9 research outputs found

    Ethernet-based timing system for accelerator facilities: The IFMIF-DONES case

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    This article presents the design of a timing system for accelerator facilities, which relies on a general networking approach based on standard Ethernet protocols that keeps all the devices synchronized to a common time reference. The case of the IFMIF-DONES infrastructure is studied in detail, providing a framework for the implementation of the timing system. The network time protocol (NTP) with software timestamping and the precision time protocol (PTP) with hardware timestamping are used to synchronize devices with sub-millisecond and sub-microsecond accuracy requirements, respectively. The design also considers the utilization of IEEE 1588 high accuracy default PTP profile (PTP-HA) to provide sub-nanosecond accuracy for the most demanding components. Three different solutions for the design of the timing system are discussed in detail. The first solution considers the deployment of one time-dedicated network for each synchronization protocol, while the second one proposes the integration of the synchronization data of NTP and PTP into the networks of the facility. The third solution relies on the single distribution of PTP-HA to all the systems. The final design aims to be fully based on standard technologies and to be cost-efficient, seeking for interoperability and scalability, and minimizing the impact on other systems in the facility. An experimental setup has been implemented to evaluate and discuss the suitability of the solutions for the timing system by studying the synchronization accuracy obtained with NTP, PTP and PTP-HA under different network conditions. It includes a timing evaluation platform that tries to resemble the network architecture foreseen in the facility. The measured results revealed that PTP is the most limiting protocol for the second solution. Using the default PTP configuration, it tolerates less than 20% of maximum bandwidth utilization for symmetric bidirectional flows, and around 30% in the case of unidirectional flows (server to client or client to server), with the current setup and using switches without enabled timing support. This case study provides a better understanding of the trade-off between bandwidth utilization, synchronization accuracy and cost in these kinds of facilities

    Energy Measurements of High Performance Computing Systems: From Instrumentation to Analysis

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    Energy efficiency is a major criterion for computing in general and High Performance Computing in particular. When optimizing for energy efficiency, it is essential to measure the underlying metric: energy consumption. To fully leverage energy measurements, their quality needs to be well-understood. To that end, this thesis provides a rigorous evaluation of various energy measurement techniques. I demonstrate how the deliberate selection of instrumentation points, sensors, and analog processing schemes can enhance the temporal and spatial resolution while preserving a well-known accuracy. Further, I evaluate a scalable energy measurement solution for production HPC systems and address its shortcomings. Such high-resolution and large-scale measurements present challenges regarding the management of large volumes of generated metric data. I address these challenges with a scalable infrastructure for collecting, storing, and analyzing metric data. With this infrastructure, I also introduce a novel persistent storage scheme for metric time series data, which allows efficient queries for aggregate timelines. To ensure that it satisfies the demanding requirements for scalable power measurements, I conduct an extensive performance evaluation and describe a productive deployment of the infrastructure. Finally, I describe different approaches and practical examples of analyses based on energy measurement data. In particular, I focus on the combination of energy measurements and application performance traces. However, interweaving fine-grained power recordings and application events requires accurately synchronized timestamps on both sides. To overcome this obstacle, I develop a resilient and automated technique for time synchronization, which utilizes crosscorrelation of a specifically influenced power measurement signal. Ultimately, this careful combination of sophisticated energy measurements and application performance traces yields a detailed insight into application and system energy efficiency at full-scale HPC systems and down to millisecond-range regions.:1 Introduction 2 Background and Related Work 2.1 Basic Concepts of Energy Measurements 2.1.1 Basics of Metrology 2.1.2 Measuring Voltage, Current, and Power 2.1.3 Measurement Signal Conditioning and Analog-to-Digital Conversion 2.2 Power Measurements for Computing Systems 2.2.1 Measuring Compute Nodes using External Power Meters 2.2.2 Custom Solutions for Measuring Compute Node Power 2.2.3 Measurement Solutions of System Integrators 2.2.4 CPU Energy Counters 2.2.5 Using Models to Determine Energy Consumption 2.3 Processing of Power Measurement Data 2.3.1 Time Series Databases 2.3.2 Data Center Monitoring Systems 2.4 Influences on the Energy Consumption of Computing Systems 2.4.1 Processor Power Consumption Breakdown 2.4.2 Energy-Efficient Hardware Configuration 2.5 HPC Performance and Energy Analysis 2.5.1 Performance Analysis Techniques 2.5.2 HPC Performance Analysis Tools 2.5.3 Combining Application and Power Measurements 2.6 Conclusion 3 Evaluating and Improving Energy Measurements 3.1 Description of the Systems Under Test 3.2 Instrumentation Points and Measurement Sensors 3.2.1 Analog Measurement at Voltage Regulators 3.2.2 Instrumentation with Hall Effect Transducers 3.2.3 Modular Instrumentation of DC Consumers 3.2.4 Optimal Wiring for Shunt-Based Measurements 3.2.5 Node-Level Instrumentation for HPC Systems 3.3 Analog Signal Conditioning and Analog-to-Digital Conversion 3.3.1 Signal Amplification 3.3.2 Analog Filtering and Analog-To-Digital Conversion 3.3.3 Integrated Solutions for High-Resolution Measurement 3.4 Accuracy Evaluation and Calibration 3.4.1 Synthetic Workloads for Evaluating Power Measurements 3.4.2 Improving and Evaluating the Accuracy of a Single-Node Measuring System 3.4.3 Absolute Accuracy Evaluation of a Many-Node Measuring System 3.5 Evaluating Temporal Granularity and Energy Correctness 3.5.1 Measurement Signal Bandwidth at Different Instrumentation Points 3.5.2 Retaining Energy Correctness During Digital Processing 3.6 Evaluating CPU Energy Counters 3.6.1 Energy Readouts with RAPL 3.6.2 Methodology 3.6.3 RAPL on Intel Sandy Bridge-EP 3.6.4 RAPL on Intel Haswell-EP and Skylake-SP 3.7 Conclusion 4 A Scalable Infrastructure for Processing Power Measurement Data 4.1 Requirements for Power Measurement Data Processing 4.2 Concepts and Implementation of Measurement Data Management 4.2.1 Message-Based Communication between Agents 4.2.2 Protocols 4.2.3 Application Programming Interfaces 4.2.4 Efficient Metric Time Series Storage and Retrieval 4.2.5 Hierarchical Timeline Aggregation 4.3 Performance Evaluation 4.3.1 Benchmark Hardware Specifications 4.3.2 Throughput in Symmetric Configuration with Replication 4.3.3 Throughput with Many Data Sources and Single Consumers 4.3.4 Temporary Storage in Message Queues 4.3.5 Persistent Metric Time Series Request Performance 4.3.6 Performance Comparison with Contemporary Time Series Storage Solutions 4.3.7 Practical Usage of MetricQ 4.4 Conclusion 5 Energy Efficiency Analysis 5.1 General Energy Efficiency Analysis Scenarios 5.1.1 Live Visualization of Power Measurements 5.1.2 Visualization of Long-Term Measurements 5.1.3 Integration in Application Performance Traces 5.1.4 Graphical Analysis of Application Power Traces 5.2 Correlating Power Measurements with Application Events 5.2.1 Challenges for Time Synchronization of Power Measurements 5.2.2 Reliable Automatic Time Synchronization with Correlation Sequences 5.2.3 Creating a Correlation Signal on a Power Measurement Channel 5.2.4 Processing the Correlation Signal and Measured Power Values 5.2.5 Common Oversampling of the Correlation Signals at Different Rates 5.2.6 Evaluation of Correlation and Time Synchronization 5.3 Use Cases for Application Power Traces 5.3.1 Analyzing Complex Power Anomalies 5.3.2 Quantifying C-State Transitions 5.3.3 Measuring the Dynamic Power Consumption of HPC Applications 5.4 Conclusion 6 Summary and Outloo

    Unified Synchronized Data Acquisition Networks

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    The permanently evolving technical area of communication technology and the presence of more and more precise sensors and detectors, enable options and solutions to challenges in science and industry. In high-energy physics, for example, it becomes possible with accurate measurements to observe particles almost at the speed of light in small-sized dimensions. Thereby, the enormous amounts of gathered data require modern high performance communication networks. Potential and efficient implementation of future readout chains will depend on new concepts and mechanisms. The main goals of this dissertation are to create new efficient synchronization mechanisms and to evolve readout systems for optimization of future sensor and detector systems. This happens in the context of the Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment, which is a part of the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, an international accelerator facility. It extends an accelerator complex in Darmstadt at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum fĂĽr Schwerionenforschung GmbH. Initially, the challenges are specified and an analysis of the state of the art is presented. The resulting constraints and requirements influenced the design and development described within this dissertation. Subsequently, the different design and implementation tasks are discussed. Starting with the basic detector read system requirements and the definition of an efficient communication protocol. This protocol delivers all features needed for building of compact and efficient readout systems. Therefore, it is advantageous to use a single unified connection for processing all communication traffic. This means not only data, control, and synchronization messages, but also clock distribution is handled. Furthermore, all links in this system have a deterministic latency. The deterministic behavior enables establishing a synchronous network. Emerging problems were solved and the concept was successfully implemented and tested during several test beam times. In addition, the implementation and integration of this communication methodology into different network devices is described. Therefore, a generic modular approach was created. This enhances ASIC development by supporting them with proven hardware IPs, reducing design time, and risk of failure. Furthermore, this approach delivers flexibility concerning data rate and structure for the network system. Additionally, the design and prototyping for a data aggregation and concentrator ASIC is described. In conjunction with a dense electrical to optical conversion, this ASIC enables communication with flexible readout structures for the experiment and delivers the planned capacities and bandwidth. In the last part of the work, analysis and transfer of the created innovative synchronization mechanism into the area of high performance computing is discussed. Finally, a conclusion of all reached results and an outlook of possible future activities and research tasks within the Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment are presented

    pAElla: Edge-AI based Real-Time Malware Detection in Data Centers

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    The increasing use of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices for monitoring a wide spectrum of applications, along with the challenges of "big data" streaming support they often require for data analysis, is nowadays pushing for an increased attention to the emerging edge computing paradigm. In particular, smart approaches to manage and analyze data directly on the network edge, are more and more investigated, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered edge computing is envisaged to be a promising direction. In this paper, we focus on Data Centers (DCs) and Supercomputers (SCs), where a new generation of high-resolution monitoring systems is being deployed, opening new opportunities for analysis like anomaly detection and security, but introducing new challenges for handling the vast amount of data it produces. In detail, we report on a novel lightweight and scalable approach to increase the security of DCs/SCs, that involves AI-powered edge computing on high-resolution power consumption. The method -- called pAElla -- targets real-time Malware Detection (MD), it runs on an out-of-band IoT-based monitoring system for DCs/SCs, and involves Power Spectral Density of power measurements, along with AutoEncoders. Results are promising, with an F1-score close to 1, and a False Alarm and Malware Miss rate close to 0%. We compare our method with State-of-the-Art MD techniques and show that, in the context of DCs/SCs, pAElla can cover a wider range of malware, significantly outperforming SoA approaches in terms of accuracy. Moreover, we propose a methodology for online training suitable for DCs/SCs in production, and release open dataset and code

    Evaluation of NTP/PTP fine-grain synchronization performance in HPC clusters

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    Fine-grain time synchronization is important to address several challenges in today and future High Performance Computing (HPC) centers. Among the many, (i) co-scheduling techniques in parallel applications with sensitive bulk synchronous workloads, (ii) performance analysis tools and (iii) autotuning strategies that want to exploit State-of-the-Art (SoA) high resolution monitoring systems, are three examples where synchronization of few microseconds is required. Previous works report custom solutions to reach this performance without incurring in extra cost of dedicated hardware. On the other hand, the benefits to use robust standards which are widely supported by the community, such as Network Time Protocol (NTP) and Precision Time Protocol (PTP), are evident. With today's software and hardware improvements of these two protocols and off-the-shelf integration in SoA HPC servers no expensive extra hardware is required anymore, but an evaluation of their performance in supercomputing clusters is needed. Our results show NTP can reach on computing nodes an accuracy of 2.6us and a precision below 2.7us, with negligible overhead. These values can be bounded below microseconds, with PTP and low-cost switches (no needs of GPS antenna). Both protocols are also suitable for data time-stamping in SoA HPC monitoring infrastructures. We validate their performance with two real use-cases, and quantify scalability and CPU overhead. Finally, we report software settings and low-cost network configuration to reach these high precision synchronization results

    Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation

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    This paper summarizes the results of an industry case study that introduced a cross-system business process automation solution based on a combination of SOA and BPM standard technologies (i.e., BPMN, BPEL, WSDL). Besides discussing major weaknesses of the existing, custom-built, solution and comparing them against experiences with the developed prototype, the paper presents a course of action for transforming the current solution into the proposed solution. This includes a general approach, consisting of four distinct steps, as well as specific action items that are to be performed for every step. The discussion also covers language and tool support and challenges arising from the transformation

    Particle Physics Reference Library

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    This second open access volume of the handbook series deals with detectors, large experimental facilities and data handling, both for accelerator and non-accelerator based experiments. It also covers applications in medicine and life sciences. A joint CERN-Springer initiative, the “Particle Physics Reference Library” provides revised and updated contributions based on previously published material in the well-known Landolt-Boernstein series on particle physics, accelerators and detectors (volumes 21A,B1,B2,C), which took stock of the field approximately one decade ago. Central to this new initiative is publication under full open access