8 research outputs found

    The Development of Officer Selection System using the Method of Analytic Network Process (ANP) at Pharmacy Company

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    In this life, every person is always faced with various options and each choice will certainly bring different consequences. Pharmacy Company as an organization which managed by the human resources are also faced with various options in order to determine a quality officer. The hardest thing in making a choice is an effort to eliminate the subjectivity factor of the procurement team so that every choice made is objective. Based on the analysis of the above requirements, the company need a computer application that can support decision making using the Analytic Network Process. The application is not a key decision makers who will replace the role of men but only as decision support. Applications are made to assist the Personnel Manager of the company in selecting prospective employees and new employee selection. In addition, the application also help in a structured data collection so that support a balanced and objective assessment

    Territorial externalities of the Protected Designation of Origin “Aceite del Bajo Aragón”

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    La producción en la DO Aceite del Bajo Aragón produce externalidades que varían según el sistema de cultivo sea convencional, integrado, ecológico, o abandono por falta de rentabilidad. Para la sociedad son un beneficio, pero los oleicultores no obtienen rentas por ellas. El trabajo tiene como objetivos identificar las externalidades que se generan, valorarlas y determinar qué sistema las maximiza. El análisis se ha hecho mediante encuesta a expertos analizada mediante un Proceso Analítico de Red (ANP). Los resultados indican que lo cultivos integrado y ecológico son los que maximizan la sostenibilidad oleícola del Bajo Aragón y los criterios que más pesan en las preferencias sociales son la acción colectiva en materia de comercialización, la calidad diferencial y la creación de un entorno innovadorThe production of the Protected Designation of Origin “Aceite del Bajo Aragón” implies different territorial externalities according to the growing system, conventional, integrated, ecological or abandonment due to lack of profitability. Positive externalities are beneficial for the society but olive growers do not receive any profit from their generation. The purposes of this paper are the identification of the generated externalities, their evaluation and assessment of the best maximising growing system. The analysis has been done through a survey of experts analysed by an Analytic Network Process (ANP). Results show that integrated and ecological growing systems maximises oleic sustainability in the Bajo Aragón, and the most influencing criteria on social preferences are the collective action in marketing, the differential quality, and the creation of an innovative environmentPeer Reviewedsistemas oleícolas localesProceso Analítico de Red (ANP)comercialización colectivacalidad diferencialentorno innovadorLocal oleic systemsolive oilanalytic network processcollective action in marketingdifferentiation-related qualityinnovative environmentPublishe

    An ANP model to support decision-making in a Portuguese pharmaceutical supply chain

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialIn order to cope up with a volatile and scarce environment, companies have had to adopt new ways of thinking. One of them is embracing Supply Chain Management (SCM) and considering it as a crucial asset if willing to compete in the marketplace. In the context of SCM, it is important to understand how Lean and Agile SCM paradigms are adopted as means of achieving an efficient Supply Chain (SC). Besides the mentioned paradigms, many Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and management practices come along with SCM, and it is important that SC managers identify the ones that bring the most competitive advantages. This dissertation intends to design a model based on the Analytic Network Process (ANP) in order to assist SC managers from different entities of a pharmaceutical SC in exploring efficient decisions to be made, with respect to KPIs and management practices, as means of achieving a highly competitive SC

    Ranking and aggregation-based multiple attributes decision making method for sustainable energy planning

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    In sustainable energy planning, the selection of a suitable Renewable Energy Sources (RES) for energy supply and evaluation of different RES technologies is a complex decision-making process. This is because there are many conflicting criteria that need to be considered. It becomes more complicated when qualitative data is involved in addition to quantitative data. Previous studies use Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) methods for decision making, which work well with quantitative data but not with qualitative data. There are some MADM methods that can handle with both qualitative and quantitative data but suffer from complex computation burden. It becomes more difficult when more than one MADM method or more than one Decision Maker (DM) need to be considered. Different results will be obtained since different MADM methods or different DMs provide different results. This thesis proposes a new MADM method to overcome the limitations of previous methods. It consists of two parts which are ranking and aggregation techniques. The proposed ranking technique able to deal with quantitative and qualitative data through sorting process according to beneficial and non-beneficial criteria without normalizing the data. Then the proposed aggregation technique able to overcome the problem of different rankings due to different MADM methods or different DMs. The idea is to modify the preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluations, where a preference index is assigned when comparing two alternatives at one time with respect to their ranking position instead of the criteria. Four case studies are examined to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed ranking method while three case studies are evaluated to demonstrate the applications of the proposed aggregation method. For verification, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient is utilized to determine an agreement of the proposed method with the existing MADM methods. The results show the strength of the proposed method as it yields a correlation coefficient of more than 0.87 in all case studies. The results show an excellent correlation with those obtained by past researchers, which specifically prove the applicability of the proposed method for solving sustainable energy planning decision problem

    Intelligent geospatial decision support system for Malaysian marine geospatial data infrastructure

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    Marine resources for different uses and activities are characterised by multi-dimensional concepts, criteria, multi-participants, and multiple-use conflicts. In addition, the fuzzy nature in the marine environment has attendant features that increase the complexity of the environment, thus, necessitating the quest for multiple alternative solutions and adequate evaluation, particularly within the context of Marine Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MGDI). However, in the literature of MGDI, there has yet to be a concerted research effort and framework towards holistic consideration of decision making prospects using multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) and intelligent algorithms for effective and informed decision beyond the classical methods. This research, therefore, aims to develop and validate an intelligent decision support system for Malaysian MGDI. An integrated framework built on mixed method research design serves as the mode of inquiry. Initially, the quantitative methodology, comprising of Dynamic Analytic Network Process (DANP) model, comprehensive evaluation index system (CEIS), MCE extensions, geographic information system’s spatial interaction modelling (SIM), and hydrographic data acquisition sub-system was implemented. Within this framework, a case study validation was employed for the qualitative aspect to predict the most viable geospatial extents within Malaysian waters for exploitation of deep sea marine fishery. Quantitative findings showed that the model has an elucidated CEIS with a DANP network model of 7 criteria, 28 sub-criteria, and 145 performance indicators, with 5 alternatives. In the MCE, computed priority values for Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy AHP are different though their rankings are the same. In addition, the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Fuzzy TOPSIS results from the MCE extensions showed that they were similarly ranked for the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) (200 nm) area as predicted by the DANP model. Furthermore, re-arrangement of the priorities in sensitivity analysis enhanced the final judgment for the criteria being evaluated; and for the SIM. Qualitatively, the validation of the DANP through the prediction has cumulated a computed value of 76.39 nm (141.47 Km) where this would be the most viable and economical deep sea fishery exploitation location in Malaysian waters and within the EEZ. In this study, MGDI decision and MgdiEureka are newly formulated terminologies to depict decisions in the realms of MGDI initiatives and the developed applications. The framework would serve as an improved marine geospatial planning for various stakeholders prior to decision making

    Análisis de la problemática de las PYMES de la industria minera de la IV Región de Chile. Estudio de actores participantes mediante ARS y ANP

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    [EN] This thesis is about the problems of SMEs in the Mining Industry in the IV Region of Chile. It includes the identification of the most critical issues, the participating actors either their relationships or the prioritization of influences. To achieve the purposes of the research, the study of key actors is addressed through the Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Analytic Network Process (Analytic Network Process ANP). The study includes an analysis of the problems of SMEs in the Mining Industry in the IV Region of Chile. In the same way, the more critical issues are identified which affect to the small and medium enterprises of the mining industry. Likewise, it studies the actors who or which are involved in decisions to improve actions to the problems of small and medium-sized mining companies and analyzes the relationships between the various stakeholders, to determine the influence of stakeholders. Finally, the research makes a prioritization list that identifies the actors on the issue of SMEs in the mining industry of the IV Region of Chile, whose study focused on the problem of mineral extraction process. To achieve the objectives, it has taken account the participation of a distinguished group of experts with extensive knowledge in the problems of SMEs in the Mining Industry in the IV Region of Chile. With these experts, different methodological techniques are been developed and structured interviews to raise the required information. Analysis processes is also supported by using Software as Superdecisions UCINET and calculation tools that provide graphical representation and facilitate the analysis of the results. The investigation identified 444 small businesses in the mining industry in the fourth region of Chile and all of them, grouped by mining trade associations, and at the same time, eight companies belonging to medium mining. It also includes analysis of 17 actors and their relationships within the decision-making processes related to the problems of mining SMEs, particularly in the mineral extraction process.[ES] En la presente tesis doctoral se aborda la problemática de las PYMES de la Industria Minera de la IV Región de Chile. La misma contempla la identificación de los problemas más críticos, los actores participantes y sus relaciones, y la priorización de influencias de los actores. Para lograr los propósitos de la investigación, se aborda el estudio de actores principales mediante el Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS) y el Proceso Analítico de Red (Analytic Network Process, ANP). El estudio contempla el análisis de la problemática de las PYMES de la Industria Minera de la IV Región de Chile. Asimismo se identifican los problemas más críticos que afectan a las pequeñas y medianas empresas de la industria minera. De igual forma, estudia los actores participantes en las decisiones sobre propuestas de acciones de mejoras a la problemática de las pequeñas y medianas empresas mineras y analiza las relaciones existentes entre los diversos grupos de interés, a fin de determinar las influencias de los actores involucrados. Finalmente la investigación construye un listado de priorización que identifica a los actores sobre la problemática de las PYMES de la Industria Minera de la IV Región de Chile, cuyo estudio se centró en las problemáticas del Proceso de Obtención del Mineral. Para el logro de los objetivos planteados, se cuenta con un destacado grupo de expertos con gran conocimiento de la problemática de las PYMES de la Industria Minera de la IV Región de Chile. Con ellos se desarrollan diversas técnicas metodológicas, así como entrevistas estructuradas para levantar la información requerida. Asimismo se apoyan los procesos de análisis mediante el uso de Softwares como UCINET y Superdecisions que proveen herramientas de cálculo y representación gráfica que facilitan el análisis de los resultados. La investigación permitió identificar a 444 pequeñas empresas de la industria minera de la cuarta región de Chile y todas ellas, agrupadas a través de asociaciones gremiales mineras, y también, 8 compañías mineras pertenecientes a la mediana minería. Asimismo incluye el análisis de 17 actores y sus relaciones, dentro de los procesos de toma de decisiones vinculados a la problemática de las PYMES mineras, específicamente en el Proceso de Obtención del Mineral.[CA] En la present tesi doctoral s'aborda les problemàtiques de les PIMES de la Indústria Minera de la IV Regió de Xile. La mateixa contempla la identificació dels problemes més crítics, els actors participants i les seues relacions, i la priorització d'influències dels actors. Per a aconseguir els propòsits de la investigació, s'aborda l'estudi d'actors principals per mitjà de l'Anàlisi de Xarxes Socials (AXS) i el Procés Analític de Xarxa (Analytic Network Process, ANP). L'estudi contempla l'anàlisi de les problemàtiques de les PIMES de la Indústria Minera de la IV Regió de Xile. Així mateix s'identifiquen els problemes més crítics que afecten les xicotetes i mitjanes empreses de la indústria minera. De la mateixa manera, estudia els actors participants en les decisions sobre propostes d'accions de millores a la problemàtica de les xicotetes i mitjanes empreses mineres i analitza les relacions existents entre els diversos grups d'interés, a fi de determinar les influències dels actors involucrats. Finalment la investigació construïx un llistat de priorització que identifica els actors sobre la problemàtica de les PIMES de la Indústria Minera de la IV Regió de Xile, l'estudi de la qual es va centrar en la problemàtica del Procés d'Obtenció del Mineral. Per a l'èxit dels objectius plantejats, s'ha comptat amb la participació d'un destacat grup d'experts amb gran coneixement de les problemàtiques de les PIMES de la Indústria Minera de la IV Regió de Xile. Amb ells es desenrotllen diverses tècniques metodològiques, així com entrevistes estructurades per a alçar la informació requerida. Així mateix es recolzen els processos d'anàlisi per mitjà de l'ús de Programaris com UCINET i Superdecisions que proveïxen ferramentes de càlcul i representació gràfica que faciliten l'anàlisi dels resultats. La investigació va permetre identificar a 444 xicotetes empreses de la indústria minera de la quarta regió de Xile i totes elles, agrupades a través d'associacions gremials mineres, i al seu torn, 8 companyies mineres pertanyents a la mitjana mineria. Així mateix inclou l'anàlisi de 17 actors i les seues relacions, dins dels processos de presa de decisions vinculats a les problemàtiques de les PIMES mineres, específicament en el Procés d'Obtenció del Mineral.Ramírez Olivares, ER. (2015). Análisis de la problemática de las PYMES de la industria minera de la IV Región de Chile. Estudio de actores participantes mediante ARS y ANP [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58667TESI