2 research outputs found

    Existence of Multiple Positive Periodic Solutions of Delayed Predator-Prey Models with Functional Responses

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    AbstractIn this paper, by applying the continuation theorem of coincidence degree theory, we establish some new criteria for the existence of multiple positive periodic solutions for the delayed predator-prey model.x′(t)=x(t)(r(t)−a(t)x(t))−b(t)f(x(t))y(t),y′(t)=y(t)(c(t)f(x(t−τ))−d(t)),when functional response function f is monotonic or nonmonotonic

    Topological degree in the generalized gause prey-predator model

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    We consider a generalized Gause prey-predator model with T-periodic continuous coefficients. In the case where the Poincaré map P over time T is well defined, the result of the paper can be explained as follows: we locate a subset U of R2 such that the topological degree d(I-P,U) equals to +1. The novelty of the paper is that the later is done under only continuity and (some) monotonicity assumptions for the coefficients of the model. A suitable integral operator is used in place of the Poincaré map to cope with possible nonuniqueness of solutions. The paper, therefore, provides a new framework for studying the generalized Gause model with functional differential perturbations and multi-valued ingredients