257 research outputs found

    The ANTARES Astronomical Time-Domain Event Broker

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    We describe the Arizona-NOIRLab Temporal Analysis and Response to Events System (ANTARES), a software instrument designed to process large-scale streams of astronomical time-domain alerts. With the advent of large-format CCDs on wide-field imaging telescopes, time-domain surveys now routinely discover tens of thousands of new events each night, more than can be evaluated by astronomers alone. The ANTARES event broker will process alerts, annotating them with catalog associations and filtering them to distinguish customizable subsets of events. We describe the data model of the system, the overall architecture, annotation, implementation of filters, system outputs, provenance tracking, system performance, and the user interface.Comment: 24 Pages, 8 figures, Accepted by A

    Intelligent event broker: a complex event processing system in big data contexts

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    In Big Data contexts, many batch and streaming oriented technologies have emerged to deal with the high valuable sources of events, such as Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, the Web, several types of databases, among others. The huge amount of heterogeneous data being constantly generated by a world of interconnected things and the need for (semi)-automated decision-making processes through Complex Event Processing (CEP) and Machine Learning (ML) have raised the need for innovative architectures capable of processing events in a streamlined, scalable, analytical, and integrated way. This paper presents the Intelligent Event Broker, a CEP system built upon flexible and scalable Big Data techniques and technologies, highlighting its system architecture, software packages, and classes. A demonstration case in Bosch’s Industry 4.0 context is presented, detailing how the system can be used to manage and improve the quality of the manufacturing process, showing its usefulness for solving real-world event-oriented problems.This work has been supported by FCT –Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologiawithin the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019 and the Doctoral scholarship PD/BDE/135101/2017. This paper uses icons made by Freepik, from www.flaticon.com

    A DTN Routing Scheme Based on Publish/Subscribe Model

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    SafeWeb: A Middleware for Securing Ruby-Based Web Applications

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    Web applications in many domains such as healthcare and finance must process sensitive data, while complying with legal policies regarding the release of different classes of data to different parties. Currently, software bugs may lead to irreversible disclosure of confidential data in multi-tier web applications. An open challenge is how developers can guarantee these web applications only ever release sensitive data to authorised users without costly, recurring security audits. Our solution is to provide a trusted middleware that acts as a “safety net” to event-based enterprise web applications by preventing harmful data disclosure before it happens. We describe the design and implementation of SafeWeb, a Ruby-based middleware that associates data with security labels and transparently tracks their propagation at different granularities across a multi-tier web architecture with storage and complex event processing. For efficiency, maintainability and ease-of-use, SafeWeb exploits the dynamic features of the Ruby programming language to achieve label propagation and data flow enforcement. We evaluate SafeWeb by reporting our experience of implementing a web-based cancer treatment application and deploying it as part of the UK National Health Service (NHS)

    Evaluation of standard monitoring tools(including log analysis) for control systems at Cern

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    Project Specification: The goal of this Openlab Summer Student project was to assess the implications and the benefits of integrating two standard IT tools, namely Icinga and Splunkstorm with the existing production setup for monitoring and management of control systems at CERN. Icinga – an open source monitoring software based on Nagios would need to be integrated with an in-house developed WinCC OA application called MOON, that is currently used for monitoring and managing all the components that make up the control systems. Splunkstorm – a data analysis and log management online application would be used stand alone, so it didn’t need integration with other software, only understanding of features and installation procedure. Abstract: The aim of this document is to provide insights into installation procedures, key features and functionality and projected implementation effort of Icinga and Splunkstorm IT tools. Focus will be on presenting the most feasible implementation paths that surfaced once both software were well understood

    Autonomous software: Myth or magic?

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    We discuss work by the eSTAR project which demonstrates a fully closed loop autonomous system for the follow up of possible micro-lensing anomalies. Not only are the initial micro-lensing detections followed up in real time, but ongoing events are prioritised and continually monitored, with the returned data being analysed automatically. If the ``smart software'' running the observing campaign detects a planet-like anomaly, further follow-up will be scheduled autonomously and other telescopes and telescope networks alerted to the possible planetary detection. We further discuss the implications of this, and how such projects can be used to build more general autonomous observing and control systems.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, to appear in proceedings of Hot-wiring the Transient Universe (HTU) 2007, Astronomische Nachrichten, March 200

    A Big Data perspective on Cyber-Physical Systems for Industry 4.0: modernizing and scaling complex event processing

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    Doctoral program in Advanced Engineering Systems for IndustryNowadays, the whole industry makes efforts to find the most productive ways of working and it already understood that using the data that is being produced inside and outside the factories is a way to improve the business performance. A set of modern technologies combined with sensor-based communication create the possibility to act according to our needs, precisely at the moment when the data is being produced and processed. Considering the diversity of processes existing in a factory, all of them producing data, Complex Event Processing (CEP) with the capabilities to process that amount of data is needed in the daily work of a factory, to process different types of events and find patterns between them. Although the integration of the Big Data and Complex Event Processing topics is already present in the literature, open challenges in this area were identified, hence the reason for the contribution presented in this thesis. Thereby, this doctoral thesis proposes a system architecture that integrates the CEP concept with a rulebased approach in the Big Data context: the Intelligent Event Broker (IEB). This architecture proposes the use of adequate Big Data technologies in its several components. At the same time, some of the gaps identified in this area were fulfilled, complementing Event Processing with the possibility to use Machine Learning Models that can be integrated in the rules' verification, and also proposing an innovative monitoring system with an immersive visualization component to monitor the IEB and prevent its uncontrolled growth, since there are always several processes inside a factory that can be integrated in the system. The proposed architecture was validated with a demonstration case using, as an example, the Active Lot Release Bosch's system. This demonstration case revealed that it is feasible to implement the proposed architecture and proved the adequate functioning of the IEB system to process Bosch's business processes data and also to monitor its components and the events flowing through those components.Hoje em dia as indústrias esforçam-se para encontrar formas de serem mais produtivas. A utilização dos dados que são produzidos dentro e fora das fábricas já foi identificada como uma forma de melhorar o desempenho do negócio. Um conjunto de tecnologias atuais combinado com a comunicação baseada em sensores cria a possibilidade de se atuar precisamente no momento em que os dados estão a ser produzidos e processados, assegurando resposta às necessidades do negócio. Considerando a diversidade de processos que existem e produzem dados numa fábrica, as capacidades do Processamento de Eventos Complexos (CEP) revelam-se necessárias no quotidiano de uma fábrica, processando diferentes tipos de eventos e encontrando padrões entre os mesmos. Apesar da integração do conceito CEP na era de Big Data ser um tópico já presente na literatura, existem ainda desafios nesta área que foram identificados e que dão origem às contribuições presentes nesta tese. Assim, esta tese de doutoramento propõe uma arquitetura para um sistema que integre o conceito de CEP na era do Big Data, seguindo uma abordagem baseada em regras: o Intelligent Event Broker (IEB). Esta arquitetura propõe a utilização de tecnologias de Big Data que sejam adequadas aos seus diversos componentes. As lacunas identificadas na literatura foram consideradas, complementando o processamento de eventos com a possibilidade de utilizar modelos de Machine Learning com vista a serem integrados na verificação das regras, propondo também um sistema de monitorização inovador composto por um componente de visualização imersiva que permite monitorizar o IEB e prevenir o seu crescimento descontrolado, o que pode acontecer devido à integração do conjunto significativo de processos existentes numa fábrica. A arquitetura proposta foi validada através de um caso de demonstração que usou os dados do Active Lot Release, um sistema da Bosch. Os resultados revelaram a viabilidade da implementação da arquitetura e comprovaram o adequado funcionamento do sistema no que diz respeito ao processamento dos dados dos processos de negócio da Bosch e à monitorização dos componentes do IEB e eventos que fluem através desses.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020, the Doctoral scholarship PD/BDE/135101/2017 and by European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project nº 039479; Funding Reference: POCI-01- 0247-FEDER-039479]