352 research outputs found

    Low Resource Multi-Task Sequence Tagging -- Revisiting Dynamic Conditional Random Fields

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    We compare different models for low resource multi-task sequence tagging that leverage dependencies between label sequences for different tasks. Our analysis is aimed at datasets where each example has labels for multiple tasks. Current approaches use either a separate model for each task or standard multi-task learning to learn shared feature representations. However, these approaches ignore correlations between label sequences, which can provide important information in settings with small training datasets. To analyze which scenarios can profit from modeling dependencies between labels in different tasks, we revisit dynamic conditional random fields (CRFs) and combine them with deep neural networks. We compare single-task, multi-task and dynamic CRF setups for three diverse datasets at both sentence and document levels in English and German low resource scenarios. We show that including silver labels from pretrained part-of-speech taggers as auxiliary tasks can improve performance on downstream tasks. We find that especially in low-resource scenarios, the explicit modeling of inter-dependencies between task predictions outperforms single-task as well as standard multi-task models

    Hierarchical and Spatial Structures for Interpreting Images of Man-made Scenes Using Graphical Models

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    The task of semantic scene interpretation is to label the regions of an image and their relations into meaningful classes. Such task is a key ingredient to many computer vision applications, including object recognition, 3D reconstruction and robotic perception. It is challenging partially due to the ambiguities inherent to the image data. The images of man-made scenes, e. g. the building facade images, exhibit strong contextual dependencies in the form of the spatial and hierarchical structures. Modelling these structures is central for such interpretation task. Graphical models provide a consistent framework for the statistical modelling. Bayesian networks and random fields are two popular types of the graphical models, which are frequently used for capturing such contextual information. The motivation for our work comes from the belief that we can find a generic formulation for scene interpretation that having both the benefits from random fields and Bayesian networks. It should have clear semantic interpretability. Therefore our key contribution is the development of a generic statistical graphical model for scene interpretation, which seamlessly integrates different types of the image features, and the spatial structural information and the hierarchical structural information defined over the multi-scale image segmentation. It unifies the ideas of existing approaches, e. g. conditional random field (CRF) and Bayesian network (BN), which has a clear statistical interpretation as the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of a multi-class labelling problem. Given the graphical model structure, we derive the probability distribution of the model based on the factorization property implied in the model structure. The statistical model leads to an energy function that can be optimized approximately by either loopy belief propagation or graph cut based move making algorithm. The particular type of the features, the spatial structure, and the hierarchical structure however is not prescribed. In the experiments, we concentrate on terrestrial man-made scenes as a specifically difficult problem. We demonstrate the application of the proposed graphical model on the task of multi-class classification of building facade image regions. The framework for scene interpretation allows for significantly better classification results than the standard classical local classification approach on man-made scenes by incorporating the spatial and hierarchical structures. We investigate the performance of the algorithms on a public dataset to show the relative importance of the information from the spatial structure and the hierarchical structure. As a baseline for the region classification, we use an efficient randomized decision forest classifier. Two specific models are derived from the proposed graphical model, namely the hierarchical CRF and the hierarchical mixed graphical model. We show that these two models produce better classification results than both the baseline region classifier and the flat CRF.Hierarchische und räumliche Strukturen zur Interpretation von Bildern anthropogener Szenen unter Nutzung graphischer Modelle Ziel der semantischen Bildinterpretation ist es, Bildregionen und ihre gegenseitigen Beziehungen zu kennzeichnen und in sinnvolle Klassen einzuteilen. Dies ist eine der Hauptaufgabe in vielen Bereichen des maschinellen Sehens, wie zum Beispiel der Objekterkennung, 3D Rekonstruktion oder der Wahrnehmung von Robotern. Insbesondere Bilder anthropogener Szenen, wie z.B. Fassadenaufnahmen, sind durch starke räumliche und hierarchische Strukturen gekennzeichnet. Diese Strukturen zu modellieren ist zentrale Teil der Interpretation, für deren statistische Modellierung graphische Modelle ein geeignetes konsistentes Werkzeug darstellen. Bayes Netze und Zufallsfelder sind zwei bekannte und häufig genutzte Beispiele für graphische Modelle zur Erfassung kontextabhängiger Informationen. Die Motivation dieser Arbeit liegt in der überzeugung, dass wir eine generische Formulierung der Bildinterpretation mit klarer semantischer Bedeutung finden können, die die Vorteile von Bayes Netzen und Zufallsfeldern verbindet. Der Hauptbeitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt daher in der Entwicklung eines generischen statistischen graphischen Modells zur Bildinterpretation, welches unterschiedlichste Typen von Bildmerkmalen und die räumlichen sowie hierarchischen Strukturinformationen über eine multiskalen Bildsegmentierung integriert. Das Modell vereinheitlicht die existierender Arbeiten zugrunde liegenden Ideen, wie bedingter Zufallsfelder (conditional random field (CRF)) und Bayesnetze (Bayesian network (BN)). Dieses Modell hat eine klare statistische Interpretation als Maximum a posteriori (MAP) Schätzer eines mehrklassen Zuordnungsproblems. Gegeben die Struktur des graphischen Modells und den dadurch definierten Faktorisierungseigenschaften leiten wir die Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung des Modells ab. Dies führt zu einer Energiefunktion, die näherungsweise optimiert werden kann. Der jeweilige Typ der Bildmerkmale, die räumliche sowie hierarchische Struktur ist von dieser Formulierung unabhängig. Wir zeigen die Anwendung des vorgeschlagenen graphischen Modells anhand der mehrklassen Zuordnung von Bildregionen in Fassadenaufnahmen. Wir demonstrieren, dass das vorgeschlagene Verfahren zur Bildinterpretation, durch die Berücksichtigung räumlicher sowie hierarchischer Strukturen, signifikant bessere Klassifikationsergebnisse zeigt, als klassische lokale Klassifikationsverfahren. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des vorgeschlagenen Verfahrens wird anhand eines öffentlich verfügbarer Datensatzes evaluiert. Zur Klassifikation der Bildregionen nutzen wir ein Verfahren basierend auf einem effizienten Random Forest Klassifikator. Aus dem vorgeschlagenen allgemeinen graphischen Modell werden konkret zwei spezielle Modelle abgeleitet, ein hierarchisches bedingtes Zufallsfeld (hierarchical CRF) sowie ein hierarchisches gemischtes graphisches Modell. Wir zeigen, dass beide Modelle bessere Klassifikationsergebnisse erzeugen als die zugrunde liegenden lokalen Klassifikatoren oder die einfachen bedingten Zufallsfelder

    Spatiotemporal visual analysis of human actions

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    In this dissertation we propose four methods for the recognition of human activities. In all four of them, the representation of the activities is based on spatiotemporal features that are automatically detected at areas where there is a significant amount of independent motion, that is, motion that is due to ongoing activities in the scene. We propose the use of spatiotemporal salient points as features throughout this dissertation. The algorithms presented, however, can be used with any kind of features, as long as the latter are well localized and have a well-defined area of support in space and time. We introduce the utilized spatiotemporal salient points in the first method presented in this dissertation. By extending previous work on spatial saliency, we measure the variations in the information content of pixel neighborhoods both in space and time, and detect the points at the locations and scales for which this information content is locally maximized. In this way, an activity is represented as a collection of spatiotemporal salient points. We propose an iterative linear space-time warping technique in order to align the representations in space and time and propose to use Relevance Vector Machines (RVM) in order to classify each example into an action category. In the second method proposed in this dissertation we propose to enhance the acquired representations of the first method. More specifically, we propose to track each detected point in time, and create representations based on sets of trajectories, where each trajectory expresses how the information engulfed by each salient point evolves over time. In order to deal with imperfect localization of the detected points, we augment the observation model of the tracker with background information, acquired using a fully automatic background estimation algorithm. In this way, the tracker favors solutions that contain a large number of foreground pixels. In addition, we perform experiments where the tracked templates are localized on specific parts of the body, like the hands and the head, and we further augment the tracker’s observation model using a human skin color model. Finally, we use a variant of the Longest Common Subsequence algorithm (LCSS) in order to acquire a similarity measure between the resulting trajectory representations, and RVMs for classification. In the third method that we propose, we assume that neighboring salient points follow a similar motion. This is in contrast to the previous method, where each salient point was tracked independently of its neighbors. More specifically, we propose to extract a novel set of visual descriptors that are based on geometrical properties of three-dimensional piece-wise polynomials. The latter are fitted on the spatiotemporal locations of salient points that fall within local spatiotemporal neighborhoods, and are assumed to follow a similar motion. The extracted descriptors are invariant in translation and scaling in space-time. Coupling the neighborhood dimensions to the scale at which the corresponding spatiotemporal salient points are detected ensures the latter. The descriptors that are extracted across the whole dataset are subsequently clustered in order to create a codebook, which is used in order to represent the overall motion of the subjects within small temporal windows.Finally,we use boosting in order to select the most discriminative of these windows for each class, and RVMs for classification. The fourth and last method addresses the joint problem of localization and recognition of human activities depicted in unsegmented image sequences. Its main contribution is the use of an implicit representation of the spatiotemporal shape of the activity, which relies on the spatiotemporal localization of characteristic ensembles of spatiotemporal features. The latter are localized around automatically detected salient points. Evidence for the spatiotemporal localization of the activity is accumulated in a probabilistic spatiotemporal voting scheme. During training, we use boosting in order to create codebooks of characteristic feature ensembles for each class. Subsequently, we construct class-specific spatiotemporal models, which encode where in space and time each codeword ensemble appears in the training set. During testing, each activated codeword ensemble casts probabilistic votes concerning the spatiotemporal localization of the activity, according to the information stored during training. We use a Mean Shift Mode estimation algorithm in order to extract the most probable hypotheses from each resulting voting space. Each hypothesis corresponds to a spatiotemporal volume which potentially engulfs the activity, and is verified by performing action category classification with an RVM classifier

    Lidar-based Obstacle Detection and Recognition for Autonomous Agricultural Vehicles

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    Today, agricultural vehicles are available that can drive autonomously and follow exact route plans more precisely than human operators. Combined with advancements in precision agriculture, autonomous agricultural robots can reduce manual labor, improve workflow, and optimize yield. However, as of today, human operators are still required for monitoring the environment and acting upon potential obstacles in front of the vehicle. To eliminate this need, safety must be ensured by accurate and reliable obstacle detection and avoidance systems.In this thesis, lidar-based obstacle detection and recognition in agricultural environments has been investigated. A rotating multi-beam lidar generating 3D point clouds was used for point-wise classification of agricultural scenes, while multi-modal fusion with cameras and radar was used to increase performance and robustness. Two research perception platforms were presented and used for data acquisition. The proposed methods were all evaluated on recorded datasets that represented a wide range of realistic agricultural environments and included both static and dynamic obstacles.For 3D point cloud classification, two methods were proposed for handling density variations during feature extraction. One method outperformed a frequently used generic 3D feature descriptor, whereas the other method showed promising preliminary results using deep learning on 2D range images. For multi-modal fusion, four methods were proposed for combining lidar with color camera, thermal camera, and radar. Gradual improvements in classification accuracy were seen, as spatial, temporal, and multi-modal relationships were introduced in the models. Finally, occupancy grid mapping was used to fuse and map detections globally, and runtime obstacle detection was applied on mapped detections along the vehicle path, thus simulating an actual traversal.The proposed methods serve as a first step towards full autonomy for agricultural vehicles. The study has thus shown that recent advancements in autonomous driving can be transferred to the agricultural domain, when accurate distinctions are made between obstacles and processable vegetation. Future research in the domain has further been facilitated with the release of the multi-modal obstacle dataset, FieldSAFE

    Deep Structured Models for Large Scale Object Co-detection and Segmentation

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    Structured decisions are often required for a large variety of image and scene understanding tasks in computer vision, with few of them being object detection, localization, semantic segmentation and many more. Structured prediction deals with learning inherent structure by incorporating contextual information from several images and multiple tasks. However, it is very challenging when dealing with large scale image datasets where performance is limited by high computational costs and expressive power of the underlying representation learning techniques. In this thesis, we present efficient and effective deep structured models for context-aware object detection, co-localization and instance-level semantic segmentation. First, we introduce a principled formulation for object co-detection using a fully-connected conditional random field (CRF). We build an explicit graph whose vertices represent object candidates (instead of pixel values) and edges encode the object similarity via simple, yet effective pairwise potentials. More specifically, we design a weighted mixture of Gaussian kernels for class-specific object similarity, and formulate kernel weights estimation as a least-squares regression problem. Its solution can therefore be obtained in closed-form. Furthermore, in contrast with traditional co-detection approaches, it has been shown that inference in such fully-connected CRFs can be performed efficiently using an approximate mean-field method with high-dimensional Gaussian filtering. This lets us effectively leverage information in multiple images. Next, we extend our class-specific co-detection framework to multiple object categories. We model object candidates with rich, high-dimensional features learned using a deep convolutional neural network. In particular, our max-margin and directloss structural boosting algorithms enable us to learn the most suitable features that best encode pairwise similarity relationships within our CRF framework. Furthermore, it guarantees that the time and space complexity is O(n t) where n is the total number of candidate boxes in the pool and t the number of mean-field iterations. Moreover, our experiments evidence the importance of learning rich similarity measures to account for the contextual relations across object classes and instances. However, all these methods are based on precomputed object candidates (or proposals), thus localization performance is limited by the quality of bounding-boxes. To address this, we present an efficient object proposal co-generation technique that leverages the collective power of multiple images. In particular, we design a deep neural network layer that takes unary and pairwise features as input, builds a fully-connected CRF and produces mean-field marginals as output. It also lets us backpropagate the gradient through entire network by unrolling the iterations of CRF inference. Furthermore, this layer simplifies the end-to-end learning, thus effectively benefiting from multiple candidates to co-generate high-quality object proposals. Finally, we develop a multi-task strategy to jointly learn object detection, localization and instance-level semantic segmentation in a single network. In particular, we introduce a novel representation based on the distance transform of the object masks. To this end, we design a new residual-deconvolution architecture that infers such a representation and decodes it into the final binary object mask. We show that the predicted masks can go beyond the scope of the bounding boxes and that the multiple tasks can benefit from each other. In summary, in this thesis, we exploit the joint power of multiple images as well as multiple tasks to improve generalization performance of structured learning. Our novel deep structured models, similarity learning techniques and residual-deconvolution architecture can be used to make accurate and reliable inference for key vision tasks. Furthermore, our quantitative and qualitative experiments on large scale challenging image datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approaches over the state-of-the-art methods

    Learning to recognize touch gestures: recurrent vs. convolutional features and dynamic sampling

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    We propose a fully automatic method for learning gestures on big touch devices in a potentially multi-user context. The goal is to learn general models capable of adapting to different gestures, user styles and hardware variations (e.g. device sizes, sampling frequencies and regularities). Based on deep neural networks, our method features a novel dynamic sampling and temporal normalization component, transforming variable length gestures into fixed length representations while preserving finger/surface contact transitions, that is, the topology of the signal. This sequential representation is then processed with a convolutional model capable, unlike recurrent networks, of learning hierarchical representations with different levels of abstraction. To demonstrate the interest of the proposed method, we introduce a new touch gestures dataset with 6591 gestures performed by 27 people, which is, up to our knowledge, the first of its kind: a publicly available multi-touch gesture dataset for interaction. We also tested our method on a standard dataset of symbolic touch gesture recognition, the MMG dataset, outperforming the state of the art and reporting close to perfect performance.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted at the 13th IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2018). Dataset available at http://itekube7.itekube.co
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