15 research outputs found

    Fraudulent Insurance Claims Detection Using Machine Learning

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    As the different countries around the world evolve into a more economical-based and stimulating their economy is the goal. The main purpose of most of these countries is to fight off money launderers and fraudsters for better economic growth. A popular fraud topic in this regard is insurance fraud since it costs the companies and the public billions. Applying data analysis and machine learning are great ways used to address many problems regarding any automated system. To address this problem, first extensive research should be made to check out what has been applied and what the most promising solution using machine learning and data analytics is out there. After learning, then applying and building upon the findings of the research we propose a model that can flag these suspicious fraudulent claims for the insurance companies to help them out in saving money and time and helping them become more efficient in reacting to these fraudulent claims

    Performance Evaluation of Weighted Greedy Algorithm in Resource Management

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    Set covering is a well-studied classical problem with many applications across different fields. More recent work on this problem has taken into account the parallel computing architecture, the datasets at scale, the properties of the datasets, etc. Within the context of web crawling where the data follow the lognormal distribution, a weighted greedy algorithm has been proposed in the literature and demonstrated to outperform the traditional one. In the present work, we evaluate the performance of the weighted greedy algorithm using an open-source dataset in the context of resource management. The data are sampled from a given roadmap with 1.9 millions of nodes. Our research includes three different cost definitions i.e. location cost, driving cost and infrastructure cost. We also consider the different coverage radius to model possible parameters in the application. Our experiment results show that weighted greedy algorithm outperforms the greedy algorithm by 8% in average for all three different cost definitions

    Elektronik dizgi işlemlerinin eniyilenmesi ve değişken maliyetli seyyar satıcı problemi

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    Duman, Ekrem (Dogus Author)Bu projede baskılı devre kartları (BDK) dizgi işlemlerinde ortaya çıkan yeni bir gezgin satıcı problemi (GSP) üzerinde çalışmalar yapılmış, sıraya dayalı GSP adı verilen bu problemin önce matematiksel modeli geliştirilmiş daha sonra onu çözecek özgün yöntemler geliştirilmiştir. Bunun dışında, bu problemin görüldüğü iki tip dizgi makinesinin diğer ilgili optimizasyon problemleri (karesel atama problemi - KAP) de çözülerek toplam dizgi süreleri enazlanmıştır. KAP ve problemin bütününün çözümlerinde metasezgisel yöntemlerden yararlanılmıştır.Doğuş Üniversitesi; TÜBİTA

    Solving Continuous Replenishment Inventory Routing Problems with Route Duration Bounds

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    In a public health emergency, resupplying points of dispensing (PODs) with the smallest number of vehicles is an important problem in mass dispensing operations. To solve this problem, this paper describes the Continuous Replenishment Inventory Routing Problem (CRIRP) and presents heuristics for finding feasible solutions when the duration of vehicle routes cannot exceed a given bound. This paper describes a special case of the CRIRP that is equivalent to the bin-packing problem. For the general problem, the paper presents an aggregation approach that combines low-demand sites that are close to one another. We discuss the results of computational tests used to assess the quality and computational effort of the heuristics and the aggregation approach

    Planteamiento multiobjetivo para resolver el problema de ruteo de vehículos con restricciones de capacidad

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    Desde los inicios de la conformación de países y ciudades, el mundo exige de diferentes rutas para la movilización de las personas, ya que esto hace parte de la vida cotidiana. Pero, a medida en que evoluciona la sociedad, la forma de movilización es cada vez más difícil, especialmente cuando se trata de llegar a un lugar en el menor tiempo posible o a un menor costo. Sin embargo, las personas en la mayoría de los casos construyen rutas para desplazarse de manera intuitiva. A pesar de esto, se siguen presentando inconvenientes, ya que de esta manera no se logran resultados efectivos. Ahora bien, las diferentes empresas reflejan una necesidad de conocer la manera de resolver problemas relacionados con el trasporte, es por ello que el presente proyecto radica en la documentación de planteamientos multiobjetivos para solución del problema de ruteo de vehículos con restricción de capacidad

    Economic Design of X-bar Control Chart by Ant Colony Optimization

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    Control charts are widely employed to monitor and maintain the statistical control of a process. Designing a control chart involves selecting a sample size, sample frequency and control limits for the control chart. The costs of sampling and testing, cost of detecting the out-of-control signal and possibly correcting it, and the cost of non-conforming items reaching the consumer give the control chart an economic aspect. In 1956, Duncan developed a Loss Cost Function for X-bar control chart with single assignable cause. The function has to be optimized using a non-conventional optimization technique. In this project, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) has been employed to optimize Duncan’s Loss Cost Function. Ants while searching for food deposit a chemical pheromone on their way back. The amount of pheromone deposited will be dependent on the quality and quantity of food. As the time progresses the ants become selective in choosing the path depending upon the pheromone deposited. Eventually, this leads the ants to choose the best possible path. An algorithm based on the traditional Ant Colony Optimisation technique developed by Niaki and Ershadi has been applied to the economic model of Duncan. The results were found to be on par with the results obtained by employing other non-conventional optimization techniques such as Genetic Algorithm

    Modified reinforcement learning based- caching system for mobile edge computing

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    International audienceCaching contents at the edge of mobile networks is an efficient mechanism that can alleviate the backhaul links loadand reduce the transmission delay. For this purpose, choosing an adequate caching strategy becomes an importantissue. Recently, the tremendous growth ofMobile Edge Computing(MEC) empowers the edge network nodes withmore computation capabilities and storage capabilities, allowing the execution of resource-intensive tasks within themobile network edges such as running artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. Exploiting users context informationintelligently makes it possible to design an intelligent context-aware mobile edge caching. To maximize the cachingperformance, the suitable methodology is to consider both context awareness and intelligence so that the cachingstrategy is aware of the environment while caching the appropriate content by making the right decision. Inspiredby the success ofreinforcement learning(RL) that uses agents to deal with decision making problems, we presentamodified reinforcement learning(mRL) to cache contents in the network edges. Our proposed solution aims tomaximize the cache hit rate and requires a multi awareness of the influencing factors on cache performance. Themodified RL differs from other RL algorithms in the learning rate that uses the method ofstochastic gradient decent(SGD) beside taking advantage of learning using the optimal caching decision obtained from fuzzy rules.Index Terms — Caching, Reinforcement Learning, Fuzzy Logic, Mobile Edge Computing

    Solución al problema de ruteo de vehículos con capacidad limitada "CVRP" a través de la heurística de barrido y la implementación del algoritmo genético de Chu-beasley

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    Los problemas de ruteo de vehículos han sido objeto de investigación intensiva por más de 50 años, debido al gran interés científico que éstos tienen por ser considerados NP-completos y donde algunas instancias Euclidianas con 75 nodos aún no han sido resueltas hasta su óptimo (Prins, Christian (2004)). Por otra parte, se debe a su importancia cómo modelo de optimización, en cantidades de campos de aplicación, como son, transporte, logística, comunicaciones, manufactura, militar, entre otros. El problema “tradicional” CVRP (por sus siglas en inglés Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem) puede ser descrito en su forma más sencilla como una flota de vehículos con capacidades uniformes que tiene que satisfacer la demanda de un grupo de clientes a través de un conjunto de rutas que empiezan y terminan en un almacén común y que representan el menor costo posible, así como la identificación del orden de visita a los mismos (Gendreau et al. (2012)). Como consecuencia de los altos niveles actuales de congestión vehicular, de los fuertes consumos de energía de los vehículos de carga, así como del impacto negativo que estos últimos tienen en el medio ambiente como emisiones, accidentes, ruido y vibraciones; en los últimos años uno de los problemas que más ha interesado a la logística urbana “City Logistics” ha sido el de optimizar globalmente los sistemas de transporte, considerando los costos y beneficios de esquemas tanto públicos como privados. Estos conceptos de City Logistics, han sido implementados y son objeto de interés presentes en muchos modelos desarrollados recientemente para predecir y establecer sistemas inteligentes de transporte (Taniguchi y Thompson (2002)). Cómo caso particular se relacionan posteriormente todos los modelos generales y explícitos del VRP y sus variantes

    Food industry supply chain planning with product quality indicators

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    Quantitative supply chain modelling has contributed substantially to a number of fields, such as the automotive industry, logistics and computer hardware. The inherent methods and optimisation techniques could also be explored in relation to the food industry in order to offer potential benefits. One of the major issues of the food industry is to overcome supply seasonality and on-shelf demand. On the shelf demand is the consumer’s in store demand which could also be seasonal. Objective of this work is to add flexibility to seasonal products (i.e. soup) in order to meet the on-shelf demand. In order to achieve this, a preparation process is introduced and integrated into the manufacturing system. This process increases the shelf-life of raw materials before starting the production process. This process, however, affects the quality of fresh raw materials and requires energy. Therefore, a supply chain model is developed, which is based on the link between the quality of the raw material and the processing conditions, which have an effect on the process’ energy consumption and on the overall product quality. It is challenging to quantify the quality by looking at the processing conditions (degrees of freedom) and by linking it with energy in order to control and optimise the quality and energy consumption for each product. The degrees of freedom are defined differently for each process and state. Therefore, the developed model could be applied to all states and processes in order to generate an optimum solution. Moreover, based on the developed model, we have determined key factors in the whole chain, which are most likely to affect the product quality and consequently overall demand. There are two main quality indicator classes to be optimised, which are both considered in the model: static and time dependent indicators. Also, this work considers three different preparation processes – the air-dry, freeze-dry and freezing process – in order to increase the shelf-life of fresh raw materials and to add flexibility to them. A model based on the interrelationship between the quality and the processing conditions has been developed. This new methodology simplifies and enables the model to find the optimum processing conditions in order to obtain optimum quality across all quality indicators, whilst ensuring minimum energy consumption. This model is later integrated into the supply chain system, where it generates optimum solutions, which are then fed into the supply chain model. The supply chain model optimises the quality in terms of customer satisfaction, energy consumption and wastage of the system linked to environmental issues, and cost, so that the final products are more economical. In this system, both the manufacturing and inventory systems are optimised. This model is later implemented with a real world industrial case study (provided by the industrial collaborator). Two case studies are considered (soya milk and soup) and interestingly enough only one of them (soup) corresponds with this model. The advantage of this model is that it compares the two systems and then establishes which system generates an optimum end product.Open Acces

    Isolation, cultivation and characterization of cells originating from tumor and tumor margin of patients with basal cell carcinoma in vitro

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    Homeostaza kože direktno zavisi od mehanizma kontinuiranog obnavljanja ćelijske populacije kože i njene sposobnosti regeneracije. U epidermisu je prisutna posebna populacija ćelija zadužena za proces samoobnavljanja kože, tzv. epidermalne matične ćelije koje imaju sposobnost proliferacije, migracije, diferencijacije i programirane ćelijske smrti. Ukoliko dođe do narušavanja ravnoteže između ovih procesa, može doći do maligne transformacije zdrave matične ćelije u kancersku matičnu ćeliju. Poznato je da za hemorezistenciju, metastaziranje i recidiviranje tumora odgovornost nosi posebna populaciju tumorskih ćelija koje se nazivaju kancerske matične ćelije. Istraživanja pokazuju da bazocelularni karcinom kože vodi poreklo od matičnih ćelija ispupčenja folikula dlake, infundibuluma dlake i interfolikularnog epidermisa. Bazocelularni karcinom (BCK) je najčešći maligni tumor kože, pa i ako retko metastazira karakteriše ga invazivni rast pri čemu infiltriše okolne strukture i dovodi do ozbiljnih funkcionalnih i estetskih defekata. U literaturi se kao jedan od ključnih faktora odgovornih za recidiviranje navodi neadekvatna širina margine resekcije tumora. Istraživanja su pokazala da je za primarne BCK na koži lica veličine do 20 mm preporučena širina margine 3 mm. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je identifikacija i karakterizacija subpopulacije ćelija sa osobinama matičnosti izolovanih iz BCK-a i bliske margine od 3 mm, ispitivanjem proliferativnog, klonogenog i migratornog potencijala, analizom ekspresije embrionalnih, mezenhimskih i tumorskih markera, analizom biohemijske strukture ćelija, ispitivanjem sposobnosti diferencijacije u više ćelijskih linija kao i stepena otpornosti ćelija na dejstvo citostatika. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 13 pacijenata sa primarnim bazocelularnim karcinomom na koži lica veličine do 20 mm. Nakon detaljno uzete anamneze i potpisanog informisanog pristanka pristupalo se hirurškoj eksciziji tumorske promene, koja se smatra zlatnim standardom u terapiji BCK-a. Iz svih ekscidiranih uzorka za izolaciju ćelija uzet je deo tumorskog tkiva, tkiva bliske margine (udaljene 3 mm od makroskopske granice tumora) i deo zdrave kože obuhvaćen oblikom resekcije (udaljen od makroskopske granice tumora više od 5 mm), dok je preostali deo tkiva poslat na histopatološku analizu. Za karakterizaciju ćelija u kulturi korišćeni su testovi proliferacije, migracije, formiranja kolonija, sfera i ramanska spektroskopija. Markeri kancerskih matičnih ćelija (KMĆ) analizirani su ,,Real-Time PCR” metodom i protočnom citometrijom...renewal and regeneration and the epidermis harbors a special cell population responsible for the process of self-renewal and regeneration of the skin, so called epidermal stem cells that have the ability to proliferate, migrate, differentiate, and undergo programmed cell death. If imbalance between these processes occurs, malignant transformation of healthy stem cell into the cancerous stem cell may happen. It is also known that a specific population of tumor cells called cancer stem cells is responsible for the hemoresistance, metastasis, and recurrence. Studies have shown that skin basal cell carcinoma is caused by stem cells of hair follicle, hair infundibulum and interfollicular epidermis. Basocellular carcinoma (BCC) is the most common malignant tumor of the skin, but it rarely gives metastases It is characterized by invasive growth, infiltrating surrounding structures and leading to serious functional and aesthetic defects. In the literature, inadequate margins are indicated as one of the key factors responsible for tumor recurrences. Studies have shown that for the primary facial skin BCC of less than 20 mm a margin of 3 mm is recommended. The aim of this study was to identify and characterize the cell subpopulation with stem characteristics whithin BCC and its margins (3 mm close) by testing proliferative, clonogenic and migratory potential, by analyzing the expression of embryonic, mesenchymal and tumor markers, by analizing biochemical structure of cells, by examining the differentiation potential of generated cell lines and by testing the degree of chemo-resistance. The study included 13 patients with primary BCC of face skin of less than 20 mm. Following a detailed anamnesis and a signed informed consent, the surgical excision which is considered a gold standard in BCC therapy, was done. A portion of the tumor tissue, of close margin (3 mm from the macroscopic tumor limit), and of healthy skin included in the resecion (at least 5mm from the macroscopic tumor limit), were obtained from all the patients. The remaining of the tissue was subjected to histopathological analysis. For cell phenotype characterization, tests of proliferation, colony formation, scratch assay, and sphere formation were used..