533 research outputs found

    Expérience utilisateur et services publics numériques : Améliorer l'interaction citoyen-administration dans l'Úre de la transformation digitale

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    Cet article explore le rĂŽle central de l'expĂ©rience utilisateur dans l'interaction entre les citoyens et l'administration publique Ă  l'Ăšre de la transformation digitale. Il met en avant l'importance de l'expĂ©rience utilisateur pour Ă©tablir la confiance et la satisfaction des citoyens en proposant des services numĂ©riques adaptĂ©s Ă  leurs besoins et prĂ©fĂ©rences. L'Ă©tude analyse Ă©galement l'impact positif de l'expĂ©rience utilisateur sur l'efficacitĂ© des processus administratifs en simplifiant les procĂ©dures et en rĂ©duisant les obstacles bureaucratiques. Des exemples concrets de bonnes pratiques d'interaction citoyen-administration, basĂ©es sur l'expĂ©rience utilisateur, sont prĂ©sentĂ©s pour illustrer comment une approche centrĂ©e sur les utilisateurs peut amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© des services publics et renforcer l'engagement des citoyens. MalgrĂ© les dĂ©fis et les contraintes liĂ©s Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre de ces principes, tels que les contraintes budgĂ©taires et les rĂ©glementations, l'article souligne l'importance cruciale de mettre en place une approche centrĂ©e sur les utilisateurs, en s'appuyant sur l'innovation technologique, l'Ă©valuation continue et une rĂ©flexion Ă©thique, afin de crĂ©er des services publics numĂ©riques efficaces, accessibles et axĂ©s sur les besoins des citoyens. &nbsp

    Pivoting Stabilisation in the Sahel: competing visions and implementation checkpoints. Egmont Commentary 2 June 2021.

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    EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell has recently announced greater transparency from (and better conditionality with) Sahelian leaders following a visit to the region in April. This follows intentions for mutual accountability between the EU and Sahelian capitals and a “civilian surge” on the part of the EU, as outlined in the new European Strategy for the Sahel. Both these concepts are closely connected with “stabilisation” – a word that is mentioned approximately 20 times in the Strategy. Pinning down not just the meaning of this word but also how the EU wishes to implement such stabilization strategy is paramount to ultimately obtaining better living conditions and security for Sahelian citizens

    Unpacking the EU’s New Sahel Strategy. Egmont Commentary 22 April 2021.

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    The European Union has just released its new Sahel strategy. The strategy’s focus on governance as the core problem in the region is a success. Going forward, the EU needs to fill its governance talk with meaning, especially with regard to the contribution of civil society, fighting impunity, and a more nuanced understanding of the role that security forces play

    Elections in Russia – a measure for nothing or relevant after all? Egmont Commentary 14 September 2021.

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    Russians go to the ballot box on 17 to 19 September. Most commentators consider the election as a non- event as all indicators point to the continuation of the present regime. Although major shifts in the parliamentary set up are unlikely it can be argued that small changes are not necessarily insignificant. Even though the present regime has made the emergence of significant opposition close to impossible, the changes in Russian society cannot but manifest itself in the election results. Even small changes may have an impact on the Kremlin balance of power

    The Belgian Recovery and Resilience Plan: A fresh impetus to prepare the skills of tomorrow’s workforce? Egmont Commentary 17 May 2021.

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    In the context of a fast recovery, training policy is one of the labour market instruments with the most positive effect on employment, but it is also a very expensive one. On 30 April 2021, the European Commission received the consolidated version of the Belgian Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), with €950.64 million dedicated to up- and reskilling. Whilst trends such as digital automation, accentuated by the COVID-19 crisis, will profoundly reshape the future of work, the Belgian RRP could contribute to a successful transition towards new occupations, hence acting as a counter-cycled economic measure by mitigating broader social consequences. The success of this operation will be tributary to its magnitude, its promptness of response, and its capacity to target the most vulnerable persons

    Civil-Military Imbalance in the Sahel. Egmont Commentary 27 May 2021.

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    In less than a year, the Sahel region has experienced two coups, one coup attempt and something that now looks like a ‘coup within a coup’, firmly putting civil-military relations at the top of the agenda for understanding the current context of power competition between political and military elites. In democratic states, the imperative to ‘guard the guardians’ is the basis for civil-military relations. Civilian decision-makers are accountable to the people while military officers have a responsibility to abide by the civilians, and to advise, yet not impose, their views on those civilians. That is the basis of democratic theory, which has been institutionalized and taught to militaries across the world. A theory which nonetheless increasingly has been put to test in industrialized democracies over the past few years

    EU-China: Drop the Masks, Back to Real Diplomacy. Egmont Commentary 8 January 2021.

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    Diplomacy in 2020 was mostly about shifting the blame and creating distraction. China’s “mask diplomacy” sought to portray the People’s Republic as benign and effective. The world and, more importantly, its own citizens were to forget its careless disregard for human life and its initial obfuscation of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. Russia too engaged in “mask diplomacy” at first (and the usual disinformation) before discovering that a pandemic is a symmetric crisis: it spares nobody

    Afghanistan: The End of a Strategic Distraction. Egmont Commentary 20 August 2021.

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    he military intervention in Afghanistan was a near complete success. Or it would have been, had the US pulled out as soon as it was satisfied that its initial objective had been achieved: the destruction of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. That did not require occupying and taking over the country – a targeted punitive expedition (to use the jargon of past empires that got embroiled there) would have sufficed. But occupying and taking over Afghanistan was what the US did, eventually calling on NATO and other allies for assistance in what became a state-building project. After twenty years, that add-on objective ended in total failure

    Biden’s victory and Europe’s strategic autonomy. Egmont Commentary 24 November 2020.

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    The president of the United States making a deal with the president of Russia behind Europe’s back: that is just one example of something that, thanks to Joe Biden’s victory, the European Union will not have to worry about for a while

    ‘Mixed’ feelings about the EU–Mercosur deal: How to leverage it for sustainable development. Egmont Commentary 14 April 2021.

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    Before signing the EU–Mercosur trade agreement, the European Commission must deploy all its legal instruments, in close cooperation with the Parliament and Council, to guarantee strong sustainable development commitments from the Mercosur countries. The EU should also avoid concluding the deal as a mixed agreement
