25 research outputs found

    A Novel Multi-Task Optimization Algorithm Based on the Brainstorming Process

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    Optimisation of wind turbine blade structures using a genetic algorithm

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    The current diminution of fossil-fuel reserves, stricter environmental guidelines and the world’s ever-growing energy needs have directed to the deployment of alternative renewable energy sources. Among the many renewable energies, wind energy is one of the most promising and the fastest growing installed alternative-energy production technology. In order to meet the production goals in the next few decades, both significant increases in wind turbine installations and operability are required, while maintaining a profitable and competitive energy cost. As the size of the wind turbine rotor increases, the structural performance and durability requirements tend to become more challenging. In this sense, solving the wind turbine design problem is an optimization problem where an optimal solution is to be found under a set of design constraints and a specific target. Seen the world evolution towards the renewable energies and the beginning of an implementation of a local wind industry in Quebec, it becomes imperative to follow the international trends in this industry. Therefore, it is necessary to supply the designers a suitable decision tool for the study and design of optimal wind turbine blades. The developed design tool is an open source code named winDesign which is capable to perform structural analysis and design of composite blades for wind turbines under various configurations in order to accelerate the preliminary design phase. The proposed tool is capable to perform a Pareto optimization where optimal decisions need to be taken in the presence of trade-offs between two conflicting objectives: the annual energy production and the weight of the blade. For a given external blade shape, winDesign is able to determine an optimal composite layup, chord and twist distributions which either minimizes blade mass or maximizes the annual energy production while simultaneously satisfying design constraints. The newly proposed graphical tool incorporates two novel VCH and KGA techniques and is validated with numerical simulation on both mono-objective and multi-objective optimization problems

    Computer Science & Technology Series : XXI Argentine Congress of Computer Science. Selected papers

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    CACIC’15 was the 21thCongress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Technology at the UNNOBA (North-West of Buenos Aires National University) in Junín, Buenos Aires. The Congress included 13 Workshops with 131 accepted papers, 4 Conferences, 2 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 6 courses. CACIC 2015 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 13 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of 3-5 chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 202 submissions. An average of 2.5 review reports werecollected for each paper, for a grand total of 495 review reports that involved about 191 different reviewers. A total of 131 full papers, involving 404 authors and 75 Universities, were accepted and 24 of them were selected for this book.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Computer Science & Technology Series : XXI Argentine Congress of Computer Science. Selected papers

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    CACIC’15 was the 21thCongress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Technology at the UNNOBA (North-West of Buenos Aires National University) in Junín, Buenos Aires. The Congress included 13 Workshops with 131 accepted papers, 4 Conferences, 2 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 6 courses. CACIC 2015 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 13 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of 3-5 chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 202 submissions. An average of 2.5 review reports werecollected for each paper, for a grand total of 495 review reports that involved about 191 different reviewers. A total of 131 full papers, involving 404 authors and 75 Universities, were accepted and 24 of them were selected for this book.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Systematic Approaches for Telemedicine and Data Coordination for COVID-19 in Baja California, Mexico

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    Conference proceedings info: ICICT 2023: 2023 The 6th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies Raleigh, HI, United States, March 24-26, 2023 Pages 529-542We provide a model for systematic implementation of telemedicine within a large evaluation center for COVID-19 in the area of Baja California, Mexico. Our model is based on human-centric design factors and cross disciplinary collaborations for scalable data-driven enablement of smartphone, cellular, and video Teleconsul-tation technologies to link hospitals, clinics, and emergency medical services for point-of-care assessments of COVID testing, and for subsequent treatment and quar-antine decisions. A multidisciplinary team was rapidly created, in cooperation with different institutions, including: the Autonomous University of Baja California, the Ministry of Health, the Command, Communication and Computer Control Center of the Ministry of the State of Baja California (C4), Colleges of Medicine, and the College of Psychologists. Our objective is to provide information to the public and to evaluate COVID-19 in real time and to track, regional, municipal, and state-wide data in real time that informs supply chains and resource allocation with the anticipation of a surge in COVID-19 cases. RESUMEN Proporcionamos un modelo para la implementación sistemática de la telemedicina dentro de un gran centro de evaluación de COVID-19 en el área de Baja California, México. Nuestro modelo se basa en factores de diseño centrados en el ser humano y colaboraciones interdisciplinarias para la habilitación escalable basada en datos de tecnologías de teleconsulta de teléfonos inteligentes, celulares y video para vincular hospitales, clínicas y servicios médicos de emergencia para evaluaciones de COVID en el punto de atención. pruebas, y para el tratamiento posterior y decisiones de cuarentena. Rápidamente se creó un equipo multidisciplinario, en cooperación con diferentes instituciones, entre ellas: la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, la Secretaría de Salud, el Centro de Comando, Comunicaciones y Control Informático. de la Secretaría del Estado de Baja California (C4), Facultades de Medicina y Colegio de Psicólogos. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar información al público y evaluar COVID-19 en tiempo real y rastrear datos regionales, municipales y estatales en tiempo real que informan las cadenas de suministro y la asignación de recursos con la anticipación de un aumento de COVID-19. 19 casos.ICICT 2023: 2023 The 6th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologieshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-3236-

    Computer Science & Technology Series

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    CACIC’15 was the 21thCongress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Technology at the UNNOBA (North-West of Buenos Aires National University) in Junín, Buenos Aires. The Congress included 13 Workshops with 131 accepted papers, 4 Conferences, 2 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 6 courses. CACIC 2015 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 13 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of 3-5 chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 202 submissions. An average of 2.5 review reports werecollected for each paper, for a grand total of 495 review reports that involved about 191 different reviewers. A total of 131 full papers, involving 404 authors and 75 Universities, were accepted and 24 of them were selected for this book

    Computer Science & Technology Series : XXI Argentine Congress of Computer Science. Selected papers

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    CACIC’15 was the 21thCongress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Technology at the UNNOBA (North-West of Buenos Aires National University) in Junín, Buenos Aires. The Congress included 13 Workshops with 131 accepted papers, 4 Conferences, 2 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 6 courses. CACIC 2015 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 13 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of 3-5 chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 202 submissions. An average of 2.5 review reports werecollected for each paper, for a grand total of 495 review reports that involved about 191 different reviewers. A total of 131 full papers, involving 404 authors and 75 Universities, were accepted and 24 of them were selected for this book.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Evaluating the performance of Group Counseling Optimizer on CEC 2014 problems for Computational Expensive Optimization

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    Mobility-awareness in complex event processing systems

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    The proliferation and vast deployment of mobile devices and sensors over the last couple of years enables a huge number of Mobile Situation Awareness (MSA) applications. These applications need to react in near real-time to situations in the environment of mobile objects like vehicles, pedestrians, or cargo. To this end, Complex Event Processing (CEP) is becoming increasingly important as it allows to scalably detect situations “on-the-fly” by continously processing distributed sensor data streams. Furthermore, recent trends in communication networks promise high real-time conformance to CEP systems by processing sensor data streams on distributed computing resources at the edge of the network, where low network latencies can be achieved. Yet, supporting MSA applications with a CEP middleware that utilizes distributed computing resources proves to be challenging due to the dynamics of mobile devices and sensors. In particular, situations need to be efficiently, scalably, and consistently detected with respect to ever-changing sensors in the environment of a mobile object. Moreover, the computing resources that provide low latencies change with the access points of mobile devices and sensors. The goal of this thesis is to provide concepts and algorithms to i) continuously detect situations that recently occurred close to a mobile object, ii) support bandwidth and computational efficient detections of such situations on distributed computing resources, and iii) support consistent, low latency, and high quality detections of such situations. To this end, we introduce the distributed Mobile CEP (MCEP) system which automatically adapts the processing of sensor data streams according to a mobile object’s location. MCEP provides an expressive, location-aware query model for situations that recently occurred at a location close to a mobile object. MCEP significantly reduces latency, bandwidth, and processing overhead by providing on-demand and opportunistic adaptation algorithms to dynamically assign event streams to queries of the MCEP system. Moreover, MCEP incorporates algorithms to adapt the deployment of MCEP queries in a network of computing resources. This way, MCEP supports latency-sensitive, large-scale deployments of MSA applications and ensures a low network utilization while mobile objects change their access points to the system. MCEP also provides methods to increase the scalability in terms of deployed MCEP queries by reusing event streams and computations for detecting common situations for several mobile objects