32 research outputs found


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    International audienceThis booklet contains the proceedings of the second European Conference in Queueing Theory (ECQT) that was held from the 18th to the 20th of July 2016 at the engineering school ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. ECQT is a biannual event where scientists and technicians in queueing theory and related areas get together to promote research, encourage interaction and exchange ideas. The spirit of the conference is to be a queueing event organized from within Europe, but open to participants from all over the world. The technical program of the 2016 edition consisted of 112 presentations organized in 29 sessions covering all trends in queueing theory, including the development of the theory, methodology advances, computational aspects and applications. Another exciting feature of ECQT2016 was the institution of the TakĂĄcs Award for outstanding PhD thesis on "Queueing Theory and its Applications"

    Queueing models involving cross-selling

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    Managing customer relationships through price and service quality

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    This paper examines the ways in which a service provider's policies on pricing and service level affect the size of its customer base and profitability. The analysis begins with the development of a customer behavior model that uses customer satisfaction and depth of relationship as mediators of the impact of price and service level on profitability. Based on this model of customer behavior, the system is analyzed as a queuing network from which the properties of the aggregate population's behavior are derived. The analysis reveals the counterintuitive result that a policy that involves a decrease in prices or an increase in service level may lead to a smaller customer base. However, this policy may also lead to higher profits. The novelty of this result lies in the explanation of the phenomenon: that when the customer base decreases due to a change in prices or service quality, companies may experience gains in profit that result not from a decrease in costs associated with serving fewer customers but from an increase in revenues resulting from the indirect effects of the lower prices or higher level of service on customer behavior. The application of optimization techniques to the model developed in this paper yields optimality conditions through which managers can assess the long-term profitability of their pricing and service-level policies.Customer relationship management; operations/marketing interface; two-part tariffs; service operations management; service quality;

    Call Center Capacity Planning

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    Collaborating queues: large service network and a limit order book

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    E-thesis pagination differs from hardbound copy kept in the Manuscripts Department, Cambridge University Library.We analyse the steady-state behaviour of two different models with collaborating queues: that is, models in which "customers" can be served by many types of "servers", and "servers" can process many types of "customers". The first example is a large-scale service system, such as a call centre. Collaboration is the result of cross-trained staff attending to several different types of incoming calls. We first examine a load-balancing policy, which aims to keep servers in different pools equally busy. Although the policy behaves order-optimally over fixed time horizons, we show that the steady-state distribution may fail to be tight on the diffusion scale. That is, in a family of ever-larger networks whose arrival rates grow as O(r) (where r is a scaling parameter growing to infinity), the sequence of steady-state deviations from equilibrium scaled down by sqrt(r) is not tight. We then propose a different policy, for which we show that the sequence of invariant distributions is tight on the r^(1/2+epsilon) scale, for any epsilon > 0. For this policy we conjecture that tightness holds on the diffusion scale as well. The second example models a limit order book, a pricing mechanism for a single-commodity market in which buyers (respectively sellers) are prepared to wait for the price to drop (respectively rise). We analyse the behaviour of a simplified model, in which the arrival events are independent of each other and the state of the limit order book. The system can be represented by a queueing model, with "customers" and "servers" corresponding to bids and asks; the roles of customers and servers are symmetric. We show that, with probability 1, the price interval breaks up into three regions. At small (respectively large) prices, only finitely many bid (respectively ask) orders ever get fulfilled, while in the middle region all orders eventually clear. We derive equations which define the boundaries between these regions, and solve them explicitly in the case of iid uniform arrivals to obtain numeric values of the thresholds. We derive a heuristic for the distribution of the highest bid (respectively lowest ask), and present simulation data confirming it.This work was supported by the US National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

    Operational Research: Methods and Applications

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    Throughout its history, Operational Research has evolved to include a variety of methods, models and algorithms that have been applied to a diverse and wide range of contexts. This encyclopedic article consists of two main sections: methods and applications. The first aims to summarise the up-to-date knowledge and provide an overview of the state-of-the-art methods and key developments in the various subdomains of the field. The second offers a wide-ranging list of areas where Operational Research has been applied. The article is meant to be read in a nonlinear fashion. It should be used as a point of reference or first-port-of-call for a diverse pool of readers: academics, researchers, students, and practitioners. The entries within the methods and applications sections are presented in alphabetical order

    Essays on Service Information, Retrials and Global Supply Chain Sourcing

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    In many service settings, customers have to join the queue without being fully aware of the parameters of the service provider (for e.g., customers at check-out counters may not know the true service rate prior to joining). In such blind queues\u27\u27, customers typically make their decisions based on the limited information about the service provider\u27s operational parameters from past experiences, reviews, etc. In the first essay, we analyze a firm serving customers who make decisions under arbitrary beliefs about the service parameters. We show, while revealing the service information to customers improves revenues under certain customer beliefs, it may however destroy consumer welfare or social welfare. When consumers can self-organize the timing of service visits, they may avoid long queues and choose to retry later. In the second essay, we study an observable queue in which consumers make rational join, balk and (costly) retry decisions. Retrial attempts could be costly due to factors such as transportation costs, retrial hassle and visit fees. We characterize the equilibrium under such retrial behavior, and study its welfare effects. With the additional option to retry, consumer welfare could worsen compared to the welfare in a system without retrials. Surprisingly, self-interested consumers retry too little (in equilibrium compared to the socially optimal policy) when the retrial cost is low, and retry too much when the retrial cost is high. We also explore the impact of myopic consumers who may not have the flexibility to retry. In the third essay, we propose a comprehensive model framework for global sourcing location decision process. For decades, off-shoring of manufacturing to China and other low-cost countries was a no-brainer decision for many U.S. companies. In recent years, however, this trend is being challenged by some companies to re-shore manufacturing back to the U.S., or to near-shore manufacturing to Mexico. Our model framework incorporates perspectives over the entire life cycle of a product, i.e., product design, manufacturing and delivering, and after-sale service support, and we use it to test the validity of various competing theories on global sourcing. We also provide numerical examples to support our findings from the model

    Distributionally robust views on queues and related stochastic models

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    This dissertation explores distribution-free methods for stochastic models. Traditional approaches operate on the premise of complete knowledge about the probability distributions of the underlying random variables that govern these models. In contrast, this work adopts a distribution-free perspective, assuming only partial knowledge of these distributions, often limited to generalized moment information. Distributionally robust analysis seeks to determine the worst-case model performance. It involves optimization over a set of probability distributions that comply with this partial information, a task tantamount to solving a semiinfinite linear program. To address such an optimization problem, a solution approach based on the concept of weak duality is used. Through the proposed weak-duality argument, distribution-free bounds are derived for a wide range of stochastic models. Further, these bounds are applied to various distributionally robust stochastic programs and used to analyze extremal queueing models—central themes in applied probability and mathematical optimization