1,854 research outputs found

    Sampling-Based Threat Assessment Algorithms for Intersection Collisions Involving Errant Drivers

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    This paper considers the decision-making problem for a vehicle crossing a road intersection in the presence of other, potentially errant, drivers. This problem is considered in a game-theoretic framework, where the errant drivers are assumed to be capable of causing intentional collisions. Our approach is to simulate the possible behaviors of errant drivers using RRT-Reach, a modi ed application of rapidly-exploring random trees. A novelty in RRT-Reach is the use of a dual exploration-pursuit mode, which allows for e cient approximation of the errant reachability set for some xed time horizon. Through simulation and experimental results with a small autonomous vehicle, we demonstrate that this threat assessment algorithm can be used in real-time to minimize the risk of collision

    A testbed for multi-robot systems

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    This thesis investigates the problem of multiple robot path planning. In the first chapter of the thesis, we propose a general purpose multi-robots testbed Cy-Eye. Typical applications include target detection, tracking, and surveillance can be tested on this testbed. Its architecture makes it suitable for centralized and distributed experiments. In the second chapter, we present one formation control problem. When multiple robots working together, it is often that they have to assign targets among themselves, and then plan and schedule their collision-free paths to their targets. Specifically, we present a navigation strategy for multiple ground-based robots in row crop field. We show that obtaining the solution to the problem of minimizing the length of the distance traveled by the robots, and subsequent rearrangement can lead to paths on which the robots only collide at a few intersections. Controlling the passage of robots at those intersections with local interactions can lead to collision-free paths. In the third chapter, we present the current progress of a multiple player pursuit-evasion game. The objects for the aerial pursuers are maximizing the tracking time for keep multiple evaders in the field of view. We propose a tracking strategy and show the simulation

    Human Motion Trajectory Prediction: A Survey

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    With growing numbers of intelligent autonomous systems in human environments, the ability of such systems to perceive, understand and anticipate human behavior becomes increasingly important. Specifically, predicting future positions of dynamic agents and planning considering such predictions are key tasks for self-driving vehicles, service robots and advanced surveillance systems. This paper provides a survey of human motion trajectory prediction. We review, analyze and structure a large selection of work from different communities and propose a taxonomy that categorizes existing methods based on the motion modeling approach and level of contextual information used. We provide an overview of the existing datasets and performance metrics. We discuss limitations of the state of the art and outline directions for further research.Comment: Submitted to the International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 37 page

    Safety-critical scenarios and virtual testing procedures for automated cars at road intersections

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    This thesis addresses the problem of road intersection safety with regard to a mixed population of automated vehicles and non-automated road users. The work derives and evaluates safety-critical scenarios at road junctions, which can pose a particular safety problem involving automated cars. A simulation and evaluation framework for car-to-car accidents is presented and demonstrated, which allows examining the safety performance of automated driving systems within those scenarios. Given the recent advancements in automated driving functions, one of the main challenges is safe and efficient operation in complex traffic situations such as road junctions. There is a need for comprehensive testing, either in virtual testing environments or on real-world test tracks. Since it is unrealistic to cover all possible combinations of traffic situations and environment conditions, the challenge is to find the key driving situations to be evaluated at junctions. Against this background, a novel method to derive critical pre-crash scenarios from historical car accident data is presented. It employs k-medoids to cluster historical junction crash data into distinct partitions and then applies the association rules algorithm to each cluster to specify the driving scenarios in more detail. The dataset used consists of 1,056 junction crashes in the UK, which were exported from the in-depth On-the-Spot database. The study resulted in thirteen crash clusters for T-junctions, and six crash clusters for crossroads. Association rules revealed common crash characteristics, which were the basis for the scenario descriptions. As a follow-up to the scenario generation, the thesis further presents a novel, modular framework to transfer the derived collision scenarios to a sub-microscopic traffic simulation environment. The software CarMaker is used with MATLAB/Simulink to simulate realistic models of vehicles, sensors and road environments and is combined with an advanced Monte Carlo method to obtain a representative set of parameter combinations. The analysis of different safety performance indicators computed from the simulation outputs reveals collision and near-miss probabilities for selected scenarios. The usefulness and applicability of the simulation and evaluation framework is demonstrated for a selected junction scenario, where the safety performance of different in-vehicle collision avoidance systems is studied. The results show that the number of collisions and conflicts were reduced to a tenth when adding a crossing and turning assistant to a basic forward collision avoidance system. Due to its modular architecture, the presented framework can be adapted to the individual needs of future users and may be enhanced with customised simulation models. Ultimately, the thesis leads to more efficient workflows when virtually testing automated driving at intersections, as a complement to field operational tests on public roads

    Predictive energy-efficient motion trajectory optimization of electric vehicles

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    This work uses a combination of existing and novel methods to optimize the motion trajectory of an electric vehicle in order to improve the energy efficiency and other criteria for a predefined route. The optimization uses a single combined cost function incorporating energy efficiency, travel safety, physical feasibility, and other criteria. Another focus is the optimal behavior beyond the regular optimization horizon
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