22,778 research outputs found

    Optimized battery sizing for merchant solar PV capacity firming in different electricity markets

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    ComunicaciĂł presentada a IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (Lisbon, Portugal 14-17 Oct. 2019)This work analyses the minimum energy capacity requirements to be demanded to battery energy storage systems used in megawatt-range merchant solar PV plants to grant capacity firming. The operation of such a plant is simulated (with a 2-minute time step, at three different locations of the Iberian Peninsula, and for different battery sizes) after solving a quadratic programming optimization problem. The control algorithm takes into account the irradiance forecast and the intraday electricity market configuration, which presents certain peculiarities in the Iberian region with regard to other European markets. The analysis has been performed in an annual basis and current irradiance measured values have been used

    Lunar ISRU Energy Storage and Electricity Generation

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    The survival of the astronauts and their equipment is the priority for any long-term exploration mission to the Moon. The provision of energy during the long lunar nights is a critical part of these missions. Several approaches have recently been considered to store and provide energy on the Moon by means of ISRU (In-Situ Resource Utilisation). We present a review of the energy requirements for a long mission scenario, and a trade-off analysis of the potentially suitable technologies for an ISRU-based system able to store heat and generate electricity. The most promising combinations of technologies are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A review on the complementarity of renewable energy sources: concept, metrics, application and future research directions

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    It is expected, and regionally observed, that energy demand will soon be covered by a widespread deployment of renewable energy sources. However, the weather and climate driven energy sources are characterized by a significant spatial and temporal variability. One of the commonly mentioned solutions to overcome the mismatch between demand and supply provided by renewable generation is a hybridization of two or more energy sources in a single power station (like wind-solar, solar-hydro or solar-wind-hydro). The operation of hybrid energy sources is based on the complementary nature of renewable sources. Considering the growing importance of such systems and increasing number of research activities in this area this paper presents a comprehensive review of studies which investigated, analyzed, quantified and utilized the effect of temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal complementarity between renewable energy sources. The review starts with a brief overview of available research papers, formulates detailed definition of major concepts, summarizes current research directions and ends with prospective future research activities. The review provides a chronological and spatial information with regard to the studies on the complementarity concept.Comment: 34 pages 7 figures 3 table

    Identifying opportunities for developing CSP and PV-CSP hybrid projects under current tender conditions and market perspectives in MENA – benchmarking with PV-CCGT

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    Concentrating solar power (CSP) is one of the promising renewable energy technologies provided the fact that it is equipped with a cost-efficient storage system, thermal energy storage (TES). This solves the issue of intermittency of other renewable energy technologies and gives the advantage of achieving higher capacity factors and lower levelized costs of electricity (LCOE). This is the main reason why solar tower power plants (STPP) with molten salts and integrated TES are considered one of the most promising CSP technologies in the short term [1]. On the other hand, solar photovoltaic (PV) is a technology whose costs have been decreasing and are expected to continue doing so thus providing competitive LCOE values, but with relatively low capacity factors as electrical storage systems remain not cost-effective. Combining advantages and eliminating drawbacks of both technologies (CSP and PV), Hybridized PV-CSP power plants can be deemed as a competitive economic solution to offer firm output power when CSP is operated smartly so that its load is regulated in response to the PV output. Indeed previous works, have identified that it would allow achieving lower LCOEs than stand-alone CSP plants by means of allowing it to better utilize the solar field for storing energy during the daytime while PV is used [1]. On the fossil-based generation side, the gas turbine combined cycle (CCGT) occupies an outstanding position among power generation technologies. This is due to the fact that it is considered the most efficient fossil fuel-to-electricity converter, in addition to the maturity of such technology, high flexibility, and the generally low LCOE, which is largely dominated by fuel cost and varies depending on the natural gas price at a specific location. Obviously, the main drawback is the generated carbon emissions. In countries rich in natural gas resources and with vast potential for renewable energies implementation, such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), abandoning a low LCOE technology with competitively low emissions – compared to coal or oil - and heading to costly pure renewable generation, seems like an aggressive plan. Therefore, hybridizing CCGT with renewable generation can be considered an attractive option for reducing emissions at reasonable costs. This is the case of the UAE with vast resources of both natural gas and solar energy. Previous work have shown the advantages of hybrid PV-CCGT and hybrid PV-CSP plants separately [1][2]. In this thesis, CSP and the two hybrid systems are compared on the basis of LCOE and CO2 emissions for a same firm-power capacity factor when considering a location in the UAE. The results are compared against each other to highlight the benefits of each technology from both environmental and economic standpoints and provide recommendations for future work in the field. The techno-economic analysis of CSP (STPP with TES), PV-CSP(STPP with TES) and PV-CCGT power plants have been performed by DYESOPT, an in-house tool developed in KTH, which runs techno-economic performance evaluation of power plants through multi-objective optimization for specific locations[1]. For this thesis, a convenient location in the UAE was chosen for simulating the performance of the plants. The UAE is endowed by the seventh-largest proven natural gas reserves and average to high global horizontal irradiation (GHI) and direct normal irradiation (DNI) values all year round, values considered to be lower than other countries in the MENA region due to its high aerosol concentrations and sand storms. The plants were designed to provide firm power in two cases, first as baseload, and second as intermediate load of 15 hours from 6:00 until 21:00. The hours of production were selected based on a typical average daily load profile. CSP and PV-CSP model previously developed by [3][1] were used. Ideally in the PV-CSP model, during daytime hours the PV generation is used for electricity production, covering the desired load, while CSP is used partly for electricity production and the rest for storing energy in the TES. Energy in the TES system is then used to supply firm power during both periods of low Irradiance and night hours or according to need. A PV-CCGT model has been developed which operates simultaneously, prioritizing the availability of PV while the CCGT fulfils the remaining requirement. There is a minimum loading for the CCGT plant which is determined by the minimum possible partial loading of the gas turbine restricted by the emission constraints. Accordingly, in some cases during operation PV is chosen to be curtailed due to this limitation. The main results of the techno-economic analysis are concluded in the comparative analysis of the 3 proposed power plant configurations, where the PV-CCGT plant is the most economic with minimum LCOE of 86 USD/MWh, yet, the least preferable option in terms of carbon emissions. CSP and PV-CSP provided higher LCOE, while the PV-CSP plant configuration met the same capacity factor with 11% reduction in LCOE, compared to CSP

    Integration of renewable energy sources in the distribution network

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    Tato prĂĄce uvĂĄdĂ­ obecnĂ© informace o obnovitelnĂœch zdrojĂ­ch energie, typech elektrĂĄren a jejich pracovnĂ­ch principech. PrĂĄce je zaměƙena na větrnĂ© elektrĂĄrny (principy, typy, komponenty, vĂœhody a nevĂœhody). Obsahuje takĂ© pravidla pro pƙipojovĂĄnĂ­ rozptĂœlenĂœch zdrojĆŻ energie k distribučnĂ­ soustavě. V praktickĂ© části je ƙeĆĄena pƙípadovĂĄ studie, kterĂĄ demonstruje napěƄovĂ© charakteristiky pro sĂ­Ć„ vysokĂ©ho napětĂ­ pƙed a po pƙipojenĂ­ větrnĂ© elektrĂĄrny do distribučnĂ­ sĂ­tě se dvěma rĆŻznĂœmi hodnotami ĂșčinĂ­ku.This thesis will provide general information about renewable energy sources, types of power plants and their working principles. The thesis is focused on wind power plants (principles, types, components, advantages and disadvantages). It also includes the rules for connecting dispersed energy sources to the distribution system. In practical part, a case study demonstrates voltage characteristics before and after connection of a wind power plant to a distribution network with two different values of power factor

    Heuristic optimization of clusters of heat pumps: A simulation and case study of residential frequency reserve

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    The technological challenges of adapting energy systems to the addition of more renewables are intricately interrelated with the ways in which markets incentivize their development and deployment. Households with own onsite distributed generation augmented by electrical and thermal storage capacities (prosumers), can adjust energy use based on the current needs of the electricity grid. Heat pumps, as an established technology for enhancing energy efficiency, are increasingly seen as having potential for shifting electricity use and contributing to Demand Response (DR). Using a model developed and validated with monitoring data of a household in a plus-energy neighborhood in southern Germany, the technical and financial viability of utilizing household heat pumps to provide power in the market for Frequency Restoration Reserve (FRR) are studied. The research aims to evaluate the flexible electrical load offered by a cluster of buildings whose heat pumps are activated depending on selected rule-based participation strategies. Given the prevailing prices for FRR in Germany, the modelled cluster was unable to reduce overall electricity costs and thus was unable to show that DR participation as a cluster with the heat pumps is financially viable. Five strategies that differed in the respective contractual requirements that would need to be agreed upon between the cluster manager and the aggregator were studied. The relatively high degree of flexibility necessary for the heat pumps to participate in FRR activations could be provided to varying extents in all strategies, but the minimum running time of the heat pumps turned out to be the primary limiting physical (and financial) factor. The frequency, price and duration of the activation calls from the FRR are also vital to compensate the increase of the heat pumps’ energy use. With respect to thermal comfort and self-sufficiency constraints, the buildings were only able to accept up to 34% of the activation calls while remaining within set comfort parameters. This, however, also depends on the characteristics of the buildings. Finally, a sensitivity analysis showed that if the FRR market changed and the energy prices were more advantageous, the proposed approaches could become financially viable. This work suggests the need for further study of the role of heat pumps in flexibility markets and research questions concerning the aggregation of local clusters of such flexible technologies.Comisión Europea 69596

    Economic evaluation of bio-based supply chains with CO2 capture and utilisation

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    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) are acknowledged as important R&D priorities to achieve environmental goals set for next decades. This work studies biomass-based energy supply chains with CO2 capture and utilisation. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear program. This study presents a flexible supply chain superstructure to answer issues on economic and environmental benefits achievable by integrating biomass-coal plants, CO2 capture and utilisation plants; i.e. location of intermediate steps, fraction of CO2 emissions captured per plant, CO2 utilisation plants' size, among others. Moreover, eventual incentives and environmental revenues will be discussed to make an economically feasible project. A large-size case study located in Spain will be presented to highlight the proposed approach. Two key scenarios are envisaged: (i) Biomass, capture or utilisation of CO2 are not contemplated; (ii) Biomass, capture and CO2 utilisation are all considered. Finally, concluding remarks are drawn.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
