11,213 research outputs found

    Review of literature relating to the modeling of soil temperatures based on meteorological factors

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    Abstracts of 72 papers, journal articles, and other publications are presented. The applicabilities of each is assessed for use in improving winterkill parameters for a winter wheat model

    Irrigation Management Information Network (IMIN) Keyword thesaurus

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    Irrigation management / Thesauri / Information services / Networks

    Cost effectiveness of bio-ethanol to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in Greece

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate ethanol cost- effectiveness with regards to carbon dioxide emissions. Actually, bio-fuel production is only viable thanks to the tax credit policy resulting in economic ‘deadweight’ loss. The environmental performance is assessed under the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) framework. Economic burden to society to support the activity divided by avoided CO2 equivalent emissions indicates the bio-ethanol cost effectiveness. Agricultural feedstock supply that comprises of sugarbeets, grains and industrial processing sub-models are articulated in a regional sector model. The maximization of total welfare determines optimal crop mix for farmers and the best configurations for industry. This is illustrated for bio-ethanol produced by the ex-sugar industry in Thessaly, Greece. Life cycle activity analysis showed that, at the optimum, CO2 emission is reduced between 1 and 1.5 t of carbon dioxide equivalent per ton of ethanol. The unitary cost falls in the range of 100 to 250 euro per ton of CO2 and it is remarkably dependent on the agricultural policy scenario.Cost effectiveness, ethanol, mathematical programming, life cycle assessment, greenhouse gases

    Data assimilation of in situ soil moisture measurements in hydrological models: first annual doctoral progress report, work plan and achievements

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    Water scarcity and the presence of water of good quality is a serious public concern since it determines the availability of water to society. Water scarcity especially in arid climates and due to extreme droughts related to climate change drive water use technologies such as irrigation to become more efficient and sustainable. Plant root water and nutrient uptake is one of the most important processes in subsurface unsaturated flow and transport modeling, as root uptake controls actual plant evapotranspiration, water recharge and nutrient leaching to the groundwater, and exerts a major influence on predictions of global climate models. To improve irrigation strategies, water flow needs to be accurately described using advanced monitoring and modeling. Our study focuses on the assimilation of hydrological data in hydrological models that predict water flow and solute (pollutants and salts) transport and water redistribution in agricultural soils under irrigation. Field plots of a potato farmer in a sandy region in Belgium were instrumented to continuously monitor soil moisture and water potential before, during and after irrigation in dry summer periods. The aim is to optimize the irrigation process by assimilating online sensor field data into process based models. Over the past year, we demonstrated the calibration and optimization of the Hydrus 1D model for an irrigated grassland on sandy soil. Direct and inverse calibration and optimization for both heterogeneous and homogeneous conceptualizations was applied. Results show that Hydrus 1D closely simulated soil water content at five depths as compared to water content measurements from soil moisture probes, by stepwise calibration and local sensivity analysis and optimization the Ks, n and α value in the calibration and optimization analysis. The errors of the model, expressed by deviations between observed and modeled soil water content were, however, different for each individual depth. The smallest differences between the observed value and soil-water content were attained when using an automated inverse optimization method. The choice of the initial parameter value can be optimized using a stepwise approach. Our results show that statistical evaluation coefficients (R2, Ce and RMSE) are suitable benchmarks to evaluate the performance of the model in reproducing the data. The degree of water stress simulated with Hydrus 1D suggested to increase irrigation at least one time, i.e. at the beginning of the simulation period and further distribute the amount of irrigation during the growing season, instead of using a huge amount of irrigation later in the season. In the next year, we will further look for to the best method (using soft data and methods for instance PTFs, EMI, Penetrometer) to derive and predict the spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties (saturated hydraulic conductivity) of the soil and link to crop yield at the field scale. Linear and non-linear pedotransfer functions (PTFs) have been assessed to predict penetrometer resistance of soils from their water status (matric potential, ψ and degree of saturation, S) and bulk density, ρb, and some other soil properties such as sand content, Ks etc. The geophysical EMI (electromagnetic induction) technique provides a versatile and robust field instrument for determining apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa). ECa, a quick and reliable measurement, is one of ancillary properties (secondary information) of soil, can improve the spatial and temporal estimation of soil characteristics e.g., salinity, water content, texture, prosity and bulk density at different scales and depths. According to previous literature on penetrometer measurements, we determined the effective stress and used some models to find the relationships between soil properties, especially Ks, and penetrometer resistance as one of the prediction methods for Ks. The initial results obtained in the first yearshowed that a new data set would be necessary to validate the results of this part. In the third year, quasi 3D-modelling of water flow at the field scale will be conducted. In this modeling set -up, the field will be modeled as a collection of 1D-columns representing the different field conditions (combination of soil properties, groundwater depth, root zone depth). The measured soil properties are extrapolated over the entire field by linking them to the available spatially distributed data (such as the EMI-images). The data set of predicted Ks and other soil properties for the whole field constructed in the previous steps will be used for parameterising the model. Sensitivity analysis ‘SA’ is essential to the model optimization or parametrization process. To avoid overparameterization, the use of global sensitivity analysis (SA) will be investigated. In order to include multiple objectives (irrigation management parameters, costs, 
) in the parameter optimization strategy, multi-objective techniques such as AMALGAM have been introduced. We will investigate multi-objective strategies in the irrigation optimization
