4 research outputs found

    Identification of attributes for evaluating the content of e-government websites: a systematic literature review

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    In the last twenty years, e-government has become a strong complement to traditional public services. This study involved a systematic literature review to select studies enabling the identification of the attributes used to evaluate how content is delivered to users. The search strategy was limited to four databases to cover egovernment multidisciplinary areas. The sources of information used were books, book chapters, conference papers, and articles in peer-reviewed journals, written in English or Portuguese, and which subjects included e-government research, published since 2000. The PRISMA statement has guided the research methodology. The lack of explanation of the role of the attributes found in the studies and the diversified terminology used, can be pointed as the main limitations of the study. On the other hand, since the interpretation was based on author past experiences and convictions, there may be a bias in the understanding of the less clear attributes with consequences on their description and the interpretation of similarities among attributes. The research resulted in the identification of 139 attributes, from which 56 are considered main attributes, and 83 similar attributes. Attributes such as quality, interface, content, information, user experience, usability, and accessibility appear as the most relevantinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Usable Security using GOMS: A Study to Evaluate and Compare the Usability of User Accounts on E-Government Websites

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    The term e-Government refers to providing citizens a series of services that can be conveniently conducted over the Internet. However, the potential to redefine and transform e-Government increasingly relies on citizens successfully establishing and managing a user account profile online. E-Government has not adequately addressed user-centric designs for social inclusion of all citizens on e-Government websites. There is a lack of research on the usability of user account management, and a clear lack of innovation in incorporating user-friendly authentication interfaces to accommodate a diverse user population given the wealth of existing research in web authentication techniques within Identity Management. The problem is e-Government has no standardized approach to evaluate and compare the usability of user account interfaces to accommodate a diverse user population and encourage improvements in making user account interfaces more user-friendly and accessible to citizens online. This study proposed extending a well-established usability evaluation methodology called GOMS to evaluate e-Government security interfaces for usability. GOMS, which comprises of Goals, Operations, Methods, and Selection, was used to compare the task time users took to complete similar goals on different websites. GOMS was extended to include Security Cases, which are security related goals users desire to accomplish along with the selected link and trail necessary to satisfy those goals. An observational study was conducted to capture the task time 31 users took to complete similar Security Cases on three popular e-Government websites (DMV.CA.gov, HealthCare.gov, and USPS.com). The study initially defined a catalog of six Security Cases specific to user account management and then established benchmark time predictions for each of the Security Cases using CogTool. The six Security Cases selected were as follows: Registration, Login, Change Settings, Forgot Password, Change Password, and Logout. The task time to complete each of the six Security Case on the three websites, along with statistical analysis and CogTool’s benchmark time predications, were used to quantify and compare the usability of these three websites. In order to capture demographic data and assess participant’s satisfaction using the website, the study conducted a post evaluation survey using the System Usability Scale (SUS). The survey captured age, gender, education, user satisfaction, and computer/security knowledge for each participant to assess design considerations to accommodate a diverse population. Finally, a library of Security Cases was established to compare and highlight the more effective user account interface designs on the three selected e-Government websites. This study found task time data from similar Security Cases could be categorized and used to successfully compare and highlight more effective user account interface designs. The study revealed gender and education had no distinctions in task time when performing user account management related tasks. The study also revealed seniors took significantly longer than any other age group to complete complex user account management interfaces. Additionally, CogTool did not prove to be effective in establishing reliable task time predictions to establish as benchmarks. The study concluded the GOMS method could successfully be used to establish a set of task time metrics in a catalog of Security Cases that can be used to evaluate and compare the usability of user account interfaces to accommodate a diverse user population on e-Government websites. Future usability research should be conducted to evaluate if there is a performance relationship between age and security interface complexity. Future research should also further evaluate GOMS as a viable methodology to evaluate other security interfaces not limited to e-Government and expand upon the library of Security Cases to highlight effective security interfaces designs on other websites to accommodate a diverse user population

    Estrategias para mejorar la aceptación de los servicios de gobierno electrónico en los ciudadanos - mapeo sistemático

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    El gobierno electrónico generalmente se refiere a la aplicación de un modelo de comercio electrónico a nivel gubernamental de un país, y su éxito se mide a menudo en términos de satisfacción del usuario y calidad del servicio. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el éxito en términos de estrategias de diseño de software para el desarrollo de servicios de gobierno electrónico, así como la implementación y utilización de herramientas de evaluación empleadas, la calidad del servicio y las tecnologías utilizadas, mediante una mapeo sistemático de la literatura. Este estudio evidencia que se están realizando importantes investigaciones sobre servicios de gobierno electrónico en países del continente de Europa, parte del Sudeste asiático y Oceanía, entre las que destacan: China, Malasia e Indonesia, asimismo en América en los países de Canadá, EEUU, Brasil y Ecuador.Trabajo de investigació

    Um modelo de valor de entrega de informação aplicado ao governo eletrónico

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    O governo eletrónico como uma área de estudos da ciência e tecnologia Web, explora o potencial das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) para aproximar os cidadãos das áreas da governação. O crescimento da sua utilização, a par das constantes transformações tecnológicas, justifica a importância do seu estudo, nomeadamente, nas componentes mais visíveis para o utilizador, os sítios e as aplicações Web. Assim, importa perceber de que modo um modelo de valor de entrega de informação poderá conduzir a um aumento substancial na perceção da acessibilidade e na perceção da qualidade da informação disponibilizada, no contexto do governo eletrónico. A presente investigação caracteriza-se como um estudo exploratório, onde foi adotado o paradigma interpretativo/construtivista. A abordagem metodológica da investigação enquadra-se em quatro partes: (i) revisão da literatura; (ii) realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas através do método de grupos de conveniência; (iii) análise dos contributos dos participantes através do método de análise temática; (iv) concetualização de um Modelo de Valor de entrega de informação. Os resultados obtidos através dos instrumentos de recolha e análise de dados sugerem que o utilizador é um ativo na avaliação dos sítios de governo eletrónico. O contributo do utilizador estabelece-se através dos atributos centrados nos domínios da acessibilidade, usabilidade, experiência do utilizador para avaliar a qualidade dos sítios Web de governo eletrónico. A avaliação do utilizador parte da sua referência de valor. Como síntese desta investigação, considera-se que um modelo de valor de entrega de informação poderá influenciar o processo de desenvolvimento de aplicações e de sítios Web, aumentando a qualidade na perceção e na acessibilidade da informação a entregar ao utilizador.E-government as a field of study of Web science and technology explores the potential of information and communication technologies (ICT) to bring closer citizens and governments. Technological changes and the increasing of e-government adoption, particularly its visual components, websites and Web applications, justify the importance of this study. Therefore, it is important to understand how to improve the value of the information delivered by government websites by increasing of user perception, the quality of information and accessibility. In this exploratory study, the interpretative/constructivist paradigm is adopted. The methodological approach is divided in four parts: (i) literature review; (ii) focus group interviews to obtain data; (iii) thematic analysis to analyze data methods; (iii) conceptualization of a Valuable Model of Information Delivery. The results obtained from data collection and analysis instruments suggest the user is an asset on the assessment of e-government Websites. The contributions of the user are the assessment of a set of attributes focused on accessibility, usability, user experience to evaluate the quality of e-government Websites. Its assessment starts from his/her reference of value. As a synthesis of this research, the Valuable Model of Information Delivery will influence the process of websites development in order to enhance user perceptions of quality and accessibility of the information delivered to the user