32,633 research outputs found

    Sentiment Analysis of Teachers Using Social Information in Educational Platform Environments

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    © 2020 World Scientific Publishing Company. Electronic version of an article published as International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 29, No. 02, 2040004 (2020): https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218213020400047.Learners’ opinions constitute an important source of information that can be useful to teachers and educational instructors in order to improve learning procedures and training activities. By analyzing learners’ actions and extracting data related to their learning behavior, educators can specify proper learning approaches to stimulate learners’ interest and contribute to constructive monitoring of learning progress during the course or to improve future courses. Learners-generated content and their feedback and comments can provide indicative information about the educational procedures that they attended and the training activities that they participated in. Educational systems must possess mechanisms to analyze learners’ comments and automatically specify their opinions and attitude towards the courses and the learning activities that are offered to them. This paper describes a Greek language sentiment analysis system that analyzes texts written in Greek language and generates feature vectors which together with classification algorithms give us the opportunity to classify Greek texts based on the personal opinion and the degree of satisfaction expressed. The sentiment analysis module has been integrated into the hybrid educational systems of the Greek school network that offers life-long learning courses. The module offers a wide range of possibilities to lecturers, policymakers and educational institutes that participate in the training procedure and offers life-long learning courses, to understand how their learners perceive learning activities and specify what aspects of the learning activities they liked and disliked. The experimental study show quite interesting results regarding the performance of the sentiment analysis methodology and the specification of users’ opinions and satisfaction. The feature analysis demonstrates interesting findings regarding the characteristics that provide indicative information for opinion analysis and embeddings combined with deep learning approaches yield satisfactory results.Peer reviewe

    Europe in the shadow of financial crisis: Policy Making via Stance Classification

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    Since 2009, the European Union (EU) is phasing a multi–year financial crisis affecting the stability of its involved countries. Our goal is to gain useful insights on the societal impact of such a strong political issue through the exploitation of topic modeling and stance classification techniques. \ \ To perform this, we unravel public’s stance towards this event and empower citizens’ participation in the decision making process, taking policy’s life cycle as a baseline. The paper introduces and evaluates a bilingual stance classification architecture, enabling a deeper understanding of how citizens’ sentiment polarity changes based on the critical political decisions taken among European countries. \ \ Through three novel empirical studies, we aim to explore and answer whether stance classification can be used to: i) determine citizens’ sentiment polarity for a series of political events by observing the diversity of opinion among European citizens, ii) predict political decisions outcome made by citizens such as a referendum call, ii) examine whether citizens’ sentiments agree with governmental decisions during each stage of a policy life cycle.

    Sentiment analysis of COVID-19 cases in Greece using Twitter data.

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    Syndromic surveillance with the use of Internet data has been used to track and forecast epidemics for the last two decades, using different sources from social media to search engine records. More recently, studies have addressed how the World Wide Web could be used as a valuable source for analysing the reactions of the public to outbreaks and revealing emotions and sentiment impact from certain events, notably that of pandemics. Objective: The objective of this research is to evaluate the capability of Twitter messages (tweets) in estimating the sentiment impact of COVID-19 cases in Greece in real time as related to cases. Methods: 153,528 tweets were gathered from 18,730 Twitter users totalling 2,840,024 words for exactly one year and were examined towards two sentimental lexicons: one in English language translated into Greek (using the Vader library) and one in Greek. We then used the specific sentimental ranking included in these lexicons to track i) the positive and negative impact of COVID-19 and ii) six types of sentiments: Surprise, Disgust, Anger, Happiness, Fear and Sadness and iii) the correlations between real cases of COVID-19 and sentiments and correlations between sentiments and the volume of data. Results: Surprise (25.32%) mainly and secondly Disgust (19.88%) were found to be the prevailing sentiments of COVID-19. The correlation coefficient (R2 ) for the Vader lexicon is &#8722; 0.07454 related to cases and &#8722; 0.,70668 to the tweets, while the other lexicon had 0.167387 and &#8722; 0.93095 respectively, all measured at significance level of p < 0.01. Evidence shows that the sentiment does not correlate with the spread of COVID-19, possibly since the interest in COVID-19 declined after a certain time

    Sentiment analysis on film review in Gujarati language using machine learning

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    Opinion analysis is by a long shot most basic zone of characteristic language handling. It manages the portrayal of information to choose the motivation behind the wellspring of the content. The reason might be of a type of gratefulness (positive) or study (negative). This paper offers a correlation between the outcomes accomplished by applying the calculation arrangement using various classifiers for instance K-nearest neighbor and multinomial naive Bayes. These techniques are utilized to assess a significant assessment with either a positive remark or negative remark. The gathered information considered on the grounds of the extremity film datasets and an association with the results accessible proof has been created for a careful assessment. This paper investigates the word level count vectorizer and term frequency inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) influence on film sentiment analysis. We concluded that multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB) classier generate more accurate result using TF-IDF vectorizer compared to CountVectorizer, K-nearest-neighbors (KNN) classifier has the same accuracy result in case of TF-IDF and CountVectorizer

    Nowcasting user behaviour with social media and smart devices on a longitudinal basis: from macro- to micro-level modelling

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    The adoption of social media and smart devices by millions of users worldwide over the last decade has resulted in an unprecedented opportunity for NLP and social sciences. Users publish their thoughts and opinions on everyday issues through social media platforms, while they record their digital traces through their smart devices. Mining these rich resources offers new opportunities in sensing real-world events and indices (e.g., political preference, mental health indices) in a longitudinal fashion, either at the macro (population)-, or at the micro(user)-level. The current project aims at developing approaches to “nowcast" (predict the current state of) such indices at both levels of granularity. First, we build natural language resources for the static tasks of sentiment analysis, emotion disclosure and sarcasm detection over user-generated content. These are important for opinion monitoring on a large scale. Second, we propose a general approach that leverages textual data derived from generic social media streams to nowcast political indices at the macro-level. Third, we leverage temporally sensitive and asynchronous information to nowcast the political stance of social media users, at the micro-level using multiple kernel learning. We then focus further on the micro-level modelling, to account for heterogeneous data sources, such as information derived from users' smart phones, SMS and social media messages, to nowcast time-varying mental health indices of a small cohort of users on a longitudinal basis. Finally, we present the challenges faced when applying such micro-level approaches in a real-world setting and propose directions for future research

    Text Data Mining for Uncovering the Influence of Religion on Ancient Greek Philosophical Thought with Optimization

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    Text data mining can provide valuable insights into the influence of religion on the development of ancient Greek philosophical thought. This paper presented text data mining techniques to perform feature extraction and classification with Gaussian Optimization (FeCGO), to analyze the influence of religion on the development of ancient Greek philosophical thought. This paper explores the application of text data mining techniques, specifically feature extraction and classification with Gaussian Optimization (FeCGO), to analyze the influence of religion on the development of ancient Greek philosophical thought. The FeCGO examined the relevant texts, including works by ancient Greek philosophers, religious texts, myths, and historical accounts. These texts are subjected to preprocessing steps, such as tokenization, stop word removal, stemming, and normalization, to ensure the data is prepared for analysis. The proposed FeCGO method combines the Gaussian Optimization algorithm with a classification model to optimize the classification accuracy and performance. Labeled data is used to train the FeCGO model, with texts categorized based on their religious or philosophical themes. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the interplay between religion and philosophy in ancient Greek society. The application of text data mining techniques, specifically FeCGO, demonstrates the potential of computational methods to extract valuable insights from large-scale textual datasets

    Hotel online reviews: creating a multi-source aggregated index

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    Purpose This paper aims to develop a model to predict online review ratings from multiple sources, which can be used to detect fraudulent reviews and create proprietary rating indexes, or which can be used as a measure of selection in recommender systems. Design/methodology/approach This study applies machine learning and natural language processing approaches to combine features derived from the qualitative component of a review with the corresponding quantitative component and, therefore, generate a richer review rating. Findings Experiments were performed over a collection of hotel online reviews – written in English, Spanish and Portuguese – which shows a significant improvement over the previously reported results, and it not only demonstrates the scientific value of the approach but also strengthens the value of review prediction applications in the business environment. Originality/value This study shows the importance of building predictive models for revenue management and the application of the index generated by the model. It also demonstrates that, although difficult and challenging, it is possible to achieve valuable results in the application of text analysis across multiple languagesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Negative vaccine voices in Swedish social media

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    Vaccinations are one of the most significant interventions to public health, but vaccine hesitancy creates concerns for a portion of the population in many countries, including Sweden. Since discussions on vaccine hesitancy are often taken on social networking sites, data from Swedish social media are used to study and quantify the sentiment among the discussants on the vaccination-or-not topic during phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. Out of all the posts analyzed a majority showed a stronger negative sentiment, prevailing throughout the whole of the examined period, with some spikes or jumps due to the occurrence of certain vaccine-related events distinguishable in the results. Sentiment analysis can be a valuable tool to track public opinions regarding the use, efficacy, safety, and importance of vaccination

    Utilizing Machine Learning to Reassess the Predictability of Bank Stocks

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    Objectives: Accurate prediction of stock market returns is a very challenging task due to the volatile and non-linear nature of the financial stock markets. In this work, we consider conventional time series analysis techniques with additional information from the Google Trend website to predict stock price returns. We further utilize a machine learning algorithm, namely Random Forest, to predict the next day closing price of four Greek systemic banks. Methods/Analysis: The financial data considered in this work comprise Open, Close prices of stocks and Trading Volume. In the context of our analysis, these data are further used to create new variables that serve as additional inputs to the proposed machine learning based model. Specifically, we consider variables for each of the banks in the dataset, such as 7 DAYS MA,14 DAYS MA, 21 DAYS MA, 7 DAYS STD DEV and Volume. One step ahead out of sample prediction following the rolling window approach has been applied. Performance evaluation of the proposed model has been done using standard strategic indicators: RMSE and MAPE. Findings: Our results depict that the proposed models effectively predict the stock market prices, providing insight about the applicability of the proposed methodology scheme to various stock market price predictions. Novelty /Improvement: The originality of this study is that Machine Learning Methods highlighted by the Random Forest Technique were used to forecast the closing price of each stock in the Banking Sector for the following trading session. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-03-04 Full Text: PD
