240 research outputs found

    Detection and characterization of deep water wave breaking using moderate incidence angle microwave backscatter from the sea surface

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution May 1990The importance of wave breaking in both microwave remote sensing and air-sea interaction has led to this investigation of the utility of a Ku-Band CW Doppler scatterometer to detect and characterize wave breaking in the open ocean. Field and laboratory measurements by previous authors of microwave backscatter from sharp-crested and breaking waves have shown that these events can exhibit characteristic signatures in moderate incidence angle measurements of the radar cross-section (RCS) and Doppler spectrum. Specifically, breaking events have been associated with polarization independent sea spikes in the RCS accompanied by increased mean frequency and bandwidth of the Doppler spectrum. Simultaneous microwave, video, and environmental measurements were made during the SAXON experiment off Chesapeake Bay in the fall of 1988. The scatterometer was pointed upwind with an incidence angle of 45 degrees and an illumination area small compared to the wavelength of the dominant surface waves. An autocovariance estimation technique was used to produced time series of the RCS, mean Doppler frequency, and Doppler spectral bandwidth in real-time. The joint statistics of the microwave quantities indicative of breaking are used to investigate detection schemes for breaking events identified from the video recordings. The most successful scheme is based on thresholds in both the RCS and the Doppler bandwidth determined from joint distributions for breaking and non-breaking waves. Microwave events consisting of a sea spike in the RCS accompanied by a large bandwidth are associated with the steep forward face of waves in the early stages of breaking. The location of the illumination area with respect to the phase of the breaking wave, the stage of breaking development, and the orientation of an individual crest with respect to the antenna look-direction all influence the detect ability of a breaking event occurring in the vicinity of the radar spot. Since sea spikes tend to occur on the forward face of waves in the process of breaking, the whitecap associated with a given sea spike may occur after the crest of the wave responsible for the sea spike has passed the center of the illumination area. Approximately 70% of the waves which produce whitecaps within a distance of 5m of the bore sight location are successfully identified by a threshold-based detection scheme utilizing both RCS and bandwidth information. The sea spike statistics are investigated as functions of wave field parameters and friction velocity u*. For VV and HH polarization, the frequency of sea spike occurrence and the sea spike contribution to the mean RCS show an approximately cubic dependence on u*, which is consistent with theoretical modelling and various measures of whitecap coverage. The data also suggest that the average RCS of an individual sea spike is not dependent on u*. At high friction velocities (u*≈40-50cms-l), the contribution of sea spikes to the mean RCS is in the range of 5-10% for VV and 10-20% for HH. The wind speed dependence of the percentage of crests producing sea spikes is comparable to that of the fraction of breaking crests reported by previous authors. The percentage of wave crests producing sea spikes is found to vary approximately as (Re*)1.5, where Re* is a Reynolds number based on u* and the dominant surface wavelength. This result agrees with measurements of the degree of wave breaking by. previous authors and is shown to be consistent with a cubic dependence on u *. Models for the probability of wave breaking as a function of moments of the wave height spectrum are compared to our results. The Doppler frequency and bandwidth measurements are also used to inquire into the kinematics of the breaking process.This work was funded by grants from the MIT Sloan Basic Research Fund, the National Science Foundation (Physical Oceanography), and the Office of Naval Research (Physical Oceanography). Additional funding was provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through the Graduate Student Researchers' Fellowship Program

    Technical approaches, chapter 3, part E

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    Radar altimeters, scatterometers, and imaging radar are described in terms of their functions, future developments, constraints, and applications

    Design Data Collection with Skylab Microwave Radiometer-Scatterometer S-193, Volume 1

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Observations with S-193 have provided radar design information for systems to be flown on spacecraft, but only at 13.9 GHz and for land areas over the United States and Brazil plus a few other areas of the world for which this kind of analysis was not made. Observations only extended out to about 50 deg angle of incidence. The value of a sensor with such a gross resolution for most overland resource and status monitoring systems seems marginal, with the possible exception of monitoring soil moisture and major vegetation variations. The complementary nature of the scatterometer and radiometer systems was demonstrated by the correlation analysis. Although radiometers must have spatial resolutions dictated by antenna size, radars can use synthetic aperture techniques to achieve much finer resolutions. Multiplicity of modes in the S-193 sensors complicated both the system development and its employment. An attempt was made in the design of the S-193 to arrange optimum integration times for each angle and type of measurement. This unnecessarily complicated the design of the instrument, since the gains in precision achieved in this way were marginal. Either a software-controllable integration time or a set of only two or three integration times would have been better

    Wind measurements from an array of oceanographic moorings and from F/SMeteor during JASIN 1978

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    During the Joint Air-Sea Interaction (JASIN) experiment conducted in the northern Rockall Trough in the summer of 1978, oceanographic moorings with surface buoys carrying wind recorders were deployed in an array designed to investigate the variability of the near-surface wind field at scales of from 2 to 200 km. The wind records together with observations taken on board the research vessels participating in JASIN have provided ground truth measurements for the sea surface wind velocity sensors on the Seasat satellite. During most of the experiment the wind field was characterized by spatial scales large in comparison with the separations between the buoys. On several occasions, spatial differences associated with cold fronts were identified, and it was possible to track the passage of the front through the array. However, quantitative analysis of the variability of the wind field was complicated both by a lack of data due to mechanical failures of some instruments and by significant differences in the performance of the diverse types of wind recorders. Reevaluation of the instruments used in JASIN and recent comparison of some of these instruments with more conventional sets of wind sensors confirm the possibility that there is significant error in the JASIN wind measurements made from the buoys. In particular, the vector-averaging wind recorder on W2, which was one of the few instruments to recover a full length record and which was chosen during a Seasat-JASIN workshop as the JASIN standard, had performance characteristics that were among the most difficult to explain

    Assessment of Renewable Energy Resources with Remote Sensing

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    The development of renewable energy sources plays a fundamental role in the transition towards a low carbon economy. Considering that renewable energy resources have an intrinsic relationship with meteorological conditions and climate patterns, methodologies based on the remote sensing of the atmosphere are fundamental sources of information to support the energy sector in planning and operation procedures. This Special Issue is intended to provide a highly recognized international forum to present recent advances in remote sensing to data acquisition required by the energy sector. After a review, a total of eleven papers were accepted for publication. The contributions focus on solar, wind, and geothermal energy resource. This editorial presents a brief overview of each contribution.About the Editor .............................................. vii Fernando Ramos Martins Editorial for the Special Issue: Assessment of Renewable Energy Resources with Remote Sensing Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3748, doi:10.3390/rs12223748 ................. 1 André R. Gonçalves, Arcilan T. Assireu, Fernando R. Martins, Madeleine S. G. Casagrande, Enrique V. Mattos, Rodrigo S. Costa, Robson B. Passos, Silvia V. Pereira, Marcelo P. Pes, Francisco J. L. Lima and Enio B. Pereira Enhancement of Cloudless Skies Frequency over a Large Tropical Reservoir in Brazil Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2793, doi:10.3390/rs12172793 ................. 7 Anders V. Lindfors, Axel Hertsberg, Aku Riihelä, Thomas Carlund, Jörg Trentmann and Richard Müller On the Land-Sea Contrast in the Surface Solar Radiation (SSR) in the Baltic Region Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3509, doi:10.3390/rs12213509 ................. 33 Joaquín Alonso-Montesinos Real-Time Automatic Cloud Detection Using a Low-Cost Sky Camera Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1382, doi:10.3390/rs12091382 ................. 43 Román Mondragón, Joaquín Alonso-Montesinos, David Riveros-Rosas, Mauro Valdés, Héctor Estévez, Adriana E. González-Cabrera and Wolfgang Stremme Attenuation Factor Estimation of Direct Normal Irradiance Combining Sky Camera Images and Mathematical Models in an Inter-Tropical Area Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1212, doi:10.3390/rs12071212 ................. 61 Jinwoong Park, Jihoon Moon, Seungmin Jung and Eenjun Hwang Multistep-Ahead Solar Radiation Forecasting Scheme Based on the Light Gradient Boosting Machine: A Case Study of Jeju Island Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2271, doi:10.3390/rs12142271 ................. 79 Guojiang Xiong, Jing Zhang, Dongyuan Shi, Lin Zhu, Xufeng Yuan and Gang Yao Modified Search Strategies Assisted Crossover Whale Optimization Algorithm with Selection Operator for Parameter Extraction of Solar Photovoltaic Models Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2795, doi:10.3390/rs11232795 ................. 101 Alexandra I. Khalyasmaa, Stanislav A. Eroshenko, Valeriy A. Tashchilin, Hariprakash Ramachandran, Teja Piepur Chakravarthi and Denis N. Butusov Industry Experience of Developing Day-Ahead Photovoltaic Plant Forecasting System Based on Machine Learning Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3420, doi:10.3390/rs12203420 ................. 125 Ian R. Young, Ebru Kirezci and Agustinus Ribal The Global Wind Resource Observed by Scatterometer Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2920, doi:10.3390/rs12182920 ................. 147 Susumu Shimada, Jay Prakash Goit, Teruo Ohsawa, Tetsuya Kogaki and Satoshi Nakamura Coastal Wind Measurements Using a Single Scanning LiDAR Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1347, doi:10.3390/rs12081347 ................. 165 Cristina Sáez Blázquez, Pedro Carrasco García, Ignacio Martín Nieto, MiguelAngel ´ Maté-González, Arturo Farfán Martín and Diego González-Aguilera Characterizing Geological Heterogeneities for Geothermal Purposes through Combined Geophysical Prospecting Methods Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1948, doi:10.3390/rs12121948 ................. 189 Miktha Farid Alkadri, Francesco De Luca, Michela Turrin and Sevil Sariyildiz A Computational Workflow for Generating A Voxel-Based Design Approach Based on Subtractive Shading Envelopes and Attribute Information of Point Cloud Data Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2561, doi:10.3390/rs12162561 ................. 207Instituto do Ma

    Wind energy applications of synthetic aperture radar

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    Remote Sensing Observations of Tundra Snow with Ku- and X-band Radar

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    Seasonal patterns of snow accumulation in the Northern Hemisphere are changing in response to variations in Arctic climate. These changes have the potential to influence global climate, regional hydrology, and sensitive ecosystems as they become more pronounced. To refine our understanding of the role of snow in the Earth system, improved methods to characterize global changes in snow extent and mass are needed. Current space-borne observations and ground-based measurement networks lack the spatial resolution to characterize changes in volumetric snow properties at the scale of ground observed variation. Recently, radar has emerged as a potential complement to existing observation methods with demonstrated sensitivity to snow volume at high spatial resolutions (< 200 m). In 2009, this potential was recognized by the proposed European Space Agency Earth Explorer mission, the Cold Regions High Resolution Hydrology Observatory (CoReH2O); a satellite based dual frequency (17.2 and 9.6 GHz) radar for observation of cryospheric variables including snow water equivalent (SWE). Despite increasing international attention, snow-radar interactions specific to many snow cover types remain unevaluated at 17.2 or 9.6 GHz, including those common to the Canadian tundra. This thesis aimed to use field-based experimentation to close gaps in knowledge regarding snow-microwave interaction and to improve our understanding of how these interactions could be exploited to retrieve snow properties in tundra environments. Between September 2009 and March 2011, a pair of multi-objective field campaigns were conducted in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada to collect snow, ice, and radar measurements in a number of unique sub-arctic environments. Three distinct experiments were undertaken to characterize and evaluate snow-radar response using novel seasonal, spatial, and destructive sampling methods in previously untested terrestrial tundra environments. Common to each experiment was the deployment of a sled-mounted dual-frequency (17.2 and 9.6 GHz) scatterometer system known as UW-Scat. This adaptable ground-based radar system was used to collect backscatter measurements across a range of representative tundra snow conditions at remote terrestrial sites. The assembled set of measurements provide an extensive database from which to evaluate the influence of seasonal processes of snow accumulation and metamorphosis on radar response. Several advancements to our understanding of snow-radar interaction were made in this thesis. First, proof-of-concept experiments were used to establish seasonal and spatial observation protocols for ground-based evaluation. These initial experiments identified the presence of frequency dependent sensitivity to evolving snow properties in terrestrial environments. Expanding upon the preliminary experiments, a seasonal observation protocol was used to demonstrate for the first time Ku-band and X-band sensitivity to evolving snow properties at a coastal tundra observation site. Over a 5 month period, 13 discrete scatterometer observations were collected at an undisturbed snow target where Ku-band measurements were shown to hold strong sensitivity to increasing snow depth and water equivalent. Analysis of longer wavelength X-band measurements was complicated by soil response not easily separable from the target snow signal. Definitive evidence of snow volume scattering was shown by removing the snowpack from the field of view which resulted in a significant reduction in backscatter at both frequencies. An additional set of distributed snow covered tundra targets were evaluated to increase knowledge of spatiotemporal Ku-band interactions. In this experiment strong sensitivities to increasing depth and SWE were again demonstrated. To further evaluate the influence of tundra snow variability, detailed characterization of snow stratigraphy was completed within the sensor field of view and compared against collocated backscatter response. These experiments demonstrated Ku-band sensitivity to changes in tundra snow properties observed over short distances. A contrasting homogeneous snowpack showed a reduction in variation of the radar signal in comparison to a highly variable open tundra site. Overall, the results of this thesis support the single frequency Ku-band (17.2 GHz) retrieval of shallow tundra snow properties and encourage further study of X-band interactions to aid in decomposition of the desired snow volume signal.4 month