17 research outputs found

    Student Views with Regard to Probsol Learning Environmenta

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    AbstractThe aim of this study is to assess learner views with regard to ProbSol learning environment prepared according to problem solving steps for the teaching of “applications related to equations and inequalities”. In line with this aim, the study was carried out with 15 volunteered 9th graders who are taught with ProbSol. The study is a case study, which is one of the qualitative research paradigms, and a semi-structured interview form with 8 open-ended questions developed by the researchers was used. Data obtained from semi-structured interview form were analyzed with content analysis method. In general, the views of the participants with regard to ProbSol environment were mostly positive

    Student views with regard to probsol learning environment

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    The aim of this study is to assess learner views with regard to ProbSol learning environment prepared according to problem solving steps for the teaching of “applications related to equations and inequalities”. In line with this aim, the study was carried out with 15 volunteered 9th graders who are taught with ProbSol. The study is a case study, which is one of the qualitative research paradigms, and a semi-structured interview form with 8 open-ended questions developed by the researchers was used. Data obtained from semi-structured interview form were analyzed with content analysis method. In general, the views of the participants with regard to ProbSol environment were mostly positive

    Adaptation of the Mathematics and Technology Attitudes Scale (MTAS) Into Turkish: Validity and Reliability Studies for Middle School Students

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    The paper aims to present the adaptation study of “The Mathematics and Technology Attitudes Scale (MTAS)” into Turkish. The original form MTAS was developed by Pierce, Stacey and Barkatsas (2007) in order to investigate the effect of five different variables in learning mathematics with technology. The original form of the attitudes scale consists of 20 items that are rated on a Likert-type 5-point scale. The MTAS also comprises five factorial dimensions in order to measure five different variables. The data were gathered from 1990 middle school students in order to show validity and reliability of MTAS. The analyses are completed in two phases. In the first stem EFA and CFA was conducted. Then the reliability coefficients were calculated. According to the findings of applied analyses, it was found that Turkish form of MTAS, that has completely similar factor structure to original form, is a reliable and valid scale for assesment of middle school students’ attitude towards learning mathematics with technology


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi bangun ruang kubus dan balok menggunakan model pembelajaran Flipped Classroom dengan Learning Cycle 5E. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SDN Sukarahayu 01 Kabupaten Bekasi pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2022/2023 dengan subyek penelitian terdiri dari 21 orang siswa kelas V. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif studi kasus di kelas V dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, reflektif jurnal, lembar kerja siswa dan tes pemahaman konsep. Data dianalisis berdasarkan konsep pada bangun ruang kubus dan balok. Berdasarkan penelitian, siswa selama mengikuti model pembelajaran Flipped Classroom dengan Learning Cycle 5E mengalami pengembangan pemahaman konsep pada sub-materi karakteristik bangun ruang kubus dan balok. Berdasarkan grafik, pemahaman konsep siswa meningkat sampai 95% di sub-materi karakteristik bangun ruang kubus dan balok dan di sub-materi volume bangun ruang kubus dan balok pemahaman siswa meningkat sampai 86%. Miskonsepsi terbesar terjadi pada tahap engagement, karena siswa masih menggunakan pengetahuan awalnya. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian kubus dan balok, namun siswa masih mengalami kesulitan menggunakan rumus pada penyelesaian soal. Model pembelajaran Flipped Classroom dengan Learning Cycle 5E, selain berperan dalam mengembangkan pemahaman konsep siswa, model ini juga berperan mengembangkan keterampilan komunikasi dan berkolaborasi dalam pembelajaran matematika. This study aims to develop students' conceptual understanding of cube and block geometric shapes using the Flipped Classroom Learning model with 5E Learning Cycle. The research was conducted at SDN Sukarahayu 01 Bekasi Regency in the even semester of the 2022/2023 school year with 21 students in class V as the research subjects. understanding of concepts, observations, reflective journals and student worksheets. Data were analyzed based on the concept of cubic and beam geometric shapes. Based on the research, students while following the Flipped Classroom Learning model with Learning Cycle 5E experienced a development of conceptual understanding in the sub-matter of the characteristics of cubical and rectangular shapes. Based on the graphs, students' understanding of concepts increased by 95% in the sub-material on the characteristics of geometric shapes of cubes and blocks and in the sub-material on the volume of geometric shapes of cubes and blocks on students' understanding increased by 86%. The biggest misconception occurs at the engagement stage, because students are still using their initial knowledge. Students can identify the parts of cubes and blocks, but students still have difficulty using formulas in problem solving. The Flipped Classroom Learning model with Learning Cycle 5E, besides playing a role in developing students' conceptual understanding, this model also plays a role in developing communication and collaboration skills in learning mathematics

    Difficulties Encountered by the Students in Learning Mathematics

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    The study looked into the difficulties encountered by the students in the learning of Mathematics among freshmen of Adiong Memorial Polytechnic State College-Laboratory High School in Ditsa-an Ramain, Lanao del Sur. This study prepared the questionnaire for first-year high school students. The data gathered were tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted using the frequency and percentage distribution and the weighted mean. It was found that the instruction and teacher/teaching methodologies ranked as the main cause of the difficulties encountered by the students in learning Mathematics. In the light of the findings, conclusion, and implications of the study the following recommendations are given: (a) teachers in Mathematics must be able to check the kind of instruction and methodologies they were applying to their students; (b) parents should give their full support to their children. This can be done by coordinating and cooperating with the school where their children are studying; (c) school administrators must observe the teacher at least every grading so that they know their standing in terms of teaching; and (d) future researchers should conduct on the same study but of different coverage and different subject

    Interactive and multimedia contents associated with a system for computer-aided assessment

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    This paper presents a research study addressing the development, implementation, evaluation and use of Interactive Modules for Online Training (MITO) of mathematics in higher education. This work was carried out in the context of the MITO project, which combined several features of the learning and management system Moodle, the computer-aided assessment for mathematics STACK, the mathematical software GeoGebra, several packages from the type-setting program LaTeX, and tutorial videos. A total of 1962 students participated in this study. Two groups of students taking a Calculus course were selected for a deeper analysis. In regard to usability and functionality, the results indicate that MITO scored well in almost all aspects, which is fundamental for their introduction into formal university courses. The analysis of the data reveals that the use of MITO educational contents by students mainly occurs about one week and a half prior the evaluations. Moreover, there is a strong correlation between the results of online assessments on MITO in a continuous assessment model and the final grade on the course

    The effectiveness of mobile-based teaching materials for academic writing in hybrid learning on students’ academic writing ability

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    Mobile-based teaching materials for academic writing are flexible to be implemented in various learning models. Therefore, this study aims to investigate which is more effective between mobile-based teaching materials in hybrid learning and teaching materials in form of handouts in direct instruction to produce students’ academic writing ability. This study is quasi experimental design in which the population is all of students in second semester at Indonesian language and literature department of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. They are consisted of 72 students. Research samples are taken using simple random sampling. Test is utilized to obtain the data. Moreover, its hypothesis is tested using t-test. Result of study shows that in the significance level of 0,05, it equals 1,6992. While the value of t0,05;70 = 1,6669. Based on t table, the value of DK = . tobs  DK. In other words, H0 is rejected. It can be concluded that mobile-based teaching material of academic writing skill in hybrid learning is more effective to produce students’ academic writing ability than the teaching materials in form of handouts in direct instruction

    Errores matemáticos cometidos por los estudiantes universitarios en el estudio de funciones

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    Se investigaron los errores matemáticos que cometieron los estudiantes al realizar ejercicios relacionados con ecuaciones exponenciales y logarítmicas. Participaron 138 estudiantes matriculados en un curso de precálculo con aplicaciones a la administración de empresas. Los datos se obtuvieron de la administración de una prueba sobre el tema de funciones exponenciales y logarítmicas. Se corrigieron las respuestas de los estudiantes en dicha prueba y se categorizaron los errores cometidos. Se realizó un análisis de contenido de las respuestas. Además, se llevó a cabo un análisis de las distribuciones de frecuencia y de correspondencias múltiples. Se encontró que los estudiantes cometieron diferentes tipos de errores, donde el error más frecuente fue resolver incorrectamente o parcialmente la ecuación resultante luego de aplicar las propiedades exponenciales y logarítmicas de forma correcta. Como parte de las recomendaciones se sugiere incorporar en el salón de clases ejemplos de los errores cometidos por los estudiantes en diferentes temas de matemáticas y cómo atenderlos. Este entendimiento les ayudará a fortalecer el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas

    Bir Bireyselleştirilmiş Uyarlanabilir ve Zeki E-Öğrenme Ortamı ile Gerçekleştirilen Matematik Öğretiminden Yansımalar

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    Purpose of this study is to produce a qualitative evaluation of reflections from the learning environment created by UZWEBMAT (Adaptive Intelligent WEB based MAThematics Instruction) which was developed to teach/learn sub-topics of probability unit. The study was a case study. It was conducted during 2010-2011 academic term in Trabzon, Turkey. The case study was carried out with tenth grade students from three different classes in two different Anatolian high schools. Eighty one students and three teachers participated in the study in total. Interview forms were employed as data collection tools. These forms were for collecting qualitative data from teachers and students. Qualitative data collected from the examinees were analyzed via content analysis. Reflections derived from the study were divided into two categories which were positive and negative. It was decided that there were positive reflections from the mathematics instruction environment created by UZWEBMAT such as individual learning, exploring mathematical connections and formulas, and taking the responsibility of learning. In addition to these positive reflections, there were negative reflections such as concern of failing in central exams and the impossibility/possibility of teaching other subjects of mathematics with a similar system.Bu çalışmanın amacı olasılık ünitesinin alt konularının öğrenimi/öğretimi için geliştirilen UZWEBMAT (Uyarlanabilir Zeki WEB tabanlı MATematik eğitimi) ile oluşturulan öğrenme ortamından yansımaların nitel olarak değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışma 2010-2011 yılında Trabzon, Türkiye’deki iki farklı anadolu lisesinin üç farklı onuncu sınıfındaki öğrencilerle özel durum çalışması olarak yürütülmüştür. Çalışmaya toplam seksen bir öğrenci ve üç öğretmen katılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak öğretmen ve öğrencilerden nitel veriler elde etmeye yarayan mülakat formları kullanılmıştır. Katılımcılardan elde edilen nitel veriler içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Çalışmadan elde edilen yansımalar olumlu ve olumsuz olmak üzere iki başlık altında toplanmıştır. UZWEBMAT ile oluşturulan matematik öğrenme ortamından, bireysel öğrenim görme, matematiksel ilişkileri ve formülleri keşfetme, öğrenmede sorumluluk alma gibi olumlu yansımaların olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu olumlu yansımaların yanında merkezi sınavlarda başarısız olunacağı kaygısı ve matematiğin her konusunun bu tür bir sistemle öğrenilemeyeceği kaygısı da olumsuz yansımalar olarak öne çıkmıştır

    Assessment of ındıvıdualızed web based learnıng envıronment based on problem solvıng steps

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    Bu çalışmada, 9. sınıf matematik dersi müfredatında yer alan “Denklem ve Eşitsizlikler ile İlgili Uygulamalar” konusunun öğretimi için geliştirilen problem çözme basamaklarına dayalı bireyselleştirilmiş web tabanlı öğrenme ortamının öğrenmeye etkisi, öğretim programına uygunluğu ve tasarım açısından değerlendirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Tasarlanan ortamın değerlendirilmesi için veri toplama aracı olarak beşli likert tipi 20 maddeden oluşan “ProbSol Öğrenme Ortamı Değerlendirme Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Bu ölçek yardımıyla, 121 Matematik öğretmeni tarafından ProbSol öğrenme ortamının öğrenmeye etkisi, öğretim programına uygunluğu ve tasarım açısından değerlendirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Değerlendirme ölçeğinden elde edilen veriler ışığında; geliştirilen ProbSol öğrenme ortamının öğrencilerin öğrenmeleri üzerinde olumlu yönde katkı sağlayacağı, ProbSol öğrenme ortamının içeriğinin Ortaöğretim Matematik Dersi Öğretim Programına uygun olduğu, bu öğrenme ortamının genel olarak tasarım ilkelerine uygun olarak tasarlandığı ve sistemin kullanımın kolay olduğu sonuçlarına ulaşılabilir. Bu değerlendirmeler ışığında gerekli düzenlemeler yapılarak ProbSol öğrenme ortamının gerçek sınıf ortamında kullanılabilir ve geçerli bir öğrenme ortamı olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.The aim of this study is to assess the individualized web based learning environment based on problem solving steps developed to teach the topic of “Applications with regard to equations and inequalities” in terms of impact on learning, appropriateness of the curriculum and design. “ProbSol learning environment assessment” scale, which included 20 likert type items, was used to collect data for the assessment of the medium designed. With the help of the scale, 121 Mathematics teachers assessed ProbSol learning environment. According to the data obtained from the scale, it was concluded that the ProbSol would have positive contribution to students’ learning, the content of ProbSol is suitable for secondary education Mathematics program, the design of this learning environment is compatible with overall design principles and the use of system is easy. Based on the results, it was concluded that with necessary amendments ProbSol can be used in real classroom environments