8 research outputs found

    Estrategias tecnológicas para el fomento de la conservación ambiental

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo identificar estrategias tecnológicas enfocadas al fomento de la conservación del medio ambiente, haciendo énfasis en la articulación de las TIC al desarrollo sostenible. A su vez se resalta su importancia como mediación para la interacción y entendimiento de las diferentes estrategias de conservación ambiental; así mismo, la emergencia de las ciudades inteligentes como alternativa de articulación de las TIC en diferentes contextos para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida, encaminadas a disminuir la degradación ambiental y ampliar los impactos ambientales positivos.&nbsp

    The Use of Social Media for Engaging People with Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle: A Conceptual Model

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    Some recent research has investigated factors affecting household recycling and waste reduction behavior (Ho and So, 2017; Nishio and Takeuchi, 2005) in traditional media platforms like newspaper, radio, and television, but scant related to social media. In this study, we develop a conceptual model for comparing how traditional media and social media can be used as platforms for promoting and engaging young people in adopting an environmentally friendly lifestyle. We are particularly interested in the impact of social media on the engaging young people because: (i) there is huge population of young and active users on social media; and (ii) prior research reports that social media may contribute for value co-creation (See-To and Ho, 2014) in a marketing campaign through the interactions among the users and the owner of the social media, thus affecting the users’ behavior accordingly

    Sustainable IS Use: What IS Needed to REDUSE

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    Facing ever-looming climate change, studying the drivers for individuals\u27 Information Systems (IS) Use to reduce environmental harm gains momentum. While extant research on the antecedents of sustainable IS Use has focused on specific theories, interventions, contexts, and technologies, a holistic understanding has become increasingly elusive, with a synthesis remaining absent. We employ a systematic literature review methodology to shed light on the driving antecedents for sustainable IS Use among individual consumers. Our results build on findings of 29 empirical studies drawn from 598 articles retrieved from our premier outlets and a forward/backward search. The analysis reveals six salient complementary antecedents: Relief, Empowerment, Default, User-centricity, Salience, and Encouragement. We recommend considering these concepts when developing, deploying, promoting, or regulating digital technologies to mitigate individual consumers’ emissions. Along with memorable and implementable concepts, our theoretical framework offers a novel conceptualization and four promising avenues for researchers on sustainable IS Use

    The Impact of Social Media Knowledge Acquisition on Innovation and Financial Performance of the Firm: A Mixed Methods Approach

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    Firms have been increasingly applying different social media initiatives for different organizational objectives, but which initiatives have an impact on which objectives is still not well understood. In this research, we empirically examine the impact of two social media initiatives - social media information collection and social media proactive market orientation- on innovation and financial performance at the firm level. We also examine the potential role of three mediators within these relationships: IT infrastructure, social capital, and organizational capital. To do so, this study follows a mixed methods approach, where both quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analysed. The purpose of the quantitative data is to test the hypotheses and the developed conceptual model, while the purpose of the qualitative data is to triangulate the quantitative results. Data were collected through two surveys, one quantitative and one qualitative, from firms in the United States. Structural Equation Modelling was used to analyse the quantitative data, while thematic analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data. Our findings provide empirical evidence on the positive effects of both social media initiatives on innovation and financial performance, and on the roles of IT infrastructure, social capital, and organizational capital within these relationships

    Las redes sociales como oportunidad de comercialización de los productos ecológicos

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    [ES] Este estudio persigue el siguiente objetivo de investigación: analizar la penetración, implementación y prospectiva de las redes sociales en el sector oleícola, con especial hincapié en los operadores ecológicos (gran parte de ellos con fórmula cooperativa). Para ello, el análisis comienza con un estudio Delphi, para determinar el impacto de las redes sociales en el sector oleícola. A continuación, se analiza y describe el uso actual que las entidades oleícolas hacen de las redes sociales, a través de la recogida de métricas, centrando nuestra atención en las organizaciones oleícolas con oferta de aceite de oliva ecológico. Así pues, se profundiza en este tipo de entidades a través de una encuesta, que también se extiende al sector vitivinícola con oferta de vino ecológico. Los resultados obtenidos son expuestos y comparados a través de un análisis de eficiencia, utilizando el método DEA. Finalmente, se dedica un apartado al cooperativismo[EN] This study pursuing the following general research objective: to analyse the penetration, application and prospects of the social networks in the olive oil sector, with particular emphasis on organic operators (many of which take the form of cooperatives). For this purpose, the analysis begins with the Delphi study that served as the starting point for measuring the impact of the social networks in the olive oil sector. This is followed by a description and analysis of the metrics collected on the use that olive oil companies currently make of the social networks, focusing on organisations that supply and market organic olive oil. The survey employed to study these organisations in greater depth was extended to include wine sector companies that sell organic wines. The results are shown and compared through an analysis of efficiency, using the DEA method. Finally, a section is also devoted to the cooperative movement.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Economía. Leída el 16 de febero de 201

    Marketing organic food in Australia: a study of factors influencing consumers' purchase intention

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    The organic food industry is experiencing much growth across the globe. Currently, organic food is perceived as healthy, safe and environmentally friendly. Thus, most nutrition experts advise consumers to consume organic foods due to their health benefits. Research on factors influencing Australian consumers’ organic food purchasing intentions is limited. Further, there is a lack of exploratory studies considering the main factors that potentially influence consumers’ organic food purchases. There is a need to conduct further research using a mixed methods approach to empirically investigate the influence of various factors on consumers’ organic food purchasing intentions. This study aims to explore the key factors that influence Australians’ organic food purchasing intentions. It also aims to empirically examine the influence of various factors on consumers’ purchasing intentions of organic food. The present study employed an exploratory sequential mixed methods approach to collect and analyse data to achieve the objectives of the study and to answer the research questions. First, the researcher used a qualitative study with 30 participants to explore the key factors that motivate consumers to purchase organic food. The mall intercept method was utilised as the sampling method and thematic analysis was employed using NVivo. The study unveiled various factors that may influence consumers’ decisions to purchase organic food. The study revealed that health concerns, price, labelling, availability, trust, environmental concerns, certification, taste, packaging, nutritional value, quality, subjective norms and social media are the most important factors influencing consumers’ purchases of organic food. Second, a quantitative study was employed using a survey of 390 respondents to confirm the findings of the exploratory study. The statistical software, SPSS and AMOS, were used to analyse the survey data. The results of the quantitative study confirmed that certification, packaging, sensory food attributes and social media positively influence both consumers’ trust and intentions to purchase organic food. Further, the results show that trust has a positive influence on consumers’ organic food purchasing intentions. Health concerns and subjective norms positively influence purchasing intentions. It was found that environmental concerns have no influence on consumers’ organic food purchasing intentions. The study asserts that there are statistically significant differences between demographic variables such as gender, income, education, employment status and number of children, towards organic food purchasing intentions. Age, occupation, marital status and ethnicity were not significant. The study increases the body of knowledge by identifying the main factors that influence consumers’ intentions to buy organic food in the Australian context. Further, the study fills gaps identified in the literature. Moreover, the findings of the study can help organic food industry stakeholders in the formulation of marketing strategies to attract more consumers towards organic food. Limitations of the research are also identified and these provide avenues for future research