23 research outputs found

    Training pairwise Support Vector Machines with large scale datasets

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    We recently presented an efficient approach for training a Pairwise Support Vector Machine (PSVM) with a suitable kernel for a quite large speaker recognition task. The PSVM approach, rather than estimating an SVM model per class according to the “one versus all” discriminative paradigm, classifies pairs of examples as belonging or not to the same class. Training a PSVM with large amount of data, however, is a memory and computational expensive task, because the number of training pairs grows quadratically with the number of training patterns. This paper proposes an approach that allows discarding the training pairs that do not essentially contribute to the set of Support Vectors (SVs) of the training set. This selection of training pairs is feasible because we show that the number of SVs does not grow quadratically, with the number of pairs, but only linearly with the number of speakers in the training set. Our approach dramatically reduces the memory and computational complexity of PSVM training, making possible the use of large datasets, including many speakers. It has been assessed on the extended core conditions of the 2012 Speaker Recognition Evaluation. The results show that the accuracy of the trained PSVMs increases with the training set size, and that the Cprimary of a PSVM trained with a small subset of the i–vectors pairs is 10-30% better than the one obtained by a generative model trained on the complete set of i–vectors

    Towards real-time and memory efficient predictions of valve states in diesel engines

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    Choosing the Best Algorithm for an Incremental On-line Learning Task

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    Losing V, Hammer B, Wersing H. Choosing the Best Algorithm for an Incremental On-line Learning Task. Presented at the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, BrĂĽgge.Recently, incremental and on-line learning gained more attention especially in the context of big data and learning from data streams, conflicting with the traditional assumption of complete data availability. Even though a variety of different methods are available, it often remains unclear which of them is suitable for a specific task and how they perform in comparison to each other. We analyze the key properties of seven incremental methods representing different algorithm classes. Our extensive evaluation on data sets with different characteristics gives an overview of the performance with respect to accuracy as well as model complexity, facilitating the choice of the best method for a given application

    Large scale training of Pairwise Support Vector Machines for speaker recognition

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    State–of–the–art systems for text–independent speaker recognition use as their features a compact representation of a speaker utterance, known as “i–vector”. We recently presented an efficient approach for training a Pairwise Support Vector Machine (PSVM) with a suitable kernel for i–vector pairs for a quite large speaker recognition task. Rather than estimating an SVM model per speaker, according to the “one versus all” discriminative paradigm, the PSVM approach classifies a trial, consisting of a pair of i–vectors, as belonging or not to the same speaker class. Training a PSVM with large amount of data, however, is a memory and computational expensive task, because the number of training pairs grows quadratically with the number of training i–vectors. This paper demonstrates that a very small subset of the training pairs is necessary to train the original PSVM model, and proposes two approaches that allow discarding most of the training pairs that are not essential, without harming the accuracy of the model. This allows dramatically reducing the memory and computational resources needed for training, which becomes feasible with large datasets including many speakers. We have assessed these approaches on the extended core conditions of the NIST 2012 Speaker Recognition Evaluation. Our results show that the accuracy of the PSVM trained with a sufficient number of speakers is 10-30% better compared to the one obtained by a PLDA model, depending on the testing conditions. Since the PSVM accuracy increases with the training set size, but PSVM training does not scale well for large numbers of speakers, our selection techniques become relevant for training accurate discriminative classifiers

    On the proliferation of support vectors in high dimensions

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    The support vector machine (SVM) is a well-established classification method whose name refers to the particular training examples, called support vectors, that determine the maximum margin separating hyperplane. The SVM classifier is known to enjoy good generalization properties when the number of support vectors is small compared to the number of training examples. However, recent research has shown that in sufficiently high-dimensional linear classification problems, the SVM can generalize well despite a proliferation of support vectors where all training examples are support vectors. In this paper, we identify new deterministic equivalences for this phenomenon of support vector proliferation, and use them to (1) substantially broaden the conditions under which the phenomenon occurs in high-dimensional settings, and (2) prove a nearly matching converse result

    Adaptive Kernel Matching Pursuit for Pattern Classification

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    A sparse classifier is guaranteed to generalize better than a denser one, given they perform identical on the training set. However, methods like Support Vector Machine, even if they produce relatively sparse models, are known to scale linearly as the number of training examples increases. A recent proposed method, the Kernel Matching Pursuit, presents a number of advantages over th

    Sliding Mode Control based Support Vector Machine RBF Kernel Parameter Optimization

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    Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a learning-based algorithm, which is widely used for classification in many applications. Despite its advantages, its application to large scale datasets is limited due to its use of large number of support vectors and dependency of its performance on its kernel parameter. This paper presents a Sliding Mode Control based Support Vector Machine Radial Basis Function’s kernel parameter optimization (SMC-SVM-RBF) method, inspired by sliding mode closed loop control theory, which has demonstrated significantly higher performance to that of the standard closed loop control technique. The proposed method first defines an error equation and a sliding surface and then iteratively updates the RBF’s kernel parameter based on the sliding mode control theory, forcing SVM training error to converge below a predefined threshold value. The closed loop nature of the proposed algorithm increases the robustness of the technique to uncertainty and improves its convergence speed. Experimental results were generated using nine standard benchmark datasets covering wide range of applications. Results show the proposed SMC-SVM-RBF method is significantly faster than those of classical SVM based techniques. Moreover, it generates more accurate results than most of the state of the art SVM based methods

    Improving sparsity in online kernel models

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    In this thesis, background theory about the online kernel-based algorithms and their use for online learning is presented. The analysis of the state-ofthe- art methods highlights an important drawback in many kernel online learning algorithms. This is the large memory storage needed due to the amount of support vectors generated. We study the SCA approach for reducing support vectors in the batch learning case and propose its adaptation to the online scenario. POLSCA is the algorithm proposed for solving the addressed problems that online learning presents. The proposed algorithm is constructed by merging the concepts of Primal formulation of the optimization problem, online learning with stochastic subgradient descent solver(PEGASOS) and the support vector reduction method SCA

    SVM-based Transfer of Visual Knowledge Across Robotic Platforms

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    This paper presents an SVM-based algorithm for the transfer of knowledge across robot platforms aiming to perform the same task. Our method exploits efficiently the transferred knowledge while updating incrementally the internal representation as new information is available. The algorithm is adaptive and tends to privilege new data when building the SV solution. This prevents the old knowledge to nest into the model and eventually become a possible source of misleading information. We tested our approach in the domain of vision-based place recognition. Extensive experiments show that using transferred knowledge clearly pays off in terms of performance and stability of the solution