11 research outputs found

    Second-order accurate ensemble transform particle filters

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    Particle filters (also called sequential Monte Carlo methods) are widely used for state and parameter estimation problems in the context of nonlinear evolution equations. The recently proposed ensemble transform particle filter (ETPF) (S.~Reich, {\it A non-parametric ensemble transform method for Bayesian inference}, SIAM J.~Sci.~Comput., 35, (2013), pp. A2013--A2014) replaces the resampling step of a standard particle filter by a linear transformation which allows for a hybridization of particle filters with ensemble Kalman filters and renders the resulting hybrid filters applicable to spatially extended systems. However, the linear transformation step is computationally expensive and leads to an underestimation of the ensemble spread for small and moderate ensemble sizes. Here we address both of these shortcomings by developing second-order accurate extensions of the ETPF. These extensions allow one in particular to replace the exact solution of a linear transport problem by its Sinkhorn approximation. It is also demonstrated that the nonlinear ensemble transform filter (NETF) arises as a special case of our general framework. We illustrate the performance of the second-order accurate filters for the chaotic Lorenz-63 and Lorenz-96 models and a dynamic scene-viewing model. The numerical results for the Lorenz-63 and Lorenz-96 models demonstrate that significant accuracy improvements can be achieved in comparison to a standard ensemble Kalman filter and the ETPF for small to moderate ensemble sizes. The numerical results for the scene-viewing model reveal, on the other hand, that second-order corrections can lead to statistically inconsistent samples from the posterior parameter distribution

    Structure preservation: a challenge in computational control

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    Current and future directions in the development of numerical methods and numerical software for control problems are discussed. Major challenges include the demand for higher accuracy, robustness of the method with respect to uncertainties in the data or the model, and the need for methods to solve large scale problems. To address these demands it is essential to preserve any underlying physical structure of the problem. At the same time, to obtain the required accuracy it is necessary to avoid all inversions or unnecessary matrix products. We will demonstrate how these demands can be met to a great extent for some important tasks in control, the linear-quadratic optimal control problem for first and second order systems as well as stability radius and H-infinity norm computations. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved

    Hermitian Positive Definite Solution of the Matrix Equation X

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    Block algorithms for orthogonal symplectic factorizations

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    On the basis of a new WY-like representation block algorithms for orthogonal symplectic matrix factorizations are presented. Special emphasis is placed on symplectic QR and URV factorizations. The block variants mainly use level 3 (matrix-matrix) operations that permit data reuse in the higher levels of a memory hierarchy. Timing results show that our new algorithms outperform standard algorithms by a factor 3-4 for sufficiently large problems

    Eigenvalue perturbation theory of structured real matrices and their sign characteristics under generic structured rank-one perturbations

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    An eigenvalue perturbation theory under rank-one perturbations is developed for classes of real matrices that are symmetric with respect to a non-degenerate bilinear form, or Hamiltonian with respect to a non-degenerate skew-symmetric form. In contrast to the case of complex matrices, the sign characteristic is a crucial feature of matrices in these classes. The behavior of the sign characteristic under generic rank-one perturbations is analyzed in each of these two classes of matrices. Partial results are presented, but some questions remain open. Applications include boundedness and robust boundedness for solutions of structured systems of linear differential equations with respect to general perturbations as well as with respect to structured rank perturbations of the coefficients

    Existence, uniqueness, and parametrization of Lagrangian invariant subspaces

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    The existence, uniqueness, and parametrization of Lagrangian invariant subspaces for Hamiltonian matrices is studied. Necessary and sufficient conditions and a complete parametrization are given. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of Hermitian solutions of algebraic Riccati equations follow as simple corollaries