55 research outputs found

    Calidad y operaciones en servicios de turismo deportivo: una aplicación del modelo de Deming en organizaciones gestoras de estaciones de montaña y campos de golf

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    Los conceptos relacionados con la calidad del servicio no se han desarrollado de la misma manera de los relacionados con la calidad de la producción de bienes tangibles, sin embargo, la base teórica y métodos de la gerencia para la calidad total permite su uso en industrias tanto de productos tangibles como de servicios. En este estudio se utilizó el modelo teórico de Deming elaborado por Anderson et al. (1994b). Aunque existen evidencias prácticas de la eficacia del modelo citado en el mundo entero, la investigación empírica es todavía escasa. Por ello nos hemos propuesto los siguientes objetivos

    Achieving High Organization Performance through Servant Leadership

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    This empirical paper investigates whether a servant leader can develop a corporate culture that attracts or develops other servant leaders. Using the survey developed by Barbuto and Wheeler (2006), servant leader characteristics in managers were measured at three high-performing organizations. Results indicate that servant leaders can develop a culture of followers who are servant leaders themselves. This is one of the few studies to empirically test the model of servant leadership in an organizational environment. The success these servant leaders have achieved in a for-profit, demanding environment suggests this leadership style is viable for adoption by other firms


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    Total Quality management (TQM) has many principles, and the objective of this study was to determine highest TQM principle which has the greater impact on overall hospital effectiveness as perceived by healthcare professionals working in accredited governmental hospitals in Jordan. A study survey instrument, designed to measure the impact of applying TQM principles on overall hospital effectiveness, then to find out the greater TQM principle which influence more the overall hospital effectiveness, Study questionnaire was administered to the healthcare professionals in the five governmental accredited hospitals in Jordan, The data collection where 1290 questionnaires. The response rate was 83.6% of the total questionnaires distributed. TQM principles were: Leadership commitment to quality, Customer focus, Continuous improvement, Teamwork, Employee involvement, and education and training. Multiple regression analysis using Beta Coefficient conducted, the result shows that the greater TQM principle which affects the overall hospital effectiveness organization leadership commitment to quality and the least was education and training

    The Moderating Effect of Organizational Culture on the Relationship Between Leadership Styles and Quality Management Practices in Public Hospitals in Saudi Arabia

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    The effectiveness of quality management initiatives resulting in sustainable competitive advantage and enhanced business performance has been a major subject of interest for business and academia alike. The quality management literature frequently cites the importance of leadership, but little research has been done to evaluate the linkages between leadership styles and quality management practices. This study examined the relationships between leadership styles (transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire), and quality management practices in Saudi public hospitals. The study also examined the moderating effect of organizational culture on these relationships. This study adapted and integrated a Deming-based quality management model with a multi-dimensional leadership model. It tied the foregoing to the organizational culture to reveal how organizational culture is related to leadership styles and quality management practices. A quantitative research design was adopted to collect data, test hypotheses, and answer the research questions. A cross-sectional survey method was used to conduct this study. A survey package was sent to 182 public hospitals in Saudi Arabia, and 140 were returned, giving a response rate of 77 percent. Results of the study revealed that the transformational leadership style has a significant, positive relationship with quality management practices. However, the transactional and laissez-faire leadership styles were found to significantly and negatively relate to quality management practices. Furthermore, the results showed that organizational culture has a moderating effect on the relationship between leadership styles and quality management practices. Based on the results, it is recommended that hospitals recruit leaders with transformational style, and also hospital directors may opt for a quality management approach that is suitable to the existing organizational culture or they may attempt to modify the existing culture

    Association between Patient Outcomes and Joint Commission International (JCI) Accreditation in Italy: An Observational Study

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    Quality in healthcare is a constantly debated topic and has not found a clear definition to date. If we consider the possible quality standards related to health services, the Joint Commission identifies the main criteria that health organizations must respect in order to guarantee patient safety. The Joint Commission International \u2013 founded in 1994 by the JC \u2013 also accredits organizations in countries other than the USA and Canada to ensure better minimum quality levels. The study investigates the possibility of obtaining a better outcomes of the health structures accredited in Italy by the Joint Commission International compared to the other the other health organizations of the Italian system considering the mortality index as an indicator recognized by the literature as a summary indicator of outcome. The National Outcome Program (PNE) created by the Italian Ministry of Health allows comparative effectiveness researches based on relative risk. This study performs the analysis based on the results of the past three years available and on the volume of activities provided. Given a p-value significance index <0.05, the analysis highlights the absence of a significant difference between accredited and non-accredited structures. The study contributes to the literature on health system outcomes and performance and has relevance considering researches in health tourism and health mobility policies fields

    Quality management in services: an overview from the management field

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    The objective of this paper is to carry out a review of the quality literature in the service sector in an effort to synthesize and structure existing knowledge and offer suggestions for future research in the field. We mainly focus our review on management studies, written in the context of quality management and having a broad quality management perspective, an approach that should help us to identify interesting aspects which we feel have not been sufficiently treated in the research carried out to date.Quality management, services, service quality, business organization

    Qualidade e educação superior: a norma de qualidade para a aprendizagem, educação e formação: ISO/IEC 19796-1 = Quality and Higher Education: the standard ISO/IEC 19796-1 for learning, education and training

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    Em 2005, uma nova norma de qualidade para a aprendizagem, educação e formação, a ISO/IEC 19796-1, foi publicada. O objetivo desta norma é orientar as organizações educacionais e desenvolver sistemas de qualidade e melhorar a qualidade dos seus processos, produtos e serviços. Este artigo busca entender a norma com base em conceitos de qualidade e na tendência à garantia da qualidade. A ISO/IEC é apresentada de forma sucinta, mostrando a metodologia e suas vantagens para as organizações educacionais. É ressaltado que a norma é um modelo de referência e necessita ser adaptada às necessidades e exigências de cada organizaçã