13 research outputs found

    Coupled Action Recognition and Pose Estimation from Multiple Views

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    Action recognition and pose estimation are two closely related topics in understanding human body movements; information from one task can be leveraged to assist the other, yet the two are often treated separately. We present here a framework for coupled action recognition and pose estimation by formulating pose estimation as an optimization over a set of action-specific manifolds. The framework allows for integration of a 2D appearance-based action recognition system as a prior for 3D pose estimation and for refinement of the action labels using relational pose features based on the extracted 3D poses. Our experiments show that our pose estimation system is able to estimate body poses with high degrees of freedom using very few particles and can achieve state-of-the-art results on the HumanEva-II benchmark. We also thoroughly investigate the impact of pose estimation and action recognition accuracy on each other on the challenging TUM kitchen dataset. We demonstrate not only the feasibility of using extracted 3D poses for action recognition, but also improved performance in comparison to action recognition using low-level appearance feature

    Efficient activity detection with max-subgraph search

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    We propose an efficient approach that unifies activity cat-egorization with space-time localization. The main idea is to pose activity detection as a maximum-weight connected subgraph problem over a learned space-time graph con-structed on the test sequence. We show this permits an efficient branch-and-cut solution for the best-scoring—and possibly non-cubically shaped—portion of the video for a given activity classifier. The upshot is a fast method that can evaluate a broader space of candidates than was previ-ously practical, which we find often leads to more accurate detection. We demonstrate the proposed algorithm on three datasets, and show its speed and accuracy advantages over multiple existing search strategies. 1

    Weakly supervised learning of interactions between humans and objects

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    International audienceWe introduce a weakly supervised approach for learning human actions modeled as interactions between humans and objects. Our approach is human-centric: we first localize a human in the image and then determine the object relevant for the action and its spatial relation with the human. The model is learned automatically from a set of still images annotated only with the action label. Our approach relies on a human detector to initialize the model learning. For robustness to various degrees of visibility, we build a detector that learns to combine a set of existing part detectors. Starting from humans detected in a set of images depicting the action, our approach determines the action object and its spatial relation to the human. Its final output is a probabilistic model of the human-object interaction, i.e. the spatial relation between the human and the object. We present an extensive experimental evaluation on the sports action dataset from Gupta et al., the PASCAL Action 2010 dataset, and a new human-object interaction dataset

    Human Motion Analysis for Efficient Action Recognition

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    Automatic understanding of human actions is at the core of several application domains, such as content-based indexing, human-computer interaction, surveillance, and sports video analysis. The recent advances in digital platforms and the exponential growth of video and image data have brought an urgent quest for intelligent frameworks to automatically analyze human motion and predict their corresponding action based on visual data and sensor signals. This thesis presents a collection of methods that targets human action recognition using different action modalities. The first method uses the appearance modality and classifies human actions based on heterogeneous global- and local-based features of scene and humanbody appearances. The second method harnesses 2D and 3D articulated human poses and analyizes the body motion using a discriminative combination of the parts’ velocities, locations, and correlations histograms for action recognition. The third method presents an optimal scheme for combining the probabilistic predictions from different action modalities by solving a constrained quadratic optimization problem. In addition to the action classification task, we present a study that compares the utility of different pose variants in motion analysis for human action recognition. In particular, we compare the recognition performance when 2D and 3D poses are used. Finally, we demonstrate the efficiency of our pose-based method for action recognition in spotting and segmenting motion gestures in real time from a continuous stream of an input video for the recognition of the Italian sign gesture language

    A survey of traditional and deep learning-based feature descriptors for high dimensional data in computer vision

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    Higher dimensional data such as video and 3D are the leading edge of multimedia retrieval and computer vision research. In this survey, we give a comprehensive overview and key insights into the state of the art of higher dimensional features from deep learning and also traditional approaches. Current approaches are frequently using 3D information from the sensor or are using 3D in modeling and understanding the 3D world. With the growth of prevalent application areas such as 3D games, self-driving automobiles, health monitoring and sports activity training, a wide variety of new sensors have allowed researchers to develop feature description models beyond 2D. Although higher dimensional data enhance the performance of methods on numerous tasks, they can also introduce new challenges and problems. The higher dimensionality of the data often leads to more complicated structures which present additional problems in both extracting meaningful content and in adapting it for current machine learning algorithms. Due to the major importance of the evaluation process, we also present an overview of the current datasets and benchmarks. Moreover, based on more than 330 papers from this study, we present the major challenges and future directions. Computer Systems, Imagery and Medi