4,669 research outputs found

    The relationships among TPACK, the TAM and online education satisfaction: structural equation modelling

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    Online education faculty satisfaction plays an important role in online education achievement. However, research investigating faculty satisfaction in online educational setting is rather scarce. This study aims to provide deeper insight into the issue by examining structural relationships among Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and faculty satisfaction within the framework of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The study is quantitative in nature, and the data were collected from 170 faculty members during the emergent online education on lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis revealed that TPACK variable explains 23% of the TAM (β =.48, p<.01) and the TAM variable explains 50% of the satisfaction (β =.71, p<.01), which means when teachers with high levels of TPACK have higher levels of TAM, the result could be significantly increased online education satisfaction. The researchers suggest some implications to improve learning and teaching with technology and to increase the faculty satisfaction in the context online language education

    Aprendizaje móvil para el desarrollo profesional docente: una evaluación empírica de un modelo ampliado de aceptación de la tecnología

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    This study explores how mobile learning (m-learning) can serve as a valuable resource for the professional development of Iraqi English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Utilizing an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the research investigates the model's fit, structural relationships between variables, and potential moderating effects of gender and academic rank. Findings revealed that Iraqi EFL teachers generally demonstrated positive attitudes toward m-learning adoption, with identified challenges in self-efficacy and ease of use. Gender analysis indicated that females exhibited higher ease of use, self-efficacy, enjoyment, and positive attitudes and intentions toward m-learning adoption. Higher-ranked teachers perceived m-learning as more useful. The extended TAM displayed a good fit to empirical data, revealing significant positive relationships between variables. Gender did not moderate these relationships, but academic rank played a substantial role. The findings guide strategies for targeted professional development, addressing technical support concerns, and designing engaging experiences to facilitate successful m-learning integration in higher education, considering the unique needs and challenges of Iraqi EFL teachers.Este estudio explora cómo el aprendizaje móvil (m-learning) puede servir como un recurso valioso para el desarrollo profesional de docentes de inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL) en la educación superior en Irak durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Utilizando un Modelo de Aceptación de Tecnología (TAM) ampliado, la investigación examina la idoneidad del modelo, las relaciones estructurales entre variables y los posibles efectos moderadores de género y rango académico. Los hallazgos revelaron que, en general, los docentes de EFL en Irak mostraron actitudes positivas hacia la adopción del m-learning, identificando desafíos en la autoeficacia y la facilidad de uso. El análisis de género indicó que las mujeres mostraron una mayor facilidad de uso, autoeficacia, disfrute, y actitudes e intenciones positivas hacia la adopción del m-learning. Los docentes de mayor rango percibieron el m-learning como más útil. El TAM ampliado mostró una buena adaptación a los datos empíricos, revelando relaciones positivas significativas entre las variables. El género no moderó estas relaciones, pero el rango académico desempeñó un papel sustancial. Los hallazgos orientan estrategias para el desarrollo profesional dirigido, abordando preocupaciones de soporte técnico y diseñando experiencias atractivas para facilitar la exitosa integración del m-learning en la educación superior, teniendo en cuenta las necesidades y desafíos únicos de los docentes de EFL en Irak

    Mobile Technology for Language Learning and Instruction: Investigating Beliefs and Attitudes of Indonesian EFL Preservice Teachers

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    This study is primarily aimed to investigate beliefs and attitudes of Indonesian EFL preservice teachers toward the use of mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets for learning and instructional practice in Indonesia. Furthermore, this phenomenological study attempted to reveal the factors affecting these two constructs from 20 Indonesian EFL preservice teachers through semi-structured interviews. The findings revealed participants’ beliefs that mobile devices could positively contribute to the development of language performance as learning tools and the development of language instruction as instructional tools. Regarding attitudes of EFL preservice teachers toward the use of mobile devices for learning and teaching, this study revealed mixed responses. As learning tools, all participants expressed their positive attitudes toward this technology and intention to use this technology more intensively. As for teaching tools, the majority of the participants expressed their negative attitudes which were reflected in their disappointment through their experience during their student teaching program and their lack of interest to adopt this technology for their future classes. However, they acknowledged that this technology was helpful to facilitate online learning and agreed that this technology would become more popular in the future. Analysis of the data also revealed factors affecting beliefs and attitudes of preservice teachers toward the use of mobile devices as learning and instructional tools comprising perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness and other influencing elements of self-efficacy: enactive mastery, vicarious experience, and physiological arousal. Finally, this study presents implications and recommendations which can be a reference to optimize the integrated mobile technology for class instruction and identifies which aspects in the implementation of mobile technology that require further investigation

    Aprendizaje móvil para el desarrollo profesional docente: una evaluación empírica de un modelo ampliado de aceptación de la tecnología

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    This study explores how mobile learning (m-learning) can serve as a valuable resource for the professional development of Iraqi English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Utilizing an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the research investigates the model's fit, structural relationships between variables, and potential moderating effects of gender and academic rank. Findings revealed that Iraqi EFL teachers generally demonstrated positive attitudes toward m-learning adoption, with identified challenges in self-efficacy and ease of use. Gender analysis indicated that females exhibited higher ease of use, self-efficacy, enjoyment, and positive attitudes and intentions toward m-learning adoption. Higher-ranked teachers perceived m-learning as more useful. The extended TAM displayed a good fit to empirical data, revealing significant positive relationships between variables. Gender did not moderate these relationships, but academic rank played a substantial role. The findings guide strategies for targeted professional development, addressing technical support concerns, and designing engaging experiences to facilitate successful m-learning integration in higher education, considering the unique needs and challenges of Iraqi EFL teachers.Este estudio explora cómo el aprendizaje móvil (m-learning) puede servir como un recurso valioso para el desarrollo profesional de docentes de inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL) en la educación superior en Irak durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Utilizando un Modelo de Aceptación de Tecnología (TAM) ampliado, la investigación examina la idoneidad del modelo, las relaciones estructurales entre variables y los posibles efectos moderadores de género y rango académico. Los hallazgos revelaron que, en general, los docentes de EFL en Irak mostraron actitudes positivas hacia la adopción del m-learning, identificando desafíos en la autoeficacia y la facilidad de uso. El análisis de género indicó que las mujeres mostraron una mayor facilidad de uso, autoeficacia, disfrute, y actitudes e intenciones positivas hacia la adopción del m-learning. Los docentes de mayor rango percibieron el m-learning como más útil. El TAM ampliado mostró una buena adaptación a los datos empíricos, revelando relaciones positivas significativas entre las variables. El género no moderó estas relaciones, pero el rango académico desempeñó un papel sustancial. Los hallazgos orientan estrategias para el desarrollo profesional dirigido, abordando preocupaciones de soporte técnico y diseñando experiencias atractivas para facilitar la exitosa integración del m-learning en la educación superior, teniendo en cuenta las necesidades y desafíos únicos de los docentes de EFL en Irak

    Perceptions of classroom technology use among adult English learners

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    The purpose of this study was to assess adult English Learners’ perceptions of using Microsoft Teams in classes. Specifically, the study aims to explore the strength and direction of the correlation between the elements of the technology acceptance model (TAM) and using Microsoft Teams in English language courses. This study addressed the following research question: What are the strengths and directions of the correlations between the elements of the technology acceptance model and the use of Microsoft Teams among adult ELs? The researcher utilized a quantitative methods approach to investigate the relationship between TAM variables and the use of Microsoft Teams in an adult English course. An anonymous online survey questionnaire based on Alfadda and Mahdi’s (2021) research was used in the study through a secure online platform Survey Monkey and also the researcher sent out the link to colleagues to collect data from their adult EL. SPSS will be used to analyze the data using descriptive statistical techniques. The research participants were 195 adult English learners who utilized Microsoft Teams for their English learning during the COVID-19 pandemic from 2019 to 2022. The researcher developed descriptive statistics for the Likert-scale survey items and used SPSS to run Person’s correlation coefficient to obtain more information on the relationships between the variables. The study’s descriptive statistics findings reveal a strong positive correlation between the effective use of Microsoft Teams and the attitudes and intentions of students regarding its usage. As the results showed, the positive correlation can be used by educators as well as institutions to get more individuals to use Microsoft Teams as a useful tool for teaching English to adults

    Undergraduate students’ perceptions toward Google Classroom integration into EFL classroom: a sequential explanatory study at an Indonesian university

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    Many academic works of literature have acknowledged Google Classroom (henceforth, GC) in assisting pedagogical practices, particularly for virtual classroom instructions. Yet, there has been limited research about GC investigating participants' views about GC-mediated instructions in an EFL setting. This study investigated Indonesian undergraduate students' perceptions of GC integration in the EFL context. This sequential explanatory mixed-methods aimed to investigate the undergraduate students' views about GC utilization in the EFL domain. Six participants from a private university in Jember, Indonesia, were voluntarily involved in this study. Data were collected through a web-based questionnaire and a series of semi-structured interviews to get in-depth information with respect to their opinions related to GC integration in such a context. The findings report that GC has been recognized for its ease of use, being easily accessible, promoting teacher-student interactions, and creating a more interactive online learning atmosphere. The study concluded with the proposition that the majority of participants were affirmative in accepting GC in their virtual classroom. The analysis also revealed implications for both EFL teachers and students. Limitations and recommendations were then provided

    Identidad y compromiso profesional de profesorado chino de inglés y su asociación con su éxito profesional

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    The success of any educational context, including language classes, highly depends on teachers’ professional success. Thus, understanding the antecedents of this construct is of great importance. The importance of teacher professional success has inspired many practitioners and scholars worldwide to look into the potential predictors of this variable. Nonetheless, the function of teachers’ professional traits in predicting their professional success has scarcely been examined. In addition, the predictive role of professional identity and professional commitment has remained under-researched. Against this backdrop, the present inquiry inspected the connections between teacher professional identity, teacher commitment, and teacher professional success. This research also explored the effects of professional identity and commitment on Chinese English teachers’ success. To this aim, 300 Chinese English teachers were recruited from Henan, Hubei, Shanghai, Beijing, Jilin, and Shandong Province. Following the distribution of consent forms, three reliable inventories were sent to respondents. The evaluation of the collected data revealed close and positive links between professional identity, professional commitment, and professional success. Data analysis also represented that professional identity and professional commitment can directly influence Chinese English teachers’ success in professional environments. The outcomes of current research may have important implications for language instructors and teacher educators.El éxito de cualquier contexto educativo, incluidas las clases de idiomas, depende en gran medida del éxito profesional del profesorado. Por lo tanto, entender los antecedentes de este constructo es vital. La importancia del éxito profesional de los docentes ha inspirado a muchos profesionales y académicos de todo el mundo a investigar los potenciales predictores de dicha variable. Sin embargo, la función de las características profesionales de los docentes en la predicción de su éxito profesional apenas ha sido examinada. Además, el papel predictivo de la identidad profesional y el compromiso profesional sigue recibiendo escasa atención. En este contexto, el presente trabajo examina las conexiones entre la identidad profesional docente, el compromiso docente y el éxito profesional docente. Esta investigación también analiza los efectos de la identidad profesional y el compromiso en el éxito del profesorado chino de inglés. Con este objetivo, 300 profesores chinos fueron reclutados de las provincias de Henan, Hubei, Shanghái, Beijing, Jilin y Shandong. Tras la distribución de los formularios de consentimiento, se enviaron tres cuestionarios validados a los participantes. El análisis de resultados revela una relación positiva entre la identidad profesional, el compromiso profesional y el éxito profesional. Nuestros datos también demuestran que la identidad profesional y el compromiso profesional pueden influir directamente en el éxito del profesorado de inglés chino en entornos profesionales. Los resultados de este estudio pueden tener importantes implicaciones para los profesores de idiomas y los formadores de profesores

    Examining Factors Influencing Behavioral Intentions to Use Asynchronous Web-Based Language Learning

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    Over the past few years, the prevalence of web-based applications in school and at home makes learning and teaching through the Internet become an inevitable way in education. With great potentials for enriching all kinds of educational applications, web-based instruction is becoming an impressive apparatus for learning resource delivering. In this study, an asynchronous web-based language learning (AWBLL) system is employed in a vocational-technical college in Taiwan to support undergraduate English as a foreign language (EFL) learning. Drawing on the concepts from theory of reasoned action, technology acceptance model and social cognitive theory, this study proposed a comprehensive model and developed an instrument for measuring students’ intentions to use AWBLL Systems. The research findings indicate that students in EFL show great readiness to and positive intentions towards the system for EFL courses and exposed a possible benefit from its use in the long run. However, they also convey some negative opinions of the AWBLL system, suggesting additional improvement of the relative underlying factors of AWBLL technology. The results can proffer useful suggestions for web-based language learning, as well as serve as instrumental guidelines for web-based system to be effectively implemented with care to avoid attenuating students’ interests and activations

    Scales of Online Learning Readiness: Empirical Validation of Factors Affecting EFL Learners in Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Although extensive research has been carried out on university students’ online learning readiness, very little attention has been paid to online learning readiness of foreign language learners. Examining the learners' readiness get involved in online learning becomes more fundamental to conduct in this current Covid-19 pandemic since online learning is the only alternative to run educational programs at every level. This study set out to investigate the construct validity of a scale to measure EFL learners' readiness in online learning during covid-19 pandemic. The scale was construdted based on the theories underlying students readiness in online learning. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to empirically validate the scale. A total of 682 undergraduate students from seven universities in Indonesia participated in the study by completing in the google form-based scale. The results of the study showed that the scale comprised of 24 items that converged into a five-latent factor with an acceptable fit. These results are expected to be a consideration basis in planning, implementing, and evaluating EFL online learning programs in the Indonesia context

    Exploring the Influence of Beliefs of Instructors on Adoption of Technology in Teaching

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    The implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) due to Covid-19 pandemic resulted in classes being taught online.  This research study examines computer-mediated instruction as it is influenced by beliefs of English-language instructors, and how those instructors make sense of their beliefs regarding computer-mediated online instruction tools.  An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) research design was used.  English-language instructors employed full-time in universities in Tokyo participated in this study.  It appeared that each instructor’s beliefs interacted in a complex manner to technology which impacted instructors’ teaching practices related to the use of computer-mediated instruction.  It revealed a multifaceted relationship between what instructors’ think and what they do in class in relation to computer-mediated tasks.  Findings of this study suggest that English language instructors are navigating competently, yet cautiously in the digital age.  This study suggests technology integration into the English language curriculum will require a greater collaborative effort by relevant stakeholders in recognizing instructors’ beliefs as vital to technology acceptanc