4 research outputs found

    Augmented reality as a tool to promote tourism in Ghana

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    Undergraduate thesis submitted to the Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in / Management Information Systems, May 2021This thesis seeks to find out if using Augmented Reality (AR) in Ghana's tourism industry is feasible in promoting its tourism activities. As developed countries have been well versed in the use of technology trends like Augmented Reality in their tourism sector, the researcher wants to determine if such integration in Ghana's tourism sites will be well patronized. In this paper, the researcher designed and built an Augmented Reality Tourism website to give users an interactive graphic experience of a tourist site through their devices. Volunteers from social media, both Ghanaians and foreigners, who wish to participate in the research process were the participants of the study. The study took place in this order: the link to the AR Tourism website was posted on social media, the participants clicked on the link to the website to interact with it. After, they were required to fill a questionnaire that aimed to get insights into the participants experience using the AR Tourism website, how effective the system was and if it informed a possible tourist's decision to take a tour. Microsoft Excel was used to analyze the data received from the data collection process. The results from analyzing the data gathered from the questionnaires showed that Augmented Reality would be suitable for the Ghanaian setting. The majority of the possible tourists who responded to the questionnaire are willing to take a tour in Ghana after experiencing a tourist site through Ghana's Augmented Reality application, once implemented, hence boosting its tourism sector due to increased local and international patronage.Ashesi Universit


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    Integracijom informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT) s tradicionalnim marketingom, razvija se digitalni marketing (e-marketing). U širem kontekstu, e-marketing se moţe shvatiti kao primjena interaktivnih online raĉunalnih sustava i principa marketinga putem interneta, pa su prodavaĉi s potrošaĉima elektronski povezani. Trendovi ukazuju na sve veću primjenu digitalnog marketinga kako meĊu turistima tako i turistiĉkim subjektima kojima on pridonosi postizanju konkurentskih prednosti i ostvarenju veće prodaje. Ovaj rad analizira utjecaj primjene e- marketinga u turistiĉkim agencijama na podruĉju Dalmacije. Istraţivanje je potvrdilo pretpostavku da se svakim porastom aktivnosti e-marketinga moţe oĉekivati porast razine kupnje usluga agencije. Rezultati su takoĊer pokazali kako turistiĉke agencije s višom razinom primjene e-marketinga percipiraju veći pozitivan utjecaj na poslovne rezultate.By integrating information and communication technologies (ICT) into the traditional marketing, digital marketing (e-marketing) is being developed. In a broader context, e-marketing can be understood as the application of interactive online computer systems and online marketing principles, with which sellers are connected electronically to consumers. The trends indicate the increasing use of digital marketing among tourists as well as tourism entities that primarily use it to gain competitive advantage and drive higher sales. This paper analyzes the impact of the use of e-marketing in travel agencies in Dalmatia. The study confirmed the assumption that any increase in the e-marketing activity can be expected to increase the level of purchase of agency services. The results also showed that travel agencies with a higher level of e-marketing application percieve better business results


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    Integracijom informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT) s tradicionalnim marketingom, razvija se digitalni marketing (e-marketing). U širem kontekstu, e-marketing se moţe shvatiti kao primjena interaktivnih online raĉunalnih sustava i principa marketinga putem interneta, pa su prodavaĉi s potrošaĉima elektronski povezani. Trendovi ukazuju na sve veću primjenu digitalnog marketinga kako meĊu turistima tako i turistiĉkim subjektima kojima on pridonosi postizanju konkurentskih prednosti i ostvarenju veće prodaje. Ovaj rad analizira utjecaj primjene e- marketinga u turistiĉkim agencijama na podruĉju Dalmacije. Istraţivanje je potvrdilo pretpostavku da se svakim porastom aktivnosti e-marketinga moţe oĉekivati porast razine kupnje usluga agencije. Rezultati su takoĊer pokazali kako turistiĉke agencije s višom razinom primjene e-marketinga percipiraju veći pozitivan utjecaj na poslovne rezultate.By integrating information and communication technologies (ICT) into the traditional marketing, digital marketing (e-marketing) is being developed. In a broader context, e-marketing can be understood as the application of interactive online computer systems and online marketing principles, with which sellers are connected electronically to consumers. The trends indicate the increasing use of digital marketing among tourists as well as tourism entities that primarily use it to gain competitive advantage and drive higher sales. This paper analyzes the impact of the use of e-marketing in travel agencies in Dalmatia. The study confirmed the assumption that any increase in the e-marketing activity can be expected to increase the level of purchase of agency services. The results also showed that travel agencies with a higher level of e-marketing application percieve better business results

    Examining the Effect of Social Media Marketing in Tourism

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    近年來,透過社群媒體向消費者宣傳商品與理念的旅遊服務供應商日益增多,但卻有不少企業苦於衡量其中的效果。雖然文獻已提出社群媒體的行銷機會與發展性,然而實際對商品銷售進行分析的文獻仍有限,因此本研究試圖驗證社群媒體行銷活動是否會正向影響旅遊商品的銷售。此外考量到不同的商品特質可能會對媒體行銷效果帶來不同程度的影響,因此本研究將藉由以下五種旅遊商品特性,包括旅遊結構、旅客參與度、旅遊範圍、商品價格與天數,來探討社群媒體行銷與商品銷售的關係。 本研究將一間國內知名旅行社於2012至2013年期間在Facebook粉絲專頁上所行銷過的相關商品作為實驗組,並找出同時期販售但未在Facebook上行銷的類似商品作為控制組,進行差異中之差異法(Difference in Difference),以探討在Facebook行銷前後,實驗組與對照組商品銷售的差異。研究結果顯示Facebook行銷活動對旅遊商品的購買有正向影響,此外透過社群媒體宣傳較低結構的旅遊、較為放鬆的行程、範圍較小的目的地或相對低價的商品更有機會提升銷售,而天數為唯一無法調節Facebook行銷活動與銷售關係之商品特性。A growing number of tourism industry suppliers are using social media to promote their services and reach target customers despite some doubt regarding the effectiveness of these tools. Nevertheless, few researchers have examined the effects of social media marketing, and especially its effects on sales. Therefore, our study aims to assess the impact of social media on the purchase of tourism products. Additionally, to explore whether the influence of social media marketing changes among different types of tourism products, we develop a typology of tourism products that classifies tourism along the following five dimensions: (1) the structure of tourism, (2) the involvement of tourists, (3) the scope of tourism, (4) the price of products, and (5) the length of a tour. All tours with Facebook campaigns conducted by our case company from February 1, 2012 to November 30, 2013 are selected as our target tourism products. Moreover, we choose certain products without Facebook campaigns that were available for purchase during the same time period as a control group. We obtain the sales data from the case company and calculate the sales of each product before and after the Facebook campaigns. We then apply a difference-in-difference approach, comparing the average changes in sales performance of the treatment group with those of the control group. The results show that Facebook campaign activities have a positive impact on purchases of tourism products. Furthermore, sales are more likely to increase when a travel agency promotes products that are less structured, limited in scope, relatively lower-priced, or require less tourist involvement