111 research outputs found

    Cloud data security and various cryptographic algorithms

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    Cloud computing has spread widely among different organizations due to its advantages, such as cost reduction, resource pooling, broad network access, and ease of administration. It increases the abilities of physical resources by optimizing shared use. Clients’ valuable items (data and applications) are moved outside of regulatory supervision in a shared environment where many clients are grouped together. However, this process poses security concerns, such as sensitive information theft and personally identifiable data leakage. Many researchers have contributed to reducing the problem of data security in cloud computing by developing a variety of technologies to secure cloud data, including encryption. In this study, a set of encryption algorithms (advance encryption standard (AES), data encryption standard (DES), Blowfish, Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) encryption, and international data encryption algorithm (IDEA) was compared in terms of security, data encipherment capacity, memory usage, and encipherment time to determine the optimal algorithm for securing cloud information from hackers. Results show that RSA and IDEA are less secure than AES, Blowfish, and DES). The AES algorithm encrypts a huge amount of data, takes the least encipherment time, and is faster than other algorithms, and the Blowfish algorithm requires the least amount of memory space

    Cryptography and its application to operating system security

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    Securing the home network

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    The Interpolating Random Spline Cryptosystem and the Chaotic-Map Public-Key Cryptosystem

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    The feasibility of implementing the interpolating cubic spline function as encryption and decryption transformations is presented. The encryption method can be viewed as computing a transposed polynomial. The main characteristic of the spline cryptosystem is that the domain and range of encryption are defined over real numbers, instead of the traditional integer numbers. Moreover, the spline cryptosystem can be implemented in terms of inexpensive multiplications and additions. Using spline functions, a series of discontiguous spline segments can execute the modular arithmetic of the RSA system. The similarity of the RSA and spline functions within the integer domain is demonstrated. Furthermore, we observe that such a reformulation of RSA cryptosystem can be characterized as polynomials with random offsets between ciphertext values and plaintext values. This contrasts with the spline cryptosystems, so that a random spline system has been developed. The random spline cryptosystem is an advanced structure of spline cryptosystem. Its mathematical indeterminacy on computing keys with interpolants no more than 4 and numerical sensitivity to the random offset t( increases its utility. This article also presents a chaotic public-key cryptosystem employing a one-dimensional difference equation as well as a quadratic difference equation. This system makes use of the El Gamal’s scheme to accomplish the encryption process. We note that breaking this system requires the identical work factor that is needed in solving discrete logarithm with the same size of moduli

    A Novel Blind Signature Based Upon ECDLP

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    Encryption and decryption techniques protect the condentiality of information exchanged in a network whereas digital signature is electronic signing of data that provide senders authentication using its secret key and verication using its public key and other domain parameters. A combination of encipherment and digital signing of message immunes it from most of the active attacks such as modification of data, masquerading and repudiation Elliptic curve discrete logarithmic problem (ECDLP) is the problem of finding the scalar multiplier knowing the corresponding points on an elliptic curve. ECDLP is very complex and dicult to solve compared to any standard inverse operation of a one-way-trapdoor function such as Discrete Logarithm Problem or Factorization problem. Blind signature allows a user to obtain a signature from an authority on any document, in such a way that the authority learns nothing about the message that is being signed. The blindness is an important property which distinguishes the blind signature from other signature schemes. Blind signature is an important cryptographic primitive used in protocols such as electronic voting systems and cash payment systems. Since an ECDLP enjoys a large space and time complexity and blind signature ensures anonymity of clients message while obtaining a signature from a trusted party, we aim at designing a blind signature scheme based upon ECDLP which is supposed to have a low computation cost and low communication overhead. The signature should be such that it has a small size, it is highly secured and is resistant to elliptic curve cryptography based attacks such as forgery attack, MOV attack etc

    A Blind Signature Scheme using Biometric Feature Value

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    Blind signature has been one of the most charming research fields of public key cryptography through which authenticity, data integrity and non-repudiation can be verified. Our research is based on the blind signature schemes which are based on two hard problems – Integer factorization and discrete logarithm problems. Here biological information like finger prints, iris, retina DNA, tissue and other features whatever its kind which are unique to an individual are embedded into private key and generate cryptographic key which consists of private and public key in the public key cryptosystem. Since biological information is personal identification data, it should be positioned as a personal secret key for a system. In this schemes an attacker intends to reveal the private key knowing the public key, has to solve both the hard problems i.e. for the private key which is a part of the cryptographic key and the biological information incorporated in it. We have to generate a cryptographic key using biometric data which is called biometric cryptographic key and also using that key to put signature on a document. Then using the signature we have to verify the authenticity and integrity of the original message. The verification of the message ensures the security involved in the scheme due to use of complex mathematical equations like modular arithmetic and quadratic residue as well