23 research outputs found

    Examining the Success of a Youth Care Management Information System through the Lenses of Novices

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    The goal of the research is to evaluate the success of novice end user interactions with a newly developed youth care management information system (YCMIS) that was designed to replace a paper based system managing mentally challenged clients. Delone and McLean’s (1992) framework of information system (IS) success was utilized in the evaluation which predicts the success of the end user interaction by measuring six independent variables; end user’s satisfaction, usage, system quality, information quality, individual impact, and organizational impact. In this study researchers used a semi-structured group interview to collect the data. The interview questions were designed to address the six independent variables measured in the Delone and McLean (1992) success model which are to determine the dependent variable, IS success. In conclusion, the YCMIS system was found to be a success and the interviews also identified unintended organizational value and efficiencies

    Untangling the complexity of connected health evaluations

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    Societal changes are forcing us to reconsider how healthcare is delivered and ICT can support this reimagining of healthcare delivery. One of the emerging trends in this area is Connected Health. However, the evaluation of Connected Health technologies is crucial to assess whether their implementation has had a positive impact on healthcare delivery. To support this assessment process, we developed, an exploratory framework for the evaluation of Connected Health technologies in healthcare settings. This framework was developed after having critically appraised the existing findings of health information system evaluation studies. It also builds on previous models of Information Systems evaluation, in particular, the Information Systems Success Model. Our framework incorporates the concept of assessment from multiple perspectives. Furthermore, the framework identifies the primary stakeholders and extends the assessment based on their concerns. Finally, we elaborate on the framework, detailing its application to a Connected Health solution for primary care based dementia patients in Ireland

    Delone and McLean information systems success model in the public sector: A systematic review

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    Delone and McLean(D&M) had launched in 1992 one of the most popular models for evaluating the success factors of information systems (IS), ten years later, they suggested an updated model that incorporated certain elements that were not taken into the first model. In this paper, we have based the search on several articles, which meet a set of criteria. In fact, we found that the model of Delone and McLean has been adopted in different countries and contexts, yet in some cases, it is necessary to integrate the variables of other models or theories in order to better understand the subject and fill its voids, especially in the public sector and its specificities. The most frequently used variable in these papers was "trust", this reflects the importance of this concept when studying information systems in the public sector. Finally, we list the main items and dimensions used in these articles for each of the seven variables as well as their specificities in the public sector

    A Study of Effectiveness and Satisfaction Level of Cloud CRM Users in Taiwan\u27s Enterprises

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    Cloud computing in recent years has become a popular IT application. In Taiwan, enterprises currently using CRM (Customer Relationship Management) applications seek to take advantages of cloud computing features to enhance CRM effectiveness. However, despite international IT service providers’ investments in Taiwan’s market for establishing a cloud computing environment for CRM users, no statistics are available to reflect experience with actual use. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to understand the satisfaction levels of the current cloud CRM users (i.e., Taiwan’s enterprises) and to determine the key factors, which significantly affect enterprises’ managerial effectiveness and users’ satisfaction with cloud CRM. The basis for the research model is the Information System Success model and the characteristics of SaaS and CRM. This study has obtained contacts with Taiwan’s enterprises currently using cloud CRM, and the complete analyses of valid survey responses will occur shortly

    Explaining Physicians’ Acceptance and Resistance to the NHI Pharmacloud: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Test

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    The PharmaCloud allows physicians to streamline many of their healthcare processes and ensure patient safety in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. Despite its great potential, however, there are gaps in our understanding of how physicians evaluate change in relation to the PharmaCloud and why they decide to resist it. Thus, this study develops an integrated model to explain physicians’ intention to use the PharmaCloud and their intention to resist it. A field survey was conducted in Taiwan to collect data from physicians. Structural equation modeling (SEM) using the partial least squares (PLS) method was employed to test the research model. The results show that physicians’ resistance to the use of the PharmaCloud is the result of regret avoidance, inertia, perceived value, transition costs, and perceived threat. Information quality, system quality, and service quality are shown to have positive and direct effects on physicians’ intention to use the PharmaCloud. Our study illustrates the importance of incorporating user resistance in technology acceptance studies in general and health technology usage studies in particular, providing grounds for a model of resistance that can serve as the starting point for future research in this relatively unexplored yet potentially fertile area of research

    An online expert network for high quality information on occupational safety and health: cross-sectional study of user satisfaction and impact

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many people have difficulties finding information on health questions, including occupational safety and health (OSH) issues. One solution to alleviate these difficulties could be to offer questioners free-of-charge, online access to a network of OSH experts who provide tailored, high-quality information. The aim of this study was to assess whether network quality, respectively information quality, as perceived by the questioners, is associated with questioners' overall satisfaction and to explore the impact of the information received on questioners' knowledge, work and work functioning.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We evaluated the experiences of OSH questioners with the online network ArboAntwoord.com over a two-year period. In this network, approximately 80 qualified experts are available to answer OSH questions. By means of a questionnaire, we assessed questioners' overall satisfaction with the network, whether the network was user-friendly, easily accessible and easy to handle and whether the information provided was complete, applicable and received in a timely manner. The impact of the information on questioners' knowledge, work or work functioning was explored with seven questions. In the study period, 460 unique OSH questioners asked 851 OSH questions. In total, 205 of the 460 questioners completed the questionnaire (response rate 45%).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the responders, 71% were satisfied with the ArboAntwoord network. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the applicability of the information had a positive influence on the questioners' overall satisfaction (OR = 16.0, 95% CI: 7.0-36.4). Also, user friendliness of the network (OR = 3.3, 95% CI: 1.3-8.6) and completeness of the information provided (OR = 3.0, 95% CI: 1.3-6.8) were positively related to the questioners' satisfaction. For 74% of the questioners, the information helped to increase their knowledge and understanding. Overall, 25% of the questioners indicated that the received information improved their work, work functioning or health.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A free-of-charge, online expert network in the field of OSH can be a useful strategy to provide OSH questioners with applicable, complete and timely information that may help improve safety and health at work. This study provides more insight in how to satisfy network questioners and about the potential impact of provided information on OSH.</p

    Continuance intention to use electronic collection system in Nigerian federal hospitals

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    Computerized information systems are being used by public sector organizations in the world over. However, studies have shown that there is under-utilization of such systems in the developing countries. Even though there are considerable numbers of studies that were conducted in finding out the influencing factors that lead to voluntary use of technology for personal use, still there are limited empirical studies that investigate the factors that influence continuance use intention of electronic information systems in mandatory system use environments in Nigeria. Thus, the purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the influence of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived information quality and perceived enjoyment on the continuance use intention of electronic collection system in Nigerian federal hospitals. It also examines the moderating effect of computer selfefficacy on the relationship between perceived usefulness and continuance intention; and perceived ease of use and continuance intention. The study employs a crosssectional survey and uses cluster sampling technique to collect data from 354 electronic collection system users with the help of self-administered questionnaire. Out of the 354 questionnaires distributed, 274 were returned, but only 231 responses representing 65% response rate were valid for analysis. The findings of the study revealed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived information quality positively and significantly influence continuance intention, whereas perceived enjoyment does not. In addition, the result shows that computer selfefficacy does not moderate the relationship between perceived usefulness and continuance intention; and perceived ease of use and continuance intention. Though the study had contributed in extending the Technology Acceptance Model to explain the behavior of public sector employees toward electronic system use in the workplace, it is only applicable to federal government hospitals alone. Therefore, further studies could be conducted to include other hospitals at both state and local government levels in Nigeria

    A systematic literature review on information systems for disaster management and proposals for its future research agenda

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    Emergency management information systems (EMIS) are fundamental for responding to disasters effectively since they provide and process emergency-related information. A literature stream has emerged that corresponds with the increased relevance of the wide array of different information systems that have been used in response to disasters. In addition, the discussion around systems used primarily within responder organizations broadened to systems such as social media that are open to the general public. However, a systematic review of the EMIS literature stream is still missing. This literature review presents a timeline of EMIS research from 1990 up to 2021. It shows the types of information system scholars focused on, and what disaster response functions they supported. It furthermore identifies challenges in EMIS research and proposes future research directions

    Developing a theoretical model and questionnaire survey instrument to measure the success of electronic health records in residential aged care

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    Electronic health records (EHR) are introduced into healthcare organizations worldwide to improve patient safety, healthcare quality and efficiency. A rigorous evaluation of this technology is important to reduce potential negative effects on patient and staff, to provide decision makers with accurate information for system improvement and to ensure return on investment. Therefore, this study develops a theoretical model and questionnaire survey instrument to assess the success of organizational EHR in routine use from the viewpoint of nursing staff in residential aged care homes. The proposed research model incorporates six variables in the reformulated DeLone and McLean information systems success model: system quality, information quality, service quality, use, user satisfaction and net benefits. Two variables training and self-efficacy were also incorporated into the model. A questionnaire survey instrument was designed to measure the eight variables in the model. After a pilot test, the measurement scale was used to collect data from 243 nursing staff members in 10 residential aged care homes belonging to three management groups in Australia. Partial least squares path modeling was conducted to validate the model. The validated EHR systems success model predicts the impact of the four antecedent variablesÐtraining, self-efficacy, system quality and information qualityÐon the net benefits, the indicator of EHR systems success, through the intermittent variables use and user satisfaction. A 24-item measurement scale was developed to quantitatively evaluate the performance of an EHR system. The parsimonious EHR systems success model and the measurement scale can be used to benchmark EHR systems success across organizations and units and over time

    The development of energy risk framework for retrofitting project

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    Energy demand in existing building growths every year compared with new building. The growth of energy consumption on existing building is significantly soaring throughout every year due to the degradation of energy efficiency and near-end life expectancy of building components. Energy retrofit is proven to improve energy efficiency at the expense of numerous risks as early in pre-construction project. Thus, the influences of risk facing by stakeholders to achieve optimum design strategies granting a huge effect in retrofit project. This research aims to address risks in retrofit project during pre-construction stage by determining the potential risk factors and the relationship with the retrofit elements. This research used convergent-parallel mixed-method within the context of qual-quan research design to administer semi-structured interviews and questionnaires to obtain information from internal stakeholders. With the aid of Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS), Atlas.Ti version 7, the qualitative data were coded, categorized, and analysed obtained from six respondents. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) were used for analysing quantitative data collected from 66% of respondents out of 198 samples. The analysis revealed that two critical risk factors was found under planning and design phase. In planning phase, the most critical factor is related with the tenant cooperation in post-planning. The contribution of this risk is influences by the policies, regulation, human factor, and uncertainty factor elements. Likewise, the risk in design phase that require critical concern is related with inaccurate of energy model. It shows that the risk is influences by technologies, uncertainty factor and client expectation elements. The highlighted risks demonstrate the correlation with the retrofit elements to achieve optimum energy efficiency design through developed framework model. The develop framework model was validated across ten respondents and proven to assist construction industry to achieve optimum design strategy by assessing the highlighted risk factors and elements. The validation process in framework is conducted through expert panel in retrofit project and analyse using Krippendorff alpha reliability method