340 research outputs found

    Multi-product cost and value stream modelling in support of business process analysis

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    To remain competitive, most Manufacturing Enterprises (MEs) need cost effective and responsive business processes with capability to realise multiple value streams specified by changes in customer needs. To achieve this, there is the need to provide reusable computational representations of organisational structures, processes, information, resources and related cost and value flows especially in enterprises realizing multiple products. Current best process mapping techniques do not suitably capture attributes of MEs and their systems and thus dynamics associated with multi-product flows which impact on cost and value generation cannot be effectively modelled and used as basis for decision making. Therefore, this study has developed an integrated multiproduct dynamic cost and value stream modelling technique with the embedded capability of capturing aspects of dynamics associated with multiple product realization in MEs. The integrated multiproduct dynamic cost and value stream modelling technique rests on well experimented technologies in the domains of process mapping, enterprise modelling, system dynamics and discrete event simulation modelling. The applicability of the modelling technique was tested in four case study scenarios. The results generated out of the application of the modelling technique in solving key problems in case study companies, showed that the derived technique offers better solutions in designing, analysing, estimating cost and values and improving processes required for the realization of multiple products in MEs, when compared with current lean based value stream mapping techniques. Also the developed technique provides new modelling constructs which best describe process entities, variables and business indicators in support of enterprise systems design and business process (re) engineering. In addition to these benefits, an enriched approach for translating qualitative causal loop models into quantitative simulation models for parametric analysis of the impact of dynamic entities on processes has been introduced. Further work related to this research will include the extension of the technique to capture relevant strategic and tactical processes for in-depth analysis and improvements. Also further research related to the application of the dynamic producer unit concept in the design of MEs will be required

    Study on application possibilities of Case-Based Reasoning on the domain of scheduling problems

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    Ces travaux concernent la mise en place d'un système d'aide à la décision, s'appuyant sur le raisonnement à partir de cas, pour la modélisation et la résolution des problèmes d'ordonnancement en génie des procédés. Une analyse de co-citation a été exécutée afin d'extraire de la littérature la connaissance nécessaire à la construction de la stratégie d'aide à la décision et d'obtenir une image de la situation, de l'évolution et de l'intensité de la recherche du domaine des problèmes d'ordonnancement. Un système de classification a été proposée, et la nomenclature proposée par Blazewicz et al. (2007) a été étendue de manière à pouvoir caractériser de manière complète les problèmes d'ordonnancement et leur mode de résolution. Les difficultés d'adaptation du modèle ont été discutées, et l'efficacité des quatre modèles de littérature a été comparée sur trois exemples de flow-shop. Une stratégie de résolution est proposée en fonction des caractéristiques du problème mathématique. ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study is to work out the foundations of a decision-support system in order to advise efficient resolution strategies for scheduling problems in process engineering. This decision-support system is based on Case-Based Reasoning. A bibliographic study based on co-citation analysis has been performed in order to extract knowledge from the literature and obtain a landscape about scheduling research, its intensity and evolution. An open classification scheme has been proposed to scheduling problems, mathematical models and solving methods. A notation scheme corresponding to the classification has been elaborated based on the nomenclature proposed by Blazewicz et al. (2007). The difficulties arising during the adaptation of a mathematical model to different problems is discussed, and the performances of four literature mathematical models have been compared on three flow-shop examples. A resolution strategy is proposed based on the characteristics of the scheduling problem

    Dynamic allocation of operators in a hybrid human-machine 4.0 context

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    La transformation numérique et le mouvement « industrie 4.0 » reposent sur des concepts tels que l'intégration et l'interconnexion des systèmes utilisant des données en temps réel. Dans le secteur manufacturier, un nouveau paradigme d'allocation dynamique des ressources humaines devient alors possible. Plutôt qu'une allocation statique des opérateurs aux machines, nous proposons d'affecter directement les opérateurs aux différentes tâches qui nécessitent encore une intervention humaine dans une usine majoritairement automatisée. Nous montrons les avantages de ce nouveau paradigme avec des expériences réalisées à l'aide d'un modèle de simulation à événements discrets. Un modèle d'optimisation qui utilise des données industrielles en temps réel et produit une allocation optimale des tâches est également développé. Nous montrons que l'allocation dynamique des ressources humaines est plus performante qu'une allocation statique. L'allocation dynamique permet une augmentation de 30% de la quantité de pièces produites durant une semaine de production. De plus, le modèle d'optimisation utilisé dans le cadre de l'approche d'allocation dynamique mène à des plans de production horaire qui réduisent les retards de production causés par les opérateurs de 76 % par rapport à l'approche d'allocation statique. Le design d'un système pour l'implantation de ce projet de nature 4.0 utilisant des données en temps réel dans le secteur manufacturier est proposé.The Industry 4.0 movement is based on concepts such as the integration and interconnexion of systems using real-time data. In the manufacturing sector, a new dynamic allocation paradigm of human resources then becomes possible. Instead of a static allocation of operators to machines, we propose to allocate the operators directly to the different tasks that still require human intervention in a mostly automated factory. We show the benefits of this new paradigm with experiments performed on a discrete-event simulation model based on an industrial partner's system. An optimization model that uses real-time industrial data and produces an optimal task allocation plan that can be used in real time is also developed. We show that the dynamic allocation of human resources outperforms a static allocation, even with standard operator training levels. With discrete-event simulation, we show that dynamic allocation leads to a 30% increase in the quantity of parts produced. Additionally, the optimization model used under the dynamic allocation approach produces hourly production plans that decrease production delays caused by human operators by up to 76% compared to the static allocation approach. An implementation system for this 4.0 project using real-time data in the manufacturing sector is furthermore proposed

    Dynamic simulation driven design and management of production facilities in agricultural/food industry

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    An industrial plant in the agro-food sector can be considered a complex system as it is composed of numerous types of machines and it is characterized by a strong variation (seasonality) in the agricultural production. Whenever the dynamic behavior of the plants during operation is considered, system and design complexities increase. Reliable operation of food processing farms is primarily dependent on perfect balance between variable supply and product storage at each given time. To date, the classical modus operandi of food processing management systems is carried out under stationary and average conditions. Moreover, most of the systems installed for agricultural and food industries are sized using average production data. This often results in a mismatch between the actual operation and the expected operation. Consequently, the system is not optimized for the needs of a specific company. Also, the system is not flexible to the evolution that the production process could possibly have in the future. Promising techniques useful to solve the above-described problems could possibly be borrowed from demand side management (DSM) in smart grid systems. Such techniques allow customers to make dynamically informed decisions regarding their energy demand and help the energy providers in reducing the peak load demand and reshape the load profile. DSM is successfully used to improve the energy management system and we conjecture that DSM could be suitably adapted to food processing management. In this paper we describe how DSM could be exploited in the intelligent management of production facilities serving agricultural and food industry. The main objective is, indeed, to present how methods for modelling and implementing the dynamic simulation used for the optimization of the energy management in smart grid systems can be applied to a fruit and vegetables processing plant through a suitable adaptation

    Multiproduct supplye chain analysis through by simulation with kanban and EOQ system

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    This work reviews lean literature on the supply chain focused on the operational approach, from the lean management to the Kanban system. But, the main issue of this work is to analyze the behavior of a lean supply chain using a Kanban system managing the planning in two different ways. The difference between both is related to the production order or sequence to follow: the product with fewer inventories in stock (the most critical to run out) or the one which requires less set-up time to optimize unproductive times. The study the behavior of the supply chain, it would be done through simulation with many different scenarios: 5 different demands, each one with two coefficients of variance, 4 different batch sizes, 4 different compositions of production and process saturation and ensuring different service levels between 92% and 98%. To compare these supply chain models, an approach of the supply chain using the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) system will be also simulated in the same conditions but with one batch size, the most economic one

    Production optimization using discrete simulation

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    Mestrado APNOR e Universidade de S. PetersburgoProduction and manufacturing setups involving lean solutions and customer driven “pull” logic (e.g. kanban systems) are more and more common. Usually, these systems allow companies to increase efficiency, quality levels, work force motivation and general productivity. Although these systems are not too difficult to plan and operate, in complex situations, even small adjustments can produce some unforeseen effects. In this scenario, discrete simulation can provide the tools to model the underlying systems and test the desired changes before implementation. In this work we modelled typical pull production systems with more or less complexity using a commercial discrete simulation software (SIMIO). Once the modelling phase was completed, different adjustments in the number of Kanban cards in the system were tested and evaluated, in order to optimize the system. Also, the final simulation model was built generic enough to be used in classroom environment to familiarize students with pull production concepts.As configurações de produção e fabricação envolvendo soluções lean e a lógica pull orientada ao cliente (por exemplo, sistemas kanban) são cada vez mais comuns. Normalmente, estes sistemas permitem que as empresas aumentem a eficiência, os níveis de qualidade, a motivação da força de trabalho e a produtividade geral. Embora esses sistemas não sejam muito difíceis de planear e operar, em situações complexas, mesmo pequenos ajustes podem produzir alguns efeitos imprevistos. Nesse cenário, a simulação discreta pode fornecer as ferramentas para modelar os sistemas subjacentes e testar as alterações desejadas antes da implementação. Neste trabalho modelamos sistemas típicos de produção puxada com maior ou menor complexidade usando um software comercial para simulação discreta (SIMIO). Uma vez concluída a fase de modelação, foram testados e avaliados diferentes ajustes no número de cartões kanban no sistema, a fim de otimizar o sistema. Além disso, o modelo de simulação final foi construído de forma suficientemente genérica para ser usado em ambiente de sala de aula para familiarizar os alunos com conceitos de produção puxada (pull).Организация производства и технологическая наладка с применением концепций «бережливого» и «вытягивающего» производства, ориентированных на нужды потребителя (например, система канбан) получают все более широкое распространение. Обычно, данные системы позволяют компаниям повышать эффективность, уровень качества, мотивацию сотрудников и производительность в целом. И хотя реализация данных подходов не является слишком трудоемкой, в сложных ситуациях даже малейшие корректировки могут привести к непредвиденным последствиям. В таком случае, дискретное моделирование может предоставить инструменты для создания базовых моделей и их тестирования, до внесения изменений в реальную систему. В данной работе было смоделировано типичное, более-менее сложное вытягивающее производство с применением коммерческого программного средства дискретного имитационного моделирования (SIMIO). После создания симуляции было протестировано и оценено использование разного количества канбан карт в системе с целью ее оптимизации. Также, финальная симуляция была создана достаточно общей, чтобы ее можно было использовать во время аудиторных занятий для ознакомления студентов с концепцией вытягивающего производства

    Multi-objective biopharma capacity planning under uncertainty using a flexible genetic algorithm approach

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    This paper presents a flexible genetic algorithm optimisation approach for multi-objective biopharmaceutical planning problems under uncertainty. The optimisation approach combines a continuous-time heuristic model of a biopharmaceutical manufacturing process, a variable-length multi-objective genetic algorithm, and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-accelerated Monte Carlo simulation. The proposed approach accounts for constraints and features such as rolling product sequence-dependent changeovers, multiple intermediate demand due dates, product QC/QA release times, and pressure to meet uncertain product demand on time. An industrially-relevant case study is used to illustrate the functionality of the approach. The case study focused on optimisation of conflicting objectives, production throughput, and product inventory levels, for a multi-product biopharmaceutical facility over a 3-year period with uncertain product demand. The advantages of the multi-objective GA with the embedded Monte Carlo simulation were demonstrated by comparison with a deterministic GA tested with Monte Carlo simulation post-optimisation