977 research outputs found

    Application of Grey Wolf Optimizer Algorithm for Optimal Power Flow of Two-Terminal HVDC Transmission System

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    This paper applies a relatively new optimization method, the Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) algorithm for Optimal Power Flow (OPF) of twoterminal High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) electrical power system. The OPF problem of pure AC power systems considers the minimization of total costs under equality and inequality constraints. Hence, the OPF problem of integrated AC-DC power systems is extended to incorporate HVDC links, while taking into consideration the power transfer control characteristics using a GWO algorithm. This algorithm is inspired by the hunting behavior and social leadership of grey wolves in nature. The proposed algorithm is applied to two different case-studies: the modified 5-bus and WSCC 9-bus test systems. The validity of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by comparing the obtained results with those reported in literature using other optimization techniques. Analysis of the obtained results show that the proposed GWO algorithm is able to achieve shorter CPU time, as well as minimized total cost when compared with already existing optimization techniques. This conclusion proves the efficiency of the GWO algorithm

    Investigation of Evolutionary Computation Techniques for Enhancing Solar Photovoltaic Cell Performance

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    The pursuit of optimized solar photovoltaic (PV) cell parameters is critical for advancing renewable energy technologies amidst global energy security and climate change challenges. This research investigates the efficacy of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and gray wolf optimization (GWO) in fine-tuning PV cell behavior parameters. Leveraging evolutionary computation, the study aims to maximize energy output, minimize costs, and enhance system reliability by optimizing material properties, structural configurations, and operating conditions. Through iterative optimization, PSO and GWO navigate the parameter space with precision, yielding solutions that maximize energy yield and system efficiency

    Task Scheduling Based on Grey Wolf Optimizer Algorithm for Smart Meter Embedded Operating System

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    In recent years, with the rapid development of electric power informatization, smart meters are gradually developing towards intelligent IOT. Smart meters can not only measure user status, but also interconnect and communicate with cell phones, smart homes and other cloud devices, and these core functions are completed by the smart meter embedded operating system. Due to the dynamic heterogeneity of the user program side and the system processing side of the embedded system, resource allocation and task scheduling is a challenging problem for embedded operating systems of smart meters. Smart meters need to achieve fast response and shortest completion time for user program side requests, and also need to take into account the load balancing of each processing node to ensure the reliability of smart meter embedded systems. In this paper, based on the advanced Grey Wolf Optimizer, we study the scheduling principle of the service program nodes in the smart meter operating system, and analyze the problems of the traditional scheduling algorithm to find the optimal solution. Compared with traditional algorithms and classical swarm intelligence algorithms, the algorithm proposed in this paper avoids the dilemma of local optimization, can quickly allocate operating system tasks, effectively shorten the time consumption of task scheduling, ensure the real-time performance of multi task scheduling, and achieve the system tuning balance. Finally, the effectiveness of the algorithm is verified by simulation experiments

    A hybrid Grey Wolf optimizer with multi-population differential evolution for global optimization problems

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    The optimization field is the process of solving an optimization problem using an optimization algorithm. Therefore, studying this research field requires to study both of optimization problems and algorithms. In this paper, a hybrid optimization algorithm based on differential evolution (DE) and grey wolf optimizer (GWO) is proposed. The proposed algorithm which is called “MDE-GWONM” is better than the original versions in terms of the balancing between exploration and exploitation. The results of implementing MDE-GWONM over nine benchmark test functions showed the performance is superior as compared to other stat of arts optimization algorithm

    A Consolidated Review of Path Planning and Optimization Techniques: Technical Perspectives and Future Directions

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    In this paper, a review on the three most important communication techniques (ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles) has been presented that throws light on trajectory planning, its optimization, and various issues in a summarized way. This kind of extensive research is not often seen in the literature, so an effort has been made for readers interested in path planning to fill the gap. Moreover, optimization techniques suitable for implementing ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles are also a part of this review. This paper covers the numerical, bio-inspired techniques and their hybridization with each other for each of the dimensions mentioned. The paper provides a consolidated platform, where plenty of available research on-ground autonomous vehicle and their trajectory optimization with the extension for aerial and underwater vehicles are documented

    Gray Wolf optimization method for automatic ventilation systems of clean accessories

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    У роботі розглядається можливість оптимізації систем автоматичного регулювання технологічних параметрів неперервних процесів. Проведено огляд сучасних пошукових алгоритмів оптимізації, подібних до роботи біологічних та фізичних об’єктів і структур. Розглянуто особливості чистих приміщень як об’єкта керування, вказані основні причини нестаціонарності динамічних характеристик, що призводять до необхідності корекції параметрів налаштувань регуляторів. Досліджено метод оптимізації "Grey wolf" у застосуванні до системи автоматичного регулювання технологічних параметрів вентиляції чистих приміщень. Процес та результати оптимізації Grey Wolf Optimizer порівняно з методом оптимізації Хука-Дживса. Показані особливості та переваги від застосування методу для налаштування каскадної структури системи автоматичного керування з двома ПІД-регуляторами на задані показники якості.The manufacturing processes complication leads to cost increasing of equipment service and maintenance costs. An important role in overcoming these factors is played by modern automatic control systems, regulators optimization and adaptation of control systems to changing conditions. Today, the actual problem remains the adjustment and optimization of automatic control systems, especially complex structures

    Evolving CNN-LSTM Models for Time Series Prediction Using Enhanced Grey Wolf Optimizer

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    In this research, we propose an enhanced Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) for designing the evolving Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM) networks for time series analysis. To overcome the probability of stagnation at local optima and a slow convergence rate of the classical GWO algorithm, the newly proposed variant incorporates four distinctive search mechanisms. They comprise a nonlinear exploration scheme for dynamic search territory adjustment, a chaotic leadership dispatching strategy among the dominant wolves, a rectified spiral local exploitation action, as well as probability distribution-based leader enhancement. The evolving CNN-LSTM models are subsequently devised using the proposed GWO variant, where the network topology and learning hyperparameters are optimized for time series prediction and classification tasks. Evaluated using a number of benchmark problems, the proposed GWO-optimized CNN-LSTM models produce statistically significant results over those from several classical search methods and advanced GWO and Particle Swarm Optimization variants. Comparing with the baseline methods, the CNN-LSTM networks devised by the proposed GWO variant offer better representational capacities to not only capture the vital feature interactions, but also encapsulate the sophisticated dependencies in complex temporal contexts for undertaking time-series tasks

    Comprehensive Taxonomies of Nature- and Bio-inspired Optimization: Inspiration Versus Algorithmic Behavior, Critical Analysis Recommendations

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    In recent algorithmic family simulates different biological processes observed in Nature in order to efficiently address complex optimization problems. In the last years the number of bio-inspired optimization approaches in literature has grown considerably, reaching unprecedented levels that dark the future prospects of this field of research. This paper addresses this problem by proposing two comprehensive, principle-based taxonomies that allow researchers to organize existing and future algorithmic developments into well-defined categories, considering two different criteria: the source of inspiration and the behavior of each algorithm. Using these taxonomies we review more than three hundred publications dealing with nature- inspired and bio-inspired algorithms, and proposals falling within each of these categories are examined, leading to a critical summary of design trends and similarities between them, and the identification of the most similar classical algorithm for each reviewed paper. From our analysis we conclude that a poor relationship is often found between the natural inspiration of an algorithm and its behavior. Furthermore, similarities in terms of behavior between different algorithms are greater than what is claimed in their public disclosure: specifically, we show that more than one-third of the reviewed bio-inspired solvers are versions of classical algorithms. Grounded on the conclusions of our critical analysis, we give several recommendations and points of improvement for better methodological practices in this active and growing research field

    A hybrid swarm intelligence feature selection approach based on time-varying transition parameter

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    Feature selection aims to reduce the dimensionality of a dataset by removing superfluous attributes. This paper proposes a hybrid approach for feature selection problem by combining particle swarm optimization (PSO), grey wolf optimization (GWO), and tournament selection (TS) mechanism. Particle swarm enhances the diversification at the beginning of the search mechanism, grey wolf enhances the intensification at the end of the search mechanism, while tournament selection maintains diversification not only at the beginning but also at the end of the search process to achieve local optima avoidance. A time-varying transition parameter and a random variable are used to select either particle swarm, grey wolf, or tournament selection techniques during search process. This paper proposes different variants of this approach based on S-shaped and V-shaped transfer functions (TFs) to convert continuous solutions to binaries. These variants are named hybrid tournament grey wolf particle swarm (HTGWPS), followed by S or V letter to indicate the TF type, and followed by the TF’s number. These variants were evaluated using nine high-dimensional datasets. The results revealed that HTGWPS-V1 outperformed other V’s variants, PSO, and GWO on 78% of the datasets based on maximum classification accuracy obtained by a minimal feature subset. Also, HTGWPS-V1 outperformed six well-known-metaheuristics on 67% of the datasets