19 research outputs found

    Finish Them!: Pricing Algorithms for Human Computation

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    Given a batch of human computation tasks, a commonly ignored aspect is how the price (i.e., the reward paid to human workers) of these tasks must be set or varied in order to meet latency or cost constraints. Often, the price is set up-front and not modified, leading to either a much higher monetary cost than needed (if the price is set too high), or to a much larger latency than expected (if the price is set too low). Leveraging a pricing model from prior work, we develop algorithms to optimally set and then vary price over time in order to meet a (a) user-specified deadline while minimizing total monetary cost (b) user-specified monetary budget constraint while minimizing total elapsed time. We leverage techniques from decision theory (specifically, Markov Decision Processes) for both these problems, and demonstrate that our techniques lead to upto 30\% reduction in cost over schemes proposed in prior work. Furthermore, we develop techniques to speed-up the computation, enabling users to leverage the price setting algorithms on-the-fly

    Cheaper and Better: Selecting Good Workers for Crowdsourcing

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    Crowdsourcing provides a popular paradigm for data collection at scale. We study the problem of selecting subsets of workers from a given worker pool to maximize the accuracy under a budget constraint. One natural question is whether we should hire as many workers as the budget allows, or restrict on a small number of top-quality workers. By theoretically analyzing the error rate of a typical setting in crowdsourcing, we frame the worker selection problem into a combinatorial optimization problem and propose an algorithm to solve it efficiently. Empirical results on both simulated and real-world datasets show that our algorithm is able to select a small number of high-quality workers, and performs as good as, sometimes even better than, the much larger crowds as the budget allows

    История, направления и некоторые проблемы современных исследований краудсорсинга как научно-практической дисциплины

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    Сегодня краудсорсинг является широко используемым способом решения многих задач сбора и агрегации данных. В данной работе проведен обзор исследований краудсорсинга как научно-практической дисциплины. Выделены направления исследований и сформулированы некоторые актуальные проблемы данной дисциплины.Today, crowdsourcing became a popular approach for various data collecting and mining tasks. In this work, several modern crowdsourcing studies in different research trends have been discussed and some problems within these trends have been mentioned

    Globally Optimal Crowdsourcing Quality Management

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    We study crowdsourcing quality management, that is, given worker responses to a set of tasks, our goal is to jointly estimate the true answers for the tasks, as well as the quality of the workers. Prior work on this problem relies primarily on applying Expectation-Maximization (EM) on the underlying maximum likelihood problem to estimate true answers as well as worker quality. Unfortunately, EM only provides a locally optimal solution rather than a globally optimal one. Other solutions to the problem (that do not leverage EM) fail to provide global optimality guarantees as well. In this paper, we focus on filtering, where tasks require the evaluation of a yes/no predicate, and rating, where tasks elicit integer scores from a finite domain. We design algorithms for finding the global optimal estimates of correct task answers and worker quality for the underlying maximum likelihood problem, and characterize the complexity of these algorithms. Our algorithms conceptually consider all mappings from tasks to true answers (typically a very large number), leveraging two key ideas to reduce, by several orders of magnitude, the number of mappings under consideration, while preserving optimality. We also demonstrate that these algorithms often find more accurate estimates than EM-based algorithms. This paper makes an important contribution towards understanding the inherent complexity of globally optimal crowdsourcing quality management

    Using hybrid algorithmic-crowdsourcing methods for academic knowledge acquisition

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    such as Figures, Tables, Definitions, Algo- rithms, etc., which are called Knowledge Cells hereafter. An advanced academic search engine which could take advantage of Knowledge Cells and their various relation- ships to obtain more accurate search results is expected. Further, it’s expected to provide a fine-grained search regard- ing to Knowledge Cells for deep-level information discovery and exploration. Therefore, it is important to identify and extract the Knowledge Cells and their various relationships which are often intrinsic and implicit in articles. With the exponential growth of scientific publications, discovery and acquisition of such useful academic knowledge impose some practical challenges For example, existing algorithmic meth- ods can hardly extend to handle diverse layouts of journals, nor to scale up to process massive documents. As crowd- sourcing has become a powerful paradigm for large scale problem-solving especially for tasks that are difficult for computers but easy for human, we consider the problem of academic knowledge discovery and acquisition as a crowd- sourced database problem and show a hybrid framework to integrate the accuracy of crowdsourcing workers and the speed of automatic algorithms. In this paper, we introduce our current system implementation, a platform for academic knowledge discovery and acquisition (PANDA), as well as some interesting observations and promising future directions.Peer reviewe

    Comprehensive and Reliable Crowd Assessment Algorithms

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    Evaluating workers is a critical aspect of any crowdsourcing system. In this paper, we devise techniques for evaluating workers by finding confidence intervals on their error rates. Unlike prior work, we focus on "conciseness"---that is, giving as tight a confidence interval as possible. Conciseness is of utmost importance because it allows us to be sure that we have the best guarantee possible on worker error rate. Also unlike prior work, we provide techniques that work under very general scenarios, such as when not all workers have attempted every task (a fairly common scenario in practice), when tasks have non-boolean responses, and when workers have different biases for positive and negative tasks. We demonstrate conciseness as well as accuracy of our confidence intervals by testing them on a variety of conditions and multiple real-world datasets.Comment: ICDE 201