325 research outputs found

    Implementation and Performance Evaluation of an NGN prototype using WiMax as an Access Technology

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    Telecommunications networks have evolved to IP-based networks, commonly known as Next Generation Networks (NGN). The biggest challenge in providing high quality realtime multimedia applications is achieving a Quality of Service (QoS) consistent with user expectations. One of the key additional factors affecting QoS is the existence of different QoS mechanisms on the heterogeneous technologies used on NGN platforms. This research investigates the techniques used to achieve consistent QoS on network technologies that use different QoS techniques. Numerous proposals for solving the end-to-end QoS problem in IP networks have adopted policy-based management, use of signalling protocols for communicating applications QoS requirements across different Network Elements and QoS provisioning in Network Elements. Such solutions are dependent on the use of traffic classification and knowledge of the QoS requirements of applications and services on the networks. This research identifies the practical difficulties involved in meeting the QoS requirements of network traffic between WiMax and an IP core network. In the work, a solution based on the concept of class-of-service mapping is proposed. In the proposed solution, QoS is implemented on the two networks and the concept of class-of-service mapping is used to integrate the two QoS systems. This essentially provides consistent QoS to applications as they traverse the two network domains and hence meet end-user QoS expectations. The work is evaluated through a NGN prototype to determine the capabilities of the networks to deliver real-time media that meets user expectations

    Performance Evaluation of Triple Play Services Delivery with E2E QoS Provisioning

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    The creation and wide use of new high quality demanding services (VoIP, High Quality Video Streaming) and the delivery of them over already saturated core and access network infrastructures have created the necessity for E2E QoS provisioning. Network Providers use at their infrastructures several kinds of mechanisms and techniques for providing QoS. Most known and widely used technologies are MPLS and DiffServ. The IEEE 802.16-2004 standard (WiMAX) refers to a promising wireless broadband technology with enhanced QoS support algorithms. This document presents an experimental network infrastructure providing E2E QoS, using a combination of MPLS and DiffServ technologies in the core network and WiMAX technology as the wireless access medium for high priority services (VoIP, High Quality Video Streaming) transmission. The main scope is to map the traffic prioritization and classification attributes of the core network to the access network in a way which does not affect the E2E QoS provisioning. The performance evaluation will be done by introducing different kinds of traffic scenarios in a saturated and overloaded network environment. The evaluation will prove that this combination made feasible the E2E QoS provisioning while keeping the initial constrains as well as the services delivered over a wireless network

    Improving quality of service through road side back-bone network in VANET

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    The vehicular ad hoc Networks (VANETs) are expected to support a large spectrum of traffic alert, dynamic route planning, file sharing, safety and infotainment applications to improve traffic management. User satisfaction plus in time delivery of real-time messages is the most significant quality evaluation criterion for vehicular applications. High mobility and rapidly changing topologies always lead to intermittent quality of services, higher delay and packet dropping issues in network. To improve the quality of services for multi-hop and dynamic environment, different types of solutions have been proposed. The article introduces multi-protocol label switching based on roadside backbone network to provide widespread, scalable, high-speed, robust quality of services and improve network efficiency. The simulation results showed that proposed model improves data transmission and routing performance in terms of data delivery, throughput, end-to-end delay and achieve adequate utilization of resources

    Mobile Networks

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    The growth in the use of mobile networks has come mainly with the third generation systems and voice traffic. With the current third generation and the arrival of the 4G, the number of mobile users in the world will exceed the number of landlines users. Audio and video streaming have had a significant increase, parallel to the requirements of bandwidth and quality of service demanded by those applications. Mobile networks require that the applications and protocols that have worked successfully in fixed networks can be used with the same level of quality in mobile scenarios. Until the third generation of mobile networks, the need to ensure reliable handovers was still an important issue. On the eve of a new generation of access networks (4G) and increased connectivity between networks of different characteristics commonly called hybrid (satellite, ad-hoc, sensors, wired, WIMAX, LAN, etc.), it is necessary to transfer mechanisms of mobility to future generations of networks. In order to achieve this, it is essential to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of current protocols and the diverse topologies to suit the new mobility conditions

    Comparative analysis of LTE backbone transport techniques for efficient broadband penetration in a heterogeneous network morphology

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    In the bid to bring about a solution to the nagging problem associated with the provision of ubiquitous broadband access, Next Generation Network (NGN) popularly referred to as Long Term Evolution (LTE) network with appropriate network integration technique is recommended as solution. Currently, Internet Protocol/Multi-Protocol Label Switching (IP/MPLS) is the transport technique in LTE backbone infrastructure. This technique, however, suffers significantly in the event of failure of IP path resulting in delay and packet loss budgets across the network.The resultant effect is degradation in users’ quality of service (QoS) experience with real-time services.  A competitive alternative is the Internet Protocol /Asynchronous Transfer Mode (IP/ATM). This transport technique provides great dynamism in the allocation of bandwidth and supports varying requests of multimedia connections with diverse QoS requirements. This paper, therefore, seeks to evaluate the performance of these two transport techniques in a bid to establish the extent to which the latter technique ameliorates the aforementioned challenges suffered by the previous technique. Results from the simulation show that the IP/ATM transport scheme is superior to the IP/MPLS scheme in terms of average bandwidth utilization, mean traffic drop and mean traffic delay in the ratio of 9.8, 8.7 and 1.0% respectively

    Designing and optimization of VOIP PBX infrastructure

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    In the recent decade, communication has stirred from the old wired medium such as public switched telephone network (PSTN) to the Internet. Present, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Technology used for communication on internet by means of packet switching technique. Several years ago, an internet protocol (IP) based organism was launched, which is known as Private Branch Exchange "PBX", as a substitute of common PSTN systems. For free communication, probably you must have to be pleased with starting of domestic calls. Although, fairly in few cases, VoIP services can considerably condense our periodical phone bills. For instance, if someone makes frequent global phone calls, VoIP talk service is the actual savings treat which cannot achieve by using regular switched phone. VoIP talk services strength help to trim down your phone bills if you deal with a lot of long-distance (international) and as well as domestic phone calls. However, with the VoIP success, threats and challenges also stay behind. In this dissertation, by penetration testing one will know that how to find network vulnerabilities how to attack them to exploit the network for unhealthy activities and also will know about some security techniques to secure a network. And the results will be achieved by penetration testing will indicate of proven of artefact and would be helpful to enhance the level of network security to build a more secure network in future

    Cost-effective Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure for Tanziania

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    The research conducted an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) field survey, the results revealed that Tanzania is still lagging behind in the ICT sector due to the lack of an internationally connected terrestrial ICT infrastructure; Internet connectivity to the rest of the world is via expensive satellite links, thus leaving the majority of the population unable to access the Internet services due to its high cost. Therefore, an ICT backbone infrastructure is designed that exploits optical DWDM network technology, which un-locks bandwidth bottlenecks and provides higher capacity which will provide ICT services such as Internet, voice, videos and other multimedia interactions at an affordable cost to the majority of the people who live in the urban and rural areas of Tanzania. The research analyses and compares the performance, and system impairments, in a DWDM system at data transmission rates of 2.5 Gb/s and 10 Gb/s per wavelength channel. The simulation results show that a data transmission rate of 2.5 Gb/s can be successfully transmitted over a greater distance than 10 Gb/s with minimum system impairments. Also operating at the lower data rate delivers a good system performance for the required ICT services. A forty-channel DWDM system will provide a bandwidth of 100 Gb/s. A cost analysis demonstrates the economic worth of incorporating existing optical fibre installations into an optical DWDM network for the creation of an affordable ICT backbone infrastructure; this approach is compared with building a completely new optical fibre DWDM network or a SONET/SDH network. The results show that the ICT backbone infrastructure built with existing SSMF DWDM network technology is a good investment, in terms of profitability, even if the Internet charges are reduced to half current rates. The case for building a completely new optical fibre DWDM network or a SONET/SDH network is difficult to justify using current financial data


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    An optimized framework for header suppression of real time IPV6 traffic in multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) networks.

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    Pensuisan Label Multiprotokol (MPLS) dengan IPv6 telah dinyatakan oleh Pasukan Petugas Kejuruteraan Internet (IETF) sebagai mampu diskalakan dan sangat sesuai untuk jenis-jenis trafik yang berlainan seperti VoIP dan Video. Namun, kepala IP yang besar melahirkan overhed kepala yang berlebihan dalam rangkaian MPLS, mengakibatkan kesesakan trafik lalu menjejaskan prestasi rangkaian tulang belakang. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) with IPv6 has been defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as highly scalable and well suited for different types of traffic such as VoIP and Video. However, large IP headers create excessive header overhead in a MPLS network leading to traffic congestion degrading the backbone network performance