24 research outputs found

    Examining the strategy development process through the lens of complex adaptive systems theory

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    The development of strategy remains a debate for academics and a concern for practitioners. Published research has focused on producing models for strategy development and on studying how strategy is developed in organisations. The Operational Research literature has highlighted the importance of considering complexity within strategic decision making; but little has been done to link strategy development with complexity theories, despite organisations and organisational environments becoming increasingly more complex. We review the dominant streams of strategy development and complexity theories. Our theoretical investigation results in the first conceptual framework which links an established Strategic Operational Research model, the Strategy Development Process model, with complexity via Complex Adaptive Systems theory. We present preliminary findings from the use of this conceptual framework applied to a longitudinal, in-depth case study, to demonstrate the advantages of using this integrated conceptual model. Our research shows that the conceptual model proposed provides rich data and allows for a more holistic examination of the strategy development process. © 2012 Operational Research Society Ltd. All rights reserved

    Insights into the development of strategy from a complexity perspective

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    This paper provides an account of an ongoing project with an independent school in the UK. The project focuses on a strategy development intervention which, from the start, was systemic in orientation. The intention was to integrate simple systems concepts and approaches into the strategy development process to: address power relations in actively engaging a wide range of stakeholders with the school’s strategy-making process; generate a range of good ideas; and make the strategy-making process transparent in order to inspire stakeholder confidence in, and commitment to, it and its outcomes. This paper describes how seeking to meet these aims entailed a series of workshops during the course of which an awareness of the relevance, in our interpretation, of Complex Adaptive Systems concepts grew

    A problem structuring method for ecosystem-based management : the DPSIR modelling process

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    The purpose of this paper is to learn from Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) theory to inform the development of Problem Structuring Methods (PSMs) both in general and in the specific context of marine management. The focus on marine management is important because it is concerned with a CAS (formed through the interconnection between natural systems, designed systems and social systems) which exemplifies their particularly ‘wicked' nature. Recognition of this compels us to take seriously the need to develop tools for knowledge elicitation and structuring which meet the demands of CAS. In marine management, chief among those tools is the DPSIR (Drivers - Pressures - State Changes - Impacts - Responses) model and, although widely applied, the extent to which it is appropriate for dealing with the demands of a CAS is questionable. Such questioning is particularly pertinent in the context of the marine environment where there is a need to not only recognise a broad range of stakeholders (a question of boundary critique) but also to manage competing knowledge (economic, local and scientific) and value claims. Hence this paper emphasises how a CAS perspective might add impetus to the development of a critical perspective on DPSIR and PSM theory and practice to promote a more systemic view of decision-making and policy development

    Complex Adaptive Team Systems (CATS): Scaling of a Team Leadership Development Model

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    Complex adaptive systems (CAS) have been identified as being hard to comprehend, composed of multiple interacting components acting interdependently with overlapping functions aimed at adapting to external/environmental forces. The current theoretical model utilized the natural functions of teams, viewing teams as a complex adaptive system, to develop the structure of the theory of complex adaptive team systems (CATS). The CATS model was formulated around the components of complexity theory (interactions, nonlinearity, interdependency, heterogeneity, complex systems, emergence, self-organizing, and adaptability) to show its utility across multiple domains (the role of leadership, organizational learning, organizational change, collective cognitive structures, innovation, cross-business-unit collaborations). In theorizing the CATS model, a new level of analysis was implemented, the interactions between agents as a move toward emergence in complex systems. The CATS model ultimately provides a model for organizations/institutions to drive knowledge creation and innovation while operating in today’s complexity

    Principios de formación de estrategias complejas: un enfoque basado en la teoría de la complejidad

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    La presente investigación aplica la teoría de la complejidad para explicar el proceso de formación de estrategias complejas. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura para identificar el estado del arte y se observó que el marco teórico de la teoría es disperso. En este contexto, se identificó el esquema local de comportamiento, la impredecibilidad, la auto organización, el orden emergente, y la evolución en el límite del caos como los constructos más representativos de la teoría. Sobre la base de estos conceptos se concluyó que los gerentes tienen un rol fundamental en la conducción de las organizaciones, que las estrategias deben promover la experimentación, improvisación, prueba y error, y que deben actualizarse constantemente en función a los cambios del entorno. Finalmente, se elaboró un modelo conceptual del proceso de formación de estrategias complejas y se proporcionó un conjunto de recomendaciones prácticas


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    This study was designed to develop a scale and examine its psychometric properties to offer a new complex adaptive leadership for school principals (CAL-SP). This was an exploratory mixed method research. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to develop and assess psychometric properties of the questionnaire. This study introduces the construct of complex adaptive school leadership, which comprises three dimensions: enabling leadership, managerial leadership and adaptive leadership. The scale shows internal consistency, reliability, construct validity and nomological validity explaining that the instrument had a good structure and reliability. Directions for future research and managerial implications of the new construct are discussed.  Article visualizations

    Adapting and reacting to Covid-19: Tourism and resilience in the South Pacific

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    As with small islands around the globe, many of the island states of the South Pacific are heavily dependent on tourism revenue. This article examines how tourism development and its disturbance by Covid-19 has influenced socio-cultural and economic changes among Indigenous communities in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Cook Islands, and Fiji. In particular, it demonstrates how the cessation of international tourism in established destination communities has created shifts in the way people live and their livelihood approaches which have moved towards a revival of customary practices. This study was led by Massey University researchers through partnerships with research associates (RAs) based in-country: an online survey and on-site interviews by RAs, along with Zoom interviews by the authors, provided primary data. The paper argues that although Covid-19 has had difficult financial consequences, it has also motivated innovative, culturallybased responses that allow people to adapt effectively to the loss in income associated with border closures. Such changes point to valuable lessons that could inform the management of more resilient tourism in the Pacific

    Experiences and Perceptions of Liberian Business Leaders\u27 Transformational Leadership Skills

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    African business leaders may not be effective because of a lack of transformational leadership skills. Business leaders applying transformational leadership skills can strengthen relationships with followers and enhance organizational performance. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the experiences and perspectives of Liberian business leaders regarding transformational leadership skills needed to lead profitable organizations. Building on a conceptual framework of transformational leadership theory, data were obtained from open-ended interviews of 20 Liberian business leaders operating in the capital city of Monrovia. Interviews were transcribed, coded, validated through transcript review, and analyzed to generate themes. The most prominent themes were the need for Liberian business leaders to act as role models, to attend to individual employee\u27s needs, and to demonstrate ethical conduct. The findings indicated that Liberian business leaders may adopt transformational leadership to help a company gain a competitive advantage, make profits, and enhance employees\u27 commitment and organizational performance. These findings may contribute to positive social change by creating awareness among Liberian business leaders about the benefits of transformational leadership to expand company operations, create employment opportunities, and contribute to poverty reduction in Liberia. Research findings may be useful information to Liberian policymakers, business leaders, and scholars seeking to understand business leadership challenges in a postconflict economy

    Tilpasning til radikale forandringer i omgivelsene

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    Denne masteroppgaven søker å beskrive hvordan en etablert Ukrainsk IT-bedrift har tilpasset seg for å håndtere radikale forandringer i omgivelsene. I lys av kompleksitetsteori, drøftes endringene organisasjonen har gjennomgått slik det fremkommer av oppgavens empiriske materiale. Det overordnede målet er å bidra med innsikt i fenomenet organisasjoner og endring, som kan være relevant for både teoretikere og praktikere i en rekke ulike funksjoner. Gjennom en intensiv, holistisk enkelt-casestudie gjennomføres personlig intervju med to medlemmer i caseorganisasjonen. Den innsamlede dataen analyseres tematisk, og resulterer i fire overordnede temaer som presenteres og drøftes i lys av oppgavens teoretiske rammeverk. Studiens funn viser at den undersøkte organisasjonen har tilpasset seg for å fortsette drift i møte med forandringer ved å fokusere på kontinuerlig utforskning, distribuert lederskap, håndtering av usikkerhet, og en felles inkrementell mentalitet mot et tydelig overordnet mål. Praktiske implikasjoner av disse funnene drøftes, sammen med flere konkrete forslag for fremtidige studier. Det konkluderes også, basert på oppgavens funn, med at et kompleksitetsperspektiv kan være verdifullt for organisasjoner i møte med forandring, og at kompleksitetsteori i tillegg har verdi som et perspektiv for å undersøke og forstå komplekse organisasjoner

    Scenario Planning for Organizational Adaptability: The Lived Experiences of Executives

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    Organizational adaptability is critical to organizational survival, and executive leadership\u27s inability to adapt to extreme disruptive complex events threatens survival. Scenario planning is one means of adapting to extreme disruptive complex events. In this qualitative interpretive phenomenological study, 20 executives who had lived experience with extreme disruptive complex events and applied scenario planning to help adapt participated in phenomenological interviews to share their experiences related to the application of scenario planning as a means adaptation to extreme disruptive complex events. Participants were from a single large organization with executives distributed throughout the United States and executives from 10 state agencies located within a single state. Using the thematic analysis process, 14 themes emerged. The themes included knowing the difference between adaptation and response, not being afraid to tackle difficult questions, scenario planning is never over because the environment constantly changes, the true measures of scenario planning value are the benefits achieved via the planning exercise versus the business application, and participation should be individuals who can or could have a direct influence on adaptation and do not get bogged down in structured and/or rigid processes, methods, or tools because while useful, they are not required to be successful. The implications for positive social change include the ability for organizations to reduce economic injury and the compound effects of disruption including the social impacts of business injury, disruption, recovery, job loss, and reduced revenue on communities and local economies