96 research outputs found

    Solving DCOPs with Distributed Large Neighborhood Search

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    The field of Distributed Constraint Optimization has gained momentum in recent years, thanks to its ability to address various applications related to multi-agent cooperation. Nevertheless, solving Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems (DCOPs) optimally is NP-hard. Therefore, in large-scale, complex applications, incomplete DCOP algorithms are necessary. Current incomplete DCOP algorithms suffer of one or more of the following limitations: they (a) find local minima without providing quality guarantees; (b) provide loose quality assessment; or (c) are unable to benefit from the structure of the problem, such as domain-dependent knowledge and hard constraints. Therefore, capitalizing on strategies from the centralized constraint solving community, we propose a Distributed Large Neighborhood Search (D-LNS) framework to solve DCOPs. The proposed framework (with its novel repair phase) provides guarantees on solution quality, refining upper and lower bounds during the iterative process, and can exploit domain-dependent structures. Our experimental results show that D-LNS outperforms other incomplete DCOP algorithms on both structured and unstructured problem instances

    The Effect of Asynchronous Execution and Message Latency on Max-Sum

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    Max-sum is a version of belief propagation that was adapted for solving distributed constraint optimization problems (DCOPs). It has been studied theoretically and empirically, extended to versions that improve solution quality and converge rapidly, and is applicable to multiple distributed applications. The algorithm was presented both as a synchronous and an asynchronous algorithm, however, neither the differences in the performance of these two execution versions nor the implications of message latency on the two versions have been investigated to the best of our knowledge. We contribute to the body of knowledge on Max-sum by: (1) Establishing the theoretical differences between the two execution versions of the algorithm, focusing on the construction of beliefs; (2) Empirically evaluating the differences between the solutions generated by the two versions of the algorithm, with and without message latency; and (3) Establishing both theoretically and empirically the positive effect of damping on reducing the differences between the two versions. Our results indicate that in contrast to recent published results indicating the drastic effect that message latency has on distributed local search, damped Max-sum is robust to message latency

    Combining search strategies for distributed constraint satisfaction.

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    Many real-life problems such as distributed meeting scheduling, mobile frequency allocation and resource allocation can be solved using multi-agent paradigms. Distributed constraint satisfaction problems (DisCSPs) is a framework for describing such problems in terms of related subproblems, called a complex local problem (CLP), which are dispersed over a number of locations, each with its own constraints on the values their variables can take. An agent knows the variables in its CLP plus the variables (and their current value) which are directly related to one of its own variables and the constraints relating them. It knows little about the rest of the problem. Thus, each CLP is solved by an agent which cooperates with other agents to solve the overall problem. Algorithms for solving DisCSPs can be classified as either systematic or local search with the former being complete and the latter incomplete. The algorithms generally assume that each agent has only one variable as they can solve DisCSP with CLPs using virtual agents. However, in large DisCSPs where it is appropriate to trade completeness off against timeliness, systematic search algorithms can be expensive when compared to local search algorithms which generally converge quicker to a solution (if a solution is found) when compared to systematic algorithms. A major drawback of local search algorithms is getting stuck at local optima. Significant researches have focused on heuristics which can be used in an attempt to either escape or avoid local optima. This thesis makes significant contributions to local search algorithms for DisCSPs. Firstly, we present a novel combination of heuristics in DynAPP (Dynamic Agent Prioritisation with Penalties), which is a distributed synchronous local search algorithm for solving DisCSPs having one variable per agent. DynAPP combines penalties on values and dynamic agent prioritisation heuristics to escape local optima. Secondly, we develop a divide and conquer approach that handles DisCSP with CLPs by exploiting the structure of the problem. The divide and conquer approach prioritises the finding of variable instantiations which satisfy the constraints between agents which are often more expensive to satisfy when compared to constraints within an agent. The approach also exploits concurrency and combines the following search strategies: (i) both systematic and local searches; (ii) both centralised and distributed searches; and (iii) a modified compilation strategy. We also present an algorithm that implements the divide and conquer approach in Multi-DCA (Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Agents with CLPs). DynAPP and Multi-DCA were evaluated on several benchmark problems and compared to the leading algorithms for DisCSPs and DisCSPs with CLPs respectively. The results show that at the region of difficult problems, combining search heuristics and exploiting problem structure in distributed constraint satisfaction achieve significant benefits (i.e. generally used less computational time and communication costs) over existing competing methods

    A Local Stability Supported Parallel Distributed Constraint Optimization Algorithm

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    This paper presents a new distributed constraint optimization algorithm called LSPA, which can be used to solve large scale distributed constraint optimization problem (DCOP). Different from the access of local information in the existing algorithms, a new criterion called local stability is defined and used to evaluate which is the next agent whose value needs to be changed. The propose of local stability opens a new research direction of refining initial solution by finding key agents which can seriously effect global solution once they modify assignments. In addition, the construction of initial solution could be received more quickly without repeated assignment and conflict. In order to execute parallel search, LSPA finds final solution by constantly computing local stability of compatible agents. Experimental evaluation shows that LSPA outperforms some of the state-of-the-art incomplete distributed constraint optimization algorithms, guaranteeing better solutions received within ideal time

    Distributed Target Engagement in Large-scale Mobile Sensor Networks

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    Sensor networks comprise an emerging field of study that is expected to touch many aspects of our life. Research in this area was originally motivated by military applications. Afterward sensor networks have demonstrated tremendous promise in many other applications such as infrastructure security, environment and habitat monitoring, industrial sensing, traffic control, and surveillance applications. One key challenge in large-scale sensor networks is the efficient use of the network's resources to collect information about objects in a given Volume of Interest (VOI). Multi-sensor Multi-target tracking in surveillance applications is an example where the success of the network to track targets in a given volume of interest, efficiently and effectively, hinges significantly on the network's ability to allocate the right set of sensors to the right set of targets so as to achieve optimal performance. This task can be even more complicated if the surveillance application is such that the sensors and targets are expected to be mobile. To ensure timely tracking of targets in a given volume of interest, the surveillance sensor network needs to maintain engagement with all targets in this volume. Thus the network must be able to perform the following real-time tasks: 1) sensor-to-target allocation; 2) target tracking; 3) sensor mobility control and coordination. In this research I propose a combination of the Semi-Flocking algorithm, as a multi-target motion control and coordination approach, and a hierarchical Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem (DCOP) modelling algorithm, as an allocation approach, to tackle target engagement problem in large-scale mobile multi-target multi-sensor surveillance systems. Sensor-to-target allocation is an NP-hard problem. Thus, for sensor networks to succeed in such application, an efficient approach that can tackle this NP-hard problem in real-time is disparately needed. This research work proposes a novel approach to tackle this issue by modelling the problem as a Hierarchical DCOP. Although DCOPs has been proven to be both general and efficient they tend to be computationally expensive, and often intractable for large-scale problems. To address this challenge, this research proposes to divide the sensor-to-target allocation problem into smaller sub-DCOPs with shared constraints, eliminating significant computational and communication costs. Furthermore, a non-binary variable modelling is presented to reduce the number of inter-agent constraints. Target tracking and sensor mobility control and coordination are the other main challenges in these networks. Biologically inspired approaches have recently gained significant attention as a tool to address this issue. These approaches are exemplified by the two well-known algorithms, namely, the Flocking algorithm and the Anti-Flocking algorithm. Generally speaking, although these two biologically inspired algorithms have demonstrated promising performance, they expose deficiencies when it comes to their ability to maintain simultaneous reliable dynamic area coverage and target coverage. To address this challenge, Semi-Flocking, a biologically inspired algorithm that benefits from key characteristics of both the Flocking and Anti-Flocking algorithms, is proposed. The Semi-Flocking algorithm approaches the problem by assigning a small flock of sensors to each target, while at the same time leaving some sensors free to explore the environment. Also, this thesis presents an extension of the Semi-Flocking in which it is combined with a constrained clustering approach to provide better coverage over maneuverable targets. To have a reliable target tracking, another extension of Semi-Flocking algorithm is presented which is a coupled distributed estimation and motion control algorithm. In this extension the Semi-Flocking algorithm is employed for the purpose of a multi-target motion control, and Kalman-Consensus Filter (KCF) for the purpose of motion estimation. Finally, this research will show that the proposed Hierarchical DCOP algorithm can be elegantly combined with the Semi-Flocking algorithm and its extensions to create a coupled control and allocation approach. Several experimental analysis conducted in this research illustrate how the operation of the proposed algorithms outperforms other approaches in terms of incurred computational and communication costs, area coverage, target coverage for both linear and maneuverable targets, target detection time, number of undetected targets and target coverage in noise conditions sensor network. Also it is illustrated that this algorithmic combination can successfully engage multiple sensors to multiple mobile targets such that the number of uncovered targets is minimized and the sensors' mean utilization factor sensor surveillance systems.is maximized

    Coalition Formation For Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems

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    This dissertation presents our research on coalition formation for Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems (DCOP). In a DCOP, a problem is broken up into many disjoint sub-problems, each controlled by an autonomous agent and together the system of agents have a joint goal of maximizing a global utility function. In particular, we study the use of coalitions for solving distributed k-coloring problems using iterative approximate algorithms, which do not guarantee optimal results, but provide fast and economic solutions in resource constrained environments. The challenge in forming coalitions using iterative approximate algorithms is in identifying constraint dependencies between agents that allow for effective coalitions to form. We first present the Virtual Structure Reduction (VSR) Algorithm and its integration with a modified version of an iterative approximate solver. The VSR algorithm is the first distributed approach for finding structural relationships, called strict frozen pairs, between agents that allows for effective coalition formation. Using coalition structures allows for both more efficient search and higher overall utility in the solutions. Secondly, we relax the assumption of strict frozen pairs and allow coalitions to form under a probabilistic relationship. We identify probabilistic frozen pairs by calculating the propensity between two agents, or the joint probability of two agents in a k-coloring problem having the same value in all satisfiable instances. Using propensity, we form coalitions in sparse graphs where strict frozen pairs may not exist, but there is still benefit to forming coalitions. Lastly, we present a cooperative game theoretic approach where agents search for Nash stable coalitions under the conditions of additively separable and symmetric value functions
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