529 research outputs found

    Distributional Inclusion Vector Embedding for Unsupervised Hypernymy Detection

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    Modeling hypernymy, such as poodle is-a dog, is an important generalization aid to many NLP tasks, such as entailment, coreference, relation extraction, and question answering. Supervised learning from labeled hypernym sources, such as WordNet, limits the coverage of these models, which can be addressed by learning hypernyms from unlabeled text. Existing unsupervised methods either do not scale to large vocabularies or yield unacceptably poor accuracy. This paper introduces distributional inclusion vector embedding (DIVE), a simple-to-implement unsupervised method of hypernym discovery via per-word non-negative vector embeddings which preserve the inclusion property of word contexts in a low-dimensional and interpretable space. In experimental evaluations more comprehensive than any previous literature of which we are aware-evaluating on 11 datasets using multiple existing as well as newly proposed scoring functions-we find that our method provides up to double the precision of previous unsupervised embeddings, and the highest average performance, using a much more compact word representation, and yielding many new state-of-the-art results.Comment: NAACL 201

    Application of Reverse Engineering and Rapid Prototyping to Casting

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    The automotive industry has an increasing need for the re manufacturing of spare parts through reverse engineering. In this thesis we will review the techniques used in Fused Deposition Modeling system for the reverse engineering of vintage automotive parts. The objective of the project is to be able to generate part-to-CAD and CAD-to-part reconstruction of the original part for future usage. These newly created 3D models will be added to the 3D Part Database. The integration of reverse engineering and rapid prototyping is being used for getting product to the market quickly by resolving a long-standing conflict between design and manufacturing. Rapid prototyping (RP) technology has undoubtedly had a major impact on the manufacturing industry throughout the world. RP technology has developed as a result of the requirements of manufacturing industry. There are a number of application areas where RP has been used to good effect and one of these is Metal Casting. This thesis describes work carried out to investigate potential applications for metal casting, as well as an attempt to explore the limits of the technology. It will go on to discuss how the technology may be developed to better serve the requirements of the manufacturing industr

    Evaluation of MoG Video Segmentation on GPU-based HPC System

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    Automated and intelligent video surveillance systems play an important role in the modern world. Since the number of various video streams that must be analyzed concurrently grows, such systems can assist humans in performing tiresome tasks. In order to be effective, video surveillance systems have to meet several requirements: they must be accurate and able to process the received video stream in real-time. A robust system should not depend on lighting conditions, illumination changes and other sources of scene variation. A common component of surveillance systems is a module that performs background estimation and foreground segmentation. The MoG (Mixture of Gaussians) algorithm is a widely used statistical technique of video segmentation. The estimation process is time-consuming, especially for complex mixture models containing many components. The work presented here focuses on the performance evaluation of MoG algorithm aiming to assess feasibility of OpenCL-based processing of high resolution video on GPU accelerated platforms


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    Research of the willingness to pay (WTP) for the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management by using the online questionnaires was conducted with local residents in Beijing. A standard CVM was used for surveying the WTP for the MSW management by measuring subjective feed backs with the questionnaires. All study participants provided informed consent, and the research has been approved and admitted by the ethics committee of Kitakyushu University, Japan. This research predicts the willingness to pay of Beijing citizens for municipal solid waste waste management, using Beijing as an example, and proposes an extended model based on the contingent valuation method and the theory of planned behavior. Based on this extended model, it contributes to the development of new low-carbon policies in Chinese cities and socially sustainable cities, and proves its effectiveness.北九州市立大

    Towards the Development of a Wearable Tremor Suppression Glove

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    Patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) often associate with tremor. Among other symptoms of PD, tremor is the most aggressive symptom and it is difficult to control with traditional treatments. This thesis presents the assessment of Parkinsonian hand tremor in both the time domain and the frequency domain, the performance of a tremor estimator using different tremor models, and the development of a novel mechatronic transmission system for a wearable tremor suppression device. This transmission system functions as a mechatronic splitter that allows a single power source to support multiple independent applications. Unique features of this transmission system include low power consumption and adjustability in size and weight. Tremor assessment results showed that the hand tremor signal often presents a multi-harmonics pattern. The use of a multi-harmonics tremor model produced a better estimation result than using a monoharmonic tremor model

    Processor evaluation for low power frequency converter product family

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    Tässä työssä tutkitaan markkinoilla olevia tai lähitulevaisuudessa markkinoille saapuvia prosessoreja käytettäväksi pienitehoisissa taajuusmuuttajissa. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää prosessorin sopivuutta sovellukseen, jossa hinta on merkittävä tekijä. Tutkimuksessa esitettyjen vaatimusten perusteella houkuttelevimmat prosessorit otetaan tarkempaan tutkimukseen. Tarkemman selvityksen jälkeen vaatimuksia teknisesti mahdollisimman tarkasti vastaavat prosessorit pyydettiin valmistajalta testattavaksi. Testaaminen suoritettiin lopulta viidelle eri prosessorille, joista kaksi perustui samaan ytimeen. Testaamisen tavoitteena on selvittää prosessorin sopivuus käyttökohteeseensa. Sopivuus testattiin suorittamalla prosessoreissa taajuusmuuttajakäyttöä mallintavaa testikoodia. Tuloksina testikoodin ajamisesta saatiin tietyissä aliohjelmissa kulutettu aika sekä kulutetut kellosyklit. Suorituskyvyn lisäksi testaukseen kuului prosessorikohtaisen kääntäjän aikaansaaman koodin koko. Aliohjelmat sisälsivät sekä aritmeettisia, että loogisia operaatioita, joiden kombinaationa mahdollisimman hyvä sopivuus saatiin selvitettyä.The aim of this thesis is to study processors to be used in a low power frequency converter. Processors under investigation must be currently or in the near future in the market. The purpose is to examine suitability of a processor to an application in which price is an essential factor. The requirements presented in this study will determine which processor will be reviewed more closely. After a precise review, processor vendors was asked to provide as corresponding device as possible to a test. Testing was accomplished eventually with five different processors of which two were based on a same core. The aim of the testing was to investigate suitability of the processors to their target task. Suitability was tested by executing code that models frequency converter application. As a result, spent time and clock cycles are presented in certain functions. In addition to performance, the testing included evaluation of the size of the output code the compilers created. Functions under test consisted of a combination of arithmetic and logic operations that was used to interpret the suitability of the processor

    Leveraging Kubernetes in Edge-Native Cable Access Convergence

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    Public clouds provide infrastructure services and deployment frameworks for modern cloud-native applications. As the cloud-native paradigm has matured, containerization, orchestration and Kubernetes have become its fundamental building blocks. For the next step of cloud-native, an interest to extend it to the edge computing is emerging. Primary reasons for this are low-latency use cases and the desire to have uniformity in cloud-edge continuum. Cable access networks as specialized type of edge networks are not exception here. As the cable industry transitions to distributed architectures and plans the next steps to virtualize its on-premise network functions, there are opportunities to achieve synergy advantages from convergence of access technologies and services. Distributed cable networks deploy resource-constrained devices like RPDs and RMDs deep in the edge networks. These devices can be redesigned to support more than one access technology and to provide computing services for other edge tenants with MEC-like architectures. Both of these cases benefit from virtualization. It is here where cable access convergence and cloud-native transition to edge-native intersect. However, adapting cloud-native in the edge presents a challenge, since cloud-native container runtimes and native Kubernetes are not optimal solutions in diverse edge environments. Therefore, this thesis takes as its goal to describe current landscape of lightweight cloud-native runtimes and tools targeting the edge. While edge-native as a concept is taking its first steps, tools like KubeEdge, K3s and Virtual Kubelet can be seen as the most mature reference projects for edge-compatible solution types. Furthermore, as the container runtimes are not yet fully edge-ready, WebAssembly seems like a promising alternative runtime for lightweight, portable and secure Kubernetes compatible workloads