147 research outputs found


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    Recently, correlational studies have found that psychometrically assessed spatial skills may be influential in learning computer science (CS). Correlation does not necessarily mean causation; these correlations could be due to several reasons unrelated to spatial skills. Nonetheless, the results are intriguing when considering how students learn to program and what supports their learning. However, it's hard to explain these results. There is not an obvious match between the logic for computer programming and the logic for thinking spatially. CS is not imagistic or visual in the same way as other STEM disciplines since students can't see bits or loops. Spatial abilities and STEM performance are highly correlated, but that makes sense because STEM is a highly visual space. In this thesis, I used qualitative methods to document how space influences and appears in CS learning. My work is naturalistic and inductive, as little is known about how space influences and appears CS learning. I draw on constructivist, situative, and distributed learning theories to frame my investigation of space in CS learning. I investigated CS learning through two avenues. The first is as a sense-making, problem-solving activity, and the second is as a meaning-making and social process between teachers and students. In some ways, I was inspired to understand what was actually happening in these classrooms and how students are actually learning and what supports that learning. While looking for space, I discovered the surprising role embodiment and metaphor played while students make sense of computation and teachers express computational ideas. The implication is that people make meaning from their body-based, lived experiences and not just through their minds, even in a discipline such as computing, which is virtual in nature. For example, teachers use the following spatial language when describing a code trace: "then, it goes up here before going back down to the if-statement." The code is not actually going anywhere, but metaphor and embodiment are used to explain the abstract concept. This dissertation makes three main contributions to computing education research. First, I conducted some of the first studies on embodiment and space in CS learning. Second, I present a conceptual framework for the kinds of embodiment in CS learning. Lastly, I present evidence on the importance of metaphor for learning CS.Ph.D

    Algorithms for pre-microrna classification and a GPU program for whole genome comparison

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are non-coding RNAs with approximately 22 nucleotides that are derived from precursor molecules. These precursor molecules or pre-miRNAs often fold into stem-loop hairpin structures. However, a large number of sequences with pre-miRNA-like hairpin can be found in genomes. It is a challenge to distinguish the real pre-miRNAs from other hairpin sequences with similar stem-loops (referred to as pseudo pre-miRNAs). The first part of this dissertation presents a new method, called MirID, for identifying and classifying microRNA precursors. MirID is comprised of three steps. Initially, a combinatorial feature mining algorithm is developed to identify suitable feature sets. Then, the feature sets are used to train support vector machines to obtain classification models, based on which classifier ensemble is constructed. Finally, an AdaBoost algorithm is adopted to further enhance the accuracy of the classifier ensemble. Experimental results on a variety of species demonstrate the good performance of the proposed approach, and its superiority over existing methods. In the second part of this dissertation, A GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) program is developed for whole genome comparison. The goal for the research is to identify the commonalities and differences of two genomes from closely related organisms, via multiple sequencing alignments by using a seed and extend technique to choose reliable subsets of exact or near exact matches, which are called anchors. A rigorous method named Smith-Waterman search is applied for the anchor seeking, but takes days and months to map millions of bases for mammalian genome sequences. With GPU programming, which is designed to run in parallel hundreds of short functions called threads, up to 100X speed up is achieved over similar CPU executions
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