837 research outputs found

    Breast-Lesion Characterization using Textural Features of Quantitative Ultrasound Parametric Maps

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    © 2017 The Author(s). This study evaluated, for the first time, the efficacy of quantitative ultrasound (QUS) spectral parametric maps in conjunction with texture-analysis techniques to differentiate non-invasively benign versus malignant breast lesions. Ultrasound B-mode images and radiofrequency data were acquired from 78 patients with suspicious breast lesions. QUS spectral-analysis techniques were performed on radiofrequency data to generate parametric maps of mid-band fit, spectral slope, spectral intercept, spacing among scatterers, average scatterer diameter, and average acoustic concentration. Texture-analysis techniques were applied to determine imaging biomarkers consisting of mean, contrast, correlation, energy and homogeneity features of parametric maps. These biomarkers were utilized to classify benign versus malignant lesions with leave-one-patient-out cross-validation. Results were compared to histopathology findings from biopsy specimens and radiology reports on MR images to evaluate the accuracy of technique. Among the biomarkers investigated, one mean-value parameter and 14 textural features demonstrated statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) between the two lesion types. A hybrid biomarker developed using a stepwise feature selection method could classify the legions with a sensitivity of 96%, a specificity of 84%, and an AUC of 0.97. Findings from this study pave the way towards adapting novel QUS-based frameworks for breast cancer screening and rapid diagnosis in clinic

    A review on automatic mammographic density and parenchymal segmentation

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    Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women. However, the exact cause(s) of breast cancer still remains unknown. Early detection, precise identification of women at risk, and application of appropriate disease prevention measures are by far the most effective way to tackle breast cancer. There are more than 70 common genetic susceptibility factors included in the current non-image-based risk prediction models (e.g., the Gail and the Tyrer-Cuzick models). Image-based risk factors, such as mammographic densities and parenchymal patterns, have been established as biomarkers but have not been fully incorporated in the risk prediction models used for risk stratification in screening and/or measuring responsiveness to preventive approaches. Within computer aided mammography, automatic mammographic tissue segmentation methods have been developed for estimation of breast tissue composition to facilitate mammographic risk assessment. This paper presents a comprehensive review of automatic mammographic tissue segmentation methodologies developed over the past two decades and the evidence for risk assessment/density classification using segmentation. The aim of this review is to analyse how engineering advances have progressed and the impact automatic mammographic tissue segmentation has in a clinical environment, as well as to understand the current research gaps with respect to the incorporation of image-based risk factors in non-image-based risk prediction models

    Histopathological image analysis : a review

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    Over the past decade, dramatic increases in computational power and improvement in image analysis algorithms have allowed the development of powerful computer-assisted analytical approaches to radiological data. With the recent advent of whole slide digital scanners, tissue histopathology slides can now be digitized and stored in digital image form. Consequently, digitized tissue histopathology has now become amenable to the application of computerized image analysis and machine learning techniques. Analogous to the role of computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) algorithms in medical imaging to complement the opinion of a radiologist, CAD algorithms have begun to be developed for disease detection, diagnosis, and prognosis prediction to complement the opinion of the pathologist. In this paper, we review the recent state of the art CAD technology for digitized histopathology. This paper also briefly describes the development and application of novel image analysis technology for a few specific histopathology related problems being pursued in the United States and Europe

    Analyzing the breast tissue in mammograms using deep learning

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    La densitat mamogràfica de la mama (MBD) reflecteix la quantitat d'àrea fibroglandular del teixit mamari que apareix blanca i brillant a les mamografies, comunament coneguda com a densitat percentual de la mama (PD%). El MBD és un factor de risc per al càncer de mama i un factor de risc per emmascarar tumors. Tot i això, l'estimació precisa de la DMO amb avaluació visual continua sent un repte a causa del contrast feble i de les variacions significatives en els teixits grassos de fons en les mamografies. A més, la interpretació correcta de les imatges de mamografia requereix experts mèdics altament capacitats: És difícil, laboriós, car i propens a errors. No obstant això, el teixit mamari dens pot dificultar la identificació del càncer de mama i associar-se amb un risc més gran de càncer de mama. Per exemple, s'ha informat que les dones amb una alta densitat mamària en comparació amb les dones amb una densitat mamària baixa tenen un risc de quatre a sis vegades més gran de desenvolupar la malaltia. La clau principal de la computació de densitat de mama i la classificació de densitat de mama és detectar correctament els teixits densos a les imatges mamogràfiques. S'han proposat molts mètodes per estimar la densitat mamària; no obstant això, la majoria no estan automatitzats. A més, s'han vist greument afectats per la baixa relació senyal-soroll i la variabilitat de la densitat en aparença i textura. Seria més útil tenir un sistema de diagnòstic assistit per ordinador (CAD) per ajudar el metge a analitzar-lo i diagnosticar-lo automàticament. El desenvolupament actual de mètodes daprenentatge profund ens motiva a millorar els sistemes actuals danàlisi de densitat mamària. L'enfocament principal de la present tesi és desenvolupar un sistema per automatitzar l'anàlisi de densitat de la mama ( tal com; Segmentació de densitat de mama (BDS), percentatge de densitat de mama (BDP) i classificació de densitat de mama (BDC) ), utilitzant tècniques d'aprenentatge profund i aplicant-la a les mamografies temporals després del tractament per analitzar els canvis de densitat de mama per trobar un pacient perillós i sospitós.La densidad mamográfica de la mama (MBD) refleja la cantidad de área fibroglandular del tejido mamario que aparece blanca y brillante en las mamografías, comúnmente conocida como densidad porcentual de la mama (PD%). El MBD es un factor de riesgo para el cáncer de mama y un factor de riesgo para enmascarar tumores. Sin embargo, la estimación precisa de la DMO con evaluación visual sigue siendo un reto debido al contraste débil y a las variaciones significativas en los tejidos grasos de fondo en las mamografías. Además, la interpretación correcta de las imágenes de mamografía requiere de expertos médicos altamente capacitados: Es difícil, laborioso, caro y propenso a errores. Sin embargo, el tejido mamario denso puede dificultar la identificación del cáncer de mama y asociarse con un mayor riesgo de cáncer de mama. Por ejemplo, se ha informado que las mujeres con una alta densidad mamaria en comparación con las mujeres con una densidad mamaria baja tienen un riesgo de cuatro a seis veces mayor de desarrollar la enfermedad. La clave principal de la computación de densidad de mama y la clasificación de densidad de mama es detectar correctamente los tejidos densos en las imágenes mamográficas. Se han propuesto muchos métodos para la estimación de la densidad mamaria; sin embargo, la mayoría de ellos no están automatizados. Además, se han visto gravemente afectados por la baja relación señal-ruido y la variabilidad de la densidad en apariencia y textura. Sería más útil disponer de un sistema de diagnóstico asistido por ordenador (CAD) para ayudar al médico a analizarlo y diagnosticarlo automáticamente. El desarrollo actual de métodos de aprendizaje profundo nos motiva a mejorar los sistemas actuales de análisis de densidad mamaria. El enfoque principal de la presente tesis es desarrollar un sistema para automatizar el análisis de densidad de la mama ( tal como; Segmentación de densidad de mama (BDS), porcentaje de densidad de mama (BDP) y clasificación de densidad de mama (BDC)), utilizando técnicas de aprendizaje profundo y aplicándola en las mamografías temporales después del tratamiento para analizar los cambios de densidad de mama para encontrar un paciente peligroso y sospechoso.Mammographic breast density (MBD) reflects the amount of fibroglandular breast tissue area that appears white and bright on mammograms, commonly referred to as breast percent density (PD%). MBD is a risk factor for breast cancer and a risk factor for masking tumors. However, accurate MBD estimation with visual assessment is still a challenge due to faint contrast and significant variations in background fatty tissues in mammograms. In addition, correctly interpreting mammogram images requires highly trained medical experts: it is difficult, time-consuming, expensive, and error-prone. Nevertheless, dense breast tissue can make it harder to identify breast cancer and be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. For example, it has been reported that women with a high breast density compared to women with a low breast density have a four- to six-fold increased risk of developing the disease. The primary key of breast density computing and breast density classification is to detect the dense tissues in the mammographic images correctly. Many methods have been proposed for breast density estimation; however, most are not automated. Besides, they have been badly affected by low signal-to-noise ratio and variability of density in appearance and texture. It would be more helpful to have a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system to assist the doctor analyze and diagnosing it automatically. Current development in deep learning methods motivates us to improve current breast density analysis systems. The main focus of the present thesis is to develop a system for automating the breast density analysis ( such as; breast density segmentation(BDS), breast density percentage (BDP), and breast density classification ( BDC)), using deep learning techniques and applying it on the temporal mammograms after treatment for analyzing the breast density changes to find a risky and suspicious patient

    유방 촬영술 영상 자료의 딥러닝 적용을 통한 유방암 위험도 평가 : 유방 치밀도 자동 평가 방법 기반

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :보건대학원 보건학과,2019. 8. 성주헌.Introduction : Mammographic density adjusted for age and body mass index (BMI) is the most predictive marker of breast cancer after familial causes and genetic markers. The aim of this study was to develop deep learning (DL) algorithm to assess mammographic density. Methods : Total 2464 participants (834 cases and 1630 controls) were collected from Asan Medical Center and Samsung Medical Center, Korea. Cranio-caudal view mammographic images were obtained using full-field digital mammography system. Mammographic densities were measured using CUMULUS software. The resulting DL algorithm was tested on a held-out test set of 493 women. Agreement on DL and expert was assessed with correlation coefficient and weighted κ statistics. Risk associations of DL measures were evaluated with area under curve (AUC) and odds per adjusted standard deviation (OPERA). Results : The DL model showed very good agreement with expert for both percent density and dense area (r = 0.94 - 0.96 and κ = 0.89 - 0.91). Risk associations of DL measures were comparable to manual measures of expert. DL measures adjusted for age and BMI showed strong risk associations with breast cancer (OPERA = 1.51 - 1.63 and AUC = 0.61 - 0.64). Conclusions : DL model can be used to measure mammographic density which is a strong risk factor of breast cancer. This study showed the potential of DL algorithm as a mammogram-based risk prediction model in breast cancer screening test.유방 내 유방 실질 조직의 양을 반영하는 유방 밀도는 맘모그램에서 나타나는 밝은 부분으로 정의되며, 유방암의 강력한 위험인자로 널리 알려져 있다. 하지만 유방 밀도는 측정하는데 시간과 비용이 많이 든다는 단점으로 인해 유방암 검진 과정에서 제한적으로 사용돼 왔다. 본 연구의 목적은 유방암 검진에서 유방암 예측 모형에 포함해 활용할 수 있는 딥러닝 기반 유방 밀도 측정치를 개발하는 것이다. 본 연구는 아산 병원과 삼성 서울병원의 유방암 검진 자료로부터 수집된 총 2464 명의 참여자 (환자: 834 명, 대조군 : 1630 명) 를 대상으로 수행되었다. 환자의 경우 병변이 발생한 유방의 반대쪽 유방, 대조군의 경우 임의로 고른 유방을 대상으로 유방 밀도 측정에 5년 이상의 경력을 가진 전문가가 CUMULUS 프로그램을 활용하여 유방 밀도 (치밀 유방 부위, cm2 및 치밀도 백분율, %) 를 측정하였다. 이 전문가 측정치를 훈련 데이터로 하여 완전 합성곱 신경망 (Fully Convolutional Network) 기반 딥러닝 모델을 구축하였고, 이를 테스트 데이터에 대해 적용해 전문가 측정치와의 일치도 및 유방암 예측력을 평가하였다. 딥러닝 모델은 전문가와 높은 일치도 (r = 0.94 - 0.96, weighted κ = 0.89 – 0.91) 를 보였다. 또한 나이와 BMI를 보정한 딥러닝 기반 측정치의 유방암 예측력을 평가한 결과, 딥러닝 모델이 전문가와 비슷한 수준의 예측력을 갖는다는 것을 확인하였다 (전문가, AUC = 0.62 – 0.63, 딥러닝 모델, AUC = 0.61 – 0.64). 본 연구는 딥러닝이 현재의 노동 집약적인 유방 밀도 측정법을 보완할 수 있는 가능성을 보여주었다. 이는 비용-효율적인 방법으로 유방 밀도 측정치를 유방암 예측 모형에 포함시킬 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. 이러한 맘모그램 기반 유방암 위험도 예측 모형이 유방암 검진 과정에 적용된다면 보다 정밀한 유방암 위험도 평가를 통해 효과적으로 유방암 고위험군을 선별할 수 있으며, 고위험군에 대한 맞춤형 예방 전략이 적용된다면 장기적으로 유방암 조기 발견 및 사망률 감소에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.1 Introduction 1 2 Materials and Methods 3 2.1 Data collection 3 2.2 Measurement of mammographic density 4 2.3 Development of DL model 6 2.3.1 Establishing ground truth 6 2.3.2 Image preprocessing 6 2.3.3 Establishing DL model 6 2.3.4 Estimation of mammographic density 11 2.4 Statistical methods 14 2.4.1 Agreement statistics 14 2.4.2 Evaluation of risk association 15 3 Results 16 3.1 Characteristics of study participants 16 3.2 Agreement of DL model 17 3.3 Breast cancer risk profiles 21 4 Discussion 24 Bibliography 26 초록 29Maste

    A dual modality, DCE-MRI and x-ray, physical phantom for quantitative evaluation of breast imaging protocols

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    The current clinical standard for breast cancer screening is mammography. However, this technique has a low sensitivity which results in missed cancers. Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) has recently emerged as a promising technique for breast cancer diagnosis and has been reported as being superior to mammography for screening of high-risk women and evaluation of extent of disease. At the same time, low and variable specificity has been documented in the literature as well as a rising number of mastectomies possibly due to the increasing use of DCE-MRI. In this study, we developed and characterized a dual-modality, x-ray and DCE-MRI, anthropomorphic breast phantom for the quantitative assessment of breast imaging protocols. X-ray properties of the phantom were quantitatively compared with patient data, including attenuation coefficients, which matched human values to within the measurement error, and tissue structure using spatial covariance matrices of image data, which were found to be similar in size to patient data. Simulations of the phantom scatter-to-primary ratio (SPR) were produced and experimentally validated then compared with published SPR predictions for homogeneous phantoms. SPR values were as high as 85% in some areas and were heavily influenced by the heterogeneous tissue structure. MRI properties of the phantom, T1 and T2 relaxation values and tissue structure, were also quantitatively compared with patient data and found to match within two error bars. Finally, a dynamic lesion that mimics lesion border shape and washout curve shape was included in the phantom. High spatial and temporal resolution x-ray measurements of the washout curve shape were performed to determine the true contrast agent concentration as a function of time. DCE-MRI phantom measurements using a clinical imaging protocol were compared against the x-ray truth measurements. MRI signal intensity curves were shown to be less specific to lesion type than the x-ray derived contrast agent concentration curves. This phantom allows, for the first time, for quantitative evaluation of and direct comparisons between x-ray and MRI breast imaging modalities in the context of lesion detection and characterization

    Proceedings Virtual Imaging Trials in Medicine 2024

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    This submission comprises the proceedings of the 1st Virtual Imaging Trials in Medicine conference, organized by Duke University on April 22-24, 2024. The listed authors serve as the program directors for this conference. The VITM conference is a pioneering summit uniting experts from academia, industry and government in the fields of medical imaging and therapy to explore the transformative potential of in silico virtual trials and digital twins in revolutionizing healthcare. The proceedings are categorized by the respective days of the conference: Monday presentations, Tuesday presentations, Wednesday presentations, followed by the abstracts for the posters presented on Monday and Tuesday


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    Reading medical images to detect and diagnose diseases is often difficult and has large inter-reader variability. To address this issue, developing computer-aided detection and diagnosis (CAD) schemes or systems of medical images has attracted broad research interest in the last several decades. Despite great effort and significant progress in previous studies, only limited CAD schemes have been used in clinical practice. Thus, developing new CAD schemes is still a hot research topic in medical imaging informatics field. In this dissertation, I investigate the feasibility of developing several new innovative CAD schemes for different application purposes. First, to predict breast tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and reduce unnecessary aggressive surgery, I developed two CAD schemes of breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to generate quantitative image markers based on quantitative analysis of global kinetic features. Using the image marker computed from breast MRI acquired pre-chemotherapy, CAD scheme enables to predict radiographic complete response (CR) of breast tumors to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, while using the imaging marker based on the fusion of kinetic and texture features extracted from breast MRI performed after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, CAD scheme can better predict the pathologic complete response (pCR) of the patients. Second, to more accurately predict prognosis of stroke patients, quantifying brain hemorrhage and ventricular cerebrospinal fluid depicting on brain CT images can play an important role. For this purpose, I developed a new interactive CAD tool to segment hemorrhage regions and extract radiological imaging marker to quantitatively determine the severity of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage at presentation and correlate the estimation with various homeostatic/metabolic derangements and predict clinical outcome. Third, to improve the efficiency of primary antibody screening processes in new cancer drug development, I developed a CAD scheme to automatically identify the non-negative tissue slides, which indicate reactive antibodies in digital pathology images. Last, to improve operation efficiency and reliability of storing digital pathology image data, I developed a CAD scheme using optical character recognition algorithm to automatically extract metadata from tissue slide label images and reduce manual entry for slide tracking and archiving in the tissue pathology laboratories. In summary, in these studies, we developed and tested several innovative approaches to identify quantitative imaging markers with high discriminatory power. In all CAD schemes, the graphic user interface-based visual aid tools were also developed and implemented. Study results demonstrated feasibility of applying CAD technology to several new application fields, which has potential to assist radiologists, oncologists and pathologists improving accuracy and consistency in disease diagnosis and prognosis assessment of using medical image