49 research outputs found

    High-Quality Hypergraph Partitioning

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    This dissertation focuses on computing high-quality solutions for the NP-hard balanced hypergraph partitioning problem: Given a hypergraph and an integer kk, partition its vertex set into kk disjoint blocks of bounded size, while minimizing an objective function over the hyperedges. Here, we consider the two most commonly used objectives: the cut-net metric and the connectivity metric. Since the problem is computationally intractable, heuristics are used in practice - the most prominent being the three-phase multi-level paradigm: During coarsening, the hypergraph is successively contracted to obtain a hierarchy of smaller instances. After applying an initial partitioning algorithm to the smallest hypergraph, contraction is undone and, at each level, refinement algorithms try to improve the current solution. With this work, we give a brief overview of the field and present several algorithmic improvements to the multi-level paradigm. Instead of using a logarithmic number of levels like traditional algorithms, we present two coarsening algorithms that create a hierarchy of (nearly) nn levels, where nn is the number of vertices. This makes consecutive levels as similar as possible and provides many opportunities for refinement algorithms to improve the partition. This approach is made feasible in practice by tailoring all algorithms and data structures to the nn-level paradigm, and developing lazy-evaluation techniques, caching mechanisms and early stopping criteria to speed up the partitioning process. Furthermore, we propose a sparsification algorithm based on locality-sensitive hashing that improves the running time for hypergraphs with large hyperedges, and show that incorporating global information about the community structure into the coarsening process improves quality. Moreover, we present a portfolio-based initial partitioning approach, and propose three refinement algorithms. Two are based on the Fiduccia-Mattheyses (FM) heuristic, but perform a highly localized search at each level. While one is designed for two-way partitioning, the other is the first FM-style algorithm that can be efficiently employed in the multi-level setting to directly improve kk-way partitions. The third algorithm uses max-flow computations on pairs of blocks to refine kk-way partitions. Finally, we present the first memetic multi-level hypergraph partitioning algorithm for an extensive exploration of the global solution space. All contributions are made available through our open-source framework KaHyPar. In a comprehensive experimental study, we compare KaHyPar with hMETIS, PaToH, Mondriaan, Zoltan-AlgD, and HYPE on a wide range of hypergraphs from several application areas. Our results indicate that KaHyPar, already without the memetic component, computes better solutions than all competing algorithms for both the cut-net and the connectivity metric, while being faster than Zoltan-AlgD and equally fast as hMETIS. Moreover, KaHyPar compares favorably with the current best graph partitioning system KaFFPa - both in terms of solution quality and running time

    Estimation of Distribution Algorithms and Minimum Relative Entropy

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    In the field of optimization using probabilistic models of the search space, this thesis identifies and elaborates several advancements in which the principles of maximum entropy and minimum relative entropy from information theory are used to estimate a probability distribution. The probability distribution within the search space is represented by a graphical model (factorization, Bayesian network or junction tree). An estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) is an evolutionary optimization algorithm which uses a graphical model to sample a population within the search space and then estimates a new graphical model from the selected individuals of the population. - So far, the Factorized Distribution Algorithm (FDA) builds a factorization or Bayesian network from a given additive structure of the objective function to be optimized using a greedy algorithm which only considers a subset of the variable dependencies. Important connections can be lost by this method. This thesis presents a heuristic subfunction merge algorithm which is able to consider all dependencies between the variables (as long as the marginal distributions of the model do not become too large). On a 2-D grid structure, this algorithm builds a pentavariate factorization which allows to solve the deceptive grid benchmark problem with a much smaller population size than the conventional factorization. Especially for small population sizes, calculating large marginal distributions from smaller ones using Maximum Entropy and iterative proportional fitting leads to a further improvement. - The second topic is the generalization of graphical models to loopy structures. Using the Bethe-Kikuchi approximation, the loopy graphical model (region graph) can learn the Boltzmann distribution of an objective function by a generalized belief propagation algorithm (GBP). It minimizes the free energy, a notion adopted from statistical physics which is equivalent to the relative entropy to the Boltzmann distribution. Previous attempts to combine the Kikuchi approximation with EDA have relied on an expensive Gibbs sampling procedure for generating a population from this loopy probabilistic model. In this thesis a combination with a factorization is presented which allows more efficient sampling. The free energy is generalized to incorporate the inverse temperature ß. The factorization building algorithm mentioned above can be employed here, too. The dynamics of GBP is investigated, and the method is applied on Ising spin glass ground state search. Small instances (7 x 7) are solved without difficulty. Larger instances (10 x 10 and 15 x 15) do not converge to the true optimum with large ß, but sampling from the factorization can find the optimum with about 1000-10000 sampling attempts, depending on the instance. If GBP does not converge, it can be replaced by a concave-convex procedure which guarantees convergence. - Third, if no probabilistic structure is given for the objective function, a Bayesian network can be learned to capture the dependencies in the population. The relative entropy between the population-induced distribution and the Bayesian network distribution is equivalent to the log-likelihood of the model. The log-likelihood has been generalized to the BIC/MDL score which reduces overfitting by punishing complicated structure of the Bayesian network. A previous information theoretic analysis of BIC/MDL in the context of EDA is continued, and empiric evidence is given that the method is able to learn the correct structure of an objective function, given a sufficiently large population. - Finally, a way to reduce the search space of EDA is presented by combining it with a local search heuristics. The Kernighan Lin hillclimber, known originally for the traveling salesman problem and graph bipartitioning, is generalized to arbitrary binary problems. It can be applied in a stand-alone manner, as an iterative 1+1 search algorithm, or combined with EDA. On the MAXSAT problem it performs in a similar scale to the specialized SAT solver Walksat. An analysis of the Kernighan Lin local optima indicates that the combination with an EDA is favorable. The thesis shows how evolutionary optimization can be improved using interdisciplinary results from information theory, statistics, probability calculus and statistical physics. The principles of information theory for estimating probability distributions are applicable in many areas. EDAs are a good application because an improved estimation affects directly the optimization success.Estimation of Distribution Algorithms und Minimierung der relativen Entropie Im Bereich der Optimierung mit probabilistischen Modellen des Suchraums werden einige Fortschritte identifiziert und herausgearbeitet, in denen die Prinzipien der maximalen Entropie und der minimalen relativen Entropie aus der Informationstheorie verwendet werden, um eine Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung zu schätzen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung im Suchraum wird durch ein graphisches Modell beschrieben (Faktorisierung, Bayessches Netz oder Verbindungsbaum). Ein Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) ist ein evolutionärer Optimierungsalgorithmus, der mit Hilfe eines graphischen Modells eine Population im Suchraum erzeugt und dann anhand der selektierten Individuen dieser Population ein neues graphisches Modell erzeugt. - Bislang baut der Factorized Distribution Algorithm (FDA) eine Faktorisierung oder ein Bayessches Netz aus einer gegebenen additiven Struktur der Zielfunktion durch einen Greedy-Algorithmus, der nur einen Teil der Verbindungen zwischen den Variablen berücksichtigt. Wichtige verbindungen können durch diese Methode verloren gehen. Diese Arbeit stellt einen heuristischen Subfunktionenverschmelzungsalgorithmus vor, der in der Lage ist, alle Abhängigkeiten zwischen den Variablen zu berücksichtigen (wofern die Randverteilungen des Modells nicht zu groß werden). Auf einem 2D-Gitter erzeugt dieser Algorithmus eine pentavariate Faktorisierung, die es ermöglicht, das Deceptive-Grid-Testproblem mit viel kleinerer Populationsgröße zu lösen als mit der konventionellen Faktorisierung. Insbesondere für kleine Populationsgrößen kann das Ergebnis noch verbessert werden, wenn große Randverteilungen aus kleineren vermittels des Prinzips der maximalen Entropie und des Iterative Proportional Fitting- Algorithmus berechnet werden. - Das zweite Thema ist die Verallgemeinerung graphischer Modelle zu zirkulären Strukturen. Mit der Bethe-Kikuchi-Approximation kann das zirkuläre graphische Modell (der Regionen-Graph) die Boltzmannverteilung einer Zielfunktion durch einen generalisierten Belief Propagation-Algorithmus (GBP) lernen. Er minimiert die freie Energie, eine Größe aus der statistischen Physik, die äquivalent zur relativen Entropie zur Boltzmannverteilung ist. Frühere Versuche, die Kikuchi-Approximation mit EDA zu verbinden, benutzen einen aufwendigen Gibbs-Sampling-Algorithmus, um eine Population aus dem zirkulären Wahrscheinlichkeitsmodell zu erzeugen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Verbindung mit Faktorisierungen vorgestellt, die effizienteres Sampling erlaubt. Die freie Energie wird um die inverse Temperatur ß erweitert. Der oben erwähnte Algorithmus zur Erzeugung einer Faktorisierung kann auch hier angewendet werden. Die Dynamik von GBP wird untersucht und auf Ising-Modelle angewendet. Kleine Probleme (7 x 7) werden ohne Schwierigkeit gelöst. Größere Probleme (10 x 10 und 15 x 15) konvergieren mit großem ß nicht mehr zum wahren Optimum, aber durch Sampling von der Faktorisierung kann das Optimum bei einer Samplegröße von 1000 bis 10000, je nach Probleminstanz, gefunden werden. Wenn GBP nicht konvergiert, kann es durch eine Konkav-Konvex-Prozedur ersetzt werden, die Konvergenz garantiert. - Drittens kann, wenn für die Zielfunktion keine Struktur gegeben ist, ein Bayessches Netz gelernt werden, um die Abhängigkeiten in der Population zu erfassen. Die relative Entropie zwischen der Populationsverteilung und der Verteilung durch das Bayessche Netz ist äquivalent zur Log-Likelihood des Modells. Diese wurde erweitert zum BIC/MDL-Kriterium, das Überanpassung lindert, indem komplizierte Strukturen bestraft werden. Eine vorangegangene informationstheoretische Analyse von BIC/MDL im EDA-Bereich wird erweitert, und empirisch wird belegt, daß die Methode die korrekte Struktur einer Zielfunktion bei genügend großer Population lernen kann. - Schließlich wird vorgestellt, wie durch eine lokale Suchheuristik der Suchraum von EDA reduziert werden kann. Der Kernighan-Lin-Hillclimber, der ursprünglich für das Problem des Handlungsreisenden und Graphen-Bipartitionierung konzipiert ist, wird für beliebige binäre Probleme erweitert. Er kann allein angewandt werden, als iteratives 1+1-Suchverfahren, oder in Kombination mit EDA. Er löst das MAXSAT-Problem in ähnlicher Größenordnung wie der spezialisierte Hillclimber Walksat. Eine Analyse der lokalen Optima von Kernighan-Lin zeigt, daß die Kombination mit EDA vorteilhaft ist. Die Arbeit zeigt, wie evolutionäre Optimierung verbessert werden kann, indem interdisziplinäre Ergebnisse aus Informationstheorie, Statistik, Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und statistischer Physik eingebracht werden. Die Prinzipien der Informationstheorie zur Schätzung von Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen lassen sich in vielen Bereichen anwenden. EDAs sind eine gute Anwendung, denn eine verbesserte Schätzung beeinflußt direkt den Optimierungserfolg

    Open Problems in (Hyper)Graph Decomposition

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    Large networks are useful in a wide range of applications. Sometimes problem instances are composed of billions of entities. Decomposing and analyzing these structures helps us gain new insights about our surroundings. Even if the final application concerns a different problem (such as traversal, finding paths, trees, and flows), decomposing large graphs is often an important subproblem for complexity reduction or parallelization. This report is a summary of discussions that happened at Dagstuhl seminar 23331 on "Recent Trends in Graph Decomposition" and presents currently open problems and future directions in the area of (hyper)graph decomposition

    Evolutionary n-level hypergraph partitioning with adaptive coarsening

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    Hypergraph partitioning is an NP-hard problem that occurs in many computer science applications where it is necessary to reduce large problems into a number of smaller, computationally tractable sub-problems. Current techniques use a multilevel approach wherein an initial partitioning is performed after compressing the hypergraph to a predetermined level. This level is typically chosen to produce very coarse hypergraphs in which heuristic algorithms are fast and effective. This article presents a novel memetic algorithm which remains effective on larger initial hypergraphs. This enables the exploitation of information that can be lost during coarsening and results in improved final solution quality. We use this algorithm to present an empirical analysis of the space of possible initial hypergraphs in terms of its searchability at different levels of coarsening. We find that the best results arise at coarsening levels unique to each hypergraph. Based on this, we introduce an adaptive scheme that stops coarsening when the rate of information loss in a hypergraph becomes non-linear and show that this produces further improvements. The results show that we have identified a valuable role for evolutionary algorithms within the current state-of-the-art hypergraph partitioning framework

    Scalable High-Quality Graph and Hypergraph Partitioning

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    The balanced hypergraph partitioning problem (HGP) asks for a partition of the node set of a hypergraph into kk blocks of roughly equal size, such that an objective function defined on the hyperedges is minimized. In this work, we optimize the connectivity metric, which is the most prominent objective function for HGP. The hypergraph partitioning problem is NP-hard and there exists no constant factor approximation. Thus, heuristic algorithms are used in practice with the multilevel scheme as the most successful approach to solve the problem: First, the input hypergraph is coarsened to obtain a hierarchy of successively smaller and structurally similar approximations. The smallest hypergraph is then initially partitioned into kk blocks, and subsequently, the contractions are reverted level-by-level, and, on each level, local search algorithms are used to improve the partition (refinement phase). In recent years, several new techniques were developed for sequential multilevel partitioning that substantially improved solution quality at the cost of an increased running time. These developments divide the landscape of existing partitioning algorithms into systems that either aim for speed or high solution quality with the former often being more than an order of magnitude faster than the latter. Due to the high running times of the best sequential algorithms, it is currently not feasible to partition the largest real-world hypergraphs with the highest possible quality. Thus, it becomes increasingly important to parallelize the techniques used in these algorithms. However, existing state-of-the-art parallel partitioners currently do not achieve the same solution quality as their sequential counterparts because they use comparatively weak components that are easier to parallelize. Moreover, there has been a recent trend toward simpler methods for partitioning large hypergraphs that even omit the multilevel scheme. In contrast to this development, we present two shared-memory multilevel hypergraph partitioners with parallel implementations of techniques used by the highest-quality sequential systems. Our first multilevel algorithm uses a parallel clustering-based coarsening scheme, which uses substantially fewer locking mechanisms than previous approaches. The contraction decisions are guided by the community structure of the input hypergraph obtained via a parallel community detection algorithm. For initial partitioning, we implement parallel multilevel recursive bipartitioning with a novel work-stealing approach and a portfolio of initial bipartitioning techniques to compute an initial solution. In the refinement phase, we use three different parallel improvement algorithms: label propagation refinement, a highly-localized direct kk-way FM algorithm, and a novel parallelization of flow-based refinement. These algorithms build on our highly-engineered partition data structure, for which we propose several novel techniques to compute accurate gain values of node moves in the parallel setting. Our second multilevel algorithm parallelizes the nn-level partitioning scheme used in the highest-quality sequential partitioner KaHyPar. Here, only a single node is contracted on each level, leading to a hierarchy with approximately nn levels where nn is the number of nodes. Correspondingly, in each refinement step, only a single node is uncontracted, allowing a highly-localized search for improvements. We show that this approach, which seems inherently sequential, can be parallelized efficiently without compromises in solution quality. To this end, we design a forest-based representation of contractions from which we derive a feasible parallel schedule of the contraction operations that we apply on a novel dynamic hypergraph data structure on-the-fly. In the uncoarsening phase, we decompose the contraction forest into batches, each containing a fixed number of nodes. We then uncontract each batch in parallel and use highly-localized versions of our refinement algorithms to improve the partition around the uncontracted nodes. We further show that existing sequential partitioning algorithms considerably struggle to find balanced partitions for weighted real-world hypergraphs. To this end, we present a technique that enables partitioners based on recursive bipartitioning to reliably compute balanced solutions. The idea is to preassign a small portion of the heaviest nodes to one of the two blocks of each bipartition and optimize the objective function on the remaining nodes. We integrated the approach into the sequential hypergraph partitioner KaHyPar and show that our new approach can compute balanced solutions for all tested instances without negatively affecting the solution quality and running time of KaHyPar. In our experimental evaluation, we compare our new shared-memory (hyper)graph partitioner Mt-KaHyPar to 2525 different graph and hypergraph partitioners on over 800800 (hyper)graphs with up to two billion edges/pins. The results indicate that already our fastest configuration outperforms almost all existing hypergraph partitioners with regards to both solution quality and running time. Our highest-quality configuration (nn-level with flow-based refinement) achieves the same solution quality as the currently best sequential partitioner KaHyPar, while being almost an order of magnitude faster with ten threads. In addition, we optimize our data structures for graph partitioning, which improves the running times of both multilevel partitioners by almost a factor of two for graphs. As a result, Mt-KaHyPar also outperforms most of the existing graph partitioning algorithms. While the shared-memory graph partitioner KaMinPar is still faster than Mt-KaHyPar, its produced solutions are worse by 10%10\% in the median. The best sequential graph partitioner KaFFPa-StrongS computes slightly better partitions than Mt-KaHyPar (median improvement is 1%1\%), but is more than an order of magnitude slower on average