja. Pilvimigraatiostrategioihin vaikuttavien tekijöiden tunnistamisella ja käsittelyllä voidaan parantaa pilvimigraatioiden onnistumista ja tehostaa pilvimigraatioiden suunnittelua.Organizations are adopting cloud technologies at an increasing rate. Significant share of growth of cloud deployments is coming from application migrations to cloud computing. Migrating existing legacy applications to cloud computing platform is not a trivial task. A migration methodology will help migrating applications to cloud more effectively and with lower risk than doing it by trial and error. A part of the cloud migration process is the selection and execution of a migration strategy amongst the possible, situational and commonly used options. The migration strategy defines many of the migration process activities since they depend on cloud architecture and service and deployment models, which are implicitly set by the migration strategy. Many of the existing cloud migration methods don’t specify the factors that lead to migration strategy selection. The migration strategy selection is a critical part of migration planning involving multiple organisations and several individuals. This thesis presents categories of migration strategy factors derived from a cloud migration methodology and process framework review and validates the factors by doing a deductive thematic analysis against qualitative case study interview data. By having a clarity and a way to address the migration strategy factors, will increase the migration success rate and reduce planning time
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