444 research outputs found

    Efficiently Learning Monotone Decision Trees with ID3

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    Since the Probably Approximately Correct learning model was introduced in 1984, there has been much effort in designing computationally efficient algorithms for learning Boolean functions from random examples drawn from a uniform distribution. In this paper, I take the ID3 information-gain-first classification algorithm and apply it to the task of learning monotone Boolean functions from examples that are uniformly distributed over {0,1}^n. I limited my scope to the class of monotone Boolean functions that can be represented as read-2 width-2 disjunctive normal form expressions. I modeled these functions as graphs and examined each type of connected component contained in these models, i.e. path graphs and cycle graphs. I determined the influence of the variables in the pieces of these graph models in order to understand how ID3 behaves when learning these functions. My findings show that ID3 will produce an optimal decision tree for this class of Boolean functions

    Truth Table Minimization of Computational Models

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    Complexity theory offers a variety of concise computational models for computing boolean functions - branching programs, circuits, decision trees and ordered binary decision diagrams to name a few. A natural question that arises in this context with respect to any such model is this: Given a function f:{0,1}^n \to {0,1}, can we compute the optimal complexity of computing f in the computational model in question? (according to some desirable measure). A critical issue regarding this question is how exactly is f given, since a more elaborate description of f allows the algorithm to use more computational resources. Among the possible representations are black-box access to f (such as in computational learning theory), a representation of f in the desired computational model or a representation of f in some other model. One might conjecture that if f is given as its complete truth table (i.e., a list of f's values on each of its 2^n possible inputs), the most elaborate description conceivable, then any computational model can be efficiently computed, since the algorithm computing it can run poly(2^n) time. Several recent studies show that this is far from the truth - some models have efficient and simple algorithms that yield the desired result, others are believed to be hard, and for some models this problem remains open. In this thesis we will discuss the computational complexity of this question regarding several common types of computational models. We shall present several new hardness results and efficient algorithms, as well as new proofs and extensions for known theorems, for variants of decision trees, formulas and branching programs

    DNF Sparsification and a Faster Deterministic Counting Algorithm

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    Given a DNF formula on n variables, the two natural size measures are the number of terms or size s(f), and the maximum width of a term w(f). It is folklore that short DNF formulas can be made narrow. We prove a converse, showing that narrow formulas can be sparsified. More precisely, any width w DNF irrespective of its size can be ϵ\epsilon-approximated by a width ww DNF with at most (wlog(1/ϵ))O(w)(w\log(1/\epsilon))^{O(w)} terms. We combine our sparsification result with the work of Luby and Velikovic to give a faster deterministic algorithm for approximately counting the number of satisfying solutions to a DNF. Given a formula on n variables with poly(n) terms, we give a deterministic nO~(loglog(n))n^{\tilde{O}(\log \log(n))} time algorithm that computes an additive ϵ\epsilon approximation to the fraction of satisfying assignments of f for \epsilon = 1/\poly(\log n). The previous best result due to Luby and Velickovic from nearly two decades ago had a run-time of nexp(O(loglogn))n^{\exp(O(\sqrt{\log \log n}))}.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, 201

    Learning Unions of ω(1)\omega(1)-Dimensional Rectangles

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    We consider the problem of learning unions of rectangles over the domain [b]n[b]^n, in the uniform distribution membership query learning setting, where both b and n are "large". We obtain poly(n,logb)(n, \log b)-time algorithms for the following classes: - poly(nlogb)(n \log b)-way Majority of O(log(nlogb)loglog(nlogb))O(\frac{\log(n \log b)} {\log \log(n \log b)})-dimensional rectangles. - Union of poly(log(nlogb))(\log(n \log b)) many O(log2(nlogb)(loglog(nlogb)logloglog(nlogb))2)O(\frac{\log^2 (n \log b)} {(\log \log(n \log b) \log \log \log (n \log b))^2})-dimensional rectangles. - poly(nlogb)(n \log b)-way Majority of poly(nlogb)(n \log b)-Or of disjoint O(log(nlogb)loglog(nlogb))O(\frac{\log(n \log b)} {\log \log(n \log b)})-dimensional rectangles. Our main algorithmic tool is an extension of Jackson's boosting- and Fourier-based Harmonic Sieve algorithm [Jackson 1997] to the domain [b]n[b]^n, building on work of [Akavia, Goldwasser, Safra 2003]. Other ingredients used to obtain the results stated above are techniques from exact learning [Beimel, Kushilevitz 1998] and ideas from recent work on learning augmented AC0AC^{0} circuits [Jackson, Klivans, Servedio 2002] and on representing Boolean functions as thresholds of parities [Klivans, Servedio 2001].Comment: 25 pages. Some corrections. Recipient of E. M. Gold award ALT 2006. To appear in Journal of Theoretical Computer Scienc

    Top-Down Induction of Decision Trees: Rigorous Guarantees and Inherent Limitations

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    Consider the following heuristic for building a decision tree for a function f:{0,1}n{±1}f : \{0,1\}^n \to \{\pm 1\}. Place the most influential variable xix_i of ff at the root, and recurse on the subfunctions fxi=0f_{x_i=0} and fxi=1f_{x_i=1} on the left and right subtrees respectively; terminate once the tree is an ε\varepsilon-approximation of ff. We analyze the quality of this heuristic, obtaining near-matching upper and lower bounds: \circ Upper bound: For every ff with decision tree size ss and every ε(0,12)\varepsilon \in (0,\frac1{2}), this heuristic builds a decision tree of size at most sO(log(s/ε)log(1/ε))s^{O(\log(s/\varepsilon)\log(1/\varepsilon))}. \circ Lower bound: For every ε(0,12)\varepsilon \in (0,\frac1{2}) and s2O~(n)s \le 2^{\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n})}, there is an ff with decision tree size ss such that this heuristic builds a decision tree of size sΩ~(logs)s^{\tilde{\Omega}(\log s)}. We also obtain upper and lower bounds for monotone functions: sO(logs/ε)s^{O(\sqrt{\log s}/\varepsilon)} and sΩ~(logs4)s^{\tilde{\Omega}(\sqrt[4]{\log s } )} respectively. The lower bound disproves conjectures of Fiat and Pechyony (2004) and Lee (2009). Our upper bounds yield new algorithms for properly learning decision trees under the uniform distribution. We show that these algorithms---which are motivated by widely employed and empirically successful top-down decision tree learning heuristics such as ID3, C4.5, and CART---achieve provable guarantees that compare favorably with those of the current fastest algorithm (Ehrenfeucht and Haussler, 1989). Our lower bounds shed new light on the limitations of these heuristics. Finally, we revisit the classic work of Ehrenfeucht and Haussler. We extend it to give the first uniform-distribution proper learning algorithm that achieves polynomial sample and memory complexity, while matching its state-of-the-art quasipolynomial runtime

    Isomorphism testing of read-once functions and polynomials

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    In this paper, we study the isomorphism testing problem of formulas in the Boolean and arithmetic settings. We show that isomorphism testing of Boolean formulas in which a variable is read at most once (known as read-once formulas) is complete for log-space. In contrast, we observe that the problem becomes polynomial time equivalent to the graph isomorphism problem, when the input formulas can be represented as OR of two or more monotone read-once formulas. This classifies the complexity of the problem in terms of the number of reads, as read-3 formula isomorphism problem is hard for coNP. We address the polynomial isomorphism problem, a special case of polynomial equivalence problem which in turn is important from a cryptographic perspective[Patarin EUROCRYPT\u2796, and Kayal SODA\u2711]. As our main result, we propose a deterministic polynomial time canonization scheme for polynomials computed by constant-free read-once arithmetic formulas. In contrast, we show that when the arithmetic formula is allowed to read a variable twice, this problem is as hard as the graph isomorphism problem

    Decision lists and related Boolean functions

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    AbstractWe consider Boolean functions represented by decision lists, and study their relationships to other classes of Boolean functions. It turns out that the elementary class of 1-decision lists has interesting relationships to independently defined classes such as disguised Horn functions, read-once functions, nested differences of concepts, threshold functions, and 2-monotonic functions. In particular, 1-decision lists coincide with fragments of the mentioned classes. We further investigate the recognition problem for this class, as well as the extension problem in the context of partially defined Boolean functions (pdBfs). We show that finding an extension of a given pdBf in the class of 1-decision lists is possible in linear time. This improves on previous results. Moreover, we present an algorithm for enumerating all such extensions with polynomial delay