5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Modern Laser Based Indoor SLAM Algorithms

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    One of the key issues that prevents creation of a truly autonomous mobile robot is the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem. A solution is supposed to estimate a robot pose and to build a map of an unknown environment simultaneously. Despite existence of different algorithms that try to solve the problem, the universal one has not been proposed yet [1]. A laser rangefinder is a widespread sensor for mobile platforms and it was decided to evaluate actual 2D laser scan based SLAM algorithms on real world indoor environments. The following algorithms were considered: Google Cartographer [2], GMapping [3], tinySLAM [4]. According to their evaluation, Cartographer and GMapping are more accurate than tinySLAM and Cartographer is the most robust of the algorithms

    From Perception to Navigation in Environments with Persons: An Indoor Evaluation of the State of the Art

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    Research in the field of social robotics is allowing service robots to operate in environments with people. In the aim of realizing the vision of humans and robots coexisting in the same environment, several solutions have been proposed to (1) perceive persons and objects in the immediate environment; (2) predict the movements of humans; as well as (3) plan the navigation in agreement with socially accepted rules. In this work, we discuss the different aspects related to social navigation in the context of our experience in an indoor environment. We describe state-of-the-art approaches and experiment with existing methods to analyze their performance in practice. From this study, we gather first-hand insights into the limitations of current solutions and identify possible research directions to address the open challenges. In particular, this paper focuses on topics related to perception at the hardware and application levels, including 2D and 3D sensors, geometric and mainly semantic mapping, the prediction of people trajectories (physics-, pattern- and planning-based), and social navigation (reactive and predictive) in indoor environments

    Integraci贸n de un robot m贸vil en el entorno ROS (Robot Operating System). An谩lisis de la implementaci贸n en diferentes versiones

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    Trabajo Fin de M谩ster. M谩ster Universitario en sistemas inteligentes. Curso acad茅mico 2022-2023.[ES]En los 煤ltimos a帽os, el campo de la rob贸tica ha experimentado una evoluci贸n exponencial, y el uso de robots m贸viles se ha vuelto cada vez m谩s com煤n en diversos sectores de la sociedad, como la industria, la medicina, la agricultura y la log铆stica. Por ello, cada vez m谩s los desarrolladores optan por el uso de herramientas o recursos que les permitan un desarrollo de software 谩gil. Para poder desarrollar software en la rob贸tica, se requiere de herramientas y plataformas de desarrollo software especializadas. Una de las m谩s destacadas y ampliamente utilizadas es el Robot Operating System (ROS). En esta memoria, se realizar谩 un an谩lisis detallado de las diferentes versiones de ROS, desde las primeras versiones hasta las m谩s recientes. Se examinar谩n las caracter铆sticas y mejoras introducidas en cada una de ellas, as铆 como las posibles limitaciones y desaf铆os asociados durante la prueba de las mismas. Adem谩s, en este proyecto se abordar谩 el proceso de integraci贸n de un robot m贸vil en las versiones de ROS 1 y ROS 2. Indicando el proceso seguido desde la selecci贸n de componentes principales, como la percepci贸n, el control, los recursos software y la planificaci贸n de movimiento. En este proceso se explorar谩n diferentes paquetes, repositorios y herramientas disponibles en ROS que facilitan esta integraci贸n. El objetivo principal de esta memoria es proporcionar a los lectores una visi贸n global de la integraci贸n de un robot m贸vil en el entorno de ROS, abarcando las diferentes versiones de esta plataforma y su evoluci贸n a lo largo del tiempo. En conclusi贸n, se espera que esta investigaci贸n fomente el uso y la investigaci贸n en el campo de la rob贸tica, impulsando el avance de la tecnolog铆a y su aplicaci贸n en diversas 谩reas de la sociedad.[EN]In recent years, the field of robotics has undergone an exponential evolution, and the use of mobile robots has become increasingly common in various sectors of society, such as industry, medicine, agriculture and logistics. As a result, more and more developers are opting for the use of tools or resources that enable agile software development. In order to develop software in robotics, specialised software development tools and platforms are required. One of the most prominent and widely used is the Robot Operating System (ROS). In this report, a detailed analysis of the different versions of ROS, from the ear liest versions to the most recent ones, will be carried out. It will examine the features and improvements introduced in each of them, as well as the possible limitations and challenges associated with testing them. In addition, this project will address the process of integrating a mobile robot into ROS 1 and ROS 2 versions, indicating the process followed from the selection of main components, such as perception, control, software resources and motion planning. In this process, different packages, repositories and tools available in ROS that facilitate this integration will be explored. The main objective of this report is to provide readers with an overview of the integration of a mobile robot in the ROS environment, covering the different versions of this platform and its evolution over time. In conclusion, it is hoped that this research will encourage the use of and research in the field of robotics, driving the advancement of the technology and its application in various areas of society