691 research outputs found

    Canonical and variant histones of protozoan parasites

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    Protozoan parasites have tremendously diverse lifestyles that require adaptation to a remarkable assortment of different environmental conditions. In order to complete their life cycles, protozoan parasites rely on fine-tuning gene expression. In general, protozoa use novel regulatory elements, transcription factors, and epigenetic mechanisms to regulate their transcriptomes. One of the most surprising findings includes the nature of their histones - these primitive eukaryotes lack some histones yet harbor novel histone variants of unknown function. In this review, we describe the histone components of different protozoan parasites based on literature and database searching. We summarize the key discoveries regarding histones and histone variants and their impact on chromatin regulation in protozoan parasites. In addition, we list histone genes IDs, sequences, and genomic localization of several protozoan parasites and Microsporidia histones, obtained from a thorough search of genome databases. We then compare these findings with those observed in higher eukaryotes, allowing us to highlight some novel aspects of epigenetic regulation in protists and to propose questions to be addressed in the upcoming years.Fil: Dalmasso, Maria Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas; ArgentinaFil: Sullivan Jr., William Joseph. Indiana University; Estados UnidosFil: Ángel, Sergio Oscar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas; Argentin

    Apicomplexa and Histone Variants: What’s New?

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    Plasmodium spp. and Toxoplasma gondii present a conserved nucleosome composition based on canonical H3 and variants, H4, canonical H2A and variants, and H2B. One-off, the phylum has also a variant H2B, named H2B.Z, which was shown to form a double variant nucleosome H2A.Z/H2B.Z. These histones also present conserved and unique post-translational modifications (PTMs). Histone variants have shown particular genomic localization and PTMs along euchromatin and heterochromatin, including telomere-associated sequences (TAS), suggesting fine-grained chromatin structure modulation. Several other nonhistone proteins present remarkable participation in controlling chromatin state, especially at TAS. Based on that, we discuss the role of epigenetics (PTMs and histone variants) in Plasmodium and Toxoplasma gene expression, replication, and DNA repair. We also discuss TAS structures and chromatin composition and its impact on antigenic variant expression in Plasmodium

    Toxoplasma effectors targeting host signaling and transcription

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    Early electron microscopy studies revealed the elaborate cellular features that define the unique adaptations of apicomplexan parasites. Among these were bulbous rhoptry (ROP) organelles and small, dense granules (GRAs), both of which are secreted during invasion of host cells. These early morphological studies were followed by the exploration of the cellular contents of these secretory organelles, revealing them to be comprised of highly divergent protein families with few conserved domains or predicted functions. In parallel, studies on host-pathogen interactions identified many host signaling pathways that were mysteriously altered by infection. It was only with the advent of forward and reverse genetic strategies that the connections between individual parasite effectors and the specific host pathways that they targeted finally became clear. The current repertoire of parasite effectors includes ROP kinases and pseudokinases that are secreted during invasion and that block host immune pathways. Similarly, many secretory GRA proteins alter host gene expression by activating host transcription factors, through modification of chromatin, or by inducing small noncoding RNAs. These effectors highlight novel mechanisms by whichhas learned to harness host signaling to favor intracellular survival and will guide future studies designed to uncover the additional complexity of this intricate host-pathogen interaction

    Targeting essential pathways in trypanosomatids gives insights into protozoan mechanisms of cell death

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    Apoptosis is a normal component of the development and health of multicellular organisms. However, apoptosis is now considered a prerogative of unicellular organisms, including the trypanosomatids of the genera Trypanosoma spp. and Leishmania spp., causative agents of some of the most important neglected human diseases. Trypanosomatids show typical hallmarks of apoptosis, although they lack some of the key molecules contributing to this process in metazoans, like caspase genes, Bcl-2 family genes and the TNF-related family of receptors. Despite the lack of these molecules, trypanosomatids appear to have the basic machinery to commit suicide. The components of the apoptotic execution machinery of these parasites are slowly coming into light, by targeting essential processes and pathways with different apoptogenic agents and inhibitors. This review will be confined to the events known to drive trypanosomatid parasites to apoptosis

    ATPe dynamics in protozoan parasites. Adapt or Perish

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    In most animals, transient increases of extracellular ATP (ATPe) are used for physiological signaling or as a danger signal in pathological conditions. ATPe dynamics are controlled by ATP release from viable cells and cell lysis, ATPe degradation and interconversion by ecto-nucleotidases, and interaction of ATPe and byproducts with cell surface purinergic receptors and purine salvage mechanisms. Infection by protozoan parasites may alter at least one of the mechanisms controlling ATPe concentration. Protozoan parasites display their own set of proteins directly altering ATPe dynamics, or control the activity of host proteins. Parasite dependent activation of ATPe conduits of the host may promote infection and systemic responses that are beneficial or detrimental to the parasite. For instance, activation of organic solute permeability at the host membrane can support the elevated metabolism of the parasite. On the other hand ecto-nucleotidases of protozoan parasites, by promoting ATPe degradation and purine/pyrimidine salvage, may be involved in parasite growth, infectivity, and virulence. In this review, we will describe the complex dynamics of ATPe regulation in the context of protozoan parasite–host interactions. Particular focus will be given to features of parasite membrane proteins strongly controlling ATPe dynamics. This includes evolutionary, genetic and cellular mechanisms, as well as structural-functional relationships.Fil: Lauri, Natalia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas "Prof. Alejandro C. Paladini". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Bazzi, Zaher. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas "Prof. Alejandro C. Paladini". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Cora Lilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas "Prof. Alejandro C. Paladini". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Leal Denis, Maria Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas "Prof. Alejandro C. Paladini". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Química Analítica y Fisicoquímica; ArgentinaFil: Schachter, Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas "Prof. Alejandro C. Paladini". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Herlax, Vanesa Silvana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata "Prof. Dr. Rodolfo R. Brenner". Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata "Prof. Dr. Rodolfo R. Brenner"; ArgentinaFil: Ostuni, Mariano. Inserm; Francia. Universite Paris D. Diderot - Paris 7. French National Institute Of Blood Transfusion.; FranciaFil: Schwarzbaum, Pablo Julio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas "Prof. Alejandro C. Paladini". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Silent Information Regulator 2 from Trypanosoma cruzi Is a Potential Target to Infection Control

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    Human trypanosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Trypanosoma. Trypanosoma brucei is responsible for sleeping sickness, also called African trypanosomiasis, while Trypanosoma cruzi causes Chagas disease, or American trypanosomiasis. Together, these diseases are responsible for significant mortality, morbidity and lost productivity in the endemic regions. There are no vaccines and treatments rely on drugs with limited efficacy, high cost, serious side effects and long administration periods. Since these diseases affect mostly the poor, there is no economic interest in the development of new drugs by pharmaceutical companies, and hopes for new treatments rely on public initiatives, public-private partnerships or philanthropic programs. The first step in the discovery of new drugs involves the identification of active molecules as starting points for further development, by either employing whole cells or by specific molecular target screenings. Research efforts undertaken by the authors’ groups have focused on exploiting both strategies in the search for new molecules for trypanosomiasis drug discovery. In this chapter, we focus on Chagas disease and the recently uncovered potential of using sirtuins as targets for infection control

    Between Armour and Weapons — Cell Death Mechanisms in Trypanosomatid Parasites

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    Among the pathogenic protozoa, trypanosomatids stand out due to their medical and economic impact, especially for low-income populations in tropical countries. Together, sleeping sickness, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis affect millions of humans and animals worldwide, yet are neglected by the pharmaceutical industry. The current drugs for trypanosomatid infections are limited and unsatisfactory, with severe side effects leading to reduced quality of life and, in several instances, to the abandonment of treatment. An intense search for alternative compounds has been performed, aiming at specific parasite targets by cellular, molecular and biochemical approaches. One interesting strategy could be interference with the protozoan cell death pathways. However, these pathways are poorly understood in unicellular eukaryotes, with the controversial existence and uncertain biological relevance of programmed cell death (PCD). This chapter will discuss apoptosis-like and autophagic cell death and necrosis in Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania sp. and the possible implications of these pathways for the parasite life cycle and infection persistence. It will also revisit the genomic and proteomic metadata of these trypanosomatids in the literature to rebuild the map of cell death proteins expressed under different conditions. The interaction of leading candidates with parasite-specific molecules, especially with enzymes that regulate key steps in the cell death process, is a rational and attractive alternative for drug development for these neglected diseases

    Udržování integrity chromosomů na modelu Giardia Intestinalis.

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    Giardia intestinalis je kosmopolitní jednobuněčný organismus způsobující průjmy. Kromě klinického významu, jsou tito dvoujaderní prvoci zajímaví také z hlediska postavení v rámci eukaryot. Jsou evolučně vzdálení obvyklým modelovým organismům a dokonale přizpůsobeni parazitickému způsobu života. Jejich genom je poměrně malý, obsahuje velice málo nekódujících oblastí a mnohé z genů známých u jiných organismů u giardií chybí, tyto vlastnosti z nich dělají atraktivní model pro studium schopnosti buňky fungovat s minimální výbavou. Předkládaná práce přináší nová dílčí zjištění o různých úrovních udržování chromozomové stability u tohoto parazita. Jednou z nich je způsob ochrany konců chromozomů, tzv. telomer. Podařilo se nám lokalizovat telomery na koncích chromozomů v různých fázích buněčného cyklu a zpřesnit jejich přibližnou délku na 0,5 až 2,5 kb. Prokázali jsme existenci aktivního enzymu telomerázy odpovědného za přidávání telomerických repetic na konce chromozomů, ačkoliv se jedná o enzym strukturně odlišný od jiných eukaryot. Tyto poznatky ukazují, že giardie, stejně jako většina eukaryot, vyvinula konzervativní způsob, jak zamezit zkracování telomer. Popisujeme také účinek léku pro léčbu giardiózy, metronidazolu, na DNA a buněčný cyklus citlivých a rezistentních buněčných linií giardií....Giardia intestinalis is a protozoan causing diarrhea worldwide. Beside its medical importance, it is evolutionary distant protist with two nuclei within a cell adapted for parasitic life in the environment poor of oxygen. Its genome is small and compact in term of gene content and size. It is therefore an attractive model organism for studies of minimal requirements for cellular processes. Present work brings new partial information on different levels of chromosome integrity maintenance of this parasite. Our study presents characteristics of chromosome termini and their protection. We localized telomeres during all stages of the trophozoite cell cycle and determined the length of Giardia telomeres ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 kb, we proved an existence of an active telomerase enzyme synthesizing telomeric repeats in in this parasite, despite the fact that giardial telomerase is structurally divergent. Present data support the view that the chromosomal termini in Giardia are maintained in a conservative manner that is common to other eukaryotes. We described effects of commonly used drug for treatment of anaerobic infections, metronidazole, on DNA and cell cycle progression in susceptible and resistant cell lines. Incubation of cells with this drug causes phosphorylation of histone H2A in cell nuclei...Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases First Faculty of Medicine and Na Bulovce HospitalKlinika infekčních a tropických nemocí 1. LF UK a Nemocnice Na Bulovce1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Peptidylarginine Deiminase (PAD) and Post-Translational Protein Deimination—Novel Insights into Alveolata Metabolism, Epigenetic Regulation and Host–Pathogen Interactions

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    The alveolates (Superphylum Alveolata) comprise a group of primarily single-celled eukaryotes that have adopted extremely diverse modes of nutrition, such as predation, photoautotrophy and parasitism. The alveolates consists of several major phyla including the apicomplexans, a large group of unicellular, spore forming obligate intracellular parasites, and chromerids, which are believed to be the phototrophic ancestors of the parasitic apicomplexans. Molecular pathways involved in Alveolata host–pathogen interactions, epigenetic regulation and metabolism in parasite development remain to be fully understood. Peptidylarginine deiminases (PADs) are a phylogenetically conserved enzyme family which causes post-translational protein deimination, affecting protein function through the conversion of arginine to citrulline in a wide range of target proteins, contributing to protein moonlighting in physiological and pathological processes. The identification of deiminated protein targets in alveolate parasites may therefore provide novel insight into pathogen survival and host-pathogen interactions. The current study assessed PAD homologues and deiminated protein profiles of two alveolate parasites, Piridium sociabile (Chromerida) and Merocystis kathae (Apicomplexa). Histological analysis verified strong cytoplasmic PAD expression in both Alveolates, detected deiminated proteins in nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments of the alveolate parasites and verified the presence of citrullinated histone H3 in Alveolata nucleus, indicating roles in epigenetic regulation. Histone H3 citrullination was also found significantly elevated in the host tissue, indicative of neutrophil extracellular trap formation, a host-defence mechanism against a range of pathogens, particularly those that are too large for phagocytosis. Proteomic analysis of deiminated proteins from both Alveolata identified GO and KEGG pathways strongly relating to metabolic and genetic regulation, with some species-specific differences between the apicomplexan and the chromerid. Our findings provide novel insights into roles for the conserved PAD/ADI enzyme family in the regulation of metabolic and epigenetic pathways in alveolate parasites, possibly also relating to their life cycle and host–pathogen interactions

    A novel subnetwork alignment approach predicts new components of the cell cycle regulatory apparatus in Plasmodium falciparum

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    Background According to the World Health organization, half the world\u27s population is at risk of contracting malaria. They estimated that in 2010 there were 219 million cases of malaria, resulting in 660,000 deaths and an enormous economic burden on the countries where malaria is endemic. The adoption of various high-throughput genomics-based techniques by malaria researchers has meant that new avenues to the study of this disease are being explored and new targets for controlling the disease are being developed. Here, we apply a novel neighborhood subnetwork alignment approach to identify the interacting elements that help regulate the cell cycle of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Results Our novel subnetwork alignment approach was used to compare networks in Escherichia coli and P. falciparum. Some 574 P. falciparum proteins were revealed as functional orthologs of known cell cycle proteins in E. coli. Over one third of these predicted functional orthologs were annotated as conserved Plasmodium proteins or putative uncharacterized proteins of unknown function. The predicted functionalities included cyclins, kinases, surface antigens, transcriptional regulators and various functions related to DNA replication, repair and cell division. Conclusions The results of our analysis demonstrate the power of our subnetwork alignment approach to assign functionality to previously unannotated proteins. Here, the focus was on proteins involved in cell cycle regulation. These proteins are involved in the control of diverse aspects of the parasite lifecycle and of important aspects of pathogenesis