218,724 research outputs found

    Development of an automated aircraft subsystem architecture generation and analysis tool

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a new computational framework to address future preliminary design needs for aircraft subsystems. The ability to investigate multiple candidate technologies forming subsystem architectures is enabled with the provision of automated architecture generation, analysis and optimization. Main focus lies with a demonstration of the frameworks workings, as well as the optimizers performance with a typical form of application problem. Design/methodology/approach – The core aspects involve a functional decomposition, coupled with a synergistic mission performance analysis on the aircraft, architecture and component levels. This may be followed by a complete enumeration of architectures, combined with a user defined technology filtering and concept ranking procedure. In addition, a hybrid heuristic optimizer, based on ant systems optimization and a genetic algorithm, is employed to produce optimal architectures in both component composition and design parameters. The optimizer is tested on a generic architecture design problem combined with modified Griewank and parabolic functions for the continuous space. Findings – Insights from the generalized application problem show consistent rediscovery of the optimal architectures with the optimizer, as compared to a full problem enumeration. In addition multi-objective optimization reveals a Pareto front with differences in component composition as well as continuous parameters. Research limitations/implications – This paper demonstrates the frameworks application on a generalized test problem only. Further publication will consider real engineering design problems. Originality/value – The paper addresses the need for future conceptual design methods of complex systems to consider a mixed concept space of both discrete and continuous nature via automated methods

    High-level synthesis optimization for blocked floating-point matrix multiplication

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    In the last decade floating-point matrix multiplication on FPGAs has been studied extensively and efficient architectures as well as detailed performance models have been developed. By design these IP cores take a fixed footprint which not necessarily optimizes the use of all available resources. Moreover, the low-level architectures are not easily amenable to a parameterized synthesis. In this paper high-level synthesis is used to fine-tune the configuration parameters in order to achieve the highest performance with maximal resource utilization. An\ exploration strategy is presented to optimize the use of critical resources (DSPs, memory) for any given FPGA. To account for the limited memory size on the FPGA, a block-oriented matrix multiplication is organized such that the block summation is done on the CPU while the block multiplication occurs on the logic fabric simultaneously. The communication overhead between the CPU and the FPGA is minimized by streaming the blocks in a Gray code ordering scheme which maximizes the data reuse for consecutive block matrix product calculations. Using high-level synthesis optimization, the programmable logic operates at 93% of the theoretical peak performance and the combined CPU-FPGA design achieves 76% of the available hardware processing speed for the floating-point multiplication of 2K by 2K matrices

    Automatic allocation of safety requirements to components of a software product line

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    Safety critical systems developed as part of a product line must still comply with safety standards. Standards use the concept of Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) to drive the assignment of system safety requirements to components of a system under design. However, for a Software Product Line (SPL), the safety requirements that need to be allocated to a component may vary in different products. Variation in design can indeed change the possible hazards incurred in each product, their causes, and can alter the safety requirements placed on individual components in different SPL products. Establishing common SILs for components of a large scale SPL by considering all possible usage scenarios, is desirable for economies of scale, but it also poses challenges to the safety engineering process. In this paper, we propose a method for automatic allocation of SILs to components of a product line. The approach is applied to a Hybrid Braking System SPL design

    Empowering parallel computing with field programmable gate arrays

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    After more than 30 years, reconfigurable computing has grown from a concept to a mature field of science and technology. The cornerstone of this evolution is the field programmable gate array, a building block enabling the configuration of a custom hardware architecture. The departure from static von Neumannlike architectures opens the way to eliminate the instruction overhead and to optimize the execution speed and power consumption. FPGAs now live in a growing ecosystem of development tools, enabling software programmers to map algorithms directly onto hardware. Applications abound in many directions, including data centers, IoT, AI, image processing and space exploration. The increasing success of FPGAs is largely due to an improved toolchain with solid high-level synthesis support as well as a better integration with processor and memory systems. On the other hand, long compile times and complex design exploration remain areas for improvement. In this paper we address the evolution of FPGAs towards advanced multi-functional accelerators, discuss different programming models and their HLS language implementations, as well as high-performance tuning of FPGAs integrated into a heterogeneous platform. We pinpoint fallacies and pitfalls, and identify opportunities for language enhancements and architectural refinements

    A C++-embedded Domain-Specific Language for programming the MORA soft processor array

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    MORA is a novel platform for high-level FPGA programming of streaming vector and matrix operations, aimed at multimedia applications. It consists of soft array of pipelined low-complexity SIMD processors-in-memory (PIM). We present a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for high-level programming of the MORA soft processor array. The DSL is embedded in C++, providing designers with a familiar language framework and the ability to compile designs using a standard compiler for functional testing before generating the FPGA bitstream using the MORA toolchain. The paper discusses the MORA-C++ DSL and the compilation route into the assembly for the MORA machine and provides examples to illustrate the programming model and performance