60 research outputs found

    Solution of Population Growth Rate Linear Differential Model via Two Parametric SEE Transformation

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    The integral transformations is a complicated function from a function space into a simple function in transformed space. Where the function being characterized easily and manipulated through integration in transformed function space. The two parametric form of SEE transformation and its basic characteristics have been demonstrated in this study. The transformed function of a few fundamental functions along with its time derivative rule is shown. It has been demonstrated how two parametric SEE transformations can be used to solve linear differential equations. This research provides a solution to population growth rate equation. One can contrast these outcomes with different Laplace type transformation

    Electronic correlations in inhomogeneous model systems: numerical simulation of spectra and transmission

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    Many fascinating features in condensed matter systems emerge due to the interaction between electrons. Magnetism is such a paramount consequence, which is explained in terms of the exchange interaction of electrons. Another prime example is the metal-to-Mott-insulator transition, where the energy cost of Coulomb repulsion competes against the kinetic energy, the latter favoring delocalization. While systems of correlated electrons are exciting and show remarkable and technologically promising physical properties, they are difficult to treat theoretically. A single-particle description is insufficient; the quantum many-body problem of interacting electrons has to be solved. In the present thesis, we study physical properties of half-metallic ferromagnets which are used in spintronic devices. Half-metals exhibit a metallic spin channel, while the other spin channel is insulating; they are characterized by a high spin polarization. This thesis contributes to the development of numerical methods and applies them to models of half-metallic ferromagnets. Throughout this work, the single-band Hubbard Hamiltonian is considered, and electronic correlations are treated within dynamical mean-field theory. Instead of directly solving the lattice model, the dynamical mean-field theory amounts to solving a local, effective impurity problem that is determined self-consistently. At finite temperatures, this impurity problem is solved employing continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo algorithms formulated in the action formalism. As these algorithms are formulated in imaginary time, an analytic continuation is required to obtain spectral functions. We formulate a version of the N-point Padé algorithm that calculates the location of the poles in a least-squares sense. To directly obtain spectra for real frequencies, we employ Hamiltonian-based tensor network methods at zero temperature. We also summarize the ideas of the density matrix renormalization group algorithm, and of the time evolution using the time-dependent variational principle, employing a diagrammatic notation. Real materials never display perfect translational symmetry. Thus, realistic models require the inclusion of disorder effects. In this work, we discuss these within a single-site approximation, the coherent potential approximation, and combine it with the dynamical mean-field theory, allowing to treat interacting electrons in multicomponent alloys on a local level. We extend this combined scheme to off-diagonal disorder, that is, disorder in the hopping amplitudes, by employing the Blackman–Esterling–Berk formalism. For this purpose, we illustrate the ideas of this formalism using tensor diagrams and provide an efficient implementation. The structure of the effective medium is discussed, and a concentration scaling is proposed that resolves some of its peculiarities. The limit of vanishing hopping between different components is discussed and solved analytically for the Bethe lattice with a general coordination number. We exemplify the combined algorithm for a Bethe lattice, showing results that exhibit alloy-band-insulator to correlated-metal to Mott-insulator transitions. We study models of half-metallic ferromagnets to elucidate the effects of local electronic correlations on the spectral function. To model half-metallicity, a static spin splitting is used to produce the half-metallic density of states. Applying the Padé analytic continuation to the self-energy instead of the Green’s function produces reliable spectral functions agreeing with the zero-temperature results obtained for real frequencies. To address transport properties, we investigate the interface of a half-metallic layer and a metallic, band insulating, or Mott insulating layer. We observe charge reconstruction which induces metallicity at the interface; quasiparticle states are present in the Mott insulating layer even for a large Hubbard interaction. The transmission through a barrier made of such a single interacting half-metallic layer sandwiched by metallic leads is studied employing the Meir–Wingreen formalism. This allows for a transparent calculation of the transmission in the presence of the Hubbard interaction. For a strong coupling of the central layer to the leads, we identify high intensity bound states which do not contribute to the transmission. For small coupling, on the other hand, we find resonant states which enhance the transmission. In particular, we demonstrate that even for a single half-metallic layer, highly polarized transmissions are achievable

    Analytical Solution of a Nonlinear Index-Three DAEs System Modelling a Slider-Crank Mechanism

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    The slider-crank mechanism (SCM) is one of the most important mechanisms in modern technology. It appears in most combustion engines including those of automobiles, trucks, and other small engines. The SCM model considered here is an index-three nonlinear system of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs), and therefore difficult to integrate numerically. In this work, we present the application of the differential transform method (DTM) to obtain an approximate analytical solution of the SCM model in convergent series form. In addition, we propose a posttreatment of the power series solution with the Padé resummation method to extend the domain of convergence of the approximate series solution. The main advantage of the proposed technique is that it does not require an index reduction and does not generate secular terms or depend on a perturbation parameter

    A new space-time finite element method for the dynamic analysis of TRUSS-type structures

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    Truss-type structures are widely used in contemporary constructions. The dynamic analysis is very important to ensure the safety and the functionalities of these structures. The aim of this research was to propose a new method tailored for the dynamic analysis of linear truss-type structures. The proposed method is a single-step method underpinned by Unconventional Hamilton-type Variational Principles, and employing the finite element discretisation in both spatial and temporal domains.To develop the proposed method, five Unconventional Hamilton-type Variational Principles tailor-made for truss-type structures were derived, preserving naturally all necessary conditions for the dynamic analysis without the introduction of any artificial factors. The resultant one-field and the two-filed formulations were used to build algorithms for the proposed method. The semi-discretisation treatment of the spatial and temporal domains was applied to these formulations. While the spatial discretisation was undertaken in the standard fashion, temporal discretisation was attempted with four different types of time finite elements. The convergence of the algorithms was examined in terms of the stability and the consistency properties. Numerical examples with different types of truss-type structures were given to verify the proposed method, and also to compare the performance of these algorithms against the existing analysis methods.The proposed algorithms were shown to be second- or higher-order accurate when various time finite elements were employed. Compared to the widely used Average Acceleration Method (AAM), the proposed method produces highly accurate results. Larger time steps can be used without compromising the accuracy hence the computational costs may be reduced. Therefore, the proposed method can provide a fast and high-precision analysis solution for applications where these attributes are desired

    Métodos numérico-simbólicos para calcular soluciones liouvillianas de ecuaciones diferenciales lineales

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    El objetivo de esta tesis es dar un algoritmo para decidir si un sistema explicitable de ecuaciones diferenciales kJiferenciales de orden superior sobre las funciones racionales complejas, dado simbólicamente,admite !Soluciones liouvillianas no nulas, calculando una (de laforma dada por un teorema de Singer) en caso !afirmativo. mediante métodos numérico-simbólicos del tipo Introducido por van der Hoeven.donde el uso de álculo numérico no compromete la corrección simbólica. Para ello se Introduce untipo de grupos algebraicos lineales, los grupos euriméricos, y se calcula el cierre eurimérico del grupo de Galois diferencial,mediante una modificación del algoritmo de Derksen y van der Hoeven, dado por los generadores de Ramis.Departamento de Algebra, Análisis Matemático, Geometría y Topologí


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