10 research outputs found

    An Analogy between Bin Packing Problem and Permutation Problem: A New Encoding Scheme

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    Part 2: Knowledge Discovery and SharingInternational audienceThe bin packing problem aims to pack a set of items in a minimum number of bins, with respect to the size of the items and capacity of the bins. This is an NP-hard problem. Several approach methods have been developed to solve this problem. In this paper, we propose a new encoding scheme which is used in a hybrid resolution: a metaheuristic is matched with a list algorithm (Next Fit, First Fit, Best Fit) to solve the bin packing problem. Any metaheuristic can be used but in this paper, our proposition is implemented on a single solution based metaheuristic (stochastic descent, simulated annealing, kangaroo algorithm). This hybrid method is tested on literature instances to ensure its good results

    Augmented neural networks and problem-structure based heuristics for the bin-packing problem

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    In this paper, we apply the Augmented-neural-networks (AugNN) approach for solving the classical bin-packing problem (BPP). AugNN is a metaheuristic that combines a priority- rule heuristic with the iterative search approach of neural networks to generate good solutions fast. This is the first time this approach has been applied to the BPP. We also propose a decomposition approach for solving harder BPP, in which sub problems are solved using a combination of AugNN approach and heuristics that exploit the problem structure. We discuss the characteristics of problems on which such problem-structure based heuristics could be applied. We empirically show the effectiveness of the AugNN and the decomposition approach on many benchmark problems in the literature. For the 1210 benchmark problems tested, 917 problems were solved to optimality and the average gap between the obtained solution and the upper bound for all the problems was reduced to under 0.66% and computation time averaged below 33 seconds per problem. We also discuss the computational complexity of our approach

    Functional optimization of a Persian lime packing using TRIZ and multi-objective genetic algorithms

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    This article proposes a novel approach that uses a mathematical model optimized by Genetic Algorithms harmonized with the Russian theory of problem solving and invention (TRIZ) to design an export packing of Persian Lime. The mathematical model (with functional elements of non-spatial type) optimizes the spaces of the Persian Lime Packing, maximizes the Resistance to Vertical Compression and minimizes the Amount of Material Used, according to the operation restrictions of the packing during the transport of the merchandise. This approach is developed in four phases: the identification of the solution space; the optimization of the conceptual design; the application of TRIZ; and the generation of the final proposal solution. The results show the proposed packing (with 28% less cardboard) supports at least the same vertical load with respect to the nearest competitor packing. However, with the same number of packings per pallet and pallets per container, the space used by the packing assembled and deployed in the container is greater by 10% and 38% respectively. Besides, TRIZ includes innovative non-spatial elements such as the airflow and the friction of the product inside the packing. The contribution of this approach can be replicable for the packing design of other horticultural products of the agri-food chai

    An adaptive jellyfish search algorithm for packing items with conflict

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    The bin packing problem (BPP) is a classic combinatorial optimization problem with several variations. The BPP with conflicts (BPPCs) is not a well-investigated variation. In the BPPC, there are conditions that prevent packing some items together in the same bin. There are very limited efforts utilizing metaheuristic methods to address the BPPC. The current methods only pack the conflict items only and then start a new normal BPP for the non-conflict items; thus, there are two stages to address the BPPC. In this work, an adaption of the jellyfish metaheuristic has been proposed to solve the BPPC in one stage (i.e., packing the conflict and non-conflict items together) by defining the jellyfish operations in the context of the BPPC by proposing two solution representations. These representations frame the BPPC problem on two different levels: item-wise and bin-wise. In the item-wise solution representation, the adapted jellyfish metaheuristic updates the solutions through a set of item swaps without any preference for the bins. In the bin-wise solution representation, the metaheuristic method selects a set of bins, and then it performs the item swaps from these selected bins only. The proposed method was thoroughly benchmarked on a standard dataset and compared against the well-known PSO, Jaya, and heuristics. The obtained results revealed that the proposed methods outperformed the other comparison methods in terms of the number of bins and the average bin utilization. In addition, the proposed method achieved the lowest deviation rate from the lowest bound of the standard dataset relative to the other methods of comparison

    Optimization of Two-Level Disassembly/Remanufacturing/Assembly System with an Integrated Maintenance Strategy

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    International audienceWith an increase of environmental pressure on economic activities, reverse flow is increasingly important. It seeks to save resources, eliminate waste, and improve productivity. This paper investigates the optimization of the disassembly, remanufacturing and assembly system, taking into account assembly-disassembly system degradation. An analytical model is developed to consider disassembly, remanufacturing of used/end-of-life product and assembly of the finished product. The finished product is composed of remanufactured and new components. A maintenance policy is sequentially integrated to reduce the system unavailability. The aim of this study is to help decision-makers, under certain conditions, choose the most cost-effective process for them to satisfy the customer as well as to adapt to the potential risk that can perturb the disassembly-assembly system. A heuristic is developed to determine the optimal ordered date of the used end-of-life product as well as the optimum release dates of new external components. The results reveal that considering some remanufacturing and purchase components costs, the proposed model is more economical in comparison with a model without remanufactured parts. Numerical results are provided to illustrate the impact of the variation of the ordering cost and quality of the used end-of-life product on the system profitability. Finally, the risk due to system repair periods is discussed, which has an impact on managerial decision-making

    Planification et affectation de ressources dans les réseaux de soin : analogie avec le problème du bin packing, proposition de méthodes approchées

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    The presented work is about optimization of the hospital system. An existing solution is the pooling of resources within the same territory. This may involve different forms of cooperation between several hospitals. Various problems are defined at the decision level : strategic, tactical or operational ; and at the modeling level : macroscopic, mesoscopic and microscopic. Problems of sizing, planning and scheduling may be considered. We define the problem of activities planning with resource allocation. Several cases are dissociated : either human resources are under infinite capacity, or they are under limited capacity and their assignment on a place is given, or they are under limited capacity and their assignment is a variable. These problems are specified and mathematically formalized. All thes problems are compared to a bin packing problem : the classical problem of bin packing is used for the problem where human resources are under infinite capacity, the bin packing problem with interdependencies is used in the two other cases. The bin packing problem with incompatibilities is defined. Many resolution methods have been proposed for the bin packing problem. We make several propositions including a hierarchical coupling between heuristic and metaheuristic. Single based metaheuristics and a population based metaheuristic, the particle swarm optimization, are used. This proposition requires a new encoding inspired by permutation problems. This method gives very good results to solve instances of the bin packing problem. It is easy to apply : it combines already known methods. With the proposed coupling, the new constraints to be considered need to be integrated only on the heuristic level. The running of the metaheuristic is the same. Thus, our method is easily adaptable to the problem of activities planning with resource allocation. For big instances, the solver used as a reference returns only an interval of solutions. The results of our method are once again very promising : the obtained solutions are better than the upper limit returned by the solver. It is possible to adapt our method on more complex issues through integration into the heuristic of the new constraints to consider. It would be particularly interesting to test these methods on real hospital authorities to assess their significance.Les travaux de thèse présentés s’intéressent à l’optimisation des systèmes hospitaliers. Une solution existante est la mutualisation de ressources au sein d’un même territoire. Cela peut passer par différentes formes de coopération dont la Communauté Hospitalière de Territoire. Différents problèmes sont définis en fonction du niveau de décision : stratégique, tactique ou opérationnel ; et du niveau de modélisation : macroscopique, mesoscopique et microscopique. Des problèmes de dimensionnement, de planification et d’ordonnancement peuvent être considérés. Nous définissons notamment le problème de planification d’activités avec affectation de ressources. Plusieurs cas sont dissociés : soit les ressources humaines sont à capacité infinie, soit elles sont à capacité limitée et leur affectation sur site est une donnée, soit elles sont à capacité limitée et leur affectation sur site est une variable. Ces problèmes sont spécifiés et formalisés mathématiquement. Tous ces problèmes sont comparés à un problème de bin packing : le problème du bin packing de base pour le problème où les ressources humaines sont à capacité infinie, le problème du bin packing avec interdépendances dans les deux autres cas. Le problème du bin packing avec incompatibilités est ainsi défini. De nombreuses méthodes de résolution ont déjà été proposées pour le problème du bin packing. Nous faisons plusieurs propositions dont un couplage hiérarchique entre une heuristique et une métaheuristique. Des métaheuristiques basées individu et une métaheuristique basée population, l’optimisation par essaim particulaire, sont utilisées. Cette proposition nécessite un nouveau codage inspiré des problèmes de permutation d’ordonnancement. Cette méthode donne de très bons résultats sur les instances du problème du bin packing. Elle est simple à appliquer : elle couple des méthodes déjà connues. Grâce au couplage proposé, les nouvelles contraintes à considérer nécessitent d’être intégrées uniquement au niveau de l’heuristique. Le fonctionnement de la métaheuristique reste le même. Ainsi, notre méthode est facilement adaptable au problème de planification d’activités avec affectation de ressources. Pour les instances de grande taille, le solveur utilisé comme référence ne donne qu’un intervalle de solutions. Les résultats de notre méthode sont une fois encore très prometteurs : les solutions obtenues sont meilleures que la borne supérieure retournée par le solveur. Il est envisageable d’adapter notre méthode sur d’autres problèmes plus complexes par intégration dans l’heuristique des nouvelles contraintes à considérer. Il serait notamment intéressant de tester ces méthodes sur de réelles instances hospitalières afin d’évaluer leur portée

    Mathematical Models and Decomposition Algorithms for Cutting and Packing Problems

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    In this thesis, we provide (or review) new and effective algorithms based on Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) models and/or decomposition approaches to solve exactly various cutting and packing problems. The first three contributions deal with the classical bin packing and cutting stock problems. First, we propose a survey on the problems, in which we review more than 150 references, implement and computationally test the most common methods used to solve the problems (including branch-and-price, constraint programming (CP) and MILP), and we successfully propose new instances that are difficult to solve in practice. Then, we introduce the BPPLIB, a collection of codes, benchmarks, and links for the two problems. Finally, we study in details the main MILP formulations that have been proposed for the problems, we provide a clear picture of the dominance and equivalence relations that exist among them, and we introduce reflect, a new pseudo-polynomial formulation that achieves state of the art results for both problems and some variants. The following three contributions deal with two-dimensional packing problems. First, we propose a method using Logic based Benders’ decomposition for the orthogonal stock cutting problem and some extensions. We solve the master problem through an MILP model while CP is used to solve the slave problem. Computational experiments on classical benchmarks from the literature show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Then, we introduce TwoBinGame, a visual application we developed for students to interactively solve two-dimensional packing problems, and analyze the results obtained by 200 students. Finally, we study a complex optimization problem that originates from the packaging industry, which combines cutting and scheduling decisions. For its solution, we propose mathematical models and heuristic algorithms that involve a non-trivial decomposition method. In the last contribution, we study and strengthen various MILP and CP approaches for three project scheduling problems