10 research outputs found

    Evaluation of OpenMP Dependent Tasks with the KASTORS Benchmark Suite

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    International audienceThe recent introduction of task dependencies in the OpenMP specifi-cation provides new ways of synchronizing tasks. Application programmers can now describe the data a task will read as input and write as output, letting the runtime system resolve fine-grain dependencies between tasks to decide which task should execute next. Such an approach should scale better than the excessive global synchronization found in most OpenMP 3.0 applications. As promising as it looks however, any new feature needs proper evaluation to encourage applica-tion programmers to embrace it. This paper introduces the KASTORS benchmark suite designed to evaluate OpenMP tasks dependencies. We modified state-of-the-art OpenMP 3.0 benchmarks and data-flow parallel linear algebra kernels to make use of tasks dependencies. Learning from this experience, we propose extensions to the current OpenMP specification to improve the expressiveness of dependen-cies. We eventually evaluate both the GCC/libGOMP and the CLANG/libIOMP implementations of OpenMP 4.0 on our KASTORS suite, demonstrating the in-terest of task dependencies compared to taskwait-based approaches

    Amélioration des stratégies d'ordonnancement sur architectures NUMA à l'aidedes dépendances de données

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    National audienceLe récent ajout des dépendances de données à la norme OpenMP 4.0 offre au programmeur une manière flexible de synchroniser les tâches. Grâce à cela, le compilateur et le support exé-cutif peuvent tous les deux savoir exactement quelles données sont lues ou écrites par quelles tâches. Les performances sur architectures NUMA peuvent être fortement impactées par le placement des données et l'ordonnancement des tâches. Les informations présentes dans les dépendances de données peuvent être utilisées pour contrôler le placement physique des don-nées, ainsi que pour contrôler les stratégies de placement des tâches en fonction de la topologie. Cet article présente plusieurs heuristiques pour ces stratégies, et leurs implémentations dans notre support exécutif OpenMP : XKAAPI. Nous présentons également nos évaluations sur des applications d'algèbre linéaire, exécutées sur une machine NUMA à 192 coeurs, et comparées aux stratégies proposées par l'état de l'art

    Evaluating the impact of OpenMP 4.0 extensions on relevant parallel workloads

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    OpenMP has been for many years the most widely used programming model for shared memory architectures. Periodically, new features are proposed and some of them are finally selected for inclusion in the OpenMP standard. The OmpSs programming model developed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) aims to be an OpenMP forerunner that handles the main OpenMP constructs plus some extra features not included in the OpenMP standard. In this paper we show the usefulness of three OmpSs features not currently handled by OpenMP 4.0 by deploying them over three applications of the PARSEC benchmark suite and showing the performance benefits. This paper also shows performance trade-offs between the OmpSs/OpenMP tasking and loop parallelism constructs and shows how a hybrid implementation that combines both approaches is sometimes the best option.This work has been partially supported by the European Research Council under the European Union's 7th FP, ERC Grant Agreement number 321253, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2012-34557 and by the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. It has been also supported by the Severo Ochoa Program awarded by the Spanish Government (grant SEV-2011-00067) M. Moreto has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number JCI- 2012-15047. M. Casas is supported by the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the Co- fund programme of the Marie Curie Actions of the 7th R&D Framework Programme of the European Union (Contract 2013 BP_B 00243).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the benefits of tasking with OpenMP

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    Tasking promises a model to program parallel applications that provides intuitive semantics. In the case of tasks with dependences, it also promises better load balancing by removing global synchronizations (barriers), and potential for improved locality. Still, the adoption of tasking in production HPC codes has been slow. Despite OpenMP supporting tasks, most codes rely on worksharing-loop constructs alongside MPI primitives. This paper provides insights on the benefits of tasking over the worksharing-loop model by reporting on the experience of taskifying an adaptive mesh refinement proxy application: miniAMR. The performance evaluation shows the taskified implementation being 15–30% faster than the loop-parallel one for certain thread counts across four systems, three architectures and four compilers thanks to better load balancing and system utilization. Dynamic scheduling of loops narrows the gap but still falls short of tasking due to serial sections between loops. Locality improvements are incidental due to the lack of locality-aware scheduling. Overall, the introduction of asynchrony with tasking lives up to its promises, provided that programmers parallelize beyond individual loops and across application phases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Evaluating Performance of OpenMP Tasks in a Seismic Stencil Application

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    Simulations based on stencil computations (widely used in geosciences) have been dominated by the MPI+OpenMP programming model paradigm. Little effort has been devoted to experimenting with task-based parallelism in this context. We address this by introducing OpenMP task parallelism into the kernel of an industrial seismic modeling code, Minimod. We observe that even for these highly regular stencil computations, taskified kernels are competitive with traditional OpenMP-augmented loops, and in some experiments tasks even outperform loop parallelism. This promising result sets the stage for more complex computational patterns. Simulations involve more than just the stencil calculation: a collection of kernels is often needed to accomplish the scientific objective (e.g., I/O, boundary conditions). These kernels can often be computed simultaneously; however, implementing this simultaneous computation with traditional programming models is not trivial. The presented approach will be extended to cover simultaneous execution of several kernels, where we expect to fully exploit the benefits of task-based programming

    Using data dependencies to improve task-based scheduling strategies on NUMA architectures

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    International audienceThe recent addition of data dependencies to the OpenMP 4.0 standard provides the application programmer with a more flexible way of synchronizing tasks. Using such an approach allows both the compiler and the runtime system to know exactly which data are read or written by a given task, and how these data will be used through the program lifetime. Data placement and task scheduling strategies have a significant impact on performances when considering NUMA architectures. While numerous papers focus on these topics, none of them has made extensive use of the information available through dependencies. One can use this information to modify the behavior of the application at several levels : during initialization to control data placement and during the application execution to dynamically control both the task placement and the tasks stealing strategy , depending on the topology. This paper introduces several heuristics for these strategies and their implementations in our OpenMP runtime XKAAPI. We also evaluate their performances on linear algebra applications executed on a 192-core NUMA machine, reporting noticeable performance improvement when considering both the architecture topology and the tasks data dependencies. We finally compare them to strategies presented previously by related works

    Assessment of Two Task Frameworks with Dependencies for Matrix Factorizations on a Multicore Architecture

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    In this study, we evaluate two task frameworks with dependencies for important application kernels coming from the numerical linear algebra. In this approach, the algorithms of the matrix factorization are considered, namely the tiled LU and the WZ factorizations both without pivoting. In tiled algorithms, the operations are represented as a sequence of small tasks which operate on square blocks (tiles) of the data. The dependencies among tasks are expressed as a direct acyclic graph and the runtime system runs the graph on a multicore architecture. The performance of applications based on the task dependencies is related to efficient compilers and the runtime systems. We report the performance and the scalability of two task frameworks with dependencies on the multicore architecture for the matrix factorizations. Namely, we compare OpenMP and Intel Thread Building Blocks. Our results show that the number of tiles in both factorizations always have an impact on the performance and the speedup. Both the frameworks show their suitability for efficient parallelization of such applications, although both have their own merits and flaws

    Adding tightly-integrated task scheduling acceleration to a RISC-V multi-core processor

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    Task Parallelism is a parallel programming model that provides code annotation constructs to outline tasks and describe how their pointer parameters are accessed so that they might be executed in parallel, and asynchronously, by a runtime capable of inferring and honoring their data dependence relationships. It is supported by several parallelization frameworks, as OpenMP and StarSs. Overhead related to automatic dependence inference and to the scheduling of ready-to-run tasks is a major performance limiting factor of Task Parallel systems. To amortize this overhead, programmers usually trade the higher parallelism that could be leveraged from finer-grained work partitions for the higher runtime-efficiency of coarser-grained work partitions. Such problems are even more severe for systems with many cores, as the task spawning frequency required for preserving cores from starvation grows linearly with their number. To mitigate these problems, researchers have designed hardware accelerators to improve runtime performance. Nevertheless, the high CPU-accelerator communication overheads of these solutions hampered their gains. We thus propose a RISC-V based architecture that minimizes communication overhead between the HW Task Scheduler and the CPU by allowing Task Scheduling software to directly interact with the former through custom instructions. Empirical evaluation of the architecture is made possible by an FPGA prototype featuring an eight-core Linux-capable Rocket Chip implementing such instructions. To evaluate the prototype performance, we both (1) adapted Nanos, a mature Task Scheduling runtime, to benefit from the new task-scheduling-accelerating instructions; and (2) developed Phentos, a new HW-accelerated light weight Task Scheduling runtime. Our experiments show that task parallel programs using Nanos-RV --- the Nanos version ported to our system --- are on average 2.13 times faster than those being serviced by baseline Nanos, while programs running on Phentos are 13.19 times faster, considering geometric means. Using eight cores, Nanos-RV is able to deliver speedups with respect to serial execution of up to 5.62 times, while Phentos produces speedups of up to 5.72 times.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (projects SEV-2015-0493 and TIN2015-65316-P), the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017-SGR-1414 and 2017-SGR1328), FAPESP (grants 2017/02682-2, 2018/00687-0, and 2014/25694-8), CNPq (grant 408782/2016-1), and CAPES.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    StarVZ: Performance Analysis of Task-Based Parallel Applications

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    High-performance computing (HPC) applications enable the solution of compute-intensive problems in feasible time. Among many HPC paradigms, task-based programming has gathered community attention in recent years. This paradigm enables constructing an HPC application using a more declarative approach, structuring it in a direct acyclic graph (DAG). The performance evaluation of these applications is as hard as in any other programming paradigm. Understanding how to analyze these applications, employing the DAG and runtime metrics, presents opportunities to improve its performance. This article describes the StarVZ R-package available on CRAN for performance analysis of task-based applications. StarVZ enables transforms runtime trace data into different vi-sualizations of the application behavior. An analyst can understand their applications' performance limitations and compare multiple executions. StarVZ has been successfully applied to several study-cases, showing its applicability in a number of scenarios