2,833 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Continuous Maximal Flows

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    Maximum flow (and minimum cut) algorithms have had a strong impact on computer vision. In particular, graph cuts algorithms provide a mechanism for the discrete optimization of an energy functional which has been used in a variety of applications such as image segmentation, stereo, image stitching and texture synthesis. Algorithms based on the classical formulation of max-flow defined on a graph are known to exhibit metrication artefacts in the solution. Therefore, a recent trend has been to instead employ a spatially continuous maximum flow (or the dual min-cut problem) in these same applications to produce solutions with no metrication errors. However, known fast continuous max-flow algorithms have no stopping criteria or have not been proved to converge. In this work, we revisit the continuous max-flow problem and show that the analogous discrete formulation is different from the classical max-flow problem. We then apply an appropriate combinatorial optimization technique to this combinatorial continuous max-flow CCMF problem to find a null-divergence solution that exhibits no metrication artefacts and may be solved exactly by a fast, efficient algorithm with provable convergence. Finally, by exhibiting the dual problem of our CCMF formulation, we clarify the fact, already proved by Nozawa in the continuous setting, that the max-flow and the total variation problems are not always equivalent.Comment: 26 page

    A note on hierarchical hubbing for a generalization of the VPN problem

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    Robust network design refers to a class of optimization problems that occur when designing networks to efficiently handle variable demands. The notion of "hierarchical hubbing" was introduced (in the narrow context of a specific robust network design question), by Olver and Shepherd [2010]. Hierarchical hubbing allows for routings with a multiplicity of "hubs" which are connected to the terminals and to each other in a treelike fashion. Recently, Fr\'echette et al. [2013] explored this notion much more generally, focusing on its applicability to an extension of the well-studied hose model that allows for upper bounds on individual point-to-point demands. In this paper, we consider hierarchical hubbing in the context of a previously studied (and extremely natural) generalization of the hose model, and prove that the optimal hierarchical hubbing solution can be found efficiently. This result is relevant to a recently proposed generalization of the "VPN Conjecture".Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Robust distributed linear programming

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    This paper presents a robust, distributed algorithm to solve general linear programs. The algorithm design builds on the characterization of the solutions of the linear program as saddle points of a modified Lagrangian function. We show that the resulting continuous-time saddle-point algorithm is provably correct but, in general, not distributed because of a global parameter associated with the nonsmooth exact penalty function employed to encode the inequality constraints of the linear program. This motivates the design of a discontinuous saddle-point dynamics that, while enjoying the same convergence guarantees, is fully distributed and scalable with the dimension of the solution vector. We also characterize the robustness against disturbances and link failures of the proposed dynamics. Specifically, we show that it is integral-input-to-state stable but not input-to-state stable. The latter fact is a consequence of a more general result, that we also establish, which states that no algorithmic solution for linear programming is input-to-state stable when uncertainty in the problem data affects the dynamics as a disturbance. Our results allow us to establish the resilience of the proposed distributed dynamics to disturbances of finite variation and recurrently disconnected communication among the agents. Simulations in an optimal control application illustrate the results

    Convex Relaxation of Optimal Power Flow, Part I: Formulations and Equivalence

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    This tutorial summarizes recent advances in the convex relaxation of the optimal power flow (OPF) problem, focusing on structural properties rather than algorithms. Part I presents two power flow models, formulates OPF and their relaxations in each model, and proves equivalence relations among them. Part II presents sufficient conditions under which the convex relaxations are exact.Comment: Citation: IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 15(1):15-27, March 2014. This is an extended version with Appendices VIII and IX that provide some mathematical preliminaries and proofs of the main result

    Euclidean distance geometry and applications

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    Euclidean distance geometry is the study of Euclidean geometry based on the concept of distance. This is useful in several applications where the input data consists of an incomplete set of distances, and the output is a set of points in Euclidean space that realizes the given distances. We survey some of the theory of Euclidean distance geometry and some of the most important applications: molecular conformation, localization of sensor networks and statics.Comment: 64 pages, 21 figure

    Linear convergence of accelerated conditional gradient algorithms in spaces of measures

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    A class of generalized conditional gradient algorithms for the solution of optimization problem in spaces of Radon measures is presented. The method iteratively inserts additional Dirac-delta functions and optimizes the corresponding coefficients. Under general assumptions, a sub-linear O(1/k)\mathcal{O}(1/k) rate in the objective functional is obtained, which is sharp in most cases. To improve efficiency, one can fully resolve the finite-dimensional subproblems occurring in each iteration of the method. We provide an analysis for the resulting procedure: under a structural assumption on the optimal solution, a linear O(ζk)\mathcal{O}(\zeta^k) convergence rate is obtained locally.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure
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