8 research outputs found

    Infinite horizon optimal control of forward-backward stochastic differential equations with delay

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    We consider a problem of optimal control of an infinite horizon system governed by forward-backward stochastic differential equations with delay. Sufficient and necessary maximum principles for optimal control under partial information in infinite horizon are derived. We illustrate our results by an application to a problem of optimal consumption with respect to recursive utility from a cash flow with delay

    Singularly perturbed forward-backward stochastic differential equations: application to the optimal control of bilinear systems

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    We study linear-quadratic stochastic optimal control problems with bilinear state dependence for which the underlying stochastic differential equation (SDE) consists of slow and fast degrees of freedom. We show that, in the same way in which the underlying dynamics can be well approximated by a reduced order effective dynamics in the time scale limit (using classical homogenziation results), the associated optimal expected cost converges in the time scale limit to an effective optimal cost. This entails that we can well approximate the stochastic optimal control for the whole system by the reduced order stochastic optimal control, which is clearly easier to solve because of lower dimensionality. The approach uses an equivalent formulation of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation, in terms of forward-backward SDEs (FBSDEs). We exploit the efficient solvability of FBSDEs via a least squares Monte Carlo algorithm and show its applicability by a suitable numerical example

    Adaptive importance sampling with forward-backward stochastic differential equations

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    We describe an adaptive importance sampling algorithm for rare events that is based on a dual stochastic control formulation of a path sampling problem. Specifically, we focus on path functionals that have the form of cumulate generating functions, which appear relevant in the context of, e.g.~molecular dynamics, and we discuss the construction of an optimal (i.e. minimum variance) change of measure by solving a stochastic control problem. We show that the associated semi-linear dynamic programming equations admit an equivalent formulation as a system of uncoupled forward-backward stochastic differential equations that can be solved efficiently by a least squares Monte Carlo algorithm. We illustrate the approach with a suitable numerical example and discuss the extension of the algorithm to high-dimensional systems

    Mean Field Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) Games of Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations

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    This paper studies a new class of dynamic optimization problems of large-population (LP) system which consists of a large number of negligible and coupled agents. The most significant feature in our setup is the dynamics of individual agents follow the forward-backward stochastic differential equations (FBSDEs) in which the forward and backward states are coupled at the terminal time. This current paper is hence different to most existing large-population literature where the individual states are typically modeled by the SDEs including the forward state only. The associated mean-field linear-quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) game, in its forward-backward sense, is also formulated to seek the decentralized strategies. Unlike the forward case, the consistency conditions of our forward-backward mean-field games involve six Riccati and force rate equations. Moreover, their initial and terminal conditions are mixed thus some special decoupling technique is applied here. We also verify the Ï”\epsilon-Nash equilibrium property of the derived decentralized strategies. To this end, some estimates to backward stochastic system are employed. In addition, due to the adaptiveness requirement to forward-backward system, our arguments here are not parallel to those in its forward case.Comment: 21 page

    The Riesz representation theorem and weak∗{}^* compactness of semimartingales

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    We show that the sequential closure of a family of probability measures on the canonical space of c{\`a}dl{\`a}g paths satisfying Stricker's uniform tightness condition is a weak∗{}^* compact set of semimartingale measures in the pairing of the Riesz representation theorem under topological assumptions on the path space. Similar results are obtained for quasi- and supermartingales under analogous conditions. In particular, we give a full characterization of the strongest topology on the Skorokhod space for which these results are true.Comment: V1-V6 differ substantially from v7-v8 in exposition v9 adds lemma 3.5, example 3.9, remark 5.6, proposition 5.7 (i) and some other minor remark

    Weak solutions of backward stochastic differential equations with continuous generator

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    We prove the existence of a weak solution to a backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE) Y_t=\xi+\int_t^T f(s,X_s,Y_s,Z_s)\,ds-\int_t^T Z_s\,d\wien_s in a finite-dimensional space, where f(t,x,y,z)f(t,x,y,z) is affine with respect to zz, and satisfies a sublinear growth condition and a continuity condition This solution takes the form of a triplet (Y,Z,L)(Y,Z,L) of processes defined on an extended probability space and satisfying Y_t=\xi+\int_t^T f(s,X_s,Y_s,Z_s)\,ds-\int_t^T Z_s\,d\wien_s-(L_T-L_t) where LL is a continuous martingale which is orthogonal to any \wien. The solution is constructed on an extended probability space, using Young measures on the space of trajectories. One component of this space is the Skorokhod space D endowed with the topology S of Jakubowski