29 research outputs found

    Everything You Wish to Know About Memristors But Are Afraid to Ask

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    This paper classifies all memristors into three classes called Ideal, Generic, or Extended memristors. A subclass of Generic memristors is related to Ideal memristors via a one-to-one mathematical transformation, and is hence called Ideal Generic memristors. The concept of non-volatile memories is defined and clarified with illustrations. Several fundamental new concepts, including Continuum-memory memristor, POP (acronym for Power-Off Plot), DC V-I Plot, and Quasi DC V-I Plot, are rigorously defined and clarified with colorful illustrations. Among many colorful pictures the shoelace DC V-I Plot stands out as both stunning and illustrative. Even more impressive is that this bizarre shoelace plot has an exact analytical representation via 2 explicit functions of the state variable, derived by a novel parametric approach invented by the author

    Everything You Wish to Know About Memristors But Are Afraid to Ask

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    Self-Directed Channel Memristor for High Temperature Operation

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    Ion-conducting memristors comprised of the layered chalcogenide materials Ge2Se3/SnSe/Ag are described. The memristor, termed a self-directed channel (SDC) device, can be classified as a generic memristor and can tolerate continuous high temperature operation (at least 150 °C). Unlike other chalcogenide-based ion conducting device types, the SDC device does not require complicated fabrication steps, such as photodoping or thermal annealing, making these devices faster and more reliable to fabricate. Device pulsed response shows fast state switching in the 10−9 s range. Device cycling at both room temperature and 140 °C show write endurance of at least 1 billion

    Experimental study of artificial neural networks using a digital memristor simulator

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a fully digital implementation of a memristor hardware simulator, as the core of an emulator, based on a behavioral model of voltage-controlled threshold-type bipolar memristors. Compared to other analog solutions, the proposed digital design is compact, easily reconfigurable, demonstrates very good matching with the mathematical model on which it is based, and complies with all the required features for memristor emulators. We validated its functionality using Altera Quartus II and ModelSim tools targeting low-cost yet powerful field programmable gate array (FPGA) families. We tested its suitability for complex memristive circuits as well as its synapse functioning in artificial neural networks (ANNs), implementing examples of associative memory and unsupervised learning of spatio-temporal correlations in parallel input streams using a simplified STDP. We provide the full circuit schematics of all our digital circuit designs and comment on the required hardware resources and their scaling trends, thus presenting a design framework for applications based on our hardware simulator.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Possibility of applying memristors in microwave filters

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    Memristors current-voltage characteristics

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    U ovom završnom radu najprije je definiran memristor, načela njegova rada, statička i dinamička svojstva. Također je obrađena pojava petlje histereze koja čini glavnu razliku između memristora i otpornika. Predočene su različite vrste memristora među kojima u ovom radu razlikujemo strujno i naponski upravljane memristore. S tim da je naziv teme „Strujno naponske karakteristike memristora“ bilo je potrebno slikovito prikazati strujno-naponske karakteristike različitih SPICE modela memristora u programu koji se zove LTSpice. Nakon dobivenih slika, objašnjene su promjene izgleda petlje histereze uslijed promjene frekvencije. Prilikom izrade korištena su četiri različita modela memristora, a to su: Pino memristora, Joglekar, Biolek i TiO2 memristor. Dokazano je da se pri postupnom povećanju frekvencije karakteristika linearizira.In this final work first defined were the memristor, the principles of his work, static and dynamic properties. Also the pinched hysteresis loop phenomenon is defined which makes the main difference between the memristor and the resistor. Various types of memristors were presented, and in this paper we distinguish between current and voltage controlled memristors. While the title of the "Current Capacitor Voltage Characteristics of the Membrane" topic was necessary to display the current-voltage characteristics of the various SPICE model of memristors in the program called LTSpice. After the resulting images, changes in the appearance of the pinched hysteresis loop have been explained due to frequency change. Four distinct models of memristors were used during the analysis, namely: Pino memristor, Joglekar, Biolek and TiO2 memristor. It has been proven that with the gradation of the frequency characteristic became more linear

    A switching control for finite-time synchronization of memristor-based BAM neural networks with stochastic disturbances

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    This paper deals with the finite-time stochastic synchronization for a class of memristorbased bidirectional associative memory neural networks (MBAMNNs) with time-varying delays and stochastic disturbances. Firstly, based on the physical property of memristor and the circuit of MBAMNNs, a MBAMNNs model with more reasonable switching conditions is established. Then, based on the theory of Filippov’s solution, by using Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals and stochastic analysis technique, a sufficient condition is given to ensure the finite-time stochastic synchronization of MBAMNNs with a certain controller. Next, by a further discussion, an errordependent switching controller is given to shorten the stochastic settling time. Finally, numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of theoretical results

    Utilization of Euler-Lagrange Equations in Circuits with Memory Elements

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    It is well known that the equation of motion of a system can be set up using the Lagrangian and the dissipation function, which describe the conservative and dissipative parts of the system. However, this procedure, consisting in a systematic differentiation of the above state functions, cannot be used for circuits containing simultaneously conventional nonlinear elements such as the resistor, capacitor, and inductor, and their nonlinear memory versions – the memristor, memcapacitor, and meminductor. The paper provides a general solution to this problem and demonstrates it on the example of modeling Josephson’s junction