7,411 research outputs found

    Sensorimotor Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder: An evaluation of potential mechanisms.

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    This thesis examined the aetiology of sensorimotor impairments in Autism Spectrum Disorder: a neurodevelopmental condition that affects an individual’s socio-behavioural preferences, personal independence, and quality of life. Issues relating to clumsiness and movement coordination are common features of autism that contribute to wide-ranging daily living difficulties. However, these characteristics are relatively understudied and there is an absence of evidence-based practical interventions. To pave the way for new, scientifically-focused programmes, a series of studies investigated the mechanistic underpinnings of sensorimotor differences in autism. Following a targeted review of previous research, study one explored links between autistic-like traits and numerous conceptually-significant movement control functions. Eye-tracking analyses were integrated with force transducers and motion capture technology to examine how participants interacted with uncertain lifting objects. Upon identifying a link between autistic-like traits and context-sensitive predictive action control, study two replicated these procedures with a sample of clinically-diagnosed participants. Results illustrated that autistic people are able to use predictions to guide object interactions, but that uncertainty-related adjustments in sensorimotor integration are atypical. Such findings were advanced within a novel virtual-reality paradigm in study three, which systematically manipulated environmental uncertainty during naturalistic interception actions. Here, data supported proposals that precision weighting functions are aberrant in autistic people, and suggested that these individuals have difficulties with processing volatile sensory information. These difficulties were not alleviated by the experimental provision of explicit contextual cues in study four. Together, these studies implicate the role of implicit neuromodulatory mechanisms that regulate dynamic sensorimotor behaviours. Results support the development of evidence-based programmes that ‘make the world more predictable’ for autistic people, with various theoretical and practical implications presented. Possible applications of these findings are discussed in relation to recent multi-disciplinary research and conceptual advances in the field, which could help improve daily living skills and functional quality of life.Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC

    Annotated Bibliography: Anticipation

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    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    The feedback 's effect on motor learning task in pianists

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    openla presente tesi vuole investigare gli effetti di feedback positivi o negativi sull'apprendimento motorio in pianisti, con l'ipotesi che i pianisti mostreranno un apprendimento più veloce con feedback negativi. Inoltre, si vuole investigare se l'elaborazione di feedback negativi sia associata ad una riduzione di beta oscillations.The research's aim is to investigate if pianist will learn faster from negative feedback or positive feedback and if the motor learning process with negative feedabck is associated to reduced beta power

    An enactive approach to perceptual augmentation in mobility

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    Event predictions are an important constituent of situation awareness, which is a key objective for many applications in human-machine interaction, in particular in driver assistance. This work focuses on facilitating event predictions in dynamic environments. Its primary contributions are 1) the theoretical development of an approach for enabling people to expand their sampling and understanding of spatiotemporal information, 2) the introduction of exemplary systems that are guided by this approach, 3) the empirical investigation of effects functional prototypes of these systems have on human behavior and safety in a range of simulated road traffic scenarios, and 4) a connection of the investigated approach to work on cooperative human-machine systems. More specific contents of this work are summarized as follows: The first part introduces several challenges for the formation of situation awareness as a requirement for safe traffic participation. It reviews existing work on these challenges in the domain of driver assistance, resulting in an identification of the need to better inform drivers about dynamically changing aspects of a scene, including event probabilities, spatial and temporal distances, as well as a suggestion to expand the scope of assistance systems to start informing drivers about relevant scene elements at an early stage. Novel forms of assistance can be guided by different fundamental approaches that target either replacement, distribution, or augmentation of driver competencies. A subsequent differentiation of these approaches concludes that an augmentation-guided paradigm, characterized by an integration of machine capabilities into human feedback loops, can be advantageous for tasks that rely on active user engagement, the preservation of awareness and competence, and the minimization of complexity in human- machine interaction. Consequently, findings and theories about human sensorimotor processes are connected to develop an enactive approach that is consistent with an augmentation perspective on human-machine interaction. The approach is characterized by enabling drivers to exercise new sensorimotor processes through which safety-relevant spatiotemporal information may be sampled. In the second part of this work, a concept and functional prototype for augmenting the perception of traffic dynamics is introduced as a first example for applying principles of this enactive approach. As a loose expression of functional biomimicry, the prototype utilizes a tactile inter- face that communicates temporal distances to potential hazards continuously through stimulus intensity. In a driving simulator study, participants quickly gained an intuitive understanding of the assistance without instructions and demonstrated higher driving safety in safety-critical highway scenarios. But this study also raised new questions such as whether benefits are due to a continuous time-intensity encoding and whether utility generalizes to intersection scenarios or highway driving with low criticality events. Effects of an expanded assistance prototype with lane-independent risk assessment and an option for binary signaling were thus investigated in a separate driving simulator study. Subjective responses confirmed quick signal understanding and a perception of spatial and temporal stimulus characteristics. Surprisingly, even for a binary assistance variant with a constant intensity level, participants reported perceiving a danger-dependent variation in stimulus intensity. They further felt supported by the system in the driving task, especially in difficult situations. But in contrast to the first study, this support was not expressed by changes in driving safety, suggesting that perceptual demands of the low criticality scenarios could be satisfied by existing driver capabilities. But what happens if such basic capabilities are impaired, e.g., due to poor visibility conditions or other situations that introduce perceptual uncertainty? In a third driving simulator study, the driver assistance was employed specifically in such ambiguous situations and produced substantial safety advantages over unassisted driving. Additionally, an assistance variant that adds an encoding of spatial uncertainty was investigated in these scenarios. Participants had no difficulties to understand and utilize this added signal dimension to improve safety. Despite being inherently less informative than spatially precise signals, users rated uncertainty-encoding signals as equally useful and satisfying. This appreciation for transparency of variable assistance reliability is a promising indicator for the feasibility of an adaptive trust calibration in human-machine interaction and marks one step towards a closer integration of driver and vehicle capabilities. A complementary step on the driver side would be to increase transparency about the driver’s mental states and thus allow for mutual adaptation. The final part of this work discusses how such prerequisites of cooperation may be achieved by monitoring mental state correlates observable in human behavior, especially in eye movements. Furthermore, the outlook for an addition of cooperative features also raises new questions about the bounds of identity as well as practical consequences of human-machine systems in which co-adapting agents may exercise sensorimotor processes through one another.Die Vorhersage von Ereignissen ist ein Bestandteil des Situationsbewusstseins, dessen Unterstützung ein wesentliches Ziel diverser Anwendungen im Bereich Mensch-Maschine Interaktion ist, insbesondere in der Fahrerassistenz. Diese Arbeit zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, Menschen bei Vorhersagen in dynamischen Situationen im Straßenverkehr zu unterstützen. Zentrale Beiträge der Arbeit sind 1) eine theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit der Aufgabe, die menschliche Wahrnehmung und das Verständnis von raum-zeitlichen Informationen im Straßenverkehr zu erweitern, 2) die Einführung beispielhafter Systeme, die aus dieser Betrachtung hervorgehen, 3) die empirische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen dieser Systeme auf das Nutzerverhalten und die Fahrsicherheit in simulierten Verkehrssituationen und 4) die Verknüpfung der untersuchten Ansätze mit Arbeiten an kooperativen Mensch-Maschine Systemen. Die Arbeit ist in drei Teile gegliedert: Der erste Teil stellt einige Herausforderungen bei der Bildung von Situationsbewusstsein vor, welches für die sichere Teilnahme am Straßenverkehr notwendig ist. Aus einem Vergleich dieses Überblicks mit früheren Arbeiten zeigt sich, dass eine Notwendigkeit besteht, Fahrer besser über dynamische Aspekte von Fahrsituationen zu informieren. Dies umfasst unter anderem Ereigniswahrscheinlichkeiten, räumliche und zeitliche Distanzen, sowie eine frühere Signalisierung relevanter Elemente in der Umgebung. Neue Formen der Assistenz können sich an verschiedenen grundlegenden Ansätzen der Mensch-Maschine Interaktion orientieren, die entweder auf einen Ersatz, eine Verteilung oder eine Erweiterung von Fahrerkompetenzen abzielen. Die Differenzierung dieser Ansätze legt den Schluss nahe, dass ein von Kompetenzerweiterung geleiteter Ansatz für die Bewältigung jener Aufgaben von Vorteil ist, bei denen aktiver Nutzereinsatz, die Erhaltung bestehender Kompetenzen und Situationsbewusstsein gefordert sind. Im Anschluss werden Erkenntnisse und Theorien über menschliche sensomotorische Prozesse verknüpft, um einen enaktiven Ansatz der Mensch-Maschine Interaktion zu entwickeln, der einer erweiterungsgeleiteten Perspektive Rechnung trägt. Dieser Ansatz soll es Fahrern ermöglichen, sicherheitsrelevante raum-zeitliche Informationen über neue sensomotorische Prozesse zu erfassen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird ein Konzept und funktioneller Prototyp zur Erweiterung der Wahrnehmung von Verkehrsdynamik als ein erstes Beispiel zur Anwendung der Prinzipien dieses enaktiven Ansatzes vorgestellt. Dieser Prototyp nutzt vibrotaktile Aktuatoren zur Kommunikation von Richtungen und zeitlichen Distanzen zu möglichen Gefahrenquellen über die Aktuatorposition und -intensität. Teilnehmer einer Fahrsimulationsstudie waren in der Lage, in kurzer Zeit ein intuitives Verständnis dieser Assistenz zu entwickeln, ohne vorher über die Funktionalität unterrichtet worden zu sein. Sie zeigten zudem ein erhöhtes Maß an Fahrsicherheit in kritischen Verkehrssituationen. Doch diese Studie wirft auch neue Fragen auf, beispielsweise, ob der Sicherheitsgewinn auf kontinuierliche Distanzkodierung zurückzuführen ist und ob ein Nutzen auch in weiteren Szenarien vorliegen würde, etwa bei Kreuzungen und weniger kritischem longitudinalen Verkehr. Um diesen Fragen nachzugehen, wurden Effekte eines erweiterten Prototypen mit spurunabhängiger Kollisionsprädiktion, sowie einer Option zur binären Kommunikation möglicher Kollisionsrichtungen in einer weiteren Fahrsimulatorstudie untersucht. Auch in dieser Studie bestätigen die subjektiven Bewertungen ein schnelles Verständnis der Signale und eine Wahrnehmung räumlicher und zeitlicher Signalkomponenten. Überraschenderweise berichteten Teilnehmer größtenteils auch nach der Nutzung einer binären Assistenzvariante, dass sie eine gefahrabhängige Variation in der Intensität von taktilen Stimuli wahrgenommen hätten. Die Teilnehmer fühlten sich mit beiden Varianten in der Fahraufgabe unterstützt, besonders in Situationen, die von ihnen als kritisch eingeschätzt wurden. Im Gegensatz zur ersten Studie hat sich diese gefühlte Unterstützung nur geringfügig in einer messbaren Sicherheitsveränderung widergespiegelt. Dieses Ergebnis deutet darauf hin, dass die Wahrnehmungsanforderungen der Szenarien mit geringer Kritikalität mit den vorhandenen Fahrerkapazitäten erfüllt werden konnten. Doch was passiert, wenn diese Fähigkeiten eingeschränkt werden, beispielsweise durch schlechte Sichtbedingungen oder Situationen mit erhöhter Ambiguität? In einer dritten Fahrsimulatorstudie wurde das Assistenzsystem in speziell solchen Situationen eingesetzt, was zu substantiellen Sicherheitsvorteilen gegenüber unassistiertem Fahren geführt hat. Zusätzlich zu der vorher eingeführten Form wurde eine neue Variante des Prototyps untersucht, welche räumliche Unsicherheiten der Fahrzeugwahrnehmung in taktilen Signalen kodiert. Studienteilnehmer hatten keine Schwierigkeiten, diese zusätzliche Signaldimension zu verstehen und die Information zur Verbesserung der Fahrsicherheit zu nutzen. Obwohl sie inherent weniger informativ sind als räumlich präzise Signale, bewerteten die Teilnehmer die Signale, die die Unsicherheit übermitteln, als ebenso nützlich und zufriedenstellend. Solch eine Wertschätzung für die Transparenz variabler Informationsreliabilität ist ein vielversprechendes Indiz für die Möglichkeit einer adaptiven Vertrauenskalibrierung in der Mensch-Maschine Interaktion. Dies ist ein Schritt hin zur einer engeren Integration der Fähigkeiten von Fahrer und Fahrzeug. Ein komplementärer Schritt wäre eine Erweiterung der Transparenz mentaler Zustände des Fahrers, wodurch eine wechselseitige Anpassung von Mensch und Maschine möglich wäre. Der letzte Teil dieser Arbeit diskutiert, wie diese Transparenz und weitere Voraussetzungen von Mensch-Maschine Kooperation erfüllt werden könnten, indem etwa Korrelate mentaler Zustände, insbesondere über das Blickverhalten, überwacht werden. Des Weiteren ergeben sich mit Blick auf zusätzliche kooperative Fähigkeiten neue Fragen über die Definition von Identität, sowie über die praktischen Konsequenzen von Mensch-Maschine Systemen, in denen ko-adaptive Agenten sensomotorische Prozesse vermittels einander ausüben können

    Sensory attenuation in sport and rehabilitation:perspective from research in Parkinson's disease

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    People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) experience motor symptoms that are affected by sensory information in the environment. Sensory attenuation describes the modulation of sensory input caused by motor intent. This appears to be altered in PD and may index important sensorimotor processes underpinning PD symptoms. We review recent findings investigating sensory attenuation and reconcile seemingly disparate results with an emphasis on task-relevance in the modulation of sensory input. Sensory attenuation paradigms, across different sensory modalities, capture how two identical stimuli can elicit markedly different perceptual experiences depending on our predictions of the event, but also the context in which the event occurs. In particular, it appears as though contextual information may be used to suppress or facilitate a response to a stimulus on the basis of task-relevance. We support this viewpoint by considering the role of the basal ganglia in task-relevant sensory filtering and the use of contextual signals in complex environments to shape action and perception. This perspective highlights the dual effect of basal ganglia dysfunction in PD, whereby a reduced capacity to filter task-relevant signals harms the ability to integrate contextual cues, just when such cues are required to effectively navigate and interact with our environment. Finally, we suggest how this framework might be used to establish principles for effective rehabilitation in the treatment of PD

    Learning under uncertainty in the young and older human brain: Common and distinct mechanisms of different attentional and intentional systems

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    The human brain is able to infer the probability of future events by combining information of past observations with current sensory input. Naturally, we are surrounded by more stimuli than we can pay attention to, so selection of relevant input is crucial. The present thesis aimed at identifying common and distinct neural correlates engaged in predictive processing in spatial attention (selection of attended locations) and motor intention (selection of prepared motor responses). Secondly, age-related influences on probabilistic inference in spatial-attention, feature-based attention (selection of attended color) and motor intention, and the impact of task difficulty were considered. Orienting attention during goal-directed behavior can be supported by visual cues, whereas reorienting to unexpected events following misguiding information is linked to behavioral costs and updating of predictions. These processes can be investigated with a cueing paradigm in which differences in reaction time (RT) between valid and invalidly cued trials increase with higher cue validity (%CV) (Posner, 1980). Bayesian models can describe the experience-dependent learning effects of inferring %CV, following novel events (Vossel et al., 2014c; Vossel, Mathys, Stephan & Friston, 2015). The principle aim of the first experiment was to identify and compare the neural correlates involved in inferring probabilities in the spatial attentional and motor intentional domain. Cues indicated either the possible location or prepared the motor response associated with the target. Instead of a fixed probability context, participants were exposed to a volatile environment, in which the validity of the cue information changed unpredictably over time. Combining functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data with behavioral estimates derived from a Bayesian learning model (Mathys, Daunizeau, Friston & Stephan, 2011) unveiled domain-specific predictability-dependent responses within the right temporoparietal junction (TPJ) for spatial attention and the left angular gyrus (ANG) and anterior cingulate (ACC) in the motor intention task. The blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) amplitude particularly increased in accord with violations of cue predictability in high cue validity contexts (i.e. when invalid trials were least expected). Valid trials however, induced no (TPJ and ANG) or decreased modulation (ACC). A further aim was to examine possible commonalities in the neural signatures of predictability-dependent processing. Connectivity analysis uncovered common coupling of all three seed regions involved in predictability-dependent processing with the right anterior hippocampus. Since cognitive functions undergo substantial changes in healthy ageing, a second behavioral study was conducted to test whether age differentially influences probabilistic inference in different attentional subsystems, and how task difficulty impacts on learning performance. Thus, following up on the first experiment, similar tasks and the same computational model was used to assess updating behavior in healthy aging. Older and younger adults performed two separate experiments with different difficulty levels. Each experiment included three versions of a cueing task, entailing predictive spatial- (i.e. location), feature- (i.e. color of target) and motor intention cues (i.e. prepare response). Results of the easier version demonstrated a preserved ability of older adults to generate predictions and profit from all cue types. Interestingly, increased task demand uncovered a reduced ability to use motor intention cues to update predictions in older compared to younger adults. In conclusion, the results provide evidence for a segregated functional anatomy of probabilistic inference in spatial attention and motor intention. Nonetheless a common connectivity profile with the hippocampus also points at commonalities. Finally age seems to differentially impact the efficiency of learning behavior in the motor intention system, supporting the notion of independence of the attentional- and intentional subsystems

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 183

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    This bibliography lists 273 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in July 1978

    How spatial constraints on efficacy and dynamic signaling alignment shape animal communication

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    Effective communication is important to the survival and reproduction of many organisms. Signal transmission and reception have spatial constraints that interact to determine effectiveness. Signals are often best perceived from specific angles, and sensory systems may be limited in their ability to detect or interpret incoming stimuli from certain directions. Alignment between these directional biases can be critical to effective communication. Misalignment of either signal or sensor may disrupt signal perception. Signals also degrade during the distance traveled from signaler to receiver. Thus, how animals position themselves during communication may be under selection. Despite this, we know little about the spatial arrangement of signalers and receivers, what behaviors influence positioning, or the causes and consequences of variation in positioning. To address this fundamental gap in knowledge, I developed a geometric framework for studying the spatial constraints of communication and how they shape positioning across visual, sound, and chemical signaling. To investigate respective roles of signaler and receiver in managing these spatial constraints, I then characterized the spatial dynamics of visual signaling in the jumping spider Habronattus pyrrithrix. Males perform an elaborate courtship dance which includes arm waves and colorful ornaments; the latter are not visible from the side. The female can only perceive colors of male displays when they are presented in her frontal field of view. I recorded relative positions and orientations of both actors throughout courtship and established the role of each sex in maintaining signaling alignment. Finally, I tested how males control female orientation, and respond to signaling challenges. Using video playback, I asked how males’ arm-waving display and the visual environment determine how effectively they attracted female attention, as well as how males respond to variation in their signaling environment. These studies reveal that signaling alignment is frequently disrupted by females turning away from males, but that male arm-waving effectively re-captures her attention. Males also modulate displays in response to changing spatial and environmental conditions. Overall, this dissertation reveals the widespread role of spatial constraints in driving signaling behavior, and demonstrates that the spatial arrangement of signaler and receiver must be managed dynamically through behavioral responses