79 research outputs found

    Biomass estimation from simulated GEDI, ICESat-2 and NISAR across environmental gradients in Sonoma County, California

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    Estimates of the magnitude and distribution of aboveground carbon in Earth's forests remain uncertain, yet knowledge of forest carbon content at a global scale is critical for forest management in support of climate mitigation. In light of this knowledge gap, several upcoming spaceborne missions aim to map forest aboveground biomass, and many new biomass products are expected from these datasets. As these new missions host different technologies, each with relative strengths and weaknesses for biomass retrieval, as well as different spatial resolutions, consistently comparing or combining biomass estimates from these new datasets will be challenging. This paper presents a demonstration of an inter-comparison of biomass estimates from simulations of three NASA missions (GEDI, ICESat-2 and NISAR) over Sonoma county in California, USA. We use a high resolution, locally calibrated airborne lidar map as our reference dataset, and emphasize the importance of considering uncertainties in both reference maps and spaceborne estimates when conducting biomass product validation. GEDI and ICESat-2 were simulated from airborne lidar point clouds, while UAVSAR's L-band backscatter was used as a proxy for NISAR. To estimate biomass for the lidar missions we used GEDI's footprint-level biomass algorithms, and also adapted these for application to ICESat-2. For UAVSAR, we developed a locally trained biomass model, calibrated against the ALS reference map. Each mission simulation was evaluated in comparison to the local reference map at its native product resolution (25 m, 100 m transect, and 1 ha) yielding RMSEs of 57%, 75%, and 89% for GEDI, NISAR, and ICESat-2 respectively. RMSE values increased for GEDI's power beam during simulated daytime conditions (64%), coverage beam during nighttime conditions (72%), and coverage beam daytime conditions (87%). We also test the application of GEDI's biomass modeling framework for estimation of biomass from ICESat-2, and find that ICESat-2 yields reasonable biomass estimates, particularly in relatively short, open canopies. Results suggest that while all three missions will produce datasets useful for biomass mapping, tall, dense canopies such as those found in Sonoma County present the greatest challenges for all three missions, while steep slopes also prove challenging for single-date SAR-based biomass retrievals. Our methods provide guidance for the inter-comparison and validation of spaceborne biomass estimates through the use of airborne lidar reference maps, and could be repeated with on-orbit estimates in any area with high quality field plot and ALS data. These methods allow for regional interpretations and filtering of multi-mission biomass estimates toward improved wall-to-wall biomass maps through data fusion.</p

    Fusing simulated GEDI, ICESat-2 and NISAR data for regional aboveground biomass mapping

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    Accurate mapping of forest aboveground biomass (AGB) is critical for better understanding the role of forests in the global carbon cycle. NASA's current GEDI and ICESat-2 missions as well as the upcoming NISAR mission will collect synergistic data with different coverage and sensitivity to AGB. In this study, we present a multi-sensor data fusion approach leveraging the strength of each mission to produce wall-to-wall AGB maps that are more accurate and spatially comprehensive than what is achievable with any one sensor alone. Specifically, we calibrate a regional L-band radar AGB model using the sparse, simulated spaceborne lidar AGB estimates. We assess our data fusion framework using simulations of GEDI, ICESat-2 and NISAR data from airborne laser scanning (ALS) and UAVSAR data acquired over the temperate high AGB forest and complex terrain in Sonoma County, California, USA. For ICESat-2 and GEDI missions, we simulate two years of data coverage and AGB at footprint level are estimated using realistic AGB models. We compare the performance of our fusion framework when different combinations of the sparse simulated GEDI and ICEsat-2 AGB estimates are used to calibrate our regional L-band AGB models. In addition, we test our framework at Sonoma using (a) 1-ha square grid cells and (b) similarly sized irregularly shaped objects. We demonstrate that the estimated mean AGB across Sonoma is more accurately estimated using our fusion framework than using GEDI or ICESat-2 mission data alone, either with a regular grid or with irregular segments as mapping units. This research highlights methodological opportunities for fusing new and upcoming active remote sensing data streams toward improved AGB mapping through data fusion.</p


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    This dissertation research investigated LiDAR and SAR remote sensing for assessing aboveground biomass and monitoring changes from anthropogenic forest disturbance and post-disturbance recovery. First, waveform LiDAR data were applied to map forest biomass and its changes at different key map scales for the two study sites: Howland Forest and Penobscot Experimental Forest. Results indicated that the prediction model at the scale of individual LVIS footprints is reliable when the geolocation errors are minimized. The evaluation showed that the predictions were improved markedly (20% R2 and 10% RMSE) with the increase of plot sizes from 0.25 ha to 1.0 ha. The effect of disturbance on the prediction model was strong at the footprint level but weak at the 1.0 ha plot-level. Errors reached minimum when footprint coverage approached about 50% of the area of 1.0 ha plots (16 footprints) with no improvement beyond that. Then, a sensitivity analysis was conducted for multi-source L-band SAR signatures, to change in forest biomass and related factors such as incidence angle, soil moisture, and disturbance type. The effect of incidence angle on SAR backscatter was reduced by an empirical model. A cross-image normalization was used to reduce the radiometric distortions due to changes in acquisition conditions such as soil moisture. Results demonstrated that the normalization ensured that the derived biomass of regrowth forests was cross-calibrated, and thus made the detection of biomass change possible. Further, the forest biomass was mapped for 1989, 1994 and 2009 using multi-source SAR data, and changes in biomass were derived for a 15- and a 20-year period. Results improved our understanding of issues concerning the mapping of biomass dynamic using L-ban SAR data. With the increase of plot sizes, the speckle noise and geolocations errors were reduced. Multivariable models were found to outperform the single-term models developed for biomass estimation. The main contribution of this research was an improved knowledge concerning waveform LiDAR and L-band SAR’s ability in monitoring the changes in biomass in a temperate forest. Results from this study provide calibration and validation methods as a foundation for improving the performance of current and future spaceborne systems

    Multi-source Remote Sensing for Forest Characterization and Monitoring

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    As a dominant terrestrial ecosystem of the Earth, forest environments play profound roles in ecology, biodiversity, resource utilization, and management, which highlights the significance of forest characterization and monitoring. Some forest parameters can help track climate change and quantify the global carbon cycle and therefore attract growing attention from various research communities. Compared with traditional in-situ methods with expensive and time-consuming field works involved, airborne and spaceborne remote sensors collect cost-efficient and consistent observations at global or regional scales and have been proven to be an effective way for forest monitoring. With the looming paradigm shift toward data-intensive science and the development of remote sensors, remote sensing data with higher resolution and diversity have been the mainstream in data analysis and processing. However, significant heterogeneities in the multi-source remote sensing data largely restrain its forest applications urging the research community to come up with effective synergistic strategies. The work presented in this thesis contributes to the field by exploring the potential of the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), SAR Polarimetry (PolSAR), SAR Interferometry (InSAR), Polarimetric SAR Interferometry (PolInSAR), Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and multispectral remote sensing in forest characterization and monitoring from three main aspects including forest height estimation, active fire detection, and burned area mapping. First, the forest height inversion is demonstrated using airborne L-band dual-baseline repeat-pass PolInSAR data based on modified versions of the Random Motion over Ground (RMoG) model, where the scattering attenuation and wind-derived random motion are described in conditions of homogeneous and heterogeneous volume layer, respectively. A boreal and a tropical forest test site are involved in the experiment to explore the flexibility of different models over different forest types and based on that, a leveraging strategy is proposed to boost the accuracy of forest height estimation. The accuracy of the model-based forest height inversion is limited by the discrepancy between the theoretical models and actual scenarios and exhibits a strong dependency on the system and scenario parameters. Hence, high vertical accuracy LiDAR samples are employed to assist the PolInSAR-based forest height estimation. This multi-source forest height estimation is reformulated as a pan-sharpening task aiming to generate forest heights with high spatial resolution and vertical accuracy based on the synergy of the sparse LiDAR-derived heights and the information embedded in the PolInSAR data. This process is realized by a specifically designed generative adversarial network (GAN) allowing high accuracy forest height estimation less limited by theoretical models and system parameters. Related experiments are carried out over a boreal and a tropical forest to validate the flexibility of the method. An automated active fire detection framework is proposed for the medium resolution multispectral remote sensing data. The basic part of this framework is a deep-learning-based semantic segmentation model specifically designed for active fire detection. A dataset is constructed with open-access Sentinel-2 imagery for the training and testing of the deep-learning model. The developed framework allows an automated Sentinel-2 data download, processing, and generation of the active fire detection results through time and location information provided by the user. Related performance is evaluated in terms of detection accuracy and processing efficiency. The last part of this thesis explored whether the coarse burned area products can be further improved through the synergy of multispectral, SAR, and InSAR features with higher spatial resolutions. A Siamese Self-Attention (SSA) classification is proposed for the multi-sensor burned area mapping and a multi-source dataset is constructed at the object level for the training and testing. Results are analyzed by different test sites, feature sources, and classification methods to assess the improvements achieved by the proposed method. All developed methods are validated with extensive processing of multi-source data acquired by Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR), Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), PolSARproSim+, Sentinel-1, and Sentinel-2. I hope these studies constitute a substantial contribution to the forest applications of multi-source remote sensing

    Comprehensive comparison of airborne and spaceborne SAR and LiDAR estimates of forest structure in the tallest mangrove forest on earth

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    A recent suite of new global-scale satellite sensors and regional-scale airborne campaigns are providing a wealth of remote sensing data capable of dramatically advancing our current understanding of the spatial distribution of forest structure and carbon stocks. However, a baseline for forest stature and biomass estimates has yet to be established for the wide array of available remote sensing products. At present, it remains unclear how the estimates from these sensors compare to one another in terrestrial forests, with a clear dearth of studies in high carbon density mangrove ecosystems. In the tallest mangrove forest on Earth (Pongara National Park, Gabon), we leverage the data collected during the AfriSAR campaign to evaluate 17 state-of-the-art sensor data products across the full range of height and biomass known to exist globally in mangrove forest ecosystems, providing a much-needed baseline for sensor performance. Our major findings are: (Houghton, Hall, Goetz) height estimates are not consistent across products, with opposing trends in relative and absolute errors, highlighting the need for an adaptive approach to constraining height estimates (Panet al., 2011); radar height estimates had the lowest calibration error and bias, with further improvements using LiDAR fusion (Bonan, 2008); biomass variability and uncertainty strongly depends on forest stature, with variation across products increasing with canopy height, while relative biomass variation was highest in low-stature stands (Le Quereet al., 2017); a remote sensing product's sensitivity to variations in canopy structure is more important than the absolute accuracy of height estimates (Mitchardet al., 2014); locally-calibrated area-wide totals are more representative than generalized global biomass models for high-precision biomass estimates. The findings presented here provide critical baseline expectations for height and biomass predictions across the full range of mangrove forest stature, which can be directly applied to current (TanDEM-X, GEDI, ICESat-2) and future (NISAR, BIOMASS) global-scale forest monitoring missions

    Soil moisture retrieval over agricultural fields from L-band multi-incidence and multitemporal PolSAR observations using polarimetric decomposition techniques

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    Surface soil moisture (SM) retrieval over agricultural areas from polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) has long been restricted by vegetation attenuation, simplified polarimetric scattering modelling, and limited SAR measurements. This study proposes a modified polarimetric decomposition framework to retrieve SM from multi-incidence and multitemporal PolSAR observations. The framework is constructed by combining the X-Bragg model, the extended double Fresnel scattering model and the generalised volume scattering model (GVSM). Compared with traditional decomposition models, the proposed framework considers the depolarisation of dihedral scattering and the diverse vegetation contribution. Under the assumption that SM is invariant for the PolSAR observations at two different incidence angles and that vegetation scattering does not change between two consecutive measurements, analytical parameter solutions, including the dielectric constant of soil and crop stem, can be obtained by solving multivariable nonlinear equations. The proposed framework is applied to the time series of L-band uninhabited aerial vehicle synthetic aperture radar data acquired during the Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiment in 2012. In this study, we assess retrieval performance by comparing the inversion results with in-situ measurements over bean, canola, corn, soybean, wheat and winter wheat areas and comparing the different performance of SM retrieval between the GVSM and Yamaguchi volume scattering models. Given that SM estimation is inherently influenced by crop phenology and empirical parameters which are introduced in the scattering models, we also investigate the influence of surface depolarisation angle and co-pol phase difference on SM estimation. Results show that the proposed retrieval framework provides an inversion accuracy of RMSE<6.0% and a correlation of R≥0.6 with an inversion rate larger than 90%. Over wheat and winter wheat fields, a correlation of 0.8 between SM estimates and measurements is observed when the surface scattering is dominant. Specifically, stem permittivity, which is retrieved synchronously with SM also shows a linear relationship with crop biomass and plant water content over bean, corn, soybean and wheat fields. We also find that a priori knowledge of surface depolarisation angle, co-pol phase difference and adaptive volume scattering could help to improve the performance of the proposed SM retrieval framework. However, the GVSM model is still not fully adaptive because the co-pol power ratio of volume scattering is potentially influenced by ground scattering.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant numbers 61971318, 41771377, 41901286, 42071295, 41901284, U2033216]; the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation [grant number 2018M642914]. This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Agency of Research (AEI), and the European Funds for Regional Development (EFRD) under Project TEC2017-85244-C2-1-P


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    This dissertation explored the combined use of lidar and other remote sensing data for improved forest structure and habitat mapping. The objectives were to quantify aboveground biomass and canopy dynamics and map habitat characteristics with lidar and /or fusion approaches. Structural metrics from lidar and spectral characteristics from hyperspectral data were combined for improving biomass estimates in the Sierra Nevada, California. Addition of hyperspectral metrics only marginally improved biomass estimates from lidar, however, predictions from lidar after species stratification of field data improved by 12%. Spatial predictions from lidar after species stratification of hyperspectral data also had lower errors suggesting this could be viable method for mapping biomass at landscape level. A combined analysis of the two datasets further showed that fusion could have considerably more value in understanding ecosystem and habitat characteristics. The second objective was to quantify canopy height and biomass changes in in the Sierra Nevada using lidar data acquired in 1999 and 2008. Direct change detection showed overall statistically significant positive height change at footprint level (ΔRH100 = 0.69 m, +/- 7.94 m). Across the landscape, ~20 % of height and biomass changes were significant with more than 60% being positive, suggesting regeneration from past disturbances and a small net carbon sink. This study added further evidence to the capabilities of waveform lidar in mapping canopy dynamics while highlighting the need for error analysis and rigorous field validation Lastly, fusion applications for habitat mapping were tested with radar, lidar and multispectral data in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire. A suite of metrics from each dataset was used to predict multi-year presence for eight migratory songbirds with data mining methods. Results showed that fusion improved predictions for all datasets, with more than 25% improvement from radar alone. Spatial predictions from fusion were also consistent with known habitat preferences for the birds demonstrating the potential of multi- sensor fusion in mapping habitat characteristics. The main contribution of this research was an improved understanding of lidar and multi-sensor fusion approaches for applications in carbon science and habitat studies

    Advancing the Monitoring Capabilities of Mountain Snowpack Fluctuations at Various Spatial and Temporal Scales

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    Snow is a critical water resource for the western US and many regions across the globe. However, our ability to accurately monitor changes in snow mass from satellite remote sensing, specifically its water equivalent, remains a challenge in mountain regions. No single sensor currently has the ability to directly measure snow water equivalent (SWE) from space at a spatial scale suitable for water supply forecasting in mountain environments. This knowledge gap calls for the innovative use of remote sensing techniques, computational tools, and data science methods to advance our ability to estimate mountain snowpacks across a range of spatial and temporal scales. The goal of this dissertation is to advance our capabilities for understanding snowpack across watershed-relevant spatial and temporal scales. Two research approaches were used to accomplish this goal: quantifying the physiographic controls and sensitivities of hydrologically important snow metrics and progressing our ability to use L-band interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) to measure SWE changes. First, we quantify the physiographic controls and various snowpack metrics in the Sierra Nevada using a novel gridded SWE reanalysis dataset. Such work demonstrates the complexity of snowpack processes and the need for fine-resolution snowpack information. Next, using L-band Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) from the NASA SnowEx campaign, both snow ablation and accumulation are estimated in the Jemez Mountains, NM. The radar-derived retrievals are evaluated utilizing a combination of optical snow-cover data, snow pits, meteorological station data, in situ snow depth sensors, and ground-penetrating radar (GPR). Lastly, we compare multisensor optical-radar approaches for SWE retrievals and find that moderate-resolution legacy satellite products provide sufficient results. The results of this work show that L-band InSAR is a suitable technique for global SWE monitoring when used synergistically with optical SCA data and snowpack modeling. While two distinctive methods are present in this research, they both work towards advancing our ability to understand the dynamics of mountain snowpack

    Method for landslides detection with semi-automatic procedures: The case in the zone center-east of Cauca department, Colombia

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    Landslides are a common natural hazard that causes human casualties, but also infrastructure damage and land-use degradation. Therefore, a quantitative assessment of their presence is required by means of detecting and recognizing the potentially unstable areas. This research aims to develop a method supported on semiautomatic methods to detect potential mass movements at a regional scale. Five techniques were studied: Morphometry, SAR interferometry (InSAR), Persistent Scatterer InSAR (PS-InSAR), SAR polarimetry (PolSAR) and NDVI composites of Landsat 5, Landsat 7, and Landsat 8. The case study was chosen within the mid-eastern area of the Cauca state, which is characterised by its mountainous terrain and the presence of slope instabilities, officially registered in the CGS-SIMMA landslide inventory. This inventory revealed that the type `slide' occurred with 77.4% from the entire registries, `fall' with 16.5%, followed by `creeps' with 3%, flows with 2.6%, and `lateral spread' with 0.43%. As a result, we obtained the morphometric variables: slope, CONVI, TWI, landform, which were highly associated with landslides. The effect of a DEM in the processing flow of the InSAR method was similar for the InSAR coherence variable using the DEMs ASTER, PALSAR RTC, Topo-map, and SRTM. Then, a multiInSAR analysis gave displacement velocities in the LOS direction between -10 and 10 mm/year. With the dual-PolSAR analysis (Sentinel-1), VH and VV C-band polarised radar energy emitted median values of backscatters, for landslides, about of -14.5 dB for VH polarisation and -8.5 dB for VV polarisation. Also, L-band fully polarimetric NASA-UAVSAR data allowed to nd the mechanism of dispersion of CGS landslide inventory: 39% for surface scattering, 46.4% for volume dispersion, and 14.6% for double-bounce scattering. The optical remote sensing provided NDVI composites derived from Landsat series between 2012 and 2016, showing that NDVI values between 0.40 and 0.70 had a high correlation to landslides. In summary, we found the highest categories related to landslides by Weight of Evidence method (WofE) for each spaceborne technique applied. Finally, these results were merged to generate the landslide detection model by using the supervised machine learning method of Random Forest. By taking training and test samples, the precision of the detection model was of about 70% for the rotational and translational types.Los deslizamientos son una amenaza natural que causa pérdidas humanas, daños a la infraestructura y degradación del suelo. Una evaluación cuantitativa de su presencia se requiere mediante la detección y el reconocimiento de potenciales áreas inestables. Esta investigación tuvo como alcance desarrollar un método soportado en métodos semi-automáticos para detectar potenciales movimientos en masa a escala regional. Cinco técnicas fueron estudiadas: Morfometría, Interferometría radar, Interferometría con Persistent Scatterers, Polarimetría radar y composiciones del NDVI con los satélites Landsat 5, Landsat 7 y Landsat 8. El caso de estudio se seleccionó dentro de la región intermedia al este del departamento del Cauca, la cual se caracteriza por terreno montañoso y la presencia de inestabilidades de la pendiente oficialmente registrados en el servicio SIMMA del Servicio Geológico Colombiano. Este inventario reveló que el tipo de movimiento deslizamiento ocurrió con una frecuencia relativa de 77.4%, caidos con el 16.5% de los casos y reptaciones con 3%, flujos con 2.6% y propagación lateral con 0.43%. Como resultado, se obtuvo las variables morfométricas: pendiente, convergencia, índice topográfico de humedad y forma del terreno altamente asociados con los deslizamientos. El efecto de un DEM en el procesamiento del método InSAR fue similar para la variable coherencia usando los DEMs: ASTER, PAlSAR RTC, Topo-map y SRTM. Un análisis Multi-InSAR estimó velocidades de desplazamiento en dirección de vista del radar entre -10 y 10 mm/año. El análisis de polarimetría dual del Sentinel-1 arrojó valores de retrodispersión promedio de -14.5 dB en la banda VH y -8.5dB en la banda VV. Las cuatro polarimetrías del sensor aéreo UAVSAR permitió caracterizar el mecanismo de dispersión del Inventario de Deslizamiento así: 39% en el mecanismo de superficie, 46.4% en el mecanismo de volumen y 14.6% en el mecanismo de doble rebote. La información generada en el rango óptico permitió obtener composiciones de NDVI derivados de la plataforma Landsat entre los años 2012 y 2016, mostrando que el rango entre 0.4 y 0.7 tuvieron una alta asociación con los deslizamientos. En esta investigación se determinaron las categorías de las variables de Teledetección más altamente relacionadas con los movimientos en masa mediante el método de Pesos de Evidencias (WofE). Finalmente, estos resultados se fusionaron para generar el modelo de detección de deslizamientos usando el método supervisado de aprendizaje de máquina Random Forest. Tomando muestras aleatorias para entrenar y validar el modelo en una proporción 70:30, el modelo de detección, especialmente los movimientos de tipo rotacional y traslacional fueron clasificados con una tasa general de éxito del 70%.Ministerio de CienciasConvocatoria 647 de 2014Research line: Geotechnics and Geoenvironmental HazardDoctorad

    The SAR Handbook: Comprehensive Methodologies for Forest Monitoring and Biomass Estimation

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    This Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) handbook of applied methods for forest monitoring and biomass estimation has been developed by SERVIR in collaboration with SilvaCarbon to address pressing needs in the development of operational forest monitoring services. Despite the existence of SAR technology with all-weather capability for over 30 years, the applied use of this technology for operational purposes has proven difficult. This handbook seeks to provide understandable, easy-to-assimilate technical material to remote sensing specialists that may not have expertise on SAR but are interested in leveraging SAR technology in the forestry sector
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