6,665 research outputs found

    Using machine learning methods to determine a typology of patients with HIV-HCV infection to be treated with antivirals

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    Several European countries have established criteria for prioritising initiation of treatment in patients infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) by grouping patients according to clinical characteristics. Based on neural network techniques, our objective was to identify those factors for HIV/HCV co-infected patients (to which clinicians have given careful consideration before treatment uptake) that have not being included among the prioritisation criteria. This study was based on the Spanish HERACLES cohort (NCT02511496) (April-September 2015, 2940 patients) and involved application of different neural network models with different basis functions (product-unit, sigmoid unit and radial basis function neural networks) for automatic classification of patients for treatment. An evolutionary algorithm was used to determine the architecture and estimate the coefficients of the model. This machine learning methodology found that radial basis neural networks provided a very simple model in terms of the number of patient characteristics to be considered by the classifier (in this case, six), returning a good overall classification accuracy of 0.767 and a minimum sensitivity (for the classification of the minority class, untreated patients) of 0.550. Finally, the area under the ROC curve was 0.802, which proved to be exceptional. The parsimony of the model makes it especially attractive, using just eight connections. The independent variable "recent PWID" is compulsory due to its importance. The simplicity of the model means that it is possible to analyse the relationship between patient characteristics and the probability of belonging to the treated group

    A Real Time Employee Attendance Monitoring System using ANN

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    Face recognition refers to the technology that examines and contrasts a person's face characteristics to recognise or verify their identity. Recently, this technology has drawn a lot of attention due to the potential uses it may have in security, marketing, and law enforcement. Face recognition involves studying a picture or video of a person's face to identify features like the space between their eyes, the contour of their nose, and the curve of their mouth. The person's identity is then established or verified by comparing these characteristics to a database of previously saved pictures. A series of techniques called facial recognition algorithms are used to identify and authenticate persons based on the features of their faces. These algorithms compare a person's facial attributes to those in a database of recognised faces by looking at things like the shape of their face, the distance between their eyes, and other distinctive facial features. There are many different types of face recognition algorithms, including geometric-based algorithms, appearance-based algorithms, and hybrid algorithms that combine both approaches. Geometric-based algorithms employ the geometry of face traits to identify and validate people, while appearance-based algorithms use image processing techniques to compare the patterns and textures of facial features. Recent advances in deep learning have significantly improved the accuracy of facial recognition algorithms. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has shown to be highly effective and have been used in a range of applications, including mobile devices, security, and surveillance. Face recognition algorithms provide advantages, but there are also moral dilemmas with regard to its application, such as potential biases and privacy difficulties. As technology advances, it is imperative to address these problems and ensure that face recognition algorithms are used ethically and responsibly

    Intrusion Detection Systems Using Adaptive Regression Splines

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    Past few years have witnessed a growing recognition of intelligent techniques for the construction of efficient and reliable intrusion detection systems. Due to increasing incidents of cyber attacks, building effective intrusion detection systems (IDS) are essential for protecting information systems security, and yet it remains an elusive goal and a great challenge. In this paper, we report a performance analysis between Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), neural networks and support vector machines. The MARS procedure builds flexible regression models by fitting separate splines to distinct intervals of the predictor variables. A brief comparison of different neural network learning algorithms is also given

    Learning enhancement of radial basis function network with particle swarm optimization

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    Back propagation (BP) algorithm is the most common technique in Artificial Neural Network (ANN) learning, and this includes Radial Basis Function Network. However, major disadvantages of BP are its convergence rate is relatively slow and always being trapped at the local minima. To overcome this problem, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has been implemented to enhance ANN learning to increase the performance of network in terms of convergence rate and accuracy. In Back Propagation Radial Basis Function Network (BP-RBFN), there are many elements to be considered. These include the number of input nodes, hidden nodes, output nodes, learning rate, bias, minimum error and activation/transfer functions. These elements will affect the speed of RBF Network learning. In this study, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is incorporated into RBF Network to enhance the learning performance of the network. Two algorithms have been developed on error optimization for Back Propagation of Radial Basis Function Network (BP-RBFN) and Particle Swarm Optimization of Radial Basis Function Network (PSO-RBFN) to seek and generate better network performance. The results show that PSO-RBFN give promising outputs with faster convergence rate and better classifications compared to BP-RBFN

    Increasing the density of available pareto optimal solutions

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    The set of available multi-objective optimization algorithms continues to grow. This fact can be partially attributed to their widespread use and applicability. However this increase also suggests several issues remain to be addressed satisfactorily. One such issue is the diversity and the number of solutions available to the decision maker (DM). Even for algorithms very well suited for a particular problem, it is difficult - mainly due to the computational cost - to use a population large enough to ensure the likelihood of obtaining a solution close to the DMs preferences. In this paper we present a novel methodology that produces additional Pareto optimal solutions from a Pareto optimal set obtained at the end run of any multi-objective optimization algorithm. This method, which we refer to as Pareto estimation, is tested against a set of 2 and 3-objective test problems and a 3-objective portfolio optimization problem to illustrate its’ utility for a real-world problem