6 research outputs found

    On the Impact of Operators and Populations within Evolutionary Algorithms for the Dynamic Weighted Traveling Salesperson Problem

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    Evolutionary algorithms have been shown to obtain good solutions for complex optimization problems in static and dynamic environments. It is important to understand the behaviour of evolutionary algorithms for complex optimization problems that also involve dynamic and/or stochastic components in a systematic way in order to further increase their applicability to real-world problems. We investigate the node weighted traveling salesperson problem (W-TSP), which provides an abstraction of a wide range of weighted TSP problems, in dynamic settings. In the dynamic setting of the problem, items that have to be collected as part of a TSP tour change over time. We first present a dynamic setup for the dynamic W-TSP parameterized by different types of changes that are applied to the set of items to be collected when traversing the tour. Our first experimental investigations study the impact of such changes on resulting optimized tours in order to provide structural insights of optimization solutions. Afterwards, we investigate simple mutation-based evolutionary algorithms and study the impact of the mutation operators and the use of populations with dealing with the dynamic changes to the node weights of the problem

    Estimation of distribution algorithms for the multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem.

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    Multi-Mode Resource Constrained Project Problem (MRCPSP) is a multi-component problem which combines two interacting sub-problems; activity scheduling and mode assignment. Multi-component problems have been of research interest to the evolutionary computation community as they are more complex to solve. Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) generate solutions by sampling a probabilistic model that captures key features of good solutions. Often they can significantly improve search efficiency and solution quality. Previous research has shown that the mode assignment sub-problem can be more effectively solved with an EDA. Also, a competitive Random Key based EDA (RK-EDA) for permutation problems has recently been proposed. In this paper, activity and mode solutions are respectively generated using the RK-EDA and an integer based EDA. This approach is competitive with leading approaches of solving the MRCPSP

    Exact and heuristic approaches for multi-component optimisation problems

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    Modern real world applications are commonly complex, consisting of multiple subsystems that may interact with or depend on each other. Our case-study about wave energy converters (WEC) for the renewable energy industry shows that in such a multi-component system, optimising each individual component cannot yield global optimality for the entire system, owing to the influence of their interactions or the dependence on one another. Moreover, modelling a multi-component problem is rarely easy due to the complexity of the issues, which leads to a desire for existent models on which to base, and against which to test, calculations. Recently, the travelling thief problem (TTP) has attracted significant attention in the Evolutionary Computation community. It is intended to offer a better model for multicomponent systems, where researchers can push forward their understanding of the optimisation of such systems, especially for understanding of the interconnections between the components. The TTP interconnects with two classic NP-hard problems, namely the travelling salesman problem and the 0-1 knapsack problem, via the transportation cost that non-linearly depends on the accumulated weight of items. This non-linear setting introduces additional complexity. We study this nonlinearity through a simplified version of the TTP - the packing while travelling (PWT) problem, which aims to maximise the total reward for a given travelling tour. Our theoretical and experimental investigations demonstrate that the difficulty of a given problem instance is significantly influenced by adjusting a single parameter, the renting rate, which prompted our method of creating relatively hard instances using simple evolutionary algorithms. Our further investigations into the PWT problem yield a dynamic programming (DP) approach that can solve the problem in pseudo polynomial time and a corresponding approximation scheme. The experimental investigations show that the new approaches outperform the state-of-the-art ones. We furthermore propose three exact algorithms for the TTP, based on the DP of the PWT problem. By employing the exact DP for the underlying PWT problem as a subroutine, we create a novel indicator-based hybrid evolutionary approach for a new bi-criteria formulation of the TTP. This hybrid design takes advantage of the DP approach, along with a number of novel indicators and selection mechanisms to achieve better solutions. The results of computational experiments show that the approach is capable to outperform the state-of-the-art results.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science, 201

    Artificial cognitive architecture with self-learning and self-optimization capabilities. Case studies in micromachining processes

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de lectura : 22-09-201

    Evolutionary computation for real-world problems

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    In this paper we discuss three topics that are present in the area of realworld optimization, but are often neglected in academic research in evolutionary computation community. First, problems that are a combination of several interacting sub-problems (so-called multi-component problems) are common in many real-world applications and they deserve better attention of research community. Second, research on optimisation algorithms that focus the search on the edges of feasible regions of the search space is important as high quality solutions usually are the boundary points between feasible and infeasible parts of the search space in many real-world problems. Third, finding bottlenecks and best possible investment in real-world processes are important topics that are also of interest in real-world optimization. In this chapter we discuss application opportunities for evolutionary computation methods in these three areas

    Evolutionary computation for real-world problems

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    In this paper we discuss three topics that are present in the area of real-world optimization, but are often neglected in academic research in evolutionary computation community. First, problems that are a combination of several interacting sub-problems (so-called multi-component problems) are common in many real-world applications and they deserve better attention of research community. Second, research on optimisation algorithms that focus the search on the edges of feasible regions of the search space is important as high quality solutions usually are the boundary points between feasible and infeasible parts of the search space in many real-world problems. Third, finding bottlenecks and best possible investment in real-world processes are important topics that are also of interest in real-world optimization. In this chapter we discuss application opportunities for evolutionary computation methods in these three areas.Mohammad Reza Bonyadi and Zbigniew Michalewic